I searched the thread for "You're the man now" before I posted it.Desi said:I should sue. I quoted that like 4 pages ago and people skipped right over it.
I searched the thread for "You're the man now" before I posted it.Desi said:I should sue. I quoted that like 4 pages ago and people skipped right over it.
Desi said:I should sue. I quoted that like 4 pages ago and people skipped right over it.
10 pages back.Desi said:Personally I call it FF humor. Since they all have them especially V and when that SOLDIER said "You're the man now dog, all the chicks will be lining up for some Vitamin Zack!". It reminded me of FFV's joke moments.
Desi said:10 pages back.
One day I will not be overlooked!
Wollan said:Got the game today. I'm basically switching between this, GT5P, Condemned 2 & work but the 20 or so min I played was sweet. Great new music, slick menus..etc. Looking good, unusually high budget obviously for a handheld title.
Sallokin said:I have a buddy who swears this is going to be ported to the PS2 because of the obviously high budget.
You do realized there's a magnet plate on their back.DarkStar said:So will Zack eventually get a Buster Sword that magically sticks to his back?
Because the sword he has now looks kinda meh ..
SpokkX said:About the ending
1. what was the the"dmw revelation"? I didn´t really get it I guess?
Panda said:Normal is extremely easy... at least, the main storyline missions are. I found that the sidemissions are extremely hard (but doable). Might be due to the abundance of instant death attacks... I haven't found an accessory to counter that yet, if it even exists and I've already been potion binging at the Shinra building.![]()
jiggle said:I really liked Cessnei. I wonder what's the deal with her real name. My wild guess is she's actually Jesse. Same wavey brown hair, and makes sense she'd hate Shinra after this...
Y2Kev said:The DMW is completely justified by its function in the ending.
Dirge of Cerberus spoiler about who they were and how it ended:Ferrio said:Also... who were the guys who picked up Genesis. They called him brother... Only thing I could think of was the 3 little shits from Advent Children
Jirotrom said:Im addicted to the missions... Im level 17 and I have only finished Wutai.
suzu said:If you have any death-type materia (death, hell, etc) and status ward materia equipped, it will protect you from all instant death attacks.
suzu said:I think they're making a reference tothe cellphone game. "Cissnei" was one of the nameless Turks you could play as.
Unison said:Just started playing this today, and I think I am missing something... How do you heal? Is there a bed you can sleep in or an inn? I can't find one, and I have been buying potions to heal. :lol
Himuro said:You'll see. Hope you enjoy it buddy. Join in this thread to post questions!
kiruyama said:The only gripe I have with this game are the non-skippable cut scenes. I'm playing on hard, and as if death because of the 'slow' input wasn't enough, I have to sit through another 5 minutes of mandatory story sequences I've already watched before I can get back to where I was?
Other than that, the game is top-notch. The HUD seems pretty cluttered at times, but I don't really notice it any more.
Spruchy said:Well according to that other guy in the thread: Non skipabble cut scenes are awesome!
Teknoman said:So whats the basic concensus? Hard mode = the mode to play on if you want a decent challenge? Or should I just go in on Normal. Dont wanna get stonewalled mid game by some insane boss/hidden boss.
Oh yes. My friend is playing on Normal mode and he's been dying againstgray_fox224 said:There are still times you may die on Normal. Just be sure to level up with missions; for some, it could be easy just to forget the missions and go straight onto the main quest.