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The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword |OT| Home of Punkin' Chunkin' Champion 2011


Unconfirmed Member
The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword made the cover of big French Newspaper: Libération.


Skyward Sword is the second video game to get this privilege. GTA IV was the first one.



A very serious question about the pouch. How do I assign items? I am certain that I spare medallion that i can assign but nowhere to find the item when pressing 2.
I might have skipped the explanation :s


Unconfirmed Member
Shit. I just realized that Skyward Sword is coming out on a Sunday, so my release day Amazon Prime shipping isn't going to help me at all. Right?

I'll just cancel my pre-order and get it at a store near my house. That's what I should've done in the first place.


omg.kittens said:
Shit. I just realized that Skyward Sword is coming out on a Sunday, so my release day Amazon Prime shipping isn't going to help me at all. Right?

I'll just cancel my pre-order and get it at a store near my house. That's what I should've done in the first place.
I have two day shipping for Mario Land, and I'm debating doing the same thing as I won't get it until Tuesday, probably. :(


Is Jeff Gerstman going to be reviewing this one? Despite the controversy surrounding the Twilight Princess review, he spoke a lot of truth and I generally agree with his assessment of the game.


Unconfirmed Member
Dartastic said:
I have two day shipping for Mario Land, and I'm debating doing the same thing as I won't get it until Tuesday, probably. :(
Bummer. I feel dumb for not realizing it before. Ah well, there's a store only a mile or so away that I can walk to and pick it up first thing Sunday. Exactly one week from now. :-D
Veal said:
Is Jeff Gerstman going to be reviewing this one? Despite the controversy surrounding the Twilight Princess review, he spoke a lot of truth and I generally agree with his assessment of the game.
Patrick already reviewed it.
Listening through a massive gamerip of the soundtrack and I can say without any reservations that this is by far the best Zelda score ever. Sure, I haven't heard anything as good as say the end credits of A Link to the Past from a melodic standpoint, but there's some nostalgia playing into that I'd imagine. However from a production and quality point of view, it's pretty unmatched. Not to mention I'm not even a third of the way through it and there's 225 tracks, so yeah.

Just wanted to give some quick impressions. It really has everything. There is a huge mix of orchestra and electronic, but it's almost unfathomable to ask for the entire thing to be orchestral. Film scores are one thing but a videogame typically has so much more music than a film; it would be an incredibly daunting and borderline unreasonable task for a composer. It has been done before, say on Castlevania: Lords of Shadow (the amount of orchestral work on that still blows my mind apart to this day) but most of the time a "fully orchestrated" game score isn't exactly as high-quality as something from say John Williams or Alexandre Desplat.

So far though, I'm very impressed and I'm anxious to hear the rest.
In the second dungeon now. Gotta say the cloud overworld is........shit. There's no towns, no nothing. Just tiny barren islands that might have a house or a cave to explore and that's it. There's very little to do between the main quest as a result. So far, anyway. Its still great, though. But I hope it opens up more.


Amir0x said:
Fascinating perspective. You know, jarosh, you have a really workmanlike way of describing the faults and good points (your description of your problem with the motion+ battle controls was the most pointed and concise dissection of the concept yet) of a game that would make you probably the exception to the bad reviewer rule. I would never wish such a career on anyone, especially someone with actual talent, but I just thought you should know that!

Of your pros/cons, the thing that frightens me is the linearity part. From what people were saying prior to release, there is a lot of returning with tools to areas to discover new secrets and remembering new paths in dungeons, but this sounds just restrictively linear. Which is a shame, because that really is the biggest problem with Zelda today. You can keep the Zelda formula without forcing the player down your arbitrary path. But I've loved the Zelda's anyway despite this problem, so I'm sure I'll still like it. It just might not be quite as revelatory as I thought.

Also, +10 for Orchestrated Music listed twice. Fuck yeah dude.

Of your complaints, the one that matters least to me is story. I don't care about those in games, not really. As long as Zelda games remain lighthearted and occasionally throw you a sweet bone (like at the end of Wind Waker, in the Ganon battle when he describes why he is the way he is), I'll be satisfied on that end.

Anyway, great write up. Thanks.
thanks for the praise! i'm not sure i deserve it though! haha.

i'm gonna respond to some of the things you mentioned and then go into some more general impressions... as usual, spoiler-free.

about the linearity: the reason why this sticks out so much probably has to do with three things:

1) the incessant handholding, guiding and frequent re-iteration of obvious concepts by fi, often immediately after another character just explained the same thing in great detail. frequently this is about your next task. example: some character: "maybe there's something interesting on top of that tree!", fi appears: "master! blah blah blah! i have analyzed the situation! blah blah blah! i have determined the following things blah blah blah i can now say with 85% probabality that your next task is up on that tree! blah blah blah! this tree is very dangerous! are you sure you are ready? blah blah blah! wait! i sense that there's something very evil and dangerous behind this giant boss door! i am 90% sure it is a boss. bosses are very dangerous! are you ready to fight this boss? blah blah blah."... where was i? oh yeah:

2) dowsing. this mechanic is often forced on you in an obnoxious way. but it is unnecessary 90% of the time. we used to just explore in previous zelda games. remember? if you rely on dowsing, a big chunk of the exploration will be taken away from you. my advice: ignore it. it will be forced on you over and over. fi will remind you, the dowsing symbol will flash on screen and an alert sound will go off and won't stop until you go into dowsing mode and then cancel.

3) the fractured and isolated nature of the pre-dungeon segments. yes, some of them are more open and quite big even (in fact, sometimes these areas are more elaborate and longer than the actual dungeon!), but i certainly wouldn't call any of what you're doing in them "free exploration". the forest, for example, felt too boxy and small to me. it isn't so much the size of the maps, but the design of them. you always move from point a to point b. sure, sometimes you have to find a handful of things and they're scattered around a somewhat bigger area. and, lo and behold, those are definitely the coolest parts during those segments. once again though, as soon as something ISN'T just "point a to point b" you will get lots of WINK WINK NUDGE NUDGE hints and the game will, well, "strongly encourage" you to use dowsing. i can't say there's a lot in this game that fits my definition of "exploration".

one more thing about fi: sure, we could just ignore her and not care about her. navi was annoying too, and we managed. the problem with fi is twofold: not only are we coming from twilight princess, which had midna, an interesting character with actual depth, shrouded in mystery, who also played an important role in the game and even took part in the gameplay occasionally, but fi is also TREATED and implented like midna, not like navi. she clearly is supposed to be the new midna and she just interrupts the game at every opportunity. but she hardly has anything interesting to say and has no gameplay relevance. in fact, she frequently re-iterates stuff you already know instead, usually in a much too long-winded fashion.

god, i sound so negative. i know! you guys probably think i HATE the game or something. but i like it! a lot! really! i just wouldn't say it's a big step forward for the franchise or anything. maybe in a few ways, but in some imporant ones it isn't. it might be a minor step back instead. still, it's a good game. maybe great even. but i'll have to finish it first to say for sure. so here are some more positive notes:

- the third dungeon is really the first great dungeon. loved it. lots of interesting ideas and puzzles.
- there's lots of interesting content and puzzles in the pre-dungeon areas.
- difficulty: skyward sword is definitely harder than both twilight princess and oot. i never died in tp, but have died several times in ss already. (as a rule, i never use potions or fairies though.)
- without spoiling anything: most of the new items are TONS of fun and definitely get plenty of use outside of the dungeons! big plus.
- motion controls SHINE with pretty much everything that isn't sword fighting. again, not gonna spoil anything, but the items that use motion plus are all great fun to use and usually work flawlessly.
- about the music: while some of the dungeon themes are very repetitive and annoying (almost) everything outside of the dungeons is amazing and skyloft and the different sky themes are all fantastic.
- i find those later trials (won't mention them by name) that some reviewers have complained about quite an interesting and enjoyable change of pace and have had no problems with them.
- i dig the musical instrument even though it can be a bit finnicky. maybe i just like the tunes that now sound so much better and more elaborate than in any previous zelda game :p
- most of the boss fights are great and quite unique mechanically, just don't expect them to be super hard (they're DEFINITELY harder than the ones in tp though).


brandonh83 said:
Listening through a massive gamerip of the soundtrack and I can say without any reservations that this is by far the best Zelda score ever. Sure, I haven't heard anything as good as say the end credits of A Link to the Past from a melodic standpoint, but there's some nostalgia playing into that I'd imagine. However from a production and quality point of view, it's pretty unmatched. Not to mention I'm not even a third of the way through it and there's 225 tracks, so yeah.

Just wanted to give some quick impressions. It really has everything. There is a huge mix of orchestra and electronic, but it's almost unfathomable to ask for the entire thing to be orchestral. Film scores are one thing but a videogame typically has so much more music than a film; it would be an incredibly daunting and borderline unreasonable task for a composer. It has been done before, say on Castlevania: Lords of Shadow (the amount of orchestral work on that still blows my mind apart to this day) but most of the time a "fully orchestrated" game score isn't exactly as high-quality as something from say John Williams or Alexandre Desplat.

So far though, I'm very impressed and I'm anxious to hear the rest.

Yeah I'm in love with this music. Trying not to listen to too much yet though. Want to get the experience as I go through it.

Also I just had to post this pic in here from the Zelda art thread:


So hyped!

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
Willy105 said:
Regulus Tera said:
The first four games are near flawless
Ha ha ha ha
Whatever shortcomings those games had was because of system limitations and not design choices. Every other stuff following Zeldas have done bad it has been because some idiot designer didn't have the intelligence/money/time to do better.
A Link to the Past is perfect.
Amir0x said:
interesting opinions and true in most cases, but you could have just saved time by automatically winning the argument and saying "no game is flawless."
Ouendan 2 is flawless. Plus, that argument is no fun.


jarosh said:
- difficulty: skyward sword is definitely harder than both twilight princess and oot. i never died in tp, but have died several times in ss already. (as a rule, i never use potions or fairies though.)

I'm finding that the game's more annoying than difficult, tbh, and that's largely due to the motion controls during combat. I've had far too many had cases where an enemy will require specific attacks, and those attacks just don't work. For example, an enemy will require a thrust to defeat it, but the M+ will register my thrust as a side swipe, causing Link to take damage--a whole heart--from a counter after a useless hit, and that's wasn't due to me being lazy with my motions. It's the M+. I was really thrusting.

I was most excited about the motion control after hearing all the positive impressions, and there are scenarios where it works beautifully--slingshot, walking on a tightrope, swinging dousing, beetle--but since combat is one of the, if not biggest factor in the game, and it seems to be failing hard there so far, I honestly wish I could've just played with the classic controller. It's been a great game otherwise.
Maaan I'm getting nervous after all of these mixed impressions. Like Amir0x and others I was thoroughly convinced that this was going to be the flawless pinnacle of the greatest gaming franchise ever. Yeah everyone still loves it, but it seems like there are some really annoying, easily avoidable things that will hold it back from being an absolute masterpiece.

Still hyped as hell, but I'm not so convinced now that it will beat out Arkham City as my GOTY


holy cow... now i understand what reviewers meant by extensive backtracking. i can't believe they would do this. fuck. this makes me wanna stop playing. what the fuck. WHY? this must be what that giantbomb review was referring to as well... :(

Miri said:
I'm finding that the game's more annoying than difficult, tbh, and that's largely due to the motion controls during combat. I've had far too many had cases where an enemy will require specific attacks, and those attacks just don't work. For example, an enemy will require a thrust to defeat it, but the M+ will register my thrust as a side swipe, causing Link to take damage--a whole heart--from a counter after a useless hit, and that's wasn't due to me being lazy with my motions. It's the M+. I was really thrusting.

I was most excited about the motion control after hearing all the positive impressions, and there are scenarios where it works beautifully--slingshot, walking on a tightrope, swinging dousing, beetle--but since combat is one of the, if not biggest factor in the game, and it seems to be failing hard there so far, I honestly wish I could've just played with the classic controller. It's been a great game otherwise.
wish i could disagree with any of that. pretty much spot on, sadly.


jarosh said:
holy cow... now i understand what reviewers meant by extensive backtracking. i can't believe they would do this. fuck. this makes me wanna stop playing. what the fuck. WHY? this must be what that giantbomb review was referring to as well... :(

How bad are we talking here? Are we talking like Metroid-style backtracking (backtracking but new items open up new paths or allow you to transverse areas exponentially quicker) or Devil May Cry 4-style backtracking? ("Do these levels again for no reason.")

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
jarosh said:
holy cow... now i understand what reviewers meant by extensive backtracking. i can't believe they would do this. fuck. this makes me wanna stop playing. what the fuck. WHY? this must be what that giantbomb review was referring to as well... :(
Worse then the Triforce quest? Worse then tracking down Tears?


jarosh said:
holy cow... now i understand what reviewers meant by extensive backtracking. i can't believe they would do this. fuck. this makes me wanna stop playing. what the fuck. WHY? this must be what that giantbomb review was referring to as well... :(

wish i could disagree with any of that. pretty much spot on, sadly.

Do you notice a difference before and after you recalibrate?


Seriously, I have never felt this way about an impending Zelda game before.

Usually, my hype levels build up until a couple of weeks before release, where they remain at peak until I marathon the game the day of release.

Now, though, these impressions are creating waves of excitement and disappointment. Probably because its my first Zelda release on GAF :p Still, you guys have me worried. As someone that actually liked the wolf sections and motion controls of TP, and didnt mind the Triforce hunt in WW at all and could EVEN handle Phantom Hourglass and Spirit Tracks without really caring about backtracking - should I be panicking?


the's a little chance that i can have the game tomorrow..i have to post the image with the game before talkin about it?


very minor spoiler regarding the backtracking (no story or item spoilers):

it looks like they're making you go through the first three dungeons again. now there's more/different enemies. doors are locked again! keys are now somewhere else and have to be found again too. i really don't like this. total disappointment. edit: ok i can't confirm 100% that it's all three dungeons. we'll see.

ivysaur12 said:
Do you notice a difference before and after you recalibrate?


jarosh said:
holy cow... now i understand what reviewers meant by extensive backtracking. i can't believe they would do this. fuck. this makes me wanna stop playing. what the fuck. WHY? this must be what that giantbomb review was referring to as well... :(

Are you talking about the part where you have to go back to the first dungeon? If so it won't bother me too much. It'll hurt the pacing a bit but in the grand scheme of things it won't be nearly as bad to me as the Triforce quest.


Kard8p3 said:
Are you talking about the part where you have to go back to the first dungeon? If so it won't bother me too much. It'll hurt the pacing a bit but in the grand scheme of things it won't be nearly as bad to me as the Triforce quest.
it's only the first one? are you sure?


You don't literally go through the initial set of dungeons again do you? I was under the impression that you open up new dungeons by doing things in the pre dungeon areas.


jarosh said:
it's only the first one? are you sure?

Well I can't be sure but
TSA mentioned backtracking to the first dungeon as a complaint in his impressions. He didn't mention it ever happening again though.
apana said:
Yeah I'm in love with this music. Trying not to listen to too much yet though. Want to get the experience as I go through it.

Also I just had to post this pic in here from the Zelda art thread:


So hyped!
I'm assuming these are the Links for every home console Zelda. The only one I can make out is the Wind Waker one. :lol

Which Link is which?



Now that it' out of the way, my impressions:

So far I only unlocked the second dungeon (still didn't go in), but here's what I can say:

- Controls are great, but they are not responsive to speed. So if you go quickly, expect the controls to screw up a bit. It's not perfect, but once you understand the game's rhythm the potential immediately opens up. It's kinda sad seeing Nintendo not build up on the Wiimote next gen, but oh well. Combat especially is very engaging, much more than I thought it would be.

-Can't say anything about the visuals cause my TV is absolute shit. So yeah.

- Music so far is absolutely stunning, I can't believe that of all things people are complaining about that (might get worse later on, who knows?)

- Personally, I think the sky is the best over world of any Zelda to date. It controls brilliantly, and everything just works up there.

- The surface world is big, but it's like a maze. The whole "go to wherever your eyes can see" business is not what this is about. In here, you'll find very new puzzles to the series, and though you know where to go (thanks to dowsing+beacons+map), the way to get there is a lot of fun.

- Collecting the keys for the earth temple is easily the most impressive segment of the game so far (it may sound like a fetch quest but trust me, it doesn't play like one).

-So far, the only annoyance I have with the game is
the night/day cycle, not being able to fly in the night is frustrating

- I like the story so far, but if you've been watching the spoilers in the past couple of months well.. Consider yourself spoiled completely because nothing about those scenes felt new. But i'm moving past that now, and hopefully tomorrow I'll be able to go deeper in the game.

- It's weird to not think of Zelda as "open world" anymore, but what it has in return is density, I know this word is getting tossed around very often with this game, but you WILL feel it once you play the game. The amount of things you can do in such a small space is ridiculous!


Not surprised about the complaints about the controls. People had problems with roll-a-ball levels in the Galaxies. Its just the nature of motion controls. Luckily I have no such problems with them.


Dr.Hadji said:
Not surprised about the complaints about the controls. People had problems with roll-a-ball levels in the Galaxies. Its just the nature of motion controls. Luckily I have no such problems with them.
It's not instinctive, you have to understand how the game must be controlled to enjoy it. Once you do though, oh boy, does it get good.

Aiming is still weird, I have to re calibrate more often than I would have liked, but it's nothing distracting.


brazen editing lynx
Oh man, just one more fucking week. Skyrim and SM3DL will keep me occupied, but holy shit I can feel the hype now. I largely failed at a blackout apart from the full story. The very least I can do now is avoid listening to the soundtrack.

November 20, I eagerly await your arrival.
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