Alec said:You hate Cloud and Sephiroth because of idiotic fans...? It seems to me like you're one of those people that hate games that they've never played strictly because other people profess their undying love for it, because it's "cool to hate" and to be contrary to popular opinion.
I felt that way when I was in 7th grade and the original Smash Bros. came out on N64. I have since gotten over this mindset.
Yeah I admit it. Like tons of stuff that is popular and popular to hate.
But yeah. I have a big problem with does FF7 fan. Listen mate... Being fan of a game is great. But some of these FF7 fanatics... its like a cult of idiots. They are beyond annoying. I take major offense to them.
It's on the boarderline to insanity, just across the street from facisism and fanatisism and other bad isms, that I can't spell correctly.
Its people like does that are responsible for why I never bothered to play FF7 in the first place. I enjoyed FF8 alot though. Perhaps because it was the underdog. perhaps because it wasent hailed as "the shizzle" by a million lame ass 12 year olds on gamefaqs. it just annoys me.
I like tons of stupid weak and stupid crap like Pigeons, Linkin Park and the old Keen games by Id... I dont hate because something is popular.
I hate because sometimes, something comes along that has its fans become an abomination.
If they remake FF7 for PSP/PS3 then I would give it a try, but I have simply lost to much faith in the community surrounding that game. It's like Xbox Live times a thousand.