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The Official E-Cigarette Thread Of F#ck Analog Cigarettes


Just bought this bad boy


The first e-cig I've ever owned. Pretty pleased with my purchase.


my button on my copper stingray has been getting extremely hot as of recently. never had this happen before on this mod. so hot that i need to let off the switch immediately. anyone know what gives? im gonna give the mod a thorough cleaning right now.


I got some 12 mg blueberry flavored juice. The store I bought from only carried one brand (Blk) it seemed so if you guys have any recommendations I'm going to look into ordering some other kinds.
New to vaping figured I'd share my story..

After smoking for almost 20 years and around 5-6 packs a week I decided to pick up an E-Cig kit over Memorial Day weekend..I got an ITaste (I think that's it) and a couple juices..No real intention of quitting smoking but figured what the hell.

Slowly but surely I was down to two packs a week, then one, and now it's 10 days without a cigarette..I'm frankly shocked I like vaping so much.

Picked up a bigger tank which was nice..Love the Summer Tea flavor and the store's own blend (according to the clerk) of Blueberry Lemonade...

I'm just not sure how I'll get off the e-cig as I like it so much and use it all the time..I use it a lot more than I used regular cigarettes..On a 12ml nicotine level..No more phelm in the morning..Feel better, no cough, no smell..I can smell better..In general it's just awesome!

Overall, loving e-cigs after roughly 1.5 months!!!


Does e-cig GAF typically stick to the juice vendors listed in the OP? Or does everyone just do their own thing? Just curious as there doesn't seem to be much consensus in terms of a 'cream of the crop' for juice shops on the internet.

Personally, I buy a ton of the 'Hush' flavor from gotvapes. It's wonderful and plays nice with kits. It has been my goto everyday flavor and I have yet to find anything to supplant it. If anyone has any recommendations for good all day flavors please let me know.

In general I stick to fruit flavored vapes as they seem to be the easiest to get right. Flavors that have cream-based flavors taste bad to me, and I stay away from tobacco flavored juice. Menthol-based flavors are cool though. I was vaping a blueberry menthol flavor from a local shop for a few months.

Pete Rock

I'm just not sure how I'll get off the e-cig as I like it so much and use it all the time..I use it a lot more than I used regular cigarettes..On a 12ml nicotine level..No more phelm in the morning..Feel better, no cough, no smell..I can smell better..In general it's just awesome
Congratulations, that is a huge accomplishment! I think we all reach the same point, but for me I just stopped caring about getting "off" the nicotine. You can step it down to 6mg and then 0 but unless you have a medical condition that is exacerbated by nicotine then I see basically zero problems with regular vaping.

Once you have a few months between you and the cigarettes and some of the damage has been repaired, I think it it is more beneficial to start becoming a healthier person in other ways ie some combination of cardio, strength training and an improved diet than it is to quit ingesting nicotine entirely. But that's just my opinion and experience.
Okay, so now I have too much patina on this copper mod.

What do you guys use to clean your copper mods? I saw Cape Cod clothes on Amazon. Is there another option with something I may have around the house?


Does e-cig GAF typically stick to the juice vendors listed in the OP? Or does everyone just do their own thing? Just curious as there doesn't seem to be much consensus in terms of a 'cream of the crop' for juice shops on the internet.

Personally, I buy a ton of the 'Hush' flavor from gotvapes. It's wonderful and plays nice with kits. It has been my goto everyday flavor and I have yet to find anything to supplant it. If anyone has any recommendations for good all day flavors please let me know.

In general I stick to fruit flavored vapes as they seem to be the easiest to get right. Flavors that have cream-based flavors taste bad to me, and I stay away from tobacco flavored juice. Menthol-based flavors are cool though. I was vaping a blueberry menthol flavor from a local shop for a few months.

i try to stay away from buying juice off of the net simply because i cant try it before i buy it. taste is always going to be subjective. whenever a new juice gets hyped here locally, there have been many times that ive tried it and didnt care for it at all. but for fruity,my suggestions would be beast mode by modders choice, bettie white by uncle junks, rise by ruthless, and any of the bamskilicious line of juices.
So what's the deal with my juice turning brown?

There isn't any change in taste, but I've noticed after I put in a new coil/wicks that the juice will turn from clearish/yellow to a darker brown in a few days.

I'm refilling as I go, but even if I completely empty the tank and refill it, in a few hours of use it turns brown again.

I've asked around people said it's the nicotine turning brown due to being heated, and also that my coil is dirty and leaching into the juice..No one said it was a problem, but the responses were inconsistent, imo..

I don't know what to believe..


So what's the deal with my juice turning brown?

There isn't any change in taste, but I've noticed after I put in a new coil/wicks that the juice will turn from clearish/yellow to a darker brown in a few days.

I'm refilling as I go, but even if I completely empty the tank and refill it, in a few hours of use it turns brown again.

I've asked around people said it's the nicotine turning brown due to being heated, and also that my coil is dirty and leaching into the juice..No one said it was a problem, but the responses were inconsistent, imo..

I don't know what to believe..
I've had the same problem but only with certain juices. I always figured they were using low quality base for their juice. Idk. The more expensive stuff doesn't seem to do that as frequently.
Got some goodies in the mail today.


These two together are an incredible vape that blows away everything I've tried so far. It's gotta be the Nautilus.

Pete Rock

I've asked around people said it's the nicotine turning brown due to being heated, and also that my coil is dirty and leaching into the juice..No one said it was a problem, but the responses were inconsistent
It's a little bit of both, including general oxidation. But it's generally gunk from the coil and a little residual heat.

I am in love with this Pillow Dreams from VV, vaped 4ml per day the last like week straight lol marshmallow in mah veinsss


Jut had some lady at my work tell me that "lots" of people have told her these were worse than regular cigarettes! As she smoked a regular cigarette....ugh.
I've had my first RDA (helios) and mech mod (nemesis) for about 2 weeks now. Im not completely sure how I feel about it yet. I find myself feeling more attached to my MVP2 because I don't have to constantly refill like with the mod and I REALLY don't want to find myself with no e-cig when im out and about. I only use the mod when I'm at home but I definitely like that you get better flavor out of it and the fact that it's much "smoother". I don't even know if I want to keep it at this point. Have any of you guys had trouble adapting to a mod?


No one said you had to stick with a dripper on a much mod. Try out some tanks or attys with deep juice wells. I'd recommend a magma maybe. Flavor is great and it holds a ton of juice. Air flow is a bit lacking though imo.
sorry the picture stinks

dual 18650 DNA device. design was 3d printed. soldered and put together by me. colored by my 5 year old, then given 2 coats of polyurethane


took 1.5 hours to completely put together. the device is the same height as the hana mod, actually smaller in width, and only slightly deeper. much smaller than it appears in the picture

i'll post a side by side with the hana tomorrow
I've had my first RDA (helios) and mech mod (nemesis) for about 2 weeks now. Im not completely sure how I feel about it yet. I find myself feeling more attached to my MVP2 because I don't have to constantly refill like with the mod and I REALLY don't want to find myself with no e-cig when im out and about. I only use the mod when I'm at home but I definitely like that you get better flavor out of it and the fact that it's much "smoother". I don't even know if I want to keep it at this point. Have any of you guys had trouble adapting to a mod?

One of the main appeals of mechanicals is how sleek and sexy they look. That being said, it needs to be able to adapt to your lifestyle.

I rarely ever take a dripper out and about with me, I just drip at home. Get yourself an RTA like the Kayfun or Russian that you can build and take out with you and won't have to worry about leakage and refilling.

You can also go and get yourself a kick so you can run whatever it is that you like on your MVP on the mech.

sorry the picture stinks

dual 18650 DNA device. design was 3d printed. soldered and put together by me. colored by my 5 year old, then given 2 coats of polyurethane


took 1.5 hours to completely put together. the device is the same height as the hana mod, actually smaller in width, and only slightly deeper. much smaller than it appears in the picture

i'll post a side by side with the hana tomorrow

That's awesome.


You can swing by the Ecig Thread for some deeper discussion.

How important is size of ecig to you? (devices the size of cigarettes don't perform pretty well. Getting into something about the size of a highlighter/cigar would be ideal.)

The size doesn´t matter as does the price.

It has to be super convenient, I don´t want to have to deal with some sort of liquid.


I'm on day 63 without a cigarette. Never thought I'd do it; tried patches, pills etc etc.

It's keeping my hands busy that's a problem, particularly when driving. In this instance, e-cigs have been a God-send.

I originally bought a cig lookalike type job, which was woeful. Battery was awful, vapor was nasty and generally utterly unsatisfying.

So I went about reading around, and ended up buying Volcano's Inferno starter kit.

I love it to be honest, I'm not interested in the mod side of things because the plan is to wein myself off the nicotine (currently on 8mg liquid, started on 16mg), however the atomizers annoy me slightly. I'm on my third one since I bought it (good job you get three spares); is that about right? Any replacements that are better? I've changed one yesterday and the vapor is so much better; I just wish it was like that all the time.
The size doesn´t matter as does the price.

It has to be super convenient, I don´t want to have to deal with some sort of liquid.

Well you need liquid if you want to use an electronic cigarette.

Or do you mean you dont want to deal with constantly refilling it?

I'm on day 63 without a cigarette. Never thought I'd do it; tried patches, pills etc etc.

It's keeping my hands busy that's a problem, particularly when driving. In this instance, e-cigs have been a God-send.

I originally bought a cig lookalike type job, which was woeful. Battery was awful, vapor was nasty and generally utterly unsatisfying.

So I went about reading around, and ended up buying Volcano's Inferno starter kit.

I love it to be honest, I'm not interested in the mod side of things because the plan is to wein myself off the nicotine (currently on 8mg liquid, started on 16mg), however the atomizers annoy me slightly. I'm on my third one since I bought it (good job you get three spares); is that about right? Any replacements that are better? I've changed one yesterday and the vapor is so much better; I just wish it was like that all the time.

Looks like the Volcano uses the industry standard 510 connection. So you can buy any kind of "clearomizer" for it.

I'd recommend the Kanger EVOD or for something with adjustable airflow and holds a lot more juice the Kanger Aerotank Mega.

These will last you longer and be better quality than the one that came with your inferno.


I'm on day 63 without a cigarette. Never thought I'd do it; tried patches, pills etc etc.

It's keeping my hands busy that's a problem, particularly when driving. In this instance, e-cigs have been a God-send.

I originally bought a cig lookalike type job, which was woeful. Battery was awful, vapor was nasty and generally utterly unsatisfying.

So I went about reading around, and ended up buying Volcano's Inferno starter kit.

I love it to be honest, I'm not interested in the mod side of things because the plan is to wein myself off the nicotine (currently on 8mg liquid, started on 16mg), however the atomizers annoy me slightly. I'm on my third one since I bought it (good job you get three spares); is that about right? Any replacements that are better? I've changed one yesterday and the vapor is so much better; I just wish it was like that all the time.
Looks like a standard ego connection. Keep the battery, but I would recommend upgrading to a Protank Mini, or a Kanger Aerotank Mini. They'll look and perform much better than that clearomiser you're using.


Well you need liquid if you want to use an electronic cigarette.

Or do you mean you dont want to deal with constantly refilling it?

Looks like the Volcano uses the industry standard 510 connection. So you can buy any kind of "clearomizer" for it.

I'd recommend the Kanger EVOD or for something with adjustable airflow and holds a lot more juice the Kanger Aerotank Mega.

These will last you longer and be better quality than the one that came with your inferno.

The refilling part is what seems annoying to me.
Refilling depends on how much you smoke and how big of a tank that you get on the clearomizer that you chose to purchase. I have stuff that takes me a few days to get through before I have to refill it.

Check the OP for the most current suggestions.

You'll basically need a Battery, Battery Charger, Clearomizer (Thing you refill and screw onto battery), and liquid.


Looks like a standard ego connection. Keep the battery, but I would recommend upgrading to a Protank Mini, or a Kanger Aerotank Mini. They'll look and perform much better than that clearomiser you're using.

Thanks for the suggestions, I'll have a look around what's available and have a look on the UK sites listed in the OP.


Refilling depends on how much you smoke and how big of a tank that you get on the clearomizer that you chose to purchase. I have stuff that takes me a few days to get through before I have to refill it.

Check the OP for the most current suggestions.

You'll basically need a Battery, Battery Charger, Clearomizer (Thing you refill and screw onto battery), and liquid.

Thank you - will check.


been looking into trying rayon myself. loved my first zenith so much i picked up 2nd zenith with copper afc ring to match the paragon clone coming in tomorrow. and my black/brass magma from ebay that has been giving me problems ever since i got it finally broke. piece of shit. checked ebay again and found out that infinite came out with a black v2 magma. bought with the quickness.

Pete Rock

dual 18650 DNA device. design was 3d printed. soldered and put together by me. colored by my 5 year old, then given 2 coats of polyurethane
This is amazing, thank you for sharing! I think this is the most legit awesome "personal" mod anyone could have.

finally got to try out rayon as a wicking material. man, i'm definitely sold
Hmm awesome first I have heard of this! Maybe I'll give it a try next rebuild or when I run out of the ekowool. Thanks for the heads up!
my zenith with the 10 AFC rings and 9 drip tips arrived yesterday. pretty good RDA that one. really impressed with the look

i knew the flavor wouldnt be as good as the magma but i was expecting more room for builds in the square posts. i can't even fit a single mundy magic coil in it. its not something I run all the time but i thought i could do a dual coil. just not the case

thanks Pete. I vape exclusively at the 30W max so dual 18650 had a big appeal for me. this device is the exact height of the hana mod, shorter width, and only about 12-15% deeper. i knew once i started building higher wattage box mods I wouldn't use this device nearly as much. i figured if it was personalized in this fashion it would completely remove the desire to sell it to another individual.

the battery life is so much better than an 18650 that I might just use this any time im not home and use the higher wattage boxes while at home
I'm over mech mods for the most part, I've sold most of my collection the past 2 weeks. All I have left is a SS Panzer, the AOC Copper Panzer, and a Vapetech Pegasus left and I'm planning on selling the Pegasus asap. I got a Stingray X clone coming in this week though.

After getting my Cloupor Cana and seeing how comfortable it is, I honestly just want box mods, particularly the high wattage box mods. I'm on a buy for the Sigelei 100 watt right now.


its done. okr-t10 50 watt


inside the box


work in progress


Found some sites from reddit that cover similar setups. Mind posting the link or list of what you used? How do you like it? I have the ego battery and kanger protank mini 2. It does well but if the maintenance of something like this is cheaper in the long run or the clouds are fantastic I might give it a shot.


Found some sites from reddit that cover similar setups. Mind posting the link or list of what you used? How do you like it? I have the ego battery and kanger protank mini 2. It does well but if the maintenance of something like this is cheaper in the long run or the clouds are fantastic I might give it a shot.
That's a pretty big leap. These guys might know better, but I would have thought you might want to experiment with mechanical mods and rebuildables first.
is the Kanger EVOD 2 a good ecig? I've had a Green Smoke for the past 3 years but I've barely used it because it sucks (poor battery life, bad taste, expensive, etc...) and I've gone back to smoking cigs because the Green Smoke is so bad

anyone have a Kanger EVOD 2? should I buy one?
is the Kanger EVOD 2 a good ecig? I've had a Green Smoke for the past 3 years but I've barely used it because it sucks (poor battery life, bad taste, expensive, etc...) and I've gone back to smoking cigs because the Green Smoke is so bad

anyone have a Kanger EVOD 2? should I buy one?

Its good. I do prefer the original EVOD, but the EVOD 2 is still good.

What battery will you be using with it?

Double D

So I'm currently using a MVP 2 with a Protank 2 fitted with a 2.5 ohm atomizer. For starters, I feel like I can't crank this thing up nearly as much as I should be able to. But the main issue I'm having is leakage.

The juice I've got is 100% VG, so I was getting burnt hits with the standard setting, but removing 1 flavor wick gives me leakage.

Basically what I want is a badass tank that can handle thicker juices as well as being able to crank up the voltage and/or wattage without getting the burnt taste. Does such a thing exist?


So I'm currently using a MVP 2 with a Protank 2 fitted with a 2.5 ohm atomizer. For starters, I feel like I can't crank this thing up nearly as much as I should be able to. But the main issue I'm having is leakage.

The juice I've got is 100% VG, so I was getting burnt hits with the standard setting, but removing 1 flavor wick gives me leakage.

Basically what I want is a badass tank that can handle thicker juices as well as being able to crank up the voltage and/or wattage without getting the burnt taste. Does such a thing exist?
Try the Kanger Aerotank (Mega). I've never had any problems with it, whereas the Protank gave me proverbial headaches after about an hour and a half.

Double D

Yeah, it does. But the heads are at least compatible with every other Kanger tank on the market. They're available in 0.9, 1.0, 1.5 and 2 Ohms, so have a play. I love my Mega.

Ok so those heads would work on the Protank 2? Just wondering if the different head would solve my issue rather than replacing the whole tank.


Ok so those heads would work on the Protank 2? Just wondering if the different head would solve my issue rather than replacing the whole tank.
Edit: Brain fart. I completely forgot that Kanger made the Protank. Yeah, they should work. But for what it's worth, the aerotanks perform better than the Protank in my experience.
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