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The NFL's nightmare week continues: Adrian Peterson indicted for child abuse

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He pretty much confirmed in the texts that he accidentally hit him in the thigh & scrotum area when he was hitting him on his backside.

The actions the NFL are taking solely from the media reactions is pathetic. This wasn't child abuse, that was an accident. Without twitter & the talking heads at ESPN, they would have evaluated the situation & gave the punishment they felt instead of knee jerk reactions.

If anything more little misbehaving brats need a good spanking from their parents.

The worst type of people I meet in my life never have any disciple or punishment when they were kids. They just ran wild & grew up into the type of people they became.

To be fair I always expected a post like this from you. Thank you for confirming my suspicions.

P.S. look up the word recklessness in relation to legal charges in your spare time.
I don't want to live in a proto-fascist society that tells you how to raise your kid.
AP was in his rights to punish his kid as he saw fit when he saw him acting out like that.


Answer the fucking question that has been posed to you not only by myself but others as well: Did you see the pictures?

I'd rather live in what you think is a "proto-fascist" society if it meant people like you couldn't hit kids.


You caught me. I am not a parent. Do we know what the kid did to receive this potential abuse?

It'll sway my opinion drastically if it is something totally trivial. No matter what it was it didn't deserve this at all. I just think it was a matter of AP being ignorant to physical discipline and going way too overboard.

Do you realize how asinine this is.

Here let me explain to you what the kid did - be 4 years old.
I don't want to live in a proto-fascist society that tells you how to raise your kid.
AP was in his rights to punish his kid as he saw fit when he saw him acting out like that.

Unsure what proto-fascism you think is descending upon the country as a result of people seeing and speaking out against what a grown man did to his four year old son after a teachable moment regarding sharing and waiting your turn.

Again - have you actually looked at what he did to the kid or are you just going off his texts?
must be a lucky number then.

No excuses. No mistakes when it comes to abusing your children. This goes beyond a normal spanking or "punishment". I can assume he is a terrible human being for leaving the marks that he did on a fucking four year old.

Yeah. Definitely I would hate myself if I did this shit. But then again I am not a type quick to anger. AP needs some therapy or something FOR SURE.

He pushed another one of Peterson's sons (so one of his brothers) off one of those motorcycle arcade games.

Lol, wow. Okay. Yeah unless the son pushed the other one into a pit of spikes then this is fucked up and justice needs to be served on AP.

Damn, AP. I wanted to believe in you but just teach your kid how to share. Ban him from arcades for a month. Jesus...physical abuse for this? Wow.

I am on the child abuse side, now. Carry on, GAF. Sorry as I had to collect more details.

Do you realize how asinine this is.

Here let me explain to you what the kid did - be 4 years old.

I do not know what 4 year olds are capable of. Pardon my ignorance. What if your 4 year old son punched a girl? I am being serious here. What is the appropriate discipline to make sure they understand how bad it is?
I don't want to live in a proto-fascist society that tells you how to raise your kid.
AP was in his rights to punish his kid as he saw fit when he saw him acting out like that.


This thread keeps delivering. You heard it here first folks, it's fucking fascist to have society have a moral objection to beating the shit out of a four year old.
No person should have the right to tell a parent how to discipline their child.

This isn't axiomatic. In fact, following that statement to its logical conclusion allows for basic violations of human rights against members of our society least prepared to deal with such abuses.

"No person should have the right to tell a parent how to discipline their child" allows for a wide range of psychologically and physically harmful punishments to be meted out on people who literally have yet to develop the cognitive ability to truly understand what's being done to them.


I do not know what 4 year olds are capable of. Pardon my ignorance. What if your 4 year old son punched a girl? I am being serious here. What is the appropriate discipline to make sure they understand how bad it is?

According to your logic, the correct punishment should be to obviously punch the 4 year old in the face 12 times. Since I'm a softy... I'll only punch him twice.

Let me teach my kid to be non-violent with violence! Brilliant. You should write a book.

Answer the fucking question that has been posed to you not only by myself but others as well: Did you see the pictures?

I'd rather live in what you think is a "proto-fascist" society if it meant people like you couldn't hit kids.

I'm pretty sure the laws of this country disagree.
Parents hitting their children in discipline & not out of malice or anger is not consider child abuse by any state law as far as I know.
Parents hitting their children in discipline & not out of malice or anger is not consider child abuse by any state law as far as I know.

Two direct questions. they're not traps, or set-ups or anything like that. I just honestly want to know.

1) Have you looked at those images?
2) Is this some sort of role-playing thing that you're doing?
Do we know what Ray Rice's wife did to receive her potential abuse?

Oh come on. Ray Rice punched a girl in the face over nothing. We saw it. The cases are similar but I think AP is a little more forgivable ASSUMING somehow we prove he just doesn't understand how physical hitting a little kid with a stick can be. Both cases are forms of anger management issues.

You have to understand my side of it. Hitting a woman...never...nope. Hitting a kid....well give me the details. But again I am not a parent and do not know anything about raising a 4 year old. But I would never resort to this type of shit over anything. AP is definitely in the wrong here.

I think the worst case of the shit going on in the NFL right now is the Greg Hardy shit. That dude should not be playing. What he did is WAY worse than Rice but since we don't have a video to outrage the people the dude just keeps playing. So ridiculous.


Hey y'all maybe I'm crazy but "open wounds" probably crosses the line from discipline into child abuse

That's just me though


I'm pretty sure the laws of this country disagree.
Parents hitting their children in discipline & not out of malice or anger is not consider child abuse by any state law as far as I know.

I'm guessing this is the law he's charged with violating:

TX Stats said:
Sec. 22.04. INJURY TO A CHILD, ELDERLY INDIVIDUAL, OR DISABLED INDIVIDUAL. (a) A person commits an offense if he intentionally, knowingly, recklessly, or with criminal negligence, by act or intentionally, knowingly, or recklessly by omission, causes to a child, elderly individual, or disabled individual:
(1) serious bodily injury;
(2) serious mental deficiency, impairment, or injury; or
(3) bodily injury.

which as far as I can tell is a felony. I don't know the case law, but it seems like it's a crime. The worst part about it seems like the description of open wounds by the doctors in Eden Prairie, since I'm not sure bruises would necessarily amount to bodily injury unless they were extensive. I'm also curious what Peterson's relationship with the mother is, if it's somewhat antagonistic, etc. just for the purposes of any future trial or hearings.
Again and again and again, have you seen the pictures of what he did in the name of "discipline"?

If someone "disciplined" you in this way it would be battery.

I didn't look at the picture until now because the way people were describing it, I was expecting his kid to be a bloody pulp.
The picture shows his thighs having welts/bruising from the a switch. Which is what using a switch looks like.
There seems to be scabs from some blood that occurred, which probably meant he hit too hard.


Oh come on. Ray Rice punched a girl in the face over nothing. We saw it. The cases are similar but I think AP is a little more forgivable ASSUMING somehow we prove he just doesn't understand how physical hitting a little kid with a stick can be. Both cases are forms of anger management issues.

You have to understand my side of it. Hitting a woman...never...nope. Hitting a kid....well give me the details. But again I am not a parent and do not know anything about raising a 4 year old. But I would never resort to this type of shit over anything. AP is definitely in the wrong here.

I think the worst case of the shit going on in the NFL right now is the Greg Hardy shit. That dude should not be playing. What he did is WAY worse than Rice but since we don't have a video to outrage the people the dude just keeps playing. So ridiculous.

Whatever logic you used to come up with this principal is seriously flawed and insanely fucked up.

Also, those pics were taken a week, A WEEK, after the beatings.
I didn't look at the picture until now


There seems to be scabs from some blood that occurred, which probably meant he hit too hard.

Well... who are you to say he hit too hard?

(also, blood didn't just "occur.")

You have to understand my side of it. Hitting a woman...never...nope. Hitting a kid....well give me the details.

Man, you had your out a couple posts above. You should have taken that offramp.
Oh come on. Ray Rice punched a girl in the face over nothing. We saw it. The cases are similar but I think AP is a little more forgivable ASSUMING somehow we prove he just doesn't understand how physical hitting a little kid with a stick can be. Both cases are forms of anger management issues.

You have to understand my side of it. Hitting a woman...never...nope. Hitting a kid....well give me the details. But again I am not a parent and do not know anything about raising a 4 year old. But I would never resort to this type of shit over anything. AP is definitely in the wrong here.

I think the worst case of the shit going on in the NFL right now is the Greg Hardy shit. That dude should not be playing. What he did is WAY worse than Rice but since we don't have a video to outrage the people the dude just keeps playing. So ridiculous.

What the fuck dude?
I'm guessing this is the law he's charged with violating:

which as far as I can tell is a felony. I don't know the case law, but it seems like it's a crime. The worst part about it seems like the description of open wounds by the doctors in Eden Prairie, since I'm not sure bruises would necessarily amount to bodily injury unless they were extensive. I'm also curious what Peterson's relationship with the mother is, if it's somewhat antagonistic, etc. just for the purposes of any future trial or hearings.

Well looking up state laws on spanking

[Texas Statutes]

Abuse does not include reasonable discipline by a parent/guardian/managing or possessory conservator if child not exposed to substantial risk of harm. Family Code § 261.001. [Civil Code] Parent/stepparent/person standing in loco parentis to child is justified to use non-deadly force against a child under 18 when and to degree the actor reasonably believes necessary to discipline, or safeguard or promote child's welfare. Penal § 9.61. [Criminal Code]
Oh come on. Ray Rice punched a girl in the face over nothing. We saw it. The cases are similar but I think AP is a little more forgivable ASSUMING somehow we prove he just doesn't understand how physical hitting a little kid with a stick can be. Both cases are forms of anger management issues.

You have to understand my side of it. Hitting a woman...never...nope. Hitting a kid....well give me the details. But again I am not a parent and do not know anything about raising a 4 year old. But I would never resort to this type of shit over anything. AP is definitely in the wrong here.

I think the worst case of the shit going on in the NFL right now is the Greg Hardy shit. That dude should not be playing. What he did is WAY worse than Rice but since we don't have a video to outrage the people the dude just keeps playing. So ridiculous.

Oh come on. Ray Rice punched a girl in the face over nothing. We saw it. The cases are similar but I think AP is a little more forgivable ASSUMING somehow we prove he just doesn't understand how physical hitting a little kid with a stick can be. Both cases are forms of anger management issues.

You have to understand my side of it. Hitting a woman...never...nope. Hitting a kid....well give me the details. But again I am not a parent and do not know anything about raising a 4 year old. But I would never resort to this type of shit over anything. AP is definitely in the wrong here.

I think the worst case of the shit going on in the NFL right now is the Greg Hardy shit. That dude should not be playing. What he did is WAY worse than Rice but since we don't have a video to outrage the people the dude just keeps playing. So ridiculous.

According to your logic, the correct punishment should be to obviously punch the 4 year old in the face 12 times. Since I'm a softy... I'll only punch him twice.

Let me teach my kid to be non-violent with violence! Brilliant. You should write a book.

I didn't say he should punch the kid in the face. If I had a kid that did this I would definitely whip him. What are you going to do show him some videos on domestic violence or tell him the story of how it ruined Ray Rice's career?

I have no idea where you got that 'using my logic' would lead to punching the kid in the face.


I didn't say he should punch the kid in the face. If I had a kid that did this I would definitely whip him. What are you going to do show him some videos on domestic violence or tell him the story of how it ruined Ray Rice's career?

I have no idea where you got that 'using my logic' would lead to punching the kid in the face.

Friend, for your sake...just stop.
I didn't look at the picture until now because the way people were describing it, I was expecting his kid to be a bloody pulp.
The picture shows his thighs having welts/bruising from the a switch. Which is what using a switch looks like.
There seems to be scabs from some blood that occurred, which probably meant he hit too hard.

Wait, so you've been saying all this and under the assumption that the kid had been beaten to a "bloody pulp"?
Hitting a kid = physical discipline you all.

Let the dog pile continue though. I have witness this a 1000 times. First time I have been on the bottom.

Trying to have a conversation here. You can help me understand your all's perspective and teach me like you always do or you can quote me for two pages and try and make me feel a monster. Your call.

Friend, for your sake...just stop.


I'll take my out. Forgive me lord, mods. Wasn't really trying to get everyone going this crazy. Just trying to understand. No more posts from me. Sorry guys. I'm usually a good boy.
Hitting a kid = physical discipline you all.

Let the dog pile continue though. I have witness this a 1000 times. First time I have been on the bottom.

Trying to have a conversation here. You can help me understand your all's perspective and teach me like you always do or you can quote me for two pages and try and make me feel a monster. Your call.

I'ts not my or anyone's responsibility to teach you common sense.


I didn't look at the picture until now because the way people were describing it, I was expecting his kid to be a bloody pulp.
The picture shows his thighs having welts/bruising from the a switch. Which is what using a switch looks like.
There seems to be scabs from some blood that occurred, which probably meant he hit too hard.

Just out of curiosity, are you ok if I whip the shit out of you with a switch?

the exceptions in the law you just provided don't seem to apply to what Adrian Peterson did to his child. And that's probably why he got indicted, so that argument can be made in a court of law.

Your own admission that you think the "occurrence" of blood as a result of Peterson's "hitting him too hard" could probably be seen as an argument that Peterson was not promoting the child's welfare, as stated in the law you just quoted.

Wait, so you've been saying all this and under the assumption that the kid had been beaten to a "bloody pulp"?

Yeah, that was...

Basically, he's admitting he didn't want to have his day ruined by having to look at a bloodied, pulped four-year old, while simultaneously arguing that it was perfectly within Peterson's rights as a parent to do that to his child - if that's what he did.

Tom Penny

Based on GAF I would have been raised an orphan because my parents would have been in jail my entire childhood for the occasions I deserved the belt.


Hitting a kid = physical discipline you all.

Let the dog pile continue though. I have witness this a 1000 times. First time I have been on the bottom.

Trying to have a conversation here. You can help me understand your all's perspective and teach me like you always do or you can quote me for two pages and try and make me feel a monster. Your call.

Man, you must be young because I would typically respond with hyperbolic bullshit like well hitting a woman must be discipline too!

But, I don't want to make you feel like a monster. Hopefully, you can see how flawed your logic is. Hitting a kid = discipline is not a statement you should make because it blankets the whole conversation and puts you in a spot where now every case of hitting a kid is discipline...which I hope you understand is simply not true. Look at those pictures, if you want to be a good person it shouldn't be difficult to ascertain abuse vs. the form of discipline you are imagining. Also remember, kids fuck up and violence isn't always the best teaching tool although it may be the easiest. I'm not saying its always inappropriate, I was beat, but it needs to be assessed and managed because after a certain point it is more destructive than constructive.


I'm not against spankings but my parents never spanked me to the point to where i was bleeding from open wounds. What AP did was fucked up if true.


Yeah there is an obvious difference in how people were raised around here.

This was an accident for sure but I'm not shocked or anything. Seen and have had worse done... I deserved it too on retrospect



Actually, yeah I guess if this is abuse, then this

TX Stats said:
Sec. 261.001. DEFINITIONS. In this chapter:
(1) "Abuse" includes the following acts or omissions by a person:
(C) physical injury that results in substantial harm to the child, or the genuine threat of substantial harm from physical injury to the child, including an injury that is at variance with the history or explanation given and excluding an accident or reasonable discipline by a parent, guardian, or managing or possessory conservator that does not expose the child to a substantial risk of harm;

Is probably more relevant than what I posted earlier. But like I said, I don't know the case law or anything else building on this section.
Man, you must be young because I would typically respond with hyperbolic bullshit like well hitting a woman must be discipline too!

But, I don't want to make you feel like a monster. Hopefully, you can see how flawed your logic is. Hitting a kid = discipline is not a statement you should make because it blankets the whole conversation and puts you in a spot where now every case of hitting a kid is discipline...which I hope you understand is simply not true.

Makes sense. I misused my words. I apologize. Any kind of abuse is bad but I am okay with disciplining a kid appropriately. That is my final say.

Sorry for the upheaval, I had a couple of Octoberfest beers earlier.

Carry on, GAF. Please don't hate me.

Edit: Oh, and I am 26. So not too young. I'm not a bad person though. GAF teaches me better every day. I will ask for your all's approval before I decide to have a baby! Just to be safe, lol. I am going to go play Diablo. This beating from GAF has me wore out.
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