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The Official Grand Theft Auto IV thread: The World Is Yours


dskillzhtown said:
And then screw their online stores like Amazon? You can't screw the rest of your partners like that. Because then people will cancel online orders in favor of going to brick and mortar stores.

If they gave the go ahead to stores then amazon could start shipping out as well.


y'all should be ashamed
Some random things to note from the several gameplay vids:

-Niko was on foot, and a cop approached him...he puts up his hands...and then bolts away. I guess there's a "hands up" button or something. :D

-Headlights can be turned on and off on cars.

-Roof damage is visible, as a few of the lights on top of the police car were independently shot off. Awesome.

-The camera work is interesting. Not sure what to make of that at the moment. Nice to see the cinema cam still there.

-The cheap cars seem to go really fast...I can't imagine how fast the super cars will go. Whoa.


bish gets all the credit :)
wasn't Halo 3 leaked a week before release? It's going to happen when games are streetdated, as opposed to being sold once the stores receive them. They're not going to break the street date just because it's leaked.
j-wood said:
If they gave the go ahead to stores then amazon could start shipping out as well.

I don't think you guys realize why release dates for games like this exist, nor midnight launches.

You honestly think R* or T2 are going to just flip a switch and let the WEDNESDAY MORNING GAMESTOP SHIFT sell GRAND. THEFT. AUTO. 4?


That's just completely insane.

This is why games like these have launches. And lines. And triple the staff on hand to deal with it.


keep your strippers out of my American football
j-wood said:
If they gave the go ahead to stores then amazon could start shipping out as well.

But Amazon would have shipped the day before to have the game delivered on launch day. The deliveries are planned for UPS, USPS, etc to pick the packages up, on a certain day, etc. So change all that because a few pirates have the game? Because a few mom and pop stores have the game? Come on.

There are a multitude of reasons it isn't going to happen. Just be patient. It is only 6 days from now.


BenjaminBirdie said:
I don't think you guys realize why release dates for games like this exist, nor midnight launches.

You honestly think R* or T2 are going to just flip a switch and let the WEDNESDAY MORNING GAMESTOP SHIFT sell GRAND. THEFT. AUTO. 4?


That's just completely insane.

This is why games like these have launches. And lines. And triple the staff on hand to deal with it.

Look man. Stop crushing my HOPES AND DREAMS.


man, why are so many so eager to spoil the game. I undertsand wanting to look at some gameplay, but the entire opening sequence?


I really shouldn't have watched that video. Time was already crawling towards the game's release, its gonna be unfuckingbearable now!


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
after watching the gameplay video, I am stunned. stunned by a few things.

the realization that this will likely be the highest selling game of the generation, again.

seeing that as much as I didn't believe Rockstar would be able to duplicate the sense of wonder that came with GTA3, they've done it. I would almost say from the video that GTAIV actually brings a greater sense of wow with it than GTA3 did.

stunned that for someone who hated the GTA3+ games (hence the inside joke of my tag), I am not only excited by there day fucking one to pick up GTAIV.

I mean kudos rockstar. you really aren't just a one trick pony. I'm laying it out right here. This game is going to beat halo3 launch numbers on 360 alone, and when adding PS3 numbers will probably hit 50-75% more than Halo 3 numbers. This game is going to be monstrous.


Console Market Analyst
X26 said:
man, why are so many so eager to spoil the game. I undertsand wanting to look at some gameplay, but the entire opening sequence?

I skipped that one. And I won't watch any mission videos either. The random city chaos videos are fine, though.
AgentOtaku said:
....so why is Take Two pulling footage off the interwebs of people who legitimately purchased the game? (if they did)

Because they've went through a lot of work try to control the media on the game in order to make sure that people weren't spoiled and they don't want to allow some peopel who got it early to spoil it for people.


OMG@ The video where the cop gets up and starts to stagger away injured! I don't know why I'm inflicting such torture on myself, but the game play videos are fucking awesome.

I'm to the point where the thought of bribing EB/GS employees is actually becoming a real option. :(
Nameless said:
OMG@ The video where the cop gets up and starts to stagger away injured! I don't know why I'm inflicting such torture on myself, but the game play videos are fucking awesome.

I'm to the point where the thought of bribing EB/GS employees is actually becoming a real option. :(

Seriously, that shit was an execution.

Gameplay videos of this are going to be on the news. I don't think people realize how much difference verisimilitude is going to make in the eyes of Mainstream Media.

It's going to be BIG news, and...I don't know if Obama fans are going to make it to the other side intact.


Girl got arse pubes.
SolidSnakex said:
Because they've went through a lot of work try to control the media on the game in order to make sure that people weren't spoiled and they don't want to allow some peopel who got it early to spoil it for people.

thats irrelevant.

Rockstar are not the fucking internet gestapo

If you don't want to be spoiled don't click on the links, it's easy, I haven't clicked any links

I'm surprised that google/youtube will roll over so easily, and remove videos

what the fuck happened to freedom of speech on the internet?

whats the legal difference between releasing gameplay footage before release and after release?

because I can guarantee Rockstar won't be removing videos after the release date
dogmaan said:
thats irrelevant.

Rockstar are not the fucking internet gestapo

It's their game and they're the ones that just spent all this time creating it. If they want to do this then let them. It's not hurting anyone.
Not to be too demanding or anything, but if anyone starts re-hosting these vids do you mind using the yorksj.org site listed earlier? I can actually go to this site at work and watch them unlike youtube or anything. Please help a few workin' folk watch some vids. :)


Says quite a lot about gamers when the first thing they do in a game like this is killing everything in their sight. These fuckers don't even care about all the details in the game, killing cops and civilians in HD is their first priority.

There is so much to explore and experience in this game and they completely ignore it.


I don't really get why you guys want to spoil yourselves at this point, we're less than a week away. To each his own I suppose.


BenjaminBirdie said:
Seriously, that shit was an execution.

Gameplay videos of this are going to be on the news. I don't think people realize how much difference verisimilitude is going to make in the eyes of Mainstream Media.

It's going to be BIG news, and...I don't know if Obama fans are going to make it to the other side intact.

Execution is the first thing that came to my mine as well, and the player didn't even make it nearly as sadisitic or "shocking" as he could have. Its only a matter of time before we see a video on the Today show of an injured, bleeding cop staggering to the middle of the street, only for a plodding Niko to walk slowly out to him and shoot one time to the head--and everything is going to hit the fan from there.

Everyone might as well go ahead and pre-blame R* & GTAIV now for every major Office, School, Sniper, Street, and Drive-By shooting, stabbing, car bomb, and vehicular homicide that occurs over the next 2-3 years.

If the mainstream does indeed pick up on these game play videos before Tuesday, then thats the only way I see R* giving retailers the go-ahead to sell GTA early. Wouldn't look for it to be at Wal-Mart long, though.:lol
well, that's it for gameplay vids for me, I just saw what is probably a major spoiler, so I warn you all not to watch the video where the thumbnail frame is
Niko on the roof of a building from a top down perspective
Frenck said:
Says quite a lot about gamers when the first thing they do in a game like this is killing everything in their sight. These fuckers don't even care about all the details in the game, killing cops and civilians in HD is their first priority.

There is so much to explore and experience in this game and they completely ignore it.

Hey, it's GTA, I think that's what you're supposed to do.


Himuro said:
I don't want to spoil myself, but it IS tempting.

How does it look boys? As good as we hoped?

Its not going to spoil anything. But if you have to do anything not considered fun over the next 4-5 days its going to make those particular activities go by 154x slower.

I have to be at work in about 45 minutes, and I know already that I will be pretty much working a 36 hour day.


Unlimited Capacity
Frenck said:
Says quite a lot about gamers when the first thing they do in a game like this is killing everything in their sight. These fuckers don't even care about all the details in the game, killing cops and civilians in HD is their first priority.

There is so much to explore and experience in this game and they completely ignore it.

Im pretty sure the first thing im going to do is go on a rampage until i die or get busted.


Nameless said:
Its not going to spoil anything. But if you have to do anything not considered fun over the next 4-5 days its going to make those particular activities go by 154x slower.

I have to be at work in about 45 minutes, and I know already that I will be pretty much working a 36 hour day.

I'm in economics class right now. So far, seems like it's been 15 hours. I have 3 more classes today :(


Girl got arse pubes.
SolidSnakex said:
It's their game and they're the ones that just spent all this time creating it. If they want to do this then let them. It's not hurting anyone.

If I made a video recording of you, and posted it on youtube without your consent, if you where to demand they take it down, do you think youtube would listen?

no they wouldn't

because you are not a massive corporation, that can suddenly censor leaks by abusing the ol'copyright protection system, that was put in place to stop people uploading entire films/episodes of copyrighted material to youtube

what I am saying is that it is a bad precedent, and Rockstar shouldn't join in with the incoming internet censorship gangfuck

if a game company can remove a video in 10 seconds by a mere request, what the fuck could a government do?
dogmaan said:
what I am saying is that it is a bad precedent, and Rockstar shouldn't join in with the incoming internet censorship gangfuck

if a game company can remove a video in 10 seconds by a mere request, what the fuck could a government do?

Uhh you're bringing a completely different discussion into this now. But all companies do this for the most part. You can say "well all they have to do is not click the link", but once the spoilers are out there all it takes is 1 person to just start posting it in random threads and spoiling it for people who didn't want to know about it.

I just don't see a problem with it. In fact I actually like it.


Allright so tonight we are probably going to see some good video captures right? I mean someone must have a decent camera? :p


dogmaan said:
If I made a video recording of you, and posted it on youtube without your consent, if you where to demand they take it down, do you think youtube would listen?

no they wouldn't

Actually, you're wrong. Just try flagging some videos as violations. Send YouTube a letter about it, and watch them get pulled.

Eric WK

SolidSnakex said:
Uhh you're bringing a completely different discussion into this now. But all companies do this for the most part. You can say "well all they have to do is not click the link", but once the spoilers are out there all it takes is 1 person to just start posting it in random threads and spoiling it for people who didn't want to know about it.

I just don't see a problem with it. In fact I actually like it.

That can happen with or without videos being put on YouTube. By this weekend, message boards are going to be flooded with things people don't want to know before release. And that would be the case if YouTube and video sharing sites didn't exist.


_tetsuo_ said:
Im pretty sure the first thing im going to do is go on a rampage until i die or get busted.

I don't get it, really. The first thing I'm going to do is watch a busy street as the day goes by and the shadows move around or something like that. Soak in the atmosphere, explore the city.

I'm not a hypocrite or anything, you're going to kill cops and civilians as you explore the sandbox, there's no way to avoid that. But a rampage? Mass killings and executions?

GTA 4 offers way more than that.
dogmaan said:
If I made a video recording of you, and posted it on youtube without your consent, if you where to demand they take it down, do you think youtube would listen?

no they wouldn't

because you are not a massive corporation, that can suddenly censor leaks by abusing the ol'copyright protection system, that was put in place to stop people uploading entire films/episodes of copyrighted material to youtube

what I am saying is that it is a bad precedent, and Rockstar shouldn't join in with the incoming internet censorship gangfuck

if a game company can remove a video in 10 seconds by a mere request, what the fuck could a government do?


....i'm sorry, i'm one of those people that thing this pulling of content is bullshit....
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