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The MLB Thread

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Joe said:
sheffield is gonna beat someones ass if he keeps getting plunked. i swear you can see smoke coming out of his nose.

fuck him. Maybe if he wasn't wearing that bionic elbow pad so he could crowd the plate like he does, he wouldn't get tagged so often. Pussy.


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Mrbob said:
The Cardinals feel the pain starting tommorrow.

Three game sweep of the Cards at Busch, I can feel it!!!!

I'll root for the Cubs in this situation. The Cardinals are getting out of hand.


goddamit, Griese!
I like how both Chicago teams are sucking at the same time. Although it's nice to see Freddy anchored here for 3 more years. Now to get Magglio....


goddamit, Griese!
a few things here...

first, glad to see the Sox are back on track. Against the shitty Mariners sure, but still.

second, Carlos Lee is back to form and crushing the ball. 2 HRs today, more homers in the past few weeks than he's had all the rest of the season. last year he had 30 HRs, he had 4 up to about a month ago. now he's got 11. If someone's got an empty spot on their fantasy roster, I'd really pick him up. He somehow regained his power.

third, Ken "the hawk" harrelson is my favorite, though not nearly the best, announcer for being such an awesome person. you can e-mail him and co-announcer DJ Darrel Jackson during the game, and a good question gets read out loud on air. today, a young college student e-mailed them something to the effect of "i'm a young college student who wants to be involved in sports. but i don't know if i want to be a sports writer, a sports reporter, or even something else. do you have any advice?"
hawk, being the cool guy he is said "(kid's name), come to the park one of the next home games, go to the guest services counter and leave your number for me. we'll talk."

That is just plain awesome imo.

fourth...Cubs lost 4 in a row(i know how that goes), and are now 7 out. HAHAHHAHA. Also, Rolen is a friggin' beast.

fifth, lastly, and most importantly....are anyone else's team here in one of the 6 teams MLB selected to pilot their new game enhancements?
they picked the chi sox as one of their teams, and i gotta say, i ABSOLUTELY love it. it's awesome. they mic a player every game, talk with the manager in between innings, interview other players on the bench, interview the starting pitcher in the clubhouse after he's been pulled. I just love it. it's like an ESPN broadcast every game. They better not stop this....

and a little p.s. here....they had jose valentin miced up. he and paul konerko(aka THE MAN) were talking about what they do after they hit a home run. they ripped on griffey a bit, saying he always stands at home plate and watches the ball. i thought it was pretty funny.

alright, that's like, the longest post in this thread. see ya later!


Damn it.

The Chicago Astros offense is still here! But we got ONE run today. We didn't get shut out! Moral victory!

We need to win the next two or we might as well be looking at the wild card only!


We need Ramirez back, big time.

We now know who the real hitting star is on this team and the bat we miss the most!


goddamit, Griese!
Mrbob said:
If it is any consolation Eminem, as of right now the Cubs are a playoff team and the White Sox are not. :D

lol, we're 1 and a half out...with 9 more games against a team we simply OWN. how about you? =)


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
Asstros are coming for your wild card !!!!



goddamit, Griese!
Ya know, I was never an Astros fan, ever....but after seeing you fans hold strong...GO FUCKING STROS. SCREW THE CUBS AND CARDS.


Eminem said:
Ya know, I was never an Astros fan, ever....but after seeing you fans hold strong...GO FUCKING STROS. SCREW THE CUBS AND CARDS.

LOL. As of right now Miguel has a boycott about anything to do with the Stros hahahahahahahaha! Jimmy is my hero.


Eminem said:
Ya know, I was never an Astros fan, ever....but after seeing you fans hold strong...GO FUCKING STROS. SCREW THE CUBS AND CARDS.

I'm boycotting the team until Jimy Williams is gone...they win 3 series in a row..., sweep 2 series out of 3, or trade for Kris Benson.
So, the Mets are playing solid ball but I am still fried in a glass case of trepidation... Hard not to be with a team this bi-polar.

The biggest tease since that light-bulb shaped Junior I dated my senior year of high school. "Just keep driving. Don't talk. No, I don't want to go to a movie. No, I don't want to eat. If I wanted to be touched I'd touch myself." I saw her marriage announcement in the paper the other day. Lucky guy. If I was so blessed I'd kill myself.

This state of being, suspended between the purgatory of not having a girl at all and the Hell of having one who can suck the oxygen out of a room just by entering it perfectly encapsulates what it is to be a Mets fan.

From Baseball Prospectus by way of Always Amazin'


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Miguel said:
I'm boycotting the team until Jimy Williams is gone...they win 3 series in a row..., sweep 2 series out of 3, or trade for Kris Benson.

Its Bagwell. Not Jimy Williams. The Astros are Bagwell's club and when Bagwell doesn't perform, it brings the whole team down. He needs to get it together.


Oh what the hell. Fucking ump. That is a horrible call! We have hard enough time scoring runs as it is right now we don't need the umps taking them away! Should be 3-2 right now instead of 3-1!

Oh no Ordonez is in. :(
ROFL @ ASTROS. Chokejob if I've ever seen one. I wanted to see some games too, but fuck that. I'm not in the mood to see a bunch of overpriced babies play .500 ball.

I think I'll go Arlington, instead. Where I'll watch some players with heart knock the living shit out of the ball, and Kenny Rogers toss brilliant games.


Well, there is always the Wild Card.

St. Louis is gonna run away with this division by 20 games if they keep on playing the way they have.


Yes! Another loss! Two runs scored today our offense was on fire! Maybe we can go into the All Star Break on a six game losing streak! Awesome!!!


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
Mrbob said:
Yes! Another loss! Two runs scored today our offense was on fire! Maybe we can go into the All Star Break on a six game losing streak! Awesome!!!

WOOT thats 2 more runs than the stros have scored today....GOD DAMN our teams suck much @ss.


If we took the best offensive hitters from the Astros with the top offensive hitters from the Cubs and formed a temporary alliance, we could easily average three runs scored per game!


Matrix said:
WOOT thats 2 more runs than the stros have scored today....GOD DAMN our teams suck much @ss.

-Top of the 9th inning
-J Bagwell struck out looking.
-L Berkman struck out swinging.
-J Kent struck out swinging.

How sweet it is! :D


Griffey does it again!

Ken Griffey Jr. left the Cincinnati Reds' game at Milwaukee on Saturday night after he strained his right hamstring while running down a fly ball in the fourth inning.

The Reds said the All-Star outfielder will return to Cincinnati to have an MRI on Sunday to determine the severity of the injury.


goddamit, Griese!
hahaha, Sox win because the same dumbass Mariner pitcher walks in two runs. that's right, two. and it would have been three if the last batter didn't swing at ball 4. How can you not throw a strike?

Also, I was on TV for Konerko's homer. I was literally like 10 feet from where it fell. wooo.


Ken Griffey Jr. left the Cincinnati Reds' game at Milwaukee on Saturday night after he strained his right hamstring while running down a fly ball in the fourth inning.

The Reds said the All-Star outfielder will return to Cincinnati to have an MRI on Sunday to determine the severity of the injury.


Griffey needs to either retire or move to first base now. No one will take him in a trade so Reds might have to think of trading Casey. Because Casey for sure can't play anywhere but first.

Reds offense is without 3 of their top 4 hitters. Kearns, Casey, and Griffey all on the DL. Reds may never win again.


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
I called him getting hurt in the old mlb thread Boomer....I SEE DA FUTURE.


Who cares about the All Star game? He'll be back for us after the break - its not a serious injury. Casey will be back too - then we can make a run for the wild card. GO REDS.


Griffey used to be my favourite player back when I actually cared about baseball. What the hell happened to him? He hasn't been the same since leaving the Mariners.

p.s. baseball sucks.
Flizzzipper said:
Griffey needs to either retire or move to first base now. No one will take him in a trade so Reds might have to think of trading Casey. Because Casey for sure can't play anywhere but first.

Reds offense is without 3 of their top 4 hitters. Kearns, Casey, and Griffey all on the DL. Reds may never win again.

Griffey and Casey will be back after the All-Star game. So there goes that theory of yours. Reds will be in the playoffs, people. How are the Astros doing? Still fighting off the Pirates for second to last place?



Cincinnati 46 41 .529 8.5 25-15 21-26 14-10 20-19 7-5 5-7 4-6 L1
Houston 44 43 .506 10.5 22-20 22-23 6-6 26-25 5-7 7-5 4-6 L1
Pittsburgh 39 46 .459 14.5 18-22 21-24 8-4 23-26 6-6 2-10 7-3 L1
Desperado said:
Cincinnati 46 41 .529 8.5 25-15 21-26 14-10 20-19 7-5 5-7 4-6 L1
Houston 44 43 .506 10.5 22-20 22-23 6-6 26-25 5-7 7-5 4-6 L1
Pittsburgh 39 46 .459 14.5 18-22 21-24 8-4 23-26 6-6 2-10 7-3 L1

Thanks for proving my point!


Moron. The Astros are closer to passing Cinci than they are to being passed by the Pirates. The Reds don't have a chance anyway. The only teams with playoff hopes in the NL Central are the Cards, Cubs, and Astros. Reds were playing way over their heads in the first half...They'll be back to scuffling around with the Brewers by the end of the season.
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