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The NFL's nightmare week continues: Adrian Peterson indicted for child abuse

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He pretty much confirmed in the texts that he accidentally hit him in the thigh & scrotum area when he was hitting him on his backside.

The actions the NFL are taking solely from the media reactions is pathetic. This wasn't child abuse, that was an accident. Without twitter & the talking heads at ESPN, they would have evaluated the situation & gave the punishment they felt instead of knee jerk reactions.

If anything more little misbehaving brats need a good spanking from their parents.
The worst type of people I meet in my life never have any disciple or punishment when they were kids. They just ran wild & grew up into the type of people they became.

Have you seen the pictures?


hide your water-based mammals
He pretty much confirmed in the texts that he accidentally hit him in the thigh & scrotum area when he was hitting him on his backside.

The actions the NFL are taking solely from the media reactions is pathetic. This wasn't child abuse, that was an accident. Without twitter & the talking heads at ESPN, they would have evaluated the situation & gave the punishment they felt instead of knee jerk reactions.

If anything more little misbehaving brats need a good spanking from their parents.
The worst type of people I meet in my life never have any disciple or punishment when they were kids. They just ran wild & grew up into the type of people they became.
As a disciplined child and parent, your points are salient. This is absolutely true. I've seen my fair share of undisciplined kids who run amok.
He pretty much confirmed in the texts that he accidentally hit him in the thigh & scrotum area when he was hitting him on his backside.

The actions the NFL are taking solely from the media reactions is pathetic. This wasn't child abuse, that was an accident. Without twitter & the talking heads at ESPN, they would have evaluated the situation & gave the punishment they felt instead of knee jerk reactions.

If anything more little misbehaving brats need a good spanking from their parents.
The worst type of people I meet in my life never have any disciple or punishment when they were kids. They just ran wild & grew up into the type of people they became.

It's not child abuse if you didn't intend to injure them, apparently.


He pretty much confirmed in the texts that he accidentally hit him in the thigh & scrotum area when he was hitting him on his backside.

The actions the NFL are taking solely from the media reactions is pathetic. This wasn't child abuse, that was an accident. Without twitter & the talking heads at ESPN, they would have evaluated the situation & gave the punishment they felt instead of knee jerk reactions.

If anything more little misbehaving brats need a good spanking from their parents.
The worst type of people I meet in my life never have any disciple or punishment when they were kids. They just ran wild & grew up into the type of people they became.

Nice. You seem like a swell guy.

AP does deserve apologists I guess, he is a good football player after all.

As a disciplined child and parent, your points are salient. This is absolutely true. I've seen my fair share of undisciplined kids who run amok.

Have you beaten/been beaten as badly as those images? Cause that's abuse buddy.
He pretty much confirmed in the texts that he accidentally hit him in the thigh & scrotum area when he was hitting him on his backside.

The actions the NFL are taking solely from the media reactions is pathetic. This wasn't child abuse, that was an accident. Without twitter & the talking heads at ESPN, they would have evaluated the situation & gave the punishment they felt instead of knee jerk reactions.

If anything more little misbehaving brats need a good spanking from their parents.
The worst type of people I meet in my life never have any disciple or punishment when they were kids. They just ran wild & grew up into the type of people they became.

First off, this kid is 4 years old. Second, You are completely unqualified to be a father.


He pretty much confirmed in the texts that he accidentally hit him in the thigh & scrotum area when he was hitting him on his backside.

The actions the NFL are taking solely from the media reactions is pathetic. This wasn't child abuse, that was an accident. Without twitter & the talking heads at ESPN, they would have evaluated the situation & gave the punishment they felt instead of knee jerk reactions.

If anything more little misbehaving brats need a good spanking from their parents.
The worst type of people I meet in my life never have any disciple or punishment when they were kids. They just ran wild & grew up into the type of people they became.

Dunno...when I do something on 'accident' I tend to stop ASAP. Not after leaving a dozen 'accidental' bleeding welts before realizing my mistake


First off, this kid is 4 years old. Second, You are completely unqualified to be a father.

Pretty bad for a kid of any age especially 3-4....

Not saying that I wasnt disciplined or will discipline my kids but anything that level seems way beyond the norm
He pretty much confirmed in the texts that he accidentally hit him in the thigh & scrotum area when he was hitting him on his backside.

The actions the NFL are taking solely from the media reactions is pathetic. This wasn't child abuse, that was an accident.

An accident? Like he intentionally meant to hurt the child, but the incriminating wounds were accidental?


hide your water-based mammals
Have you beaten/been beaten as badly as those images? Cause that's abuse buddy.
I known how to parent my children. I don't use any of the methods my dad used with me nor do I need parental advice from you. My kids are great and are the world to me.


I known how to parent my children. I don't use any of the methods my dad used with me nor do I need parental advice from you. My kids are great and are the world to me.

I wasn't offering advice. I also wasn't insulting your parenting skills. I also wasn't saying your kids aren't great, or you don't love them. You lifted a lot from that little question.

The fact that you are a parent, and downplay this situation is pretty awful.

Scary too.
Dunno...when I do something on 'accident' I tend to stop ASAP. Not after leaving a dozen 'accidental' bleeding welts before realizing my mistake

An accident means you don't realize you are doing it. If he was using a stick that was sort of elastic on the far side and he was just focused on the backside whooping he wouldn't notice the other end reaching around and hitting the kid.

I don't agree with any form of abuse at all but as a kid that was raised right and 'abused' in order to be disciplined, I am pretty much ok with this. None of us know what the kid was doing to get his ass beat but AP obviously was pretty pissed. Is it possible he is just a rage filled maniac...I doubt it. Hopefully, proper justice is given once all the details are hashed out.

Those pics aren't that bad. 10 or 12 "welps" or "lacerations". Jesus people he was getting hit with a stick, obviously AP was trying to teach him a lesson and went on a little tangent on his ass. Sticks are going to hurt and I guarantee the kid won't do that shit again. AP may have went overboard but I don't understand why the lynch mob is after him. If my father would have got mad at me and left me in that shape my mom would have been super pissed at him. But if he explained himself and said the marks on the other side were totally accidental, she would eventually forgive him. And I guarantee I wouldn't do the shit I was up to again.


hide your water-based mammals
Well great. Good parents shouldn't resort to violence
Yes. A light spank on the rear is the worst but that's mainly when they're young. Kids learn limitations fast.

I wasn't offering advice. I also wasn't insulting your parenting skills. I also wasn't saying your kids aren't great, or you don't love them. You lifted a lot from that little question.
Understandable but in fairness to me, I'm very passionate when it comes to children's safety and treatment. As a parent, I'm simply more emotionally invested in the subject.


An accident means you don't realize you are doing it. If he was using a stick that was sort of elastic on the far side and he was just focused on the backside whooping he wouldn't notice the other end reaching around and hitting the kid.

I don't agree with any form of abuse at all but as a kid that was raised right and 'abused' in order to be disciplined, I am pretty much ok with this. None of us know what the kid was doing to get his ass beat but AP obviously was pretty pissed. Is it possible he is just a rage filled maniac...I doubt it. Hopefully, proper justice is given once all the details are hashed out.

Those pics aren't that bad. 10 or 12 "welps" or "lacerations". Jesus people he was getting hit with a stick, obviously AP was trying to teach him a lesson and went on a little tangent on his ass. Sticks are going to hurt and I guarantee the kid won't do that shit again. AP may have went overboard but I don't understand why the lynch mob is after him. If my father would have got mad at me and left me in that shape my mom would have been super pissed at him. But if he explained himself and said the marks on the other side were totally accidental, she would eventually forgive him. And I guarantee I wouldn't do the shit I was up to again.

The kid was 4...

welp I'm done.


hide your water-based mammals
The fact that you are a parent, and downplay this situation is pretty awful.
I'm simply holding out for more info. I'm compassionate and fair as a parent and AP isn't scum. I will wait for more details.

Being the kid is 4, more discretion should have been used.
Dunno...when I do something on 'accident' I tend to stop ASAP. Not after leaving a dozen 'accidental' bleeding welts before realizing my mistake

In his text, he pretty much stated he realized where he he hit him after the fact.
If his kid was squirming & trying to break free, he wouldn't have been accurate enough, who knows.
And again those bruises also don't instantaneously appear when you are spanking or whooping a child.


So I'm sitting here, reading all of these posts, thinking about the time I was whopped maybe once or twice as a child (while my brother was whooped regularly, lol--switches and belts usually), thinking about how it's primarily the black parents who use "switches"......thinking about how my mom and dad (and their brothers and sisters) used to get DESTROYED by their parents (they even had a nickname for it) and I'm wondering......

Did this form of discipline (in the black community) result from how slave masters used to treat slaves? I mean, of course, slave masters didn't invent physical abuse....but it seems like a residual thing; it primarily exists in the black/urban community, while it's definitely not as prevalent in white communities.
The kid was 4...

welp I'm done.

I mean it is bad but maybe AP just don't know shit about what a stick can do. I am not saying he is innocent but I do believe he didn't mean for it to be this bad. I just like to believe in the good of people. I realize my post is going to outrage some people but I like to believe in humanity especially people like AP who SHOULD BE role models for our youth.

So I'm sitting here, reading all of these posts, thinking about the time I was whopped maybe once or twice as a child (while my brother was whooped regularly, lol--switches and belts usually), thinking about how it's primarily the black parents who use "switches"......thinking about how my mom and dad (and their brothers and sisters) used to get DESTROYED by their parents (they even had a nickname for it) and I'm wondering......

Did this form of discipline (in the black community) result from how slave masters used to treat slaves? I mean, of course, slave masters didn't invent physical abuse....but it seems like a residual thing; it primarily exists in the black/urban community, while it's definitely not as prevalent in white communities.

I am white and would get whooped with a stick faster than anything else. I am from Kentucky and don't think slavery was that common in my area. So I detest your theory.
An accident means you don't realize you are doing it. If he was using a stick that was sort of elastic on the far side and he was just focused on the backside whooping he wouldn't notice the other end reaching around and hitting the kid.

I don't agree with any form of abuse at all but as a kid that was raised right and 'abused' in order to be disciplined, I am pretty much ok with this. None of us know what the kid was doing to get his ass beat but AP obviously was pretty pissed. Is it possible he is just a rage filled maniac...I doubt it. Hopefully, proper justice is given once all the details are hashed out.

Those pics aren't that bad. 10 or 12 "welps" or "lacerations". Jesus people he was getting hit with a stick, obviously AP was trying to teach him a lesson and went on a little tangent on his ass. Sticks are going to hurt and I guarantee the kid won't do that shit again. AP may have went overboard but I don't understand why the lynch mob is after him. If my father would have got mad at me and left me in that shape my mom would have been super pissed at him. But if he explained himself and said the marks on the other side were totally accidental, she would eventually forgive him. And I guarantee I wouldn't do the shit I was up to again.

Wow. Wow. Wow.



hide your water-based mammals
I mean it is bad but maybe AP just don't know shit about what a stick can do. I am not saying he is innocent but I do believe he didn't mean for it to be this bad. I just like to believe in the good of people. I realize my post is going to outrage some people but I like to believe in humanity especially people like AP who SHOULD BE role models for our youth.
You're not out of line and it's the same reasoning I use as a father. I'm not out for blood here so I'm upset about some aspects but don't have all the details.
I mean it is bad but maybe AP just don't know shit about what a stick can do.

If he didn't know what it would do, or didn't know his strength then he shouldn't have done it period, not even getting into the whole spanking v no spanking debate.

Those pics aren't that bad. 10 or 12 "welps" or "lacerations". Jesus people he was getting hit with a stick, obviously AP was trying to teach him a lesson and went on a little tangent on his ass. Sticks are going to hurt and I guarantee the kid won't do that shit again. AP may have went overboard but I don't understand why the lynch mob is after him. If my father would have got mad at me and left me in that shape my mom would have been super pissed at him. But if he explained himself and said the marks on the other side were totally accidental, she would eventually forgive him. And I guarantee I wouldn't do the shit I was up to again.

absolutely disgusting.
First off, this kid is 4 years old. Second, You are completely unqualified to be a father.

Same back to you I would look down on any parent who would let their child do whatever they want without any consequences.

I have no problem with AP spanking or using a switch on his kid after his kid pushed down another kid.
Did he unintentionally go too far? Probably.

Velcro Fly

Same back to you I would look down on any parent who would let their child do whatever they want without any consequences.

I have no problem with AP spanking or using a switch on his kid after his kid pushed down another kid.
Did he unintentionally go too far? Probably.

it's a huge leap from beating with a switch to doing nothing.

you do realize there is an in between right?
An accident means you don't realize you are doing it. If he was using a stick that was sort of elastic on the far side and he was just focused on the backside whooping he wouldn't notice the other end reaching around and hitting the kid.

I don't agree with any form of abuse at all but as a kid that was raised right and 'abused' in order to be disciplined, I am pretty much ok with this. None of us know what the kid was doing to get his ass beat but AP obviously was pretty pissed. Is it possible he is just a rage filled maniac...I doubt it. Hopefully, proper justice is given once all the details are hashed out.

Those pics aren't that bad. 10 or 12 "welps" or "lacerations". Jesus people he was getting hit with a stick, obviously AP was trying to teach him a lesson and went on a little tangent on his ass. Sticks are going to hurt and I guarantee the kid won't do that shit again. AP may have went overboard but I don't understand why the lynch mob is after him. If my father would have got mad at me and left me in that shape my mom would have been super pissed at him. But if he explained himself and said the marks on the other side were totally accidental, she would eventually forgive him. And I guarantee I wouldn't do the shit I was up to again.

Do what again? Be 4 years old? I'm sure the kid was taught a valuable lesson


When it comes to ostracizing and criticizing others (especially celebrities and/or the wealthy) I am constantly amazed at how accepting and non-discriminately the public views information given to them in the media, pure face value with little to no second thought. Either I completely missed the point in history when national news media earned this credibility, or it's more about outrage for outrage's sake.

The question of whether we have all the facts, or that what we have been given is even true or accurate, is nonexistent. Critical thinking in modern society is dying a slow, sad death.


hide your water-based mammals
Same back to you I would look down on any parent who would let their child do whatever they want without any consequences.

I have no problem with AP spanking or using a switch on his kid after his kid pushed down another kid.
Did he unintentionally go too far? Probably.
There's context as well. I want to really hear from him as his mental lapse is making him look bad.
Same back to you I would look down on any parent who would let their child do whatever they want without any consequences.

I have no problem with AP spanking or using a switch on his kid after his kid pushed down another kid.
Did he unintentionally go too far? Probably.

Yes...physical violence is the answer...lets draw blood from our toddlers!
If he didn't know what it would do, or didn't know his strength then he shouldn't have done it period, not even getting into the whole spanking v no spanking debate.

absolutely disgusting.

I get it. But no one knows AP's intentions here. And if he was mad he could be thinking irrational and it caused him to do this. Totally inexcusable you are right. But now he will know. You guys know what mistakes are right? Let's give him some punishment but you can't just assume he is a horrible human being.


When it comes to ostracizing and criticizing others (especially celebrities and/or the wealthy) I am constantly amazed at how accepting and non-discriminately the public views information given to them in the media, pure face value with little to no second thought. Either I completely missed the point in history when national news media earned this credibility, or it's more about outrage for outrage's sake.

The question of whether we have all the facts, or that what we have been given is even true or accurate, is nonexistent. Critical thinking in modern society is dying a slow, sad death.

lol kid is 4


we r dumb thanks obamedia

What facts are you arguing for that would mitigate the amount of times he hit his four year old with a stick to the point where the imagery we've seen of his child's injured body makes some semblance of sense to a moderate mind?

Poor celebrities.
The question of whether we have all the facts, or that what we have been given is even true or accurate, is nonexistent. Critical thinking in modern society is dying a slow, sad death.

What facts are you arguing for that would mitigate the amount of times he hit his four year old with a stick to the point where the imagery we've seen of his child's injured body makes some semblance of sense to a moderate mind?

Also, unsure why NaturalHigh put abuse in quotes earlier.


hide your water-based mammals
I get it. But no one knows AP's intentions here. And if he was mad he could be thinking irrational and it caused him to do this. Totally inexcusable you are right. But now he will know. You guys know what mistakes are right? Let's give him some punishment but you can't just assume he is a horrible human being.
I agree. He should speak publicly about this though as he had a little bit too much old school bravado here in his disciplinary method.


He pretty much confirmed in the texts that he accidentally hit him in the thigh & scrotum area when he was hitting him on his backside.

The actions the NFL are taking solely from the media reactions is pathetic. This wasn't child abuse, that was an accident. Without twitter & the talking heads at ESPN, they would have evaluated the situation & gave the punishment they felt instead of knee jerk reactions.

If anything more little misbehaving brats need a good spanking from their parents.
The worst type of people I meet in my life never have any disciple or punishment when they were kids. They just ran wild & grew up into the type of people they became.

You must really hate children.
Do what again? Be 4 years old? I'm sure the kid was taught a valuable lesson

You caught me. I am not a parent. Do we know what the kid did to receive this potential abuse?

It'll sway my opinion drastically if it is something totally trivial. No matter what it was it didn't deserve this at all. I just think it was a matter of AP being ignorant to physical discipline and going way too overboard.


You caught me. I am not a parent. Do we know what the kid did to receive this potential abuse?

It'll sway my opinion drastically if it is something totally trivial. No matter what it was it didn't deserve this at all. I just think it was a matter of AP being ignorant to physical discipline and going way too overboard.

He pushed another one of Peterson's sons (so one of his brothers) off one of those motorcycle arcade games.
Because if you give him 12 lacerations, he'll learn, but 9 or 10 or 11? Nope.

must be a lucky number then.

I get it. But no one knows AP's intentions here. And if he was mad he could be thinking irrational and it caused him to do this. Totally inexcusable you are right. But now he will know. You guys know what mistakes are right? Let's give him some punishment but you can't just assume he is a horrible human being.

No excuses. No mistakes when it comes to abusing your children. This goes beyond a normal spanking or "punishment". I can assume he is a terrible human being for leaving the marks that he did on a fucking four year old.
Also, unsure why NaturalHigh put abuse in quotes earlier.

It was my initial too much defense force. I just found out about all this but I am going through the details. I would agree this is abuse but I would just like to know more details before I hate another NFL player. There aren't many left :(
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