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The Mountain Goats: Beat the Champ

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Foreign Object was amazing live, as was Werewolf GImmick

I'd love to see them live - patiently waiting for the next UK tour.

Edit: My wish has been granted.


but I am taking tiny steps forward
Oh my goodness. There's a Mountain Goats thread?
You don't know how happy it makes me to see so many Mountain Goats fans in here. By far my favorite band of all time. Couldn't even pick a favorite song or album from them.

I've been listening to the new album a bunch obviously. Super great. It hasn't really clicked with me yet though like Transcendental Youth did, but I have no doubt that it will very soon. It's definitely an amazing album. My early favorite is Luna. Such an incredible song.

This is a copy of a DVD that I believe was sold on TMG tours around the release of The Life of the World to Come.

It's JD (occasionally accompanied by Rachel Ware) playing the whole album back to back in a music hall in Pomona, CA.

It's also directed by Rian Johnson (Brick, Looper)

Thank you so much for posting this! I've seen one or two videos from this before, but I've searched and searched and couldn't find the full video anywhere on the internet for the life of me. I'm really looking forward to giving this a watch.

Requests? All I see is some really strange coincidences.

Anyone listened to the re-release of The Hound Chronicles/Hot Garden Stomp? I was looking at it the other day and wondering if I should pick it up.

Oh goodness. A chance to get a Mountain Goats tag. I'm paralyzed by excitement and indecision. Can't think of something off the top of my head.

Fake edit:
Picking a favorite Mountain Goats lyric is like picking a favorite child. Impossible. So many of the lyrics mean so much to me...
Managed to narrow it down to the first verse of Absolute Lithops Effect though. That song just speaks to me so much. I don't think I could pick just a couple lines from it, so you can surprise me.

"after one long season of waiting,
after one long season of wanting,
i am breaking open.
my insides are pink and raw.
and i hurts me when i move my jaw,
but i am taking tiny steps forward.
and i... i feel sure that my wounds will heal.
and i, i will bloom here in my room.
with a little water.
and a little bit of sunlight.
and a little bit of tender mercy,

If I wasn't so certain I wanted a quote from Absolute Lithops Effect, my second choice would've definitely been "Thank God for small favors in high doses." Such a good line.

Besada, if you give me a Mountain Goats tag, I will be forever indebted to you.

Man, the Mountain Goats are so good...


but I am taking tiny steps forward
For some reason The Legend of Chavo Guerrero didn't really click when I first heard the single, but I'm really digging it now. I think I'll just listen to this album on repeat all day today at work.

Filthy Slug

Crowd screaming like hounds at the heat of the chase/ All the colors of the rainbow flood my face
For some reason The Legend of Chavo Guerrero didn't really click when I first heard the single, but I'm really digging it now. I think I'll just listen to this album on repeat all day today at work.

Yeah, that's really your best bet if it's not putting you in a head-and-heart-lock instantly.Also, jam out to Choked Out real loud and on repeat. This hits all the right spots for me when I'm driving.


but I am taking tiny steps forward
Yeah, that's really your best bet if it's not putting you in a head-and-heart-lock instantly.Also, jam out to Choked Out real loud and on repeat. This hits all the right spots for me when I'm driving.

Haha. Perfectly worded.
But yeah, I've never been a wrestling fan, so I didn't have the initial hype for the theme of it that a lot of people here had, but I'm really starting to dig the album now after a few listens.
The Mountain Goats are the only band where I'm not even the slightest bit worried they'll put out a bad or even mediocre album. Everything John Darnielle touches is gold.

Also, Fire Editorial is another favorite of mine. It has such a dramatic feel to it. So good.


but I am taking tiny steps forward
Oh also, Stabbed to Death Outside San Juan gives me serious All Up The Seething Coast (and a little bit of Song For Cleomenes) vibes. I love it when Darnielle pulls out the spoken-word style.

Apologies for the double posting. Mountain Goats get me too excited to just post once.

Edit: And now that I thought about Song For Cleomenes I couldn't help but listen to Beautiful Rat Sunset. So good.

Filthy Slug

Crowd screaming like hounds at the heat of the chase/ All the colors of the rainbow flood my face
Oh also, Stabbed to Death Outside San Juan gives me serious All Up The Seething Coast (and a little bit of Song For Cleomenes) vibes. I love it when Darnielle pulls out the spoken-word style.

Apologies for the double posting. Mountain Goats get me too excited to just post once.

Edit: And now that I thought about Song For Cleomenes I couldn't help but listen to Beautiful Rat Sunset. So good.

Haha, yo, by the end of the day, this'll be your favorite Mountain Goats album.


but I am taking tiny steps forward
Haha, yo, by the end of the day, this'll be your favorite Mountain Goats album.

Yeah, I wouldn't be surprised. Haha. But then again, I'm pretty sure every Mountain Goats album has been my favorite Mountain Goats album at one point in time.

Still listening to Beautiful Rat Sunset right now though. It had been way too long. These songs are so good. And I think it was actually Seeing Daylight that Stabbed to Death Outside San Juan most reminded me of.
Had no idea a new Mountain Goats album was even announced, let alone released until yesterday. Really loving it after a couple listens.

I like how ferocious Werewolf Gimmick sounds with the added instrumentation. I'm so used to the low key work in Tallahassee and The Sunset Tree. I should really check out their more recent stuff.


but I am taking tiny steps forward
Had no idea a new Mountain Goats album was even announced, let alone released until yesterday. Really loving it after a couple listens.

I like how ferocious Werewolf Gimmick sounds with the added instrumentation. I'm so used to the low key work in Tallahassee and The Sunset Tree. I should really check out their more recent stuff.

Life of the World to Come and Transcendental Youth are probably the best of their newer albums (in my personal opinion, obviously), if we're talking albums post-Get Lonely. Heretic Pride and All Eternals Death are both fantastic as well and definitely worth listening to, but they aren't quite as focused and the songs haven't stuck with me as much.
Life of the World to Come and Transcendental Youth are probably the best of their newer albums (in my personal opinion, obviously), if we're talking albums post-Get Lonely. Heretic Pride and All Eternals Death are both fantastic as well and definitely worth listening to, but they aren't quite as focused and the songs haven't stuck with me as much.

Awesome! Thanks for the recs. It seems Transcendental Youth is widely loved in this thread, so that might be what I tackle first.


but I am taking tiny steps forward
Awesome! Thanks for the recs. It seems Transcendental Youth is widely loved in this thread, so that might be what I tackle first.

No problem! I hope you enjoy it!
I'm a sucker for both melancholy songs and horn sections, so Transcendental Youth was just perfect.

Life of the World to Come is probably more of a grower, but it's become one of my very favorites.

Filthy Slug

Crowd screaming like hounds at the heat of the chase/ All the colors of the rainbow flood my face
Had no idea a new Mountain Goats album was even announced, let alone released until yesterday. Really loving it after a couple listens.

I like how ferocious Werewolf Gimmick sounds with the added instrumentation. I'm so used to the low key work in Tallahassee and The Sunset Tree. I should really check out their more recent stuff.
I'm gonna add to Kipp's great recs: Check out the Black Pear EP with Kaki King because it's super rad.


God bless all my old friends/And god bless me too, why pretend?
Two of my friends are seeing The Mountain goats today I believe so I am excited by proxy


You got Moxie, kid!
Two of my friends are seeing The Mountain goats today I believe so I am excited by proxy


They absolutely killed it. Unbelievable show. Up the Wolves is obviously a new crowd favorite, since its use on The Walking Dead, and they played the hell out of it.

Steal Smoked Fish is a new favorite of mine, so I was ecstatic to see it appearing on recent setlists. He played it on piano at this show and I loved it.

Stephen Brodsky was actually a great opening act, too. I love seeing a band/artist I've never heard of and coming away a fan. He came back out for the inevitable Best Ever Death Metal Band in Denton encore. Despite the fact that it gets played so much, and there was a guy shouting "DENTON TEXAS!" after every fucking song, I have to admit I still enjoy the huge crowd singalong.

If you have any chance at all, go see this tour.
The new record, the new exposure from The Walking Dead - the band looks like they are just enjoying playing even more than usual. The mix of brand new stuff with old stuff is just about perfect, and you're almost certainly going to hear something you love that you did not expect to hear this time around.

15 "I hope you die; I hope we both die"s out of 10.

A Fish Aficionado

I am going to make it through this year if it kills me
So, I think it might be a yes to those june 3 tix in la. Been working through their discog on spiffy.

This Year. Ok this goddam song might just be my favorite.
i am going to make it through this year
if it kills me


God bless all my old friends/And god bless me too, why pretend?

They absolutely killed it. Unbelievable show. Up the Wolves is obviously a new crowd favorite, since its use on The Walking Dead, and they played the hell out of it.

Steal Smoked Fish is a new favorite of mine, so I was ecstatic to see it appearing on recent setlists. He played it on piano at this show and I loved it.

Stephen Brodsky was actually a great opening act, too. I love seeing a band/artist I've never heard of and coming away a fan. He came back out for the inevitable Best Ever Death Metal Band in Denton encore. Despite the fact that it gets played so much, and there was a guy shouting "DENTON TEXAS!" after every fucking song, I have to admit I still enjoy the huge crowd singalong.

If you have any chance at all, go see this tour.
The new record, the new exposure from The Walking Dead - the band looks like they are just enjoying playing even more than usual. The mix of brand new stuff with old stuff is just about perfect, and you're almost certainly going to hear something you love that you did not expect to hear this time around.

15 "I hope you die; I hope we both die"s out of 10.

Yay I am so happy you both had fun!
Did you rock out?


but I am taking tiny steps forward
Man, this album is really, really great. Even Animal Mask is becoming a favorite. When I first heard it on that live video a year or so ago I was not digging it at all. Even when I heard it on the album the first couple times it just wasn't doing anything for me. Loving it now though. I woke up this morning with it stuck in my head.

Also, special shoutout to Get Lonely. That's an incredible album. I listened to that a couple times yesterday too.

Edit: Just realized there's not one song I even have the slightest urge to skip on this entire album. Just solid through and through.

Speaking of skipping songs, is there anyone here who actually likes Age of Kings or The Autopsy Garland on All Eternals Deck? No matter how hard I try, neither of those songs do anything for me at all and I have to skip them. It really hurts All Eternals Deck as an album for me, skipping two songs in a row so early on.

Also, holy shit, Besada gave me a tag. You are the man. Seriously awesome.


God bless all my old friends/And god bless me too, why pretend?
So I started listening to the setlist from the recent show bagels went to. Really like some of this! So far my favourite is "Foreign Object" which I believe is from this album. Foreign object, foreign object, foreign object If you can't beat ’em make 'em bleed like pigs

Bagels what are you doing to me :(

Filthy Slug

Crowd screaming like hounds at the heat of the chase/ All the colors of the rainbow flood my face
So, I think it might be a yes to those june 3 tix in la. Been working through their discog on spiffy.

Oh shit, I'm going to be in LA around that time, and now I'm gonna scramble to see if I can make that show.


You got Moxie, kid!
So I started listening to the setlist from the recent show bagels went to. Really like some of this! So far my favourite is "Foreign Object" which I believe is from this album. Foreign object, foreign object, foreign object If you can't beat ’em make 'em bleed like pigs

Bagels what are you doing to me :(

Foreign Object is amazing. Seeing it live is on a different level.

"This next song is about how I, John Darnielle, am going to stab you in the eye...with a foreign object."


God bless all my old friends/And god bless me too, why pretend?
Foreign Object is amazing. Seeing it live is on a different level.

"This next song is about how I, John Darnielle, am going to stab you in the eye...with a foreign object."

Grr next time pick me up on the way


but I am taking tiny steps forward
I had Choked Out stuck in my head all morning. So good.
As I was walking down the driveway to my car to go to work at 6am this morning, I was singing the chorus, because I'd assumed that nobody would be anywhere at 6am on Saturday morning. Of course my neighbor right across the street was standing in his driveway. He waved. No idea if he heard me singing to myself like a crazy person.
Also had "If they all want to die dead broke that's fine, that's fine/Everybody's got their limits/Nobody's found mine" stuck in my head for like 2 hours straight at work.

This album is growing and growing on me with a quickness.

Also, with all this fresh Mountain Goats hype I'm finally going to order Wolf in White Van. Should've done that ages ago.

Oh shit, I'm going to be in LA around that time, and now I'm gonna scramble to see if I can make that show.

Oh my goodness. We should totally do a MountainGoatsGAF meetup at the LA show. I wasn't planning to go to that show because I despise going up to LA, but if we planned to do a meetup I'd so be there.


Also, with all this fresh Mountain Goats hype I'm finally going to order Wolf in White Van. Should've done that ages ago.

Yes, you should have. It's a really excellent book. An incredibly meditation both on the nature of being an outsider and the responsibility of being an artist. I read a lot, and it's one of the best books I've read in years.


but I am taking tiny steps forward
Yes, you should have. It's a really excellent book. An incredibly meditation both on the nature of being an outsider and the responsibility of being an artist. I read a lot, and it's one of the best books I've read in years.

Awesome. That's great to hear! I'm really looking forward to it.
I read his Black Sabbath Master of Reality short story a while back and thought it was excellent.
Currently all about Heel Turn 2. I can relate to it on so many levels.

I've got an excellent tMG show story from a few years back, I'll pop in later and write it up.

Filthy Slug

Crowd screaming like hounds at the heat of the chase/ All the colors of the rainbow flood my face
Oh my goodness. We should totally do a MountainGoatsGAF meetup at the LA show. I wasn't planning to go to that show because I despise going up to LA, but if we planned to do a meetup I'd so be there.

I would definitely be down for a GOAT/Comic-gaf meetup!


but I am taking tiny steps forward
I would definitely be down for a GOAT/Comic-gaf meetup!

Cool! That would be so awesome. Let me know when you officially decide whether or not you're going to make the show!

On a related note, definitely a longshot, but is anyone here going to the LA show and driving up from Orange County or San Diego County? I hate driving up to LA with a fiery passion, so much so that I've missed plenty of Mountain Goats shows in the past because I refuse to make the drive. If I could find a carpool buddy I would be ecstatic.


I just saw the Mountain Goats live last night in Detroit. It was absolutely incredible. Everyone who mentioned hearing "Foreign Object" live was spot-on.

A Fish Aficionado

I am going to make it through this year if it kills me
I guess my tag fishing was a little to subtle....

Totally fell in love with this band due to Bagels.

The lyrics are so damn good. Combination of The Decemberists, Sun Kil Moon (Mark Kozelek) and others. And like Aesop Rock, you have to go back and actually read the lyrics for all of the subtlety. I love that.

Next wednesday, I should be able to get tix for LA if they haven't sold out.


God bless all my old friends/And god bless me too, why pretend?

Gonna be a blast dude if ya do manage to go.

Gonna haveta settle for youtube and album listenin' over here. :p

Double Ditto.

Bagels look at yourself and be proud

EDIT: Not too proud though, we all know what happens when you get a big head :(


God bless all my old friends/And god bless me too, why pretend?
So this might sound very dumb to people who don't understand how I listen to music, but sometimes a very specific thing gets stuck in my head and makes me just loop it over and over. Right now it is a part in The Ballad of Bull Ramos on the album this thread has in the title, Beat the Champ, specifically about half a minute into the song when it says unload.

Had this song going on repeat for about an hour and 20 minutes so far because of one word.

I've also been listening to some other stuff recommended by besada and I love it so I wanted to make sure he got a public thank you, because he is great.

Filthy Slug

Crowd screaming like hounds at the heat of the chase/ All the colors of the rainbow flood my face
Cool! That would be so awesome. Let me know when you officially decide whether or not you're going to make the show!

On a related note, definitely a longshot, but is anyone here going to the LA show and driving up from Orange County or San Diego County? I hate driving up to LA with a fiery passion, so much so that I've missed plenty of Mountain Goats shows in the past because I refuse to make the drive. If I could find a carpool buddy I would be ecstatic.

Ayyy, tickets copped!

Somebody carpool with Kipp--he's an awesome dude.
So this is a bootleg of one of their shows I saw a few years ago. It's a pretty good quality recording. It is unique in that he solicited requests.

Also it starts off with I Love You, Lets Light Ourselves on Fire which is probably the band's best song title. It's either this of Wizard Buys a Hat.

Great stuff between songs as well. Worth a listen all the way through.
My favourite band of all time. Sadly, I won't be able to pick up this new one until mid-May.

I saw them at the Union Chapel last year, maybe the year before. They were amazing. Unfortunately I had to run off during the encore. :(

If there's a coincidence dishing out tags, I'd be thrilled with "You can arm me to the teeth, you can't make me go to war" from Family Happiness.


but I am taking tiny steps forward
Ayyy, tickets copped!

Somebody carpool with Kipp--he's an awesome dude.

Awesome! I'll probably buy mine very soon. Just need to convince myself that I'm up for that drive first. Haha. I'll be driving in right during rush hour and I'll probably get back way late and be a wreck at work the next day...
But Mountain Goats show and Gaf meetup...
I'll definitely convince myself it's worth it pretty soon. It'd be great to meet up (and to see the Mountain Goats, obviously).
And thanks for the endorsement. Haha. If I can find a carpool buddy the decision would be much more of a no-brainer.

Fun story: One time I made the 3-ish hour drive into the heart of LA to see a Brian Fallon (of The Gaslight Anthem) acoustic show at The Troubador. I went up with my friend and right when we finally got to the exit, we saw a Little Caesar's and we were like "Let's get some pizza." So we got pizza. I got food poisoning. Was absolutely miserable the entire time and ended up leaving the show early.
That might partially explain why it takes a lot to convince myself to drive to LA. Haha

Gaf meeting at the LA show? I so so there, girlfriend!

Niiice. We might actually have a decent-sized Gaf presence at that show.
...Are you driving from South of LA by chance?


but I am taking tiny steps forward
Pounding out Mountain Goats songs on the piano is the best thing.
If anyone here plays piano/guitar/whatever and likes to play Mountain Goats songs, if you don't have this page bookmarked already, it's the best thing ever: http://www.themountaingoats.net/wiki/doku.php?id=tabs:home

Heel Turn 2 is my favorite from the new album to play so far. Love the chord progression.

Also, just in general Heel Turn 2 is an absolutely incredible song. Lyrics, melody, everything.
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