I absolutely LOVE Final Fantasy games, and have great memories of FFVII. In fact, I bought my PSP months ago mainly because of this game (thank goodness for other great PSP games like MHF2 and Patapon), but i just haven't been able to get into Crisis Core even after 15+ hours.
Some of the scenes are heart-wrenching (because you know how everything will turn out) in a good way, and the graphics, music and voices are great, but the gameplay is SEVERALY lacking as far as I am concerned.
-The missions seem redudant and boring, like a mediocre grind-fest with a menu.
-The graphic style is totally inconsistant.
-While Zack and Angeal are cool characters, Genesis is irritating.
-The story goes between being 'dragged out' to some very poignant moments, almost like it is two different writers with two different stories that are trying to tie their thoughts together.
-The auto lock-on makes most battles annoyingly easy, but the real game breaker is the stupid auto running. Wouldn't it have been more fun and challenging to at least need to RUN up to the enemy before attacking? I am playing on Normal, not Hard, so take that into consideration.
Despite the negatives I would recommend the game to fans of FFVII (B+), as there are some great moments, but as an action-RPG Crisis Core is mediocre at best IMO (C-).
I will play to completion, and probably try for 100%, but I am just not feeling the actual GAME under this drama.
P.S. Crisis Core does make me REALLY want a new traditional FF on PSP, even if it is a remake.