This... is a surprisingly good list.
Good job, friends.
Good job, friends.
Have you played/seen Duskers? It's in my top ten this year and it's not hacking, but you do control drones through command lines. Makes for very methodical, cautious, and strategic gameplay. Sci-fi horror/strategy/roguelite
There's a thread for it over here
There's something so compelling about well-written flavor text and description in interactive fiction/text-heavy games. I'm a description-heavy writer myself, so I love reading those flowing adjectives and details that paint the picture in your head more vividly than any graphic engine ever could
80 Days is another game that excels at that
Yes, more clickbait from that infamous clickbait farm, The New Yorker.
This article slots neatly between "You won't believe these 7 things Noam Chomsky keeps in his wallet" and "Congress can't stop talking about the Debt ceiling. The reason why will make you cry."
MGSV getting one step closer to that top spot!
Splatoon and Xenoblade X!
No mention of that trash Witcher 3!
No-name blog clickbaits by not including my faves in a year-end list of their faves. Gross.
Awful hipster list that just goes against popular opinion to be "seen".
Awful hipster list that just goes against popular opinion to be "seen".
Yes, Failbetter is providing a large amount of the funding for the gameAnyone who likes Sunless Sea should check out the upcoming House of Many Doors. Failbetter are involved in making it I think.
Awful + hipster + agenda, all in the same post. I think that's a winner, folksAwful hipster list that just goes against popular opinion to be "seen".
It's funny too because you'd think a hipster's list wouldn't ignore the big game starring a hipster, Life is Strange, but it's not here. So either the New Yorker and full of people that aren't good at being hipsters or they're so far in the hipster direction that they don't acknowledge AAA games or even games that hipsters would likeAwful + hipster + agenda, all in the same post. I think that's a winner, folks
Awful hipster list that just goes against popular opinion to be "seen".
Awful hipster list that just goes against popular opinion to be "seen".