a few things here...
first, glad to see the Sox are back on track. Against the shitty Mariners sure, but still.
second, Carlos Lee is back to form and crushing the ball. 2 HRs today, more homers in the past few weeks than he's had all the rest of the season. last year he had 30 HRs, he had 4 up to about a month ago. now he's got 11. If someone's got an empty spot on their fantasy roster, I'd really pick him up. He somehow regained his power.
third, Ken "the hawk" harrelson is my favorite, though not nearly the best, announcer for being such an awesome person. you can e-mail him and co-announcer DJ Darrel Jackson during the game, and a good question gets read out loud on air. today, a young college student e-mailed them something to the effect of "i'm a young college student who wants to be involved in sports. but i don't know if i want to be a sports writer, a sports reporter, or even something else. do you have any advice?"
hawk, being the cool guy he is said "(kid's name), come to the park one of the next home games, go to the guest services counter and leave your number for me. we'll talk."
That is just plain awesome imo.
fourth...Cubs lost 4 in a row(i know how that goes), and are now 7 out. HAHAHHAHA. Also, Rolen is a friggin' beast.
fifth, lastly, and most importantly....are anyone else's team here in one of the 6 teams MLB selected to pilot their new game enhancements?
they picked the chi sox as one of their teams, and i gotta say, i ABSOLUTELY love it. it's awesome. they mic a player every game, talk with the manager in between innings, interview other players on the bench, interview the starting pitcher in the clubhouse after he's been pulled. I just love it. it's like an ESPN broadcast every game. They better not stop this....
and a little p.s. here....they had jose valentin miced up. he and paul konerko(aka THE MAN) were talking about what they do after they hit a home run. they ripped on griffey a bit, saying he always stands at home plate and watches the ball. i thought it was pretty funny.
alright, that's like, the longest post in this thread. see ya later!