Ferrio said:
Look, I understand the complaints... but here's the thing. The game is EASY, it's simple... and if you were looking for some super depth, ya it's not for you. I never once thought I had to grind to complete any part of the game. Hell, I only did 15% of the missions and I thought the game was way too damn easy.
Stop treating the game as an RPG where your trying to make some ultimate character, that's not what the game is.
Ok so if I understand you right...
1.) I'm playing on hard mode, but the game is EASY right? So therefore I should forgive the game for being a shallow hack fest? And unlike hack/slash dungeon crawlers, it doesn't even have the tangible reward!
2.) The vast majority of content in the game sucks, most people seem to acknowledge that. The "Missions" make up that. So they suck. And, apparently, I should just avoid it. I mean I can (and will because I will be throwing this game to Gamestop this weekend, banishing it forever)l, but I still think that's a pretty big fucking indictment of the game right there without me going further. But I
will go further.
3.) I shouldn't treat this game as an "RPG" (which it is) where I try to make my character ultimate (even though all the systems are in place to do just that, even though they are tied to mechanics programmed by meth addicted monkeys), and focus on what? The story? The characters? THE HORRIBLE REPETITIVE NON-STRATEGIC ACTION GAMEPLAY?
You're right, I am approaching this game wrong. I should have been using it to wipe my ass.
whiterabbit said:
It has a very similar combat system, except the DMW is an added bonus in CC. Both good games. Anyway if you don't like Crisis Core that's fine, but quit trolling! And the leveling system is not "completely fucking random".....
Their combat system is NOTHING alike. Even though I didn't like Tales of Symphonia, it's battle system was just incalculably superior to the one in Crisis Core. You could, if you like, form a coherent strategy that was formulated around skill, rather than the arbitrary nature of a probability based slot machine.
And YES, leveling is random. There are things you can do to stack the odds - much like the more coins you put in a slot machine, the higher chance you have of winning - but it's still RANDOM. When it's going to occur is up in the air. The more you fight and the more exp you get, the more likely you are to finally hit that level up. But when you do so is still random. it's decided by a fucking slot machine that may decide to be a dick to you when you least want it. RANDOM.