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The Official Grand Theft Auto IV thread: The World Is Yours

PepsimanVsJoe said:
I don't think it really matters, just do every mission that's available to you. It's not like GTA3 where you can do certain strings and end up killing off/ubruptedly ending a number of missions.

Major spoiler
It should also be noted that the last mission for Dwayne/Playboy X comes down to a simple choice.

Yeah, I had heard.
I just wanted to make sure that I didn't miss out on either of their missions by starting the one that ends in that...choice.


In the first
Playboy X
mission you're supposed to use one of them elevators to ride up on a roof. So far I've only encountered that one, and it's a cool thing. Does other large buildings in the game have these kinds of elevators, or is that the only one?


PepsimanVsJoe said:
I was quoting from another forum. *shrug*
I appreciate you giving my day meaning though.

My score is hovering on a 7 out of 10 BTW.

o, that changes everything actually, thought you were bumping your post to get attention or something. my apologies


Junior Member
BenjaminBirdie said:
Yeah, I had heard.
I just wanted to make sure that I didn't miss out on either of their missions by starting the one that ends in that...choice.

Kill Playboy though. You get his mansion;).
Jel0man said:
Kill Playboy though. You get his mansion;).

I was going to do that anyway. Marlo v. Avon? Avon always wins. (X isn't quite Stringer Bell, otherwise he'd have won. Actually, shit. Dwayne is 100% Cutty. So of course Dwayne wins.) ;D


Jel0man said:
Just the main story. I haven't completed any other missions yet. There was one freaky mission though, where I had to shoot someone who was about to take off in a helicopter. The helicopter pad was above a tunnel, and I accidentally drove in there, and when I realized I had gone in the wrong direction the guy had escaped, resulting in a mission faillure. I got no notice of that however, nor could I retry the mission.
That's an "Assassin" mission (target reticule on the minimap), they aren't part of the main story line. I think it's more like 90 'real' story missions total. I had done 92 missions when I finished the game.
Another question. When will more save points be available? I'm getting tired of driving long distances just to save a game. Even calling for a cab and skipping the ride can be annoying.
BenjaminBirdie said:
I was going to do that anyway. Marlo v. Avon? Avon always wins. (X isn't quite Stringer Bell, otherwise he'd have won. Actually, shit. Dwayne is 100% Cutty. So of course Dwayne wins.) ;D
getting friendly with dwayne also gets you a nice perk;)
Boy, I'm just starting on the McCreary missions and the X/Dwayne missions and they're quickly becoming way more involved than a simple, "Sit down and play for 20 minutes" type mission.


Started driving in first-person after hearing Ryan mention it working well on the new 1UP Show. It really does seem to go with the new car physics. Negotiating corners is much, much easier now.


Jason's Ultimatum said:
Another question. When will more save points be available? I'm getting tired of driving long distances just to save a game. Even calling for a cab and skipping the ride can be annoying.

It autosaves after every mission/date


BenjaminBirdie said:
I was going to do that anyway. Marlo v. Avon? Avon always wins. (X isn't quite Stringer Bell, otherwise he'd have won. Actually, shit. Dwayne is 100% Cutty. So of course Dwayne wins.) ;D

haha. Funny you bring up The Wire. All the missions where I have to kill someone I give them a signature "Wire" headshot.
I caught X coming around the corner when he ran from me and got him point blank on the side on the head. He just dropped.

I love this game.
Zep said:
haha. Funny you bring up The Wire. All the missions where I have to kill someone I give them a signature "Wire" headshot.
I caught X coming around the corner when he ran from me and got him point blank on the side on the head. He just dropped.

I love this game.



"That sentimental motherfucker cost us money!"


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
BenjaminBirdie said:
I don't mind the controls, it's the navigating around every damn thing during a chase.

Hm. Maybe that is the controls...

Maybe Stoney is right. I just did No Love Lost though and it took me a few tries.

Manipulating the camera manually makes driving much, much better.
Shins said:
Started driving in first-person after hearing Ryan mention it working well on the new 1UP Show. It really does seem to go with the new car physics. Negotiating corners is much, much easier now.

I don't like how it makes the hood look all bouncy.
Y2Kev said:
Maybe Stoney is right. I just did No Love Lost though and it took me a few tries.

Manipulating the camera manually makes driving much, much better.

Oh god is that Dwayne's first one?

Yeah, I did that way too many fucking times.

I FINALLY pegged the dude, grabbed his money with barely any health left (because I crashed a few times). Got Dwayne's phone call, LITERALLY turned around and got fucking plowed by a truck. And this was like my fifth try.

I was so livid.

The problem with that mission is the roads involved. They're so crowded with shit and so tangly that if you fuck up once you'll lose him. Maybe a hummer would've been easier since you can just plow through the detrius, but any other car doesn't do the trick.

I stuck with the bike but it was so fucking hard.

Even through Snow Storm and Destruction For Beginners, that was my most frustrating and hardest mission to date.
BenjaminBirdie said:
Oh god is that Dwayne's first one?

Yeah, I did that way too many fucking times.

I FINALLY pegged the dude, grabbed his money with barely any health left (because I crashed a few times). Got Dwayne's phone call, LITERALLY turned around and got fucking plowed by a truck. And this was like my fifth try.

I was so livid.

The problem with that mission is the roads involved. They're so crowded with shit and so tangly that if you fuck up once you'll lose him. Maybe a hummer would've been easier since you can just plow through the detrius, but any other car doesn't do the trick.

I stuck with the bike but it was so fucking hard.

Even through Snow Storm and Destruction For Beginners, that was my most frustrating and hardest mission to date.

The one thing I've learned is that you really do need to a good car to not be frustrated during the chase missions. In prior GTAs I would generally just grab what was available and around me but the cars handle so differently now that I will go out of my way to grab a nice car before a mission starts now.
Stoney Mason said:
The one thing I've learned is that you really do need to a good car to not be frustrated during the chase missions. In prior GTAs I would generally just grab what was available and around me but the cars handle so differently now that I will go out of my way to grab a nice car before a mission starts now.

Yeah, I was looking hard for a humvee before that one.


Brucie is my favorite character :lol

He starts yelling at his girlfriend

"Can you believe that, man!...women....man...women!" wtf!


*Sigh* I hate racing missions. fuck you No. 1.

Also lol @ all the gay jokes by Brucie. :lol And
How did you all kill French Tom in the diner? I shot his face off.


Sylar said:
*Sigh* I hate racing missions. fuck you No. 1.

Also lol @ all the gay jokes by Brucie. :lol And
How did you all kill French Tom in the diner? I shot his face off.

I let him run from the restaurant; 10 steps away and shot him in the back.


I had no idea that the lapdances got raunchier each time you paid in a single sitting. When the second girl came onscreen, I was like, "wat?"

The game just gets better and better. Did Deconstruction on my second try, confused as to what I had found so hard the first time (thinking you actually had to rush to catch the guy, I guess).


"Easy as can be" is kicking my ass right now, between the cops and like 3 cars full of ppl shooting me, either the car gets destroyed or I die, wtf halp!


While i was doing that fucking AWFUL Brucie's "Search and Delete" mission i unlocked BOTH the "Escape while having 4-stars" and "survive 5 minutes while having 6-stars" Achievements.

But i still.

Tips please?
besada said:
I had no idea that the lapdances got raunchier each time you paid in a single sitting. When the second girl came onscreen, I was like, "wat?"

The game just gets better and better. Did Deconstruction on my second try, confused as to what I had found so hard the first time (thinking you actually had to rush to catch the guy, I guess).

Rushing in is usually the only thing that will get you to fail a gunfight mission.


Weenerz said:
Brucie is my favorite character :lol

He starts yelling at his girlfriend

"Can you believe that, man!...women....man...women!" wtf!

I just played that part, i love the guy, i love his energy.
If I want to see all the important buildings and landmarks the game's world has to offer, should I be exploring? I'm just a little conflicted about this, because I feel compelled to just go straight through the missions, yet the city is so massive that I constantly feel like I should be combing over everything. So, am I playing the game wrong? >_> Or will the story showcase most of the notable areas?


Played my first hour last night and ended up watching the TV in the apartment for most of that time. Republican Space Rangers! :lol


:lol :lol :lol "Out of the closet" Missions is fucking gold. Niko knocking the wind out of Brucie, then has to go on a gay date :lol


Brucie is endlessly excited.

In one of the missions, he asks Niko to
punch him in the stomach. Niko does so and it hurts more than B expected. Now, after the conversation between those two and Roman, Niko is going to leave. He then pretends to take another hit and Brucie almost screams because he's so geared up.
Another great story moment in GTA4.


shut uuuuuuuuuuuuuuup
Just got one man army the super easy way :lol I was flying around with the chopper, getting under bridges to get the achievement, when I suddenly get a 6* alert out of nowhere. I was flying over the last island which I didn't unlock yet, so that was what triggered it. So anyway I keep flying under bridges and listening to music while the alert is going on, but the cops can't touch me. I keep doing this for a couple of minutes and BAM unlockment achieved

So anyone who wants to get this, that's a very easy way (if you're not on the last island yet)

Wollan said:
Brucie is endlessly excited.

In one of the missions, he asks Niko to
punch him in the stomach. Niko does so and it hurts more than B expected. Now, after the conversation between those two and Roman, Niko is going to leave. He then pretends to take another hit and Brucie almost screams because he's so geared up.
Another great story moment in GTA4.

That was such a great moment, the animation and acting really sells it.

Brucie is now easily one of my favorite videogame characters.

Bling. Check! Bodies. Check! Paper. Check! That's how we roll!
So can somebody tell me how the janky fucking multiplayer works?

For the past few nights, my friends and I have been enjoying the hell out of cops n crooks. I mean really, its been a blast. Last night, we were playing a game of that and one of my friends suggested we go into "free mode" and find a good place to set up a base and just fight the cops for as long as we could.

Since I was host, I set up a "free mode" game and the 3 of us spawned in there. It was just us and the city. We went around collecting RPGs, armor, assault rifles, etc. Then we found a perfect spot to hunker down and we started raising hell. 4 stars later, random people start joining our game.

Now this totally sucks because we didn't fucking want them in the game. They immediately started trying to shoot us and started talking all this stupid shit. "Yo, B! Dat nigga got a RPG! Shoot dat nigga! Shoot dat nigga!" (refering to me)

So anyway, a minute passes and the entire room is full of these jerkoffs. Our standoff with the police is totally fucked because of their interference and we're pissed. I remember that I'm host, so I start looking for ways to boot them from the game. Apparently, even though I'm host, we can only "vote" to kick them? Of course they way outnumber us so that doesn't happen.

I decide to just back out of the game and start up a new one. So I got back to party mode and invited my friends again. Few minutes later we are all set and I take us to "Free Mode" again. Before I know it, we're chucked into a game with a ton of other people again. I didn't get the chance to set the game up to our liking or anything. Just BAM and we're back in the ghetto with guys saying "Muthafucka I'ma cut you! Uno Nino I'm cut your tits off, nigga!"

So I leave again. I'm thinking I did something wrong and there's a way to set up a private game of Free Mode for myself and my friends. Guess what? THERE ISN'T! At least not that we can figure out. I had both of them try hosting games and the same shit kept happening. We kept getting matched with these hoodrat wannabes and we could never figure out how to arrange a private game.

So what am I doing wrong? What did I miss? Everybody is saying how great this cellphone menu is and I think it fucking sucks because the options are very limited and sometimes you just want the entire screen for setting up your game so you're sure you are not missing anything. Any help? Is it possible to host a private game? Or are we doomed to play with fucktards forever?


Y2Kev said:
Roman: I'm high on life! American life...it's the cheap gas...


$2.40 per liter is Norwegian price. And our economy is driven by oil (we're on and off #1 amongst living conditions due to the wealth it brings).
chubigans said:
You can set a party room with sixteen slots reserved for friends. That should keep out the riffraf.

Wait, a "party room" or a "free mode" room? Because party rooms are already invite only. We'd just play in there if we could turn on the cops and stuff, but it seems like we need to have "free mode" on for that.

And if you were talking about free mode, then where do you find the option for reserving slots? We couldn't figure that out for the life of us last night.
chubigans said:
Well you go to custom match, then Free Mode, then set the reserve to sixteen. That should work I think.
I think you only get the options for "player match" or "ranked match". I'll look again though. If you guys say its there then its gotta be there. Thanks for the help, everybody. Now nobodys callin' me a "nigga" but me! :lol
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