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The Official NeoGaf Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII Thread


SnowWolf said:
Amirox reminds me of a messageboard poster who buys a console just so that he can trash it and nobody can claim he's biased because he actually owns it.
:lol :lol :lol :lol Ami... do you find this response amusing :lol :lol :lol
jjasper said:
How can anyone say they are alike? It is closer to PSO than Tales.

If I had to compare Crisis Core to another game, Tales is the only game that comes to mind. They are played (I played them) in a very similar way. I've never played PSO though.
jjasper said:
I am not a big fan of the missions but I am enjoying everything else.

It's weird that I'm so addictive to the missions. I've already done 30% of the missions and I've only spent about 4-5 hours on the main game.

Maybe it's the loot drops.
jjasper said:
I am not a big fan of the missions but I am enjoying everything else.

The one thing I wish they did with the missions is have more unique bosses at the end of each (or even at the end of a set of missions), instead of having a slightly beefy version or two of an enemy you've already faced. That was part of the charm of the mob hunts in FFXII.


the more I play this game the more I feel like I should stop playing. I guess that means I'm gonna stop.

I'm three hours in. it was an ok trip, I guess.


Ami,you let you bias get the better of you that you forget that this is a PSP therefore Crisis Core is a portable game which means those side missions are in bite size and allows to you have a quick playing when you're outside.

Main story which you can play at home.
Side missions which you can play outside.

Perfect combo.
I can't really defend any of this game's gameplay because a lot of it really is fucking retarded.

Regardless, I can't stop playing it.

But how do I get through this stealth bullshit and still get the items?


Even FFX-2 was better at this shit!

That's because X-2 was V on steroids with a mini-skirt on, and unless you need your RPG's to be SRS FUCKIN BUZINEZ or are a nitwit constantly trolling for some make-believe internet cred (me, me, this was me), it was a fine piece of retarded fan service. Anything that gives the job system and classic ATB a gigantic shot in the arm, coupled with some non-linearity and field interaction works for me. X-2 gets so much unnecessary hate because people are afraid of vaginas or something, I guess.

Also, if you don't like the game (Crisis Core), why don't you just get your piece said and shut the heck up? I would never be the one to say you shouldn't argue your point or voice your opinion, that'd make some boring ass discussion, but you're just screaming into the wall and pissing everyone off and are sinking an official thread. Why do you keep returning over and over despite saying otherwise to slam down this hyperbole? Does GAF really need mods that double as fucking trolls?

The fact that I'm not a big FFVII fan, and had plenty of complaints with Crisis Core as well (although I did basically shut my mouth and just enjoyed it for what it was) has to be a sign about how irritating you're coming across to the actual fans who are trying to enjoy this.


I just finished the game (58% completion, 49 hours' playing time). I'm currently back in the final dungeon playing through the rest of the missions and fusing materia to make Zack an overpowered badass. Thank goodness for break HP/MP/AP limit items! I missed them in FFXII.

The thing that strikes me most about Crisis Core is the music. I assumed it would be passable since the game is tied to FFVII, but in fact it turned out to be uniformly superb. The songs range from catchy to poignant and always seem to set the right mood. I can't think of one I don't like. Often I found myself taking the long way to my destination, talking to every NPC in the area or tooling around in the menu, just to hear the BGM on a loop. I plan to add the Crisis Core OST to the very small stack of video game soundtracks I've seen fit to purchase. It's so much better than I could have hoped.

Music certainly isn't the only thing this game has going for it. As I believe I mentioned earlier, the voice acting is extremely impressive. I've come to expect disappointment from English dubs, but Crisis Core bucks the trend in a huge way and all the voiced characters benefit for it.
I'm so happy Genesis doesn't speak with the incongruous accent he has at the end of Dirge of Cerberus.
The cutscenes are also top notch. This I did expect, having seen what SE could do with the world and characters of FFVII in Advent Children.
It's going to take a hell of a lot to top that Sephiroth vs. Genesis vs. Angeal scene.
I badly want another full-length CG movie. Or two. Alright, you've talked me into it: a trilogy it is. This subject reminds me of one of my few criticisms of the game, by the way, which is its lack of a theater mode. At least there are enough save slots that I can bookmark my favorite bits.

The ending was beautifully done.
Controlling Zack during those last scenes emphasized the futility of his situation, and the way the DMW is incorporated was an inspired touch. His death was brutal, and quite sad. Really made me hate Shinra. And it gives me a whole new perspective on the events of FFVII. I guess the same could be said of the plot in general, and the handling of all the key characters. I have a lot more respect for Cloud now (his melancholy in Advent Children is given context by his acquaintance with Zack), and Sephiroth's character arc was a joy to see. His sane self is fascinating. Cissnei is lovely. I hope she appears in future projects. The fact that she never got to tell Zack her real name is a small sadness within the overarching tragedy of his story: one of Crisis Core's many small details which, together, make the difference between a good game and a great game.
Genesis is slick, and talk about a cool sword. I appreciate WtW Suzaku for explaining Loveless earlier in this thread. That was very interesting. Personally, I had no recollection whatsoever that Loveless was featured in FFVII. Now I want to go back and see where it was originally referenced.

I'm pretty sure I had more to say. I'll edit or post again if I remember. For now my closing thought is that Crisis Core is easily the best PSP game out there. Its production values and replay potential far exceed the typical handheld title, and not a small amount of console games besides. There's an exceptional level of polish evident in everything from the battle interface to the menu design. I hope this isn't the end of Compilation of FFVII, because Crisis Core opens up a world of potential. It's one of my all time favorite RPGs, and I encourage anyone who is on the fence, as I was, to go out and purchase it immediately.

I'm with Alex, incidentally. The way Amir0x keeps popping in at random moments to trash this game is getting extremely fucking old. I'm all for expressing negative opinions as long as they foster constructive discussion. However, withering blasts of corrosive bile clearly do not fit in that category. So here's a suggestion, Amir0x: take a hammer and your copy of Crisis Core outside, place the UMD on the pavement, then take out all of your aggression on it. Go ahead. Smash that bastard into twenty thousand pieces. Piss on it for good measure if that will make you feel vindicated. Afterward, go back inside, crack open a delicious carbonated beverage and play a game you do enjoy. I think that sounds a lot more appealing than the masochism you're currently subjecting yourself to (and inflicting on all of GAF with your caustic entries).


Ninja99 said:
Cissnei is lovely. I hope she appears in future projects. The fact that she never got to tell Zack her real name is a small sadness within the overarching tragedy of his story: one of Crisis Core's many small details which, together, make the difference between a good game and a great game.

There's speculation earlier in this thread that she's the Avalanche member Jessie who dies in the beginning on FF7. Which would make sense why we don't see her as a turk in FF7.


Unconfirmed Member
Ferrio said:
There's speculation earlier in this thread that she's the Avalanche member Jessie who dies in the beginning on FF7. Which would make sense why we don't see her as a turk in FF7.

Well if it does turn out to be the case, it'll be a little strange and tacked on. Added that it'll also be pretty dismissive to kill her off so early in the plot now that she's been introduced as a formal character. Kept hoping that we would see her in a CG scene at the end of CC (when the Turks are looking for Zack and Cloud)


spindoc said:
Well if it does turn out to be the case, it'll be a little strange and tacked on. Added that it'll also be pretty dismissive to kill her off so early in the plot now that she's been introduced as a formal character. Kept hoping that we would see her in a CG scene at the end of CC (when the Turks are looking for Zack and Cloud)

Makes sorta sense. She's probably not too happy with Shinra at this point I'd wager. Though she's seen Cloud before so you think she would of said something in FF7


I'm all for expressing negative opinions as long as they foster constructive discussion.

Why should them, when the official threads are 99,99 percent consisted of messages "awesome", "GOTY" and "SHIIIIIIIIIIIIITTTT!"

Nobody bitches about them, so why the hate when somebody doesn't like the game? I mean I for one really want to hear all the negative opinions too. Most of the time, they in fact are the ones that tell you something coherrent about the game.

...how irritating you're coming across to the actual fans who are trying to enjoy this.

His text actually takes away the fun from your lives :lol


zoukka said:
Why should them, when the official threads are 99,99 percent consisted of messages "awesome", "GOTY" and "SHIIIIIIIIIIIIITTTT!"

Nobody bitches about them, so why the hate when somebody doesn't like the game? I mean I for one really want to hear all the negative opinions too. Most of the time, they in fact are the ones that tell you something coherrent about the game.

As I said, negative opinions are not a problem if they add to the discussion. Insipid comments like the examples you gave do not contribute anything of value, true, but they are easy to ignore. When someone takes the time to type up multiple message filled with nothing but angry complaints, and disregards every opportunity to pursue other lines of discourse, that's what I consider disruptive.


Ferrio said:
There's speculation earlier in this thread that she's the Avalanche member Jessie who dies in the beginning on FF7. Which would make sense why we don't see her as a turk in FF7.

I share spindoc's opinion: that would feel kind of perfunctory. In any case, it's an interesting possibility that makes a certain kind of sense. I won't discount it unless official word indicates something different.


Ninja99 said:
As I said, negative opinions are not a problem if they add to the discussion. Insipid comments like the examples you gave do not contribute anything of value, true, but they are easy to ignore. When someone takes the time to type up multiple message filled with nothing but angry complaints, and disregards every opportunity to pursue other lines of discourse, that's what I consider disruptive.

Nobody likes that, but weren't Amirox:s complaints legit? I have not played the game, but Chains of Olympus was a good example of Hype gone overboard. Tens of pages of nothing but praise and the game was really just a devolved cash in.

But yeah I'm outta here until I get my copy which btw only just today went to "shipping" in cduniverse. Pretty slow.


zoukka said:
Nobody likes that, but weren't Amirox:s complaints legit? I have not played the game, but Chains of Olympus was a good example of Hype gone overboard. Tens of pages of nothing but praise and the game was really just a devolved cash in.

But yeah I'm outta here until I get my copy which btw only just today went to "shipping" in cduniverse. Pretty slow.

I'm not questioning the legitimacy of Amir0x's complaints, though I do disagree with them. I can't force him to like DMW, for example, but earlier I posted my reasons for why it feels like a positive addition to the game. It's completely subjective, which is exactly the point. We're two players with drastically different responses to the same feature. A worthwhile discussion could be had on this subject, but Amir0x is apparently content to sit back and throw buckets of shit at the game just to see how much of it sticks. There's not much discussing happening on his end.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
I found this in Dirge...



This game is incredible. It is fulfilling all my FF7 fanboy needs and then some. Just met up with
Aerith in the slums. Sad knowing whats going to happen to them though :(


Back from work! For the better part of my discretion, I will ignore all the uppity FFVII apologists tossing out the bog standard troll accusation. Learn what troll means.

I'll even ignore those who think my bias was such that I would actually waste $40 just so I can come in here and criticize it (this goes for you Wii folk too who actually thought I got the system just for a troll license!). You guys merely need to grow some balls and take the criticism.

As any Nintendo slave can tell you, I've exercised restraint in allowing over a week for this game to foster before I even commented in the negative.

And I can address a wide criticism briefly: I think it goes to show just how much validity my viewpoints have if the biggest thing anyone can think to engage me in is a semantical argument about whether or not the battles in this game can classify as "random." Well, you can call them "proximity-based" whatever the fuck, but when I run around I don't see the enemies and what enemies pop up are decided at random and so at best, it's a fucking hybrid.

Defuser said:
Ami,you let you bias get the better of you that you forget that this is a PSP therefore Crisis Core is a portable game which means those side missions are in bite size and allows to you have a quick playing when you're outside.

Main story which you can play at home.
Side missions which you can play outside.

Perfect combo.

Always about this 'bias' of mine. Not sure exactly how I was supposed to approach this game after the disastrous Advent Children and Dirge of Cerberus, but I guess you're the type of person who after being burned on a stove would stick their hand immediately on it again if someone told you it would produce chocolate.

Ironically, that's precisely what I did by picking up Crisis Core - I believed jGAF impressions once again. I always fall for it. Maybe I shouldn't have? But I did not waste 40 dollars to come in here and bitch. I wanted to be surprised and enjoy it. I have many times in the past admitted to liking something I otherwise thought I wouldn't have. This was not one of those times. It had nothing to do with 'bias.'


No shit it's a handheld. There's tons of well designed games for handhelds. The SIZE of those "missions" are perfect for a handheld. That's not my criticism, though. My criticism is that every mission consists of a series of fucking featureless corridors or deserts or jungles and five or six boring busywork enemies. In other words, they're lame, unimaginative and completely fucking tedious. That's totally aside from their "handheld bitesize nature", which I applaud. That's smart. What's not smart is that those "chunks" of gameplay are not fun to play at all. EVER.

Ninja99 said:
I'm with Alex, incidentally. The way Amir0x keeps popping in at random moments to trash this game is getting extremely fucking old. I'm all for expressing negative opinions as long as they foster constructive discussion. However, withering blasts of corrosive bile clearly do not fit in that category. So here's a suggestion, Amir0x: take a hammer and your copy of Crisis Core outside, place the UMD on the pavement, then take out all of your aggression on it. Go ahead. Smash that bastard into twenty thousand pieces. Piss on it for good measure if that will make you feel vindicated. Afterward, go back inside, crack open a delicious carbonated beverage and play a game you do enjoy. I think that sounds a lot more appealing than the masochism you're currently subjecting yourself to (and inflicting on all of GAF with your caustic entries).

Well, it's not exactly the same as taking a hammer to the game but it'll do.

More directly, I only have 16 posts out of 1378 in this thread (including this one) - and the only reason I'm returning is to respond to posts like these. So if you guys didn't start crying the second anyone tossed an egg at your sacred cow, you'd probably have half of even that.

But, unlike actual trolls, I will sit and defend my extremely well founded opinions over and over again because that's what people do who AREN'T trolls. But, as I said at the start of this post, there's no need for me to justify it. 'Cause if I'm so inclined, i continue my criticism. As long as I back it up, that's part of the discussion.


Unconfirmed Member
Amir0x said:

It's so strange how I have the same problems with the game, but I definitely came out of the whole experience positive. Unskippable DMW summons, simple missions with no real variety and a underwhelming combat system. I did play the game on Easy though, I can count the handful of times I died, I don't know if the difficulty magnified your frustrations with the game.


Amir0x said:
My criticism is that every mission consists of a series of fucking featureless corridors or deserts or jungles and five or six boring busywork enemies. In other words, they're lame, unimaginative and completely fucking tedious. That's totally aside from their "handheld bitesize nature", which I applaud. That's smart. What's not smart is that those "chunks" of gameplay are not fun to play at all. EVER.

I have to say that you're absolutely right about the missions, except that for some weird reason, I found them addictive and fun even though they're extremely repetitive. I think if the combat was poor, maybe I wouldn't have cared as much, but I enjoyed the combat a lot.

Thankfully, you can just skip all of the missions and play the main story to completion if it's not your cup of tea.

But ya, sorry that you got let down.


Amir0x, you said after a number of posts it was going to be the last one and yet you returned only to repeat your arguements. Seriously it's pointless. Unless you're going to bring something new to the table you might as well stop. You aren't changing anyones opinion.


There isn't any point to a positive or negative opinion on this game... except to discuss the game. Like I said, I'm fine with saying my word and letting it be done. But it's contingent on whether or not anybody wishes to continue the discussion and responds to my posts. I'm not a rude guy so if someone takes time out to make a response post, I will be kind enough to do the same.


About Nibelheim: It only hit me now (not back in 1997, when I first played...) that
it never occurred to anybody at Shinra NOT to send Sephiroth to their secret soldier-making factory? The same place that's housing his "mother" and all the info about the Jenova Project? wut.
I wouldn't be surprised if
Hojo sent him for that very reason. Hojo was perfectly fine with Sephiroth turning mad and seeking to become a demigod - it would only validate his experiments as noted in the Maiden who Travels the Planet


Seriously, how long does something have to be out until it doesn't need spoiler tags? FFVII came out nearly ELEVEN years ago now. Why are people spoiler tagging FFVII events/deaths?


Amir0x said:
What's not smart is that those "chunks" of gameplay are not fun to play at all. EVER.

I must be doing something wrong, maybe it's because I really enjoy the combat in this game but I have lots of fun doing the missions when I've only got time for a short game. C'moooon Chocobo spin!

amirox feels the need to justify his opinions...which is fine. Still he's always had an agenda against anything FFVII with nomura on it. He bought it to hate it pretty much. Its a passion though...considering the length of the posts its at least illicited some reaction. Its the hate love, he'll break the umd and then commit sepuku a week later in shame and regret
ManaByte said:
Seriously, how long does something have to be out until it doesn't need spoiler tags? FFVII came out nearly ELEVEN years ago now. Why are people spoiler tagging FFVII events/deaths?

Think of the children!
I tried. I really did. :(

I just put the game up on eBay, even though I must be like 1 hour from the end.

I agree with most of Amir0x's comments, although I don't feel as strongly as he does about the game. The more I played, the more I got sick of the dumb combat, the wandering narrative, the irritating DMW that interupts the flow of combat and the loading every ten steps. The 'straw that broke the camel's back' is an area near the end where it is very difficult to walk near the walls to avoid the combat and you are hunting for items in a darkened area. I trigger a combat, turn around and accidently step into the same area (LITERALLY half a second later) and trigger another combat. It was worse than typical random battles, IMO. Sure they are easy to defeat by mashing the button, but it is super boring and every time the DMW decides to spin it drags out the combat even longer.

I was pushing through the last few hours of gameplay just to get to the ending, and I decided it wasn't worth it when I can just watch it on youtube or something.

Zack is a great character. Him, and the high quality graphics and sound, should have been put to better use in a better game. I went from being convinced I would 100% the game to not even finishing it once on Normal.

Final Review: C-

P.S. If some of you picked up a PSP just for this game, may I recommend Patapon, Jeanne D' Arc or Monster Hunter Freedom 2. I enjoyed all of them about a million times more than FFCC.


Amir0x said:
And I can address a wide criticism briefly: I think it goes to show just how much validity my viewpoints have if the biggest thing anyone can think to engage me in is a semantical argument about whether or not the battles in this game can classify as "random." Well, you can call them "proximity-based" whatever the fuck, but when I run around I don't see the enemies and what enemies pop up are decided at random and so at best, it's a fucking hybrid.

I know this isn't my conversation to continue, but the difference between random and proximity-based battles is fairly distinct. It's not worth arguing over, but the way battles are triggered do affect gameplay to a great extent. Hugging walls may not be the most glamorous way to travel through the game, but if you dread a rapid series of encounters it's a practical solution that doesn't take much effort. I like it because it affords me a measure of control. It's a nice to have a means to retrieve a valuable item in dangerous territory or beat missions whose standard enemies are too powerful to contend with in repeat battles. Granted, a no encounters accessory would be a more straightforward solution, but in absence of that at least proximity triggers give us something to work with--something that random encounters would not.

No shit it's a handheld. There's tons of well designed games for handhelds. The SIZE of those "missions" are perfect for a handheld. That's not my criticism, though. My criticism is that every mission consists of a series of fucking featureless corridors or deserts or jungles and five or six boring busywork enemies. In other words, they're lame, unimaginative and completely fucking tedious. That's totally aside from their "handheld bitesize nature", which I applaud. That's smart. What's not smart is that those "chunks" of gameplay are not fun to play at all. EVER.

I find missions enjoyable because of the strength of the battle and materia systems. Sure, missions have elements of repetition, but concessions must to be made if a great deal of content is to be delivered, and 300 missions is a pretty robust offering. And it's not like they're all identical. The way portions of the maps are blocked off to create different routes is a well conceived design choice that really gets the most out of the limited environmental permutations. As for enemies, there are certainly more than five or six kinds, and in my experience their groupings differ enough to keep battles fresh. What variety there is can be enhanced by skipping around to different mission categories.
Fighting 1000 soldiers is a far cry from taking out Sagahins with a beach umbrella.

I don't think you're acknowledging that a decent number of missions drive amusing little side stories that tie into the main plot.
Yuffie's series of missions has some endearing interactions between her and Zack (enhanced by the email feature that's used so effectively throughout the game), and the story thread where Zack helps out a nervous recruit at Shinra HQ foreshadows his maturation in the latter part of his career with SOLDIER, where other recruits like Cloud look up to him as a leader and mentor.
You'd have to be ignoring these and other rewarding plot threads to dismiss missions on the pretense that they're all alike. Only a fraction of them are as repetitious as you claim.


More directly, I only have 16 posts out of 1378 in this thread (including this one) - and the only reason I'm returning is to respond to posts like these. So if you guys didn't start crying the second anyone tossed an egg at your sacred cow, you'd probably have half of even that.

I can't speak for anyone else, but I'm not upset by the fact that you have a negative opinion. I tried to express that in my earlier posts.

But, unlike actual trolls, I will sit and defend my extremely well founded opinions over and over again because that's what people do who AREN'T trolls. But, as I said at the start of this post, there's no need for me to justify it. 'Cause if I'm so inclined, i continue my criticism. As long as I back it up, that's part of the discussion.

You're obviously not a troll. I simply find the way you go about expressing your views to be rather harsh if what you're really after is to contribute to the discussion. Declaring the game's plot incomprehensible, its missions tedious and combat repetitive, then expressing your intention to leave the thread, only to stick around and launch more vitriol anyway--even going so far as to label Crisis Core supporters as FFVII apologists, which is utter bullshit if you'll pardon me for saying so--doesn't really seem to serve a purpose beyond grinding people's faces into your opinions so hard that they eventually lose their desire to engage you on any of your points, regardless of whether they were valid to begin with. For my part, I still don't understand the problem you have with the plot (the general consensus seems to be that it's one of the game's strongest points), and how you could possibly consider battles repetitive unless you're mashing the attack button all the time and ignoring the huge diversity of materia at your disposal.

You're entitled to your opinions, and you can criticize Crisis Core or any other game all you like, but don't be surprised if your intentions appear less than upstanding as a result.


Finished it today after a marathon session. It's amazing that a handheld game can do such a good job at tugging at your heartstrings.

Really, this was a typically high-quality Square product through and through. The kind that we only get once every two-three years nowadays. My favorite parts were all the ones dealing with Aeristh, which they managed to pull off really well without falling into cheese territory. Also, the whole Nibelheim segment alone was worth the price of admission. It also made me want a FFVII remake again.

Man, that ending... When
Zack was fighting Shinra's army (which was a tad overblown) and the DMW was looping Aerith's face. Man, that and the final struggle against those last three soldiers made me think of the final playable part in Shadow of the Colossus.

And if Cissnei
really is Jessie, well then that's just royally sad that she eventually gets killed by the unknowing pair of Reno and Rude.

Great game. Now to read through this entire thread...


Originally Posted by ManaByte:
Seriously, how long does something have to be out until it doesn't need spoiler tags? FFVII came out nearly ELEVEN years ago now. Why are people spoiler tagging FFVII events/deaths?

eudaemonic said:
Think of the children!

Just think what it will be like if/when Square releases the PS3 FF7 remake. Those poor fools who try to play FF7 for the first time on PS3 without knowing the spoilers/story will have to become deaf mutes in the months leading up to launch... but even that probably won't help.
Does anyone know if the Vitality stat does anything (I realize that it is supposed to decrease physical damage)? My HP is maxed out and my vitality is 150+ and I still get tore up pretty quick on Missions that are supposed to be "Easy".


Kestastrophe said:
Does anyone know if the Vitality stat does anything (I realize that it is supposed to decrease physical damage)? I have HP is maxed out and my vitality is 150+ and I still get tore up pretty quick on Missions that are supposed to be "Easy".



Kestastrophe said:
I get that part of it, but what is the point of increasing the Vitality stat if it really doesn't allow you to take more hits?

It should allow you to take more hits... i mean.... zuh? What? Are you saying the game lies?


I have been playing this only on the subway for the last week or so. I have not progressed in the story AT ALL.

I have only done the "BORING REPETITIVE MISSIONS" thus far. I have 12% completion.

I have no desire to do the story mode part of the game at all. If I could keep unlocking missions indefinitely, I'd never move on from the initial training facility's first save point.

This is a very fun portable game. Unlocking new missions and getting new loot is very addictive.

Different strokes for different folks, I guess.


Ferrio said:
There's speculation earlier in this thread that she's the Avalanche member Jessie who dies in the beginning on FF7. Which would make sense why we don't see her as a turk in FF7.

You don't see her as a Turk in Final Fantasy VII because there was no such character in the Final Fantasy VII universe until Before Crisis. It's the same reason Genesis wasn't in Final Fantasy VII. He didn't exist until Dirge of Cerberus.
Ferrio said:
It should allow you to take more hits... i mean.... zuh? What? Are you saying the game lies?

No, but I was expecting to be much more of a "tank" with my vitality stat so high. My 9999HP are reduced to almost nothing in just a few hits on easy missions


Kestastrophe said:
No, but I was expecting to be much more of a "tank" with my vitality stat so high. My 9999HP are reduced to almost nothing in just a few hits on easy missions

I see where you are coming from. I also think it's a bit frustrating not knowing when I enter a mission whether I will face enemies that do 120 hp of damage, or 3000 hp of damage. Some of the 'Very Hard' missions I can finish with little effort, others I am killed right off the bat.


I dunno about the story being uncomprehendable. I mean so far I havent even met Cloud yet, and I have a grip on whats going on. I really like the game, and feel that if they were going to do a compilation, only FFVII Crisis core, Advent Children, and a PS3 remake should've been added. Yes I liked Advent Children.


Ferrio said:
There's speculation earlier in this thread that she's the Avalanche member Jessie who dies in the beginning on FF7. Which would make sense why we don't see her as a turk in FF7.
Cissnei spoiler:

It's been said in the Crisis Core Ultimania that Cissnei's real name is whatever the player calls her in Before Crisis. So it's just a nod over to the Before Crisis players, a way of saying "remember that name you gave her? THAT'S her real name."


For a portable RPG, this game kicks all types of ass.

Can't help but think what kind of an impact it could have had if it were released earlier in the life cycle of the PSP, and if so many people didn't pir8 it.

I think that if devs keep pumping out games like GoW and CC though, PSP could remain around for a long, long time.
Kestastrophe said:
No, but I was expecting to be much more of a "tank" with my vitality stat so high. My 9999HP are reduced to almost nothing in just a few hits on easy missions

I'm sort of having the same issue. I'm at 32% with the missions, and all of the sudden enemies are knocking off huge amounts of HP in certain missions, regardless of difficulty. I probably have to spend some time making new materia, but the materia fusion system is a pain IMO, especially since some of the stats the game provides are kind of vague. I don't want to have to reference a FAQ for every fusion.

I'm getting kind of annoyed with the game right now. I'm going to cool it with missions and just push through and beat the story.


Jugendstil said:
I'm sort of having the same issue. I'm at 32% with the missions, and all of the sudden enemies are knocking off huge amounts of HP in certain missions, regardless of difficulty. I probably have to spend some time making new materia, but the materia fusion system is a pain IMO, especially since some of the stats the game provides are kind of vague. I don't want to have to reference a FAQ for every fusion.

I'm getting kind of annoyed with the game right now. I'm going to cool it with missions and just push through and beat the story.
Master a HP+ to +100% HP, then fuse it with a weak one and some Fat Chocobo Feathers.

Each one adds 10%, so its easy to boost your HP by over 150% that way.

*edit: if your HP is already 9999, then scratch that.
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