Dash Kappei
Not actually that important
Also I've bought this today 

Wind Waker one is better. But that's still a good manga.Dash Kappei said:Also I've bought this today
Teetris said:After playing the demo on an SDTV I firmly believe the game was made by Nintendo with the dolphin emu in mind. It's the only way to play it, really. It sucks ass on an SDTV
Caelus said:It actually looks better on an HDTV, the colors pop and the cel-shading is gorgeous.
Anth0ny said:The demo looks like complete ass on my HDTV. Jaggies that could put someone's eye out.
They're still there on my SDTV, but at least they're not as noticeable.
Yeah i can vouch for this. I have 2 TVs and one has jaggies, while the other they're barely noticable and the game looks fantastic. It's hit or miss unfortunately.Willy105 said:The Wii has different results on different HDTV's.
Mine looks blurry on one HDTV, you can see the scanlines on the other, and in the third one it looks better than it does on any SDTV.
You were just cursed with a bad combination.
Willy105 said:The Wii has different results on different HDTV's.
Mine looks blurry on one HDTV, you can see the scanlines on the other, and in the third one it looks better than it does on any SDTV.
You were just cursed with a bad combination.
jarosh said:holy cow... now i understand what reviewers meant by extensive backtracking. i can't believe they would do this. fuck. this makes me wanna stop playing. what the fuck. WHY? this must be what that giantbomb review was referring to as well...![]()
ColonialRaptor said:Or no... It's the Switzerland version...
DrForester said:Need some help.
Going back to the temple to get the water for the Water Dragon. Where the heck is the key? I've been over ever square inch of all the rooms going back to the entrance in FPS mode, staring at the floor and it's not in any of the holes i've found.
BY2K said:6 Days Remain.
Divvy said:I don't get these criticisms that Nintendo doesn't do anything new with Zelda. I mean, just in the past handful games we've had, Link wearing masks to change his abilities, Link on a boat, shrinking Link, Wolf Link, Train conductor Link, and now Flying on a bird Link with motion+ controls. None of these changes are superficial since they all greatly affect the gameplay.
How many other game series does this kind of change occur in? How many iterations of Call of Duty, Battlefield, Uncharted, Killzone, Resistance etc... that are just "guy with gun, shooting at other guys with guns" I don't mean to pick on other developers or anything, but for whatever reason people like harping on Nintendo for not innovating Zelda enough. I guess I just don't get it.
Kifimbo said:Ok I'm gonna need help.
I'm it Lanayru Desert, trying to power up whatever I have to power up. I did the first one, but I'm stuck in the second place. The small "palace" to the right of the Desert. Inside, I don't know how to bring the electric ball to the end of the hall in order to open the door. There are several blocks on the right side, but I can't throw the ball high enough.
EDIT: Nevermind I'm fucking dumb. Didn't realizeJust lost 30 minutes, lol.you can use the beetle.
FatCat said:Room on the right hand side of the map, you have to go under water through the small passage way that leads to a small room. Yes, you can crawl under water!
DrForester said:Man, that's just stupid. How did you figure that out?
Shit would be great if it didn't so obviously loop so quickly.Crumpet Trumpet said:http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_loas3akuAL1qipwiao1_500.gif
Crumpet Trumpet said:
jj984jj said:Someone uploaded the ending on YouTube and I finally caught a peek at the credits. MonolithSoft's role in this game was bigger than I thought, they had actually had people in the planning section under all the Nintendo staff. The planners were Keiichi Ono and Koji Hayashi, the directors of Disaster and DBZ: AotS respectively. From what little I've glanced at the rest so far it looks like they had designers involved as well, which is what I thought their involvement was going to be from the start since they have a lot of graphic/design staff. However I thought it would be a small thing like how there was one person who could be identified from Brownie Brown on SM3DL, but there are quite a few people from MonolithSoft in these sections as well. It looks like they really did play secondary development role on the game.
The wait is getting so hard... I have so much stuff to do for school this week, but all I can think about is this game.BY2K said:6 Days Remain.
note to self: don't search skyward sword on youtube (or rather, anywhere) from now onjj984jj said:Someone uploaded the ending on YouTube
ColonialRaptor said:How can this thread only be 14 Pages?
Mistle said:note to self: don't search skyward sword on youtube (or rather, anywhere) from now on
Monolith being involved however is great news. Xenoblade has got to be one of my favourite games of all time.
zoukka said:I blame the title... what the hell does it mean?
They conveniently put it in two parts with the credits at the start of the second so I didn't ruin much. Definitely will save everything else for when I play the game now lol.Mistle said:note to self: don't search skyward sword on youtube (or rather, anywhere) from now on
Monolith being involved however is great news. Xenoblade has got to be one of my favourite games of all time.
I am staying off of YouTube for the next few weeks. I'm sure that there are full walkthroughs up by now and I'll run into something that'll spoil me. ;//Mistle said:note to self: don't search skyward sword on youtube (or rather, anywhere) from now on.
jj984jj said:They conveniently put it in two parts with the credits at the start of the second so I didn't ruin much. Definitely will save everything else for when I play the game now lol.
jj984jj said:Yeah, they had a lot of people on Brawl too.
Annoying Old Party Man said:Anyone with some little help?
how do you flood faron woods and find the water dragon?
ColonialRaptor said:So it appears those arrrrr mi hearties have leaked the game before release!!! It's going to be another one of those Nintendo shit storms!!!
Or no... It's the Switzerland version... Why did it release early in Switzerland?
TSA said:You don't. Unless you're past the part I'm talking about, but what you asked to do you don't actually do, it just happens at a certain point.flood the woods. You need to complete the Silent Realm for that area. It's in the northern area near the ruins. Then you get an item that lets you swim underwater, and you need to use it to access areas you haven't gone to before
Agreed, needs to be addressed properly!Dash Kappei said:Terrible OT title.![]()
The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword |OT| Two OoT Remakes in One Year!?Xane said:Agreed, needs to be addressed properly!
jump_button said:God just saw Zelda tv ad for UK why would they not use Zelda music for them? its going to piss me off every time I see it now
Already had that one and Link to The Past was included with this one for Minish CapIceDoesntHelp said:Wind Waker one is better. But that's still a good manga.
/sighAniHawk said:The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword |OT| Two OoT Remakes in One Year!?