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The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power - Season 1


Gil-galad... supposedly the wisest oldest elf of all....seems incapable of simply figuring out the answer himself just by what Elrond cant tell him rather than by what he can. What kind of people are writing these scenes?

"So did they find the mithril?"

"Sorry i swore an oath. I cannot say."

"So they did find it?"

"Sorry. I cannot tell you that they found it"


This was one of the stupidest exchanges I've seen in Movies/TV in a while


I just don’t think they could do a Warhammer movie justice with how large and complex the universe is. Even if you just focus on something like the Horus Heresy, there is just a universe that is so massive in scope nad size that I don’t think a movie can do it justice. If anything we would need an HBO-style series.

An astartes movie would probably be a bit crap, to be honest. They’re too one dimensional (in current 40k time anyway). Better to keep them as a force of nature, the way Abnett uses them in his Inquisitor novels. Concentrate on more human characters… the same way Tolkien concentrated on his ‘human’ characters like the hobbits, and not the elves. Same thing. And any Warhammer film would have to focus on one aspect. You couldn’t do a film that covered the warp, tyrannids, Tau etc. etc. I’d probably concentrate on one planet/star system and one antagonist.
Lol it wasn't very good. Soundtrack was killer though. Get the feeling the showrunners wanna quickly move on to that other matrix -like Amazon show, The Peripheral.

Anyways, big battle setpiece next week. All set around a (watch) tower too. Did not see that coming.
I beg to differ. Westworld Season 4 has been the best tv since Westworld Season 1 or Game of Thrones season 4


I beg to differ. Westworld Season 4 has been the best tv since Westworld Season 1 or Game of Thrones season 4

Really? I stopped watching after season 2, and from the trailers it looked like season 3 was mostly set in the real world, thus taking away the show’s cool setting. Is season 4 back in the themepark? And is Dolores still as unbearable as she became by the end of season 2?

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I haven't watched any of this, but it seems like yet another large corporation has ruined their adaptation of yet another beloved franchise?

Not yet, it's getting better per episode. But the fact that it's almost done with the season and we're still in set up stage is kind of... unfortunate lmao.

Still not as bad as Wheel of Time ended up though (which was effectively Legend of the Seeker-tier), it's leagues above in near every department. However, not as good as HotD.
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Geez, they don't half like to wank themselves off over this.

Slow-mo and in your face music yet again. YOU WILL FEEL THIS WAY.

I'm almost at the point that I can't even hate watch it anymore. This last episode was just boring and silly. The dialogue is utter shite, scenes are wasted, situations are just too absurd to believe, and pretty much nothing actually happened in this episode.

  • Those in the watchtower are just a few dirty human peasants that you can't even begin to imagine would have any chance against the orcs (even before 'half' of them left).
  • Numenor has ships with seemingly Tardis like storage and stores on board that very easily go boom. Not to mention the armour just magically appearing. Oh, and now a mere three ships being enough.
  • Not to mention the dwarves not even bringing up how dangerous mithril is supposedly to mine. Apparently the elves are just going to get vast amounts of this rare resource.
  • Galadriel is getting even more unlikeable. The fight scene wasn't as stupid as the jail one last episode, but of course it had the trope of using real swords for practice and as still bad. Oh, and the 'You should fight because my brother died and I'm very sad'.
  • The map they used for the Harfoots' journey looks gorgeous, but it's so zoomed in that it's useless.
As others have said, Elrond and Durin are the only good part left. Or rather only ever were the good part? Though I see some potential with Gandalf, or at least who I assume is Gandalf.

And I disagree TissueBox TissueBox , WoT was better, if only because it clearly was going the 'Young Adult' route. This shite is trying to be all serious and 'grown-up', yet seems to have been written by your average 14-year-old. And at least WoT had Rosamund Pike going for it.
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Gold Member
I ha e noticed that a lot of these shows (WoT, Witcher, RoP) straight up REFUSE to orient the audience to the geography and the stakes. This is something GoT/HotD dies pretty well, they constantly refresh folks on place.

But for RoP, I'm assuming the Numenoreans will land someplace close to that tower. But will they? Do the show runners want us to think they will, or not? They show bits of a map but never two points in relationship to a common reference. Are the harfoots gonna wander into the middle of this battle? Is it even possible or are they a thousand miles away? Are we SUPPOSED to think they could cross paths? It's just so sloppy.


I ha e noticed that a lot of these shows (WoT, Witcher, RoP) straight up REFUSE to orient the audience to the geography and the stakes. This is something GoT/HotD dies pretty well, they constantly refresh folks on place.

But for RoP, I'm assuming the Numenoreans will land someplace close to that tower. But will they? Do the show runners want us to think they will, or not? They show bits of a map but never two points in relationship to a common reference. Are the harfoots gonna wander into the middle of this battle? Is it even possible or are they a thousand miles away? Are we SUPPOSED to think they could cross paths? It's just so sloppy.

Witcher and RoP both suffer because they’re based on disparate short stories or appendices with no connective tissue. That’s why Witcher season 2 was better, and I fully expect season 3 to be great.

I don’t watch WoT as I don’t hate myself.


Geez, they don't half like to wank themselves off over this.

Slow-mo and in your face music yet again. YOU WILL FEEL THIS WAY.

I'm almost at the point that I can't even hate watch it anymore. This last episode was just boring and silly. The dialogue is utter shite, scenes are wasted, situations are just too absurd to believe, and pretty much nothing actually happened in this episode.

  • Those in the watchtower are just a few dirty human peasants that you can't even begin to imagine would have any chance against the orcs (even before 'half' of them left).
  • Numenor has ships with seemingly Tardis like storage and stores on board that very easily go boom. Not to mention the armour just magically appearing. Oh, and now a mere three ships being enough.
  • Not to mention the dwarves not even bringing up how dangerous mithril is supposedly to mine. Apparently the elves are just going to get vast amounts of this rare resource.
  • Galadriel is getting even more unlikeable. The fight scene wasn't as stupid as the jail one last episode, but of course it had the trope of using real swords for practice and as still bad. Oh, and the 'You should fight because my brother died and I'm very sad'.
  • The map they used for the Harfoots' journey looks gorgeous, but it's so zoomed in that it's useless.
As others have said, Elrond and Durin are the only good part left. Or rather only ever were the good part? Though I see some potential with Gandalf, or at least who I assume is Gandalf.

And I disagree TissueBox TissueBox , WoT was better, if only because it clearly was going the 'Young Adult' route. This shite is trying to be all serious and 'grown-up', yet seems to have been written by your average 14-year-old. And at least WoT had Rosamund Pike going for it.
I want to repeat what Observed about the last 2 episodes.

"So the ending of episode 5 is basically same as episode 4!

Episode 4 Orcs are going to attack the Tower and Galadriel/crew are going to leave Numenor (Slow motion scene)!

Episode 5 Orcs are going to attack the Tower and Galadriel/crew are going to leave Numenor (Slow motion scene)!

Plot is reallllly mooviiinngg!!!"
An astartes movie would probably be a bit crap, to be honest. They’re too one dimensional (in current 40k time anyway). Better to keep them as a force of nature, the way Abnett uses them in his Inquisitor novels. Concentrate on more human characters… the same way Tolkien concentrated on his ‘human’ characters like the hobbits, and not the elves. Same thing. And any Warhammer film would have to focus on one aspect. You couldn’t do a film that covered the warp, tyrannids, Tau etc. etc. I’d probably concentrate on one planet/star system and one antagonist.

Oh I agree an Astartes movie would be crap. That is why I don’t think a film would be a good idea for Warhammer - at least not right away. You need to educate the general public on how this universe works. GoT, ignoring the last tow seasons, showed how well you can showcase the myriad plot lines, factions, and long form story telling across wide swaths of land and showcasing proper time passing. Get a good Warhammer show of a similar style and I think we could see actual films being made without having to worry about catching everyone up on every little thing.

but mostly I just want more Necrons. Gimme a Trazyn movie, damnit!


This episode really made the show go from watchable to just bad for me. It was neve good and always an insult to LOTR, but its just a slog now.

It doesn't draw me in or make me feel anything at all, which is pretty bad considering Tolkien and medieval fantasy are some of my favorite things.
An astartes movie would probably be a bit crap, to be honest. They’re too one dimensional (in current 40k time anyway). Better to keep them as a force of nature, the way Abnett uses them in his Inquisitor novels. Concentrate on more human characters… the same way Tolkien concentrated on his ‘human’ characters like the hobbits, and not the elves. Same thing. And any Warhammer film would have to focus on one aspect. You couldn’t do a film that covered the warp, tyrannids, Tau etc. etc. I’d probably concentrate on one planet/star system and one antagonist.
I would base it on a human from a rediscovered world, forced into conscription with the Astra Militarum. Follow them as they are exposed to the greater Warhammer universe.
Im still liking the show, but that speech the woman gave in the tower had me laughing, especially when comparing to the epic ride of the rohirrim speech.

She literally said 2 lines and then "Whos with me!!?!?" lol.

Only for a few scenes later to have abandonded all hope...
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Hari Seldon

I thought episode 5 was fantastic. The show just keeps getting better for me. The Balrog scene was great. All the references to the silmarils are great, which was pretty much the most important thing to ever happen in the LoTR universe and was THE driving force for most of the conflict in the 1st age. The idea that the elves could run out of the light of the valar was interesting. It makes sense though as it sort of makes the case for why the silmarils were so damn important.

Outside of the elves, the harfoots were great as usual, but I'm not feeling the southland story.
F*ck me how can this show become worse by the episode?

- The exchange between Elrond and Gil-Galad
- The Korean boyband Nùmenorians
- The abominable fight scene with Galadriel

- The "dey took er jerbs" forced social commentary
- The Orcs building trenches instead of tunnels because they burn in the sun? wtf?
- The dumb as f*ck dog eat dog Harfoots
- The copy pasted CGI crowds


- The horrible dialogues


Everything about this show sucks Glaurung ass!


F*ck me how can this show become worse by the episode?

- The exchange between Elrond and Gil-Galad
- The Korean boyband Nùmenorians
- The abominable fight scene with Galadriel

- The "dey took er jerbs" forced social commentary
- The Orcs building trenches instead of tunnels because they burn in the sun? wtf?
- The dumb as f*ck dog eat dog Harfoots
- The copy pasted CGI crowds


- The horrible dialogues


Everything about this show sucks Glaurung ass!

Well you keep watching it. So it’s gotta like it somewhat no? When people don’t like a show they usually just don’t watch it. This mindset confuses me. Why waste your time doing/watching something you don’t enjoy? Doesn’t sound fun. Who would notice the cgi crowd besides someone staring at stills for complaining purposes?

Gonna watch episode 5 tonight. Haven’t had time. Been catching up on HOD with the wife. Loving both shows so far despite a few criticisms with both. What a great time for fantasy shows. Sucks that wheel of time didn’t really deliver, but I think they can still redeem it. Seems like covid gave them a hard time during filming
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Gold Member
F*ck me how can this show become worse by the episode?

- The exchange between Elrond and Gil-Galad
- The Korean boyband Nùmenorians
- The abominable fight scene with Galadriel

- The "dey took er jerbs" forced social commentary
- The Orcs building trenches instead of tunnels because they burn in the sun? wtf?
- The dumb as f*ck dog eat dog Harfoots
- The copy pasted CGI crowds


- The horrible dialogues


Everything about this show sucks Glaurung ass!

What the hell is that fight choreography? Looks like a CW show. Can’t believe they spent a billion dollars and that’s the best they could do.


Gold Member
Well you keep watching it. So it’s gotta like it somewhat no? When people don’t like a show they usually just don’t watch it. This mindset confuses me. Why waste your time doing/watching something you don’t enjoy? Doesn’t sound fun. ... Sucks that wheel of time didn’t really deliver, but I think they can still redeem it. Seems like covid gave them a hard time during filming
Sounds to me like you didn't like Wheel of Time. Why not take your own advice and stop watching it?

We WANT these shows to succeed. Giving feedback on an open public forum is how show runners learn to correct mistakes. This isn't rocket science. Guarantee someone reading this right now is filtering it for dissimination to the writing team for next season.
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Gold Member
The thing I don't get is that due to the multiple story lines each one is only like 2 hours, so for all that time filming they couldn't do better choreography? All the galadriel actress dies is a fight scene, green screen action, or basically monologues. Seems like she should have the time.


Sounds to me like you didn't like Wheel of Time. Why not take your own advice and stop watching it?

We WANT these shows to succeed. Giving feedback on an open public forum is how show runners learn to correct mistakes. This isn't rocket science. Guarantee someone reading this right now is filtering it for dissimination to the writing team for next season.
I didn’t hate it. If I did then I wouldn’t watch it. Just disappointing.


Gold Member
CW has done a lot better, for that matter. On occasion.

You don't need a billion dollars or even a million dollars. You just need to give a damn about what you're creating.

Just goes to show how important all aspects of a production are and, IMO, we often take these things for granted. Like there is an assumed level of quality we expect and when they miss the mark it really sticks out.

I thought some of fights in the last few seasons of GoT were a little hokey, but they are art compared to the clip above and Galadriel’s fight with the snow troll.
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Hari Seldon

Just goes to show how important all aspects of a production are and, IMO, we often take these things for granted. Like there is an assumed level of quality we expect and when they miss the mark it really sticks out.

I thought some of fights in the last few seasons of GoT were a little hokey, but they are art compared to the clip above and Galadriel’s fight with the snow troll.
Nothing in rings of power was as ridiculous as when dr who stormed a beach by himself. Nothing.


Nothing in rings of power was as ridiculous as when dr who stormed a beach by himself. Nothing.
I loved the scene visually. But yeah didn’t make much sense from either side. Watching season one of game of thrones last week and I forgot how bad the Syrio forel fight was. The man was knocking fully armoured men with wood swords. Just bonking them on the helmet. I always wish he returned.
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Gold Member
I loved the scene visually. But yeah didn’t make much sense from either side. Watching season one of game of thrones last week and I forgot how bad the Syrio forel fight was. The man was knocking fully armoured men with wood swords. Just bonking them on the helmet. I always wish he returned.
He did....


In my head Canon at least.
I think a lot of people including myself are starting to lose interest in hate watching this show. Personally, now, it’s just making me angry at how bad it is. But I enjoy the videos taking the piss out of it. I think you have to be dumb as a bag of rocks to think that this show is good or even decent.
I was committed to watching the whole season, but I'm jumping ship now. This show is terrible.


F*ck me how can this show become worse by the episode?

- The exchange between Elrond and Gil-Galad
- The Korean boyband Nùmenorians
- The abominable fight scene with Galadriel

- The "dey took er jerbs" forced social commentary
- The Orcs building trenches instead of tunnels because they burn in the sun? wtf?
- The dumb as f*ck dog eat dog Harfoots
- The copy pasted CGI crowds


- The horrible dialogues


Everything about this show sucks Glaurung ass!

Just saw HoD episode 6. The kids sparring in that episode is better choreographed and more believable than either Galadriel fights in jail and the training! 😂


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
Yea, as pointed out, what started out as impeccable work from the wardrobe department kind of sputtered in the mud with the Numenoreans. For the films they hired actual armorers and leather workers, etc. Here with Amazon budget they seemed to have been willing to skimp, for some bizarre reason, here.

This fucking show. My god, I hope Bezos has a change of heart and guts the creative crew for season two and hires people capable of righting this ship.


No were in the works was that ever said. Just that he was some mysterious being known as "The Lord of Gifts". I could see that title being mockingly given to Halbrand when they "gift" him his kingdom.
Yes, but I cannot imagine Elves going: “Hmmm, he is not an Elf and we have no idea what creature he is, but no matter, epic loot inc”.


The more I think about the show the more frustrating it is. It has so many issues right now, pacing, writing, etc...but I think the biggest one is that we've been forced to sit thru 5 hours so far of a show with no clear villain or threat, we only have vague signs that a bad guy or bad things are coming, but we don't know who or how or where.

In LOTR even though you never see Sauron, but you can see his armies, his servants, and Saruman who is in liege with him. In this show we only have Adar, who we don't even know if he's actually a villain or not. So far he doesn't seem any more villainous than some of those mean Harfoots.

I think if they don't reveal Sauron in the next few episodes most people would give up on this show.
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The more I think about the show the more frustrating it is. It has so many issues right now, pacing, writing, etc...but I think the biggest one is that we've been forced to sit thru 5 hours so far of a show with no clear villain or threat, we only have vague signs that a bad guy or bad things are coming, but we don't know who or how or where.

In LOTR even though you never see Sauron, but you can see his armies, his servants, and Saruman who is in liege with him. In this show we only have Adar, who we don't even know if he's actually a villain or not. So far he doesn't seem any more villainous than some of those mean Harfoots.

I think if they don't reveal Sauron in the next few episodes most people would give up on this show.
The biggest problem is there is no tension whatsoever. I don not care what happens to anyone, or what the outcome is, I just want something to happen.

There's an army marching to war apparently, but it feels as impactful as a badly advertised larping event.


Ultimate DQ Fan
Yes, but I cannot imagine Elves going: “Hmmm, he is not an Elf and we have no idea what creature he is, but no matter, epic loot inc”.
Gil-Galad and Galadriel both rejected him for that very reason. They didn't trust him. However Celebrimbor was fooled, believing that he was a Maiar emissary of Aule.


Well you keep watching it. So it’s gotta like it somewhat no? When people don’t like a show they usually just don’t watch it. This mindset confuses me. Why waste your time doing/watching something you don’t enjoy? Doesn’t sound fun. Who would notice the cgi crowd besides someone staring at stills for complaining purposes?

Gonna watch episode 5 tonight. Haven’t had time. Been catching up on HOD with the wife. Loving both shows so far despite a few criticisms with both. What a great time for fantasy shows. Sucks that wheel of time didn’t really deliver, but I think they can still redeem it. Seems like covid gave them a hard time during filming

It's called hate watching, mate.

But even this is wearing that thin now. Think I might just watch the Charlie Hopkinson reaction videos.


Gold Member
Show is losing interest the further it goes.

I really liked the first two episodes, but starting on third one I'm constantly bored watching it.

Expect when Galadriel appears on the screen :messenger_smiling_hearts:

The music part on this last episode one was horrible.
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It's called hate watching, mate.

But even this is wearing that thin now. Think I might just watch the Charlie Hopkinson reaction videos.
It also gives me justification to trash talk the show with my friend/coworker who happens to like the show! He can’t say “but you haven’t watched the show”! 😂

Edit: We both happen to like HoD! 🤣
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The amount of money they spent on stuff and then skimped on the armor.
I really don’t know how this is 50 mill per episode! The costumes in HoD looked much better and that’s like 1/2 the budget 25 mill? per episode!

Edit: They didn’t even have enough extras for town crowds! They had to copy/paste CGI crowds!
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ידע זה כוח
I really don’t know how this is 50 mill per episode! The costumes in HoD looked much better and that’s like 1/2 the budget 25 mill? per episode!
It's a design choice, not a money issue.

Like their over the belly-button armor with a weird chest bump, it's just for design, as it exposes a key place to slice you.
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