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The Official Grand Theft Auto IV thread: The World Is Yours


BeeDog said:
Alright, have a question regarding one character.
When you meet Francis MacReary, it sounds like Niko knows him from before.
But my stupid memory fails me; where did you meet him the first time?

He was the police officer on Manny's tv show.


BeeDog said:
Alright, have a question regarding one character.
When you meet Francis MacReary, it sounds like Niko knows him from before.
But my stupid memory fails me; where did you meet him the first time?

Yeah I wasnt sure either... he must have been present in a scene from earlier in the game that we didnt notice.


Exypher said:
He was the police officer on Manny's tv show.

GDJustin said:
Poor, poor Dwayne. :lol :lol :lol I hadn't talked to him in weeks of in-game time, and this happened:

*Niko's phone rings*
Niko: Hello?
Dwayne: Hey Niko. It's Dwayne. Did you just try calling me?
Niko: Umm... no?
Dwayne: Oh, because, I was in the shower and I thought I heard my phone ring... I thought it might be you tryin to call.
Niko: Nope, not me.
Dwayne: OK. Well, catch you later then.

:lol :lol :lol


gay subtext ftw


voltron said:
Im honestly at a loss as to why people keep asking this.... name me one game that has been multiplayer region locked in the 360's life?

It doesnt happen ffs

Well. Dunno for the 360. Check my avatar :p


I still find it hilarious that you can actually get the 'YEEEAHH' as a ringtone in GTA4.
NeoGAF meme and Rockstar spoofs are interlinked.


Darunia said:
Oh wow so there are at least three ways of doing that mission now. This game rules

I'm an idiot, so
i fired off a shot while trying to zoom in on the phone again, people in the street started screaming, target came to look out the window and BAM!


voltron said:
Im honestly at a loss as to why people keep asking this.... name me one game that has been multiplayer region locked in the 360's life?

It doesnt happen ffs

Army of Two

P.S, with Vlad
you get the opportunity to do an execution, but i held my pistol at him and didnt get the flashing thing or whatever.. had the same thing with a stun punch not working..
how exactly do you do executions/stun punches?
painey said:
Army of Two

P.S, with Vlad
you get the opportunity to do an execution, but i held my pistol at him and didnt get the flashing thing or whatever.. had the same thing with a stun punch not working..
how exactly do you do executions/stun punches?

Get close.
derder said:
It's not a NeoGAF meme, sorry.


But....... what if it was.

psycho_snake said:
I got past the bit where
you had the choice to kill vlad. I decided to shoot him, I didnt like him.

I like how they give you a choice of what to do.

hehe, I dont think I got a choice with that.... dont you mean


Klaxon said:
What do I have to do to get that taxi-, helicopter-achievement and to buy guns and bombs via phone?

Play through a number of missions for each character, and make sure their "like" for you is over a certain percentage, by taking them out regularly. Guns are available from Little Jacob (needs 60% like) after the mission "Shadow", Cab rides from Roman (needs 60% like) after "Bleed out", Heli rides from Brucie (needs 70% like) after "No. 1", Carbombs from Packie (needs 75% like) after "Three Leaf Clover".


shut uuuuuuuuuuuuuuup
I never watched an episode of CSI (Miami) before and I thought it had a rep of being a pretty good show and all... until I saw that youtube vid of the one liners :lol I have no desire to watch that show now

I have the YEEAAH thing as my ringtone now. I had to buy something, all the other ones available online suck. Just as the themes, all brand based bullshit :( No clean ones like the default one
JCtheMC said:
Play through a number of missions for each character, and make sure their "like" for you is over a certain percentage, by taking them out regularly. Guns are available from Little Jacob (needs 60% like) after the mission "Shadow", Cab rides from Roman (needs 60% like) after "Bleed out", Heli rides from Brucie (needs 70% like) after "No. 1", Carbombs from Packie (needs 75% like) after "Three Leaf Clover".

But I'm concentrating more on the missions than going out with them, crap. :(


Topher said:
I can't be the only fucking person who loves the new driving physics...

I love the new driving physics. I don't see any limitation to them. I love that you have to slow down before turning. To me, all the powerbreaking around corners in the last gen GTA games felt about as authentic as losing 6 stars by pulling into a Pay and Spray.
Darunia said:
I never watched an episode of CSI (Miami) before and I thought it had a rep of being a pretty good show and all... until I saw that youtube vid of the one liners :lol I have no desire to watch that show now

I have the YEEAAH thing as my ringtone now. I had to buy something, all the other ones available online suck. Just as the themes, all brand based bullshit :( No clean ones like the default one

hahah I just watched that clip now...very very shitty. Its rather unfair to judge it from such a short clip, but his acting seems terrible. Also, he puts on those shades pretty clumsily
WTF is going on with the Ruff Rider mission?
I drive over to the arcade, cut scene finishes, ignore dwayne's ex and decide to go after her boyfriend.

Fucker disappears in about 1 second flat, then I find my car has moved and the only other cars around are taxis???? Oh, and every time I try to steal a cab, I get in it instead???? WTF GAF???

1 second later...

Jayvon is getting away

1 second later...

Jayvon got away
prettyvacant77 said:
WTF is going on with the Ruff Rider mission?
I drive over to the arcade, cut scene finishes, ignore dwayne's ex and decide to go after her boyfriend.

Fucker disappears in about 1 second flat, then I find my car has moved and the only other cars around are taxis???? Oh, and every time I try to steal a cab, I get in it instead???? WTF GAF???

1 second later...

Jayvon is getting away

1 second later...

Jayvon got away

Screw the car. There's a bike arond the corner.
prettyvacant77 said:
WTF is going on with the Ruff Rider mission?
I drive over to the arcade, cut scene finishes, ignore dwayne's ex and decide to go after her boyfriend.

Fucker disappears in about 1 second flat, then I find my car has moved and the only other cars around are taxis???? Oh, and every time I try to steal a cab, I get in it instead???? WTF GAF???

1 second later...

Jayvon is getting away

1 second later...

Jayvon got away

Just drive down the road to the right of the arcade a little slowly. While his pattern changes slightly he often will just drive right in front of you going to the right once you hit the intersection down the road although you might have to turn left and chase him down a bit instead. Also just remember where it stores your car. It always sticks it in the same place which is a little bit away but you have time to go get it. Just use one failing example to sort of memorize the layout and it should be easier. It took me a few tries to get it correct but its possible. As far as the cab situation just tap the button. Your are probably getting anxious and holding it.


Jason's Ultimatum said:
Screw the car. There's a bike arond the corner.

Exactly, that's why it spawns on the right side of the street.. Also if you're quick enough
you can do an execution kill on the girl
AH MOTHERFUCKER - ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING Me? wtf does this game want from me? fucked up pile of scripted shit!

major ending spoiler ahead:
So in the last(?!) mission where I have to chase Pegorino on a motocross bike to finally jump into his boat. I've made that jump 3 times now and still don't fucking know what the game wants me to do exactly. One time I jump over the boat, the other time I land in front of it. what the hell?
And I'd like to say that being able to fire your weapon (freely) in a vehicle is a big plus. You're chasing after someone in a car and both you and your target crashes into a wall, stuck there. You hit L1, aim the reticle at the driver's windshield and watch the blood splatter hearing the car horn go off. Such a satisfying feeling. :lol


painey said:
Army of Two

P.S, with Vlad
you get the opportunity to do an execution, but i held my pistol at him and didnt get the flashing thing or whatever.. had the same thing with a stun punch not working..
how exactly do you do executions/stun punches?
For any execution, aim and walk forward until a red ring appears around the aiming reticule. Then just fire.


This was my experience on my first date with Michelle, nothing spoilerish, but an odd glitch happened.

I went to the cabaret cause I was desperate to see what that was all about, but I couldn't figure out how to sit in a booth (there was no icon). After about 10 minutes of trying to figure out how to sit down, the loading screen came up, then we were outside in a cut scene (?) chatting, she asked me a question, then the screen went to the loading screen again and came back and the message "Michelle has died" came up, and I was just going about my business like nothing happened... Needless to say, I reverted my save. Has this happened to anybody else, or anything like this?


Phantast2k said:
AH MOTHERFUCKER - ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING Me? wtf does this game want from me? fucked up pile of scripted shit!

major ending spoiler ahead:
So in the last(?!) mission where I have to chase Pegorino on a motocross bike to finally jump into his boat. I've made that jump 3 times now and still don't fucking know what the game wants me to do exactly. One time I jump over the boat, the other time I land in front of it. what the hell?

Jump for the Helicopter.


Phantast2k said:
major ending spoiler ahead:
So in the last(?!) mission where I have to chase Pegorino on a motocross bike to finally jump into his boat. I've made that jump 3 times now and still don't fucking know what the game wants me to do exactly. One time I jump over the boat, the other time I land in front of it. what the hell?

You're supposed to jump onto the helicopter. In regards to helicopter, if it gets damaged, make sure you still follow the boats direction.


Shit! I think my Xbox is done. I think it might have been in the middle of an auto-save since I had just dropped Dwayne off after hitting a bar. Guess I won't know anytime soon...

Had just checked my level of addiction in the stats page before that and it said "fiend." :( I need a hit!!!! YAAAARGH!



shut uuuuuuuuuuuuuuup
You know what would've been great as a surprise in Three Leaf Clover?

When Jacob suddenly pops up with his car in an alley in the middle of the mission a la the Resi 4 vendor. 'Yo Niko mah youth! Need some heat to get out of this bumba clot? Niko Bellic boomboom!'

best sidekick in a game, I want him around everywhere


Darunia said:
You know what would've been great as a surprise in Three Leaf Clover?

When Jacob suddenly pops up with his car in an alley in the middle of the mission a la the Resi 4 vendor. 'Yo Niko mah youth! Need some heat to get out of this bumba clot? Niko Bellic boomboom!'

best sidekick in a game, I want him around everywhere
:O WTF! That didn't happen with me.... do you need to run out of ammo? That's awesome.


Wizpig said:
Guys, i just got a message on my 360 Dashboard "Title WildDelete Sender" that said to Launch the game and check that message again in-game to read it.

What the fuck?!?!
What is it?
So, umm, anyone knows? :p
[Mind you that i launched GTA IV but it didn't work, the message was still like it was in the Dashboard]


So Ive dated and fucked Michelle,
Carmen & Kiki
so many times now.... and Ive just started dating
As you know shes kinda frigid and after 3 dates she still wasnt putting out. On my 4th date with I coincidently fired my pistol after a game of darts and scared the shit out of her.

Now she even wont return my calls - let alone go on another date with me:lol It truly is art imitating life as I wanna date her again just so I can fuck her. The others are easy
but Kate
is something special.

Is there something wrong with me?

edit: spoiler tags sorry


shut uuuuuuuuuuuuuuup
voltron said:
Is there something wrong with me?

Like I said before I think she'll only start doing it after some story event. Now she's still in a fixed 'these aren't dates' phase. I have a feeling that she'll turn around at one point or another.

I've had warm coffee with Kiki (who's awesome), but didn't get her perk yet :( Even though I got her in the 90%

Haven't dated that Carmen chick, is she another one of the dating site? How's she like?


Lola is in the police database, not sure if that had already been posted or not. According to the DB, she's in Liberty City now working as a prostitute. She lived in San Fierro(I THINK) and has just recently moved to LC :lol


Darunia said:
Like I said before I think she'll only start doing it after some story event. Now she's still in a fixed 'these aren't dates' phase. I have a feeling that she'll turn around at one point or another.

I've had warm coffee with Kiki (who's awesome), but didn't get her perk yet :( Even though I got her in the 90%

Haven't dated that Carmen chick, is she another one of the dating site? How's she like?

Yeah Carmen is from the date site. And Kikis perk is great and really easy to get. You get nto call her and she removes your entire wanted level. maybe even a little too good if you ask me.


shut uuuuuuuuuuuuuuup
Snow storm. WTF! Somebody help me no matter what I do I can't pass it.

-get a flak jacket from Jacob before you start
-normally you can get through the bikers and take the package without being hurt a lot. take out as many guys as possible while still outside.
-only kill cops when necessary and get out of the building fast
-vital: there is a boat just outside! jet to it and gtfo there


burgerdog said:
Lola is in the police database, not sure if that had already been posted or not. According to the DB, she's in Liberty City now working as a prostitute. She lived in San Fierro(I THINK) and has just recently moved to LC :lol

What about her? - can yo u date her?
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