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USD said:
It's definitely different. I just tested it out myself. Playing as Safari Chris, it takes 4 pistol head shots to stun, while only 3 hits to his weak spot.

Good to know. I had figured it was weird if his actual weak spot wasnt weaker than his basic headshot weakness. However, does this also count for the regular axeman?


Nikorasu said:
Basically, I want the PC version to look like this:

I was actually sort of disappointed that there weren't ever more enemies on screen than there are. That, and that the main game wasn't 4-5 hours longer (my first playthrough was almost exactly 10 hours: the first three chapters splitscreen co-op, the last three solo).

Also, any strategies for someone who sucks at Mercenaris? I'm coming off RE4 Wii Edition where I five-starred everything easily, to this where I can barely hit 30,000.


Nikorasu said:
I'm really hoping they pull a DMC4 with the PC version (legendary dark knight mode) and add some kind of 'extreme survival mode' that more than doubles the number of enemies (with more hit points) as well as throws in more random elements like the unique enemies from mercs that pop up during various encounters. Throw in another visual filter that cranks up the contrast and I'm yours for life capcom.

Basically, I want the PC version to look like this:

That's how it looked before it went multi.


brandonh83 said:
fuck the attache case in RE4, I spent more damn time organizing that bastard than actually playing the game, having a set amount of slots in RE5 is much more efficient IMO.
I know right, I would organize by color(grenades and herbs):lol :lol. It may save time in RE5, but I still somewhat miss RE4's item system!


Can anyone link me to a good Mercs guide? I want to step up my game!

(Love Mercs. I'd pay $60 for Mercs alone. In fact, Capcom should just make a pure Mercs game for Wii that covers characters and locales from all the games. How about it, Capcom?)

But yeah, somebody link me to the great guide everyone keeps quoting, please.


Does playing through Resident Evil 5 multiple times in order to gain all the unlockables remind anyone of the first time they played a Pokemon game? :lol

Capturing Pokemon = finding treasures/buying weapons
Raising Pokemon = upgrading
Battling = Replaying levels
Neiteio said:
Can anyone link me to a good Mercs guide? I want to step up my game!

(Love Mercs. I'd pay $60 for Mercs alone. In fact, Capcom should just make a pure Mercs game for Wii that covers characters and locales from all the games. How about it, Capcom?)

But yeah, somebody link me to the great guide everyone keeps quoting, please.

Probably gamefaqs.
Baloonatic said:
I just checked the leaderboards and the highest score for Public Assembly co-op is like 780,000?! I can't even begin to imagine how you get it that high.

Public assembly along with the mines and the village should be very easy with enough skill to get mad scores like that. Basically, one person chills in the river area while the other in the house from the beginning of the story chapter. This way all enemies spawn normally in both areas, so they come out twice as fast as if you were in just one of those two areas. Keep a combo going until its a 150 combo (easier said than done), get 10 kills or more on each combo time, grab all the time bonuses, and kill all 150 enemies with 1 min and a half or more left on the timer, getting a 90k+ bonus at the end.

If done like that, the end score would be calculated:

2 minutes left on the clock = 120000 points
>140 majini x 300 points each = >40500
3 executioners x 5000 points each = 15000
1 chicken = 2000 points
first 9 enemies in combo = 1670
first 10 enemies combo bonus = 1000 x 10 = 10000
another 10 enemies combo bonus = 1000 x 10 = 10000
another 10 enemies combo bonus = 1000 x 10 = 10000
10-19 in combo 500x10 = 5000
20-28 majini in combo 600x9= 5400
20-29 one of them is executioner combo bonus = 5000
30-39 in combo 700x10 = 7000
40-48 in combo 850x9 = 7650
40-49 one of them is executioner combo bonus = 6000
50-149 all majini or chicken 1000 x 100 = 100000
50-150 one is last executioner combo bonus = 7000
30? cephalos (lets say not more because of throat slit everyone else) +500 each= 15000

Total: 367220 points

Now my math might be wrong, but that seems like a damn good score for a relatively perfect round. And I was really lowballing the time left on the clock, because when every melee kill gets 5 seconds, you're talking about for 100 melee kills, 5 seconds (= 5000 points) x 100 = 8.3 minutes added to the clock, and for every minute you get 60000 points. There's probably about 8 minutes of time bonus on every level to start with and ive killed 130 enemies before with just that 8 minutes, so with another 8 minutes and being much more skilled, you could expect about 8.3 minutes extra time which is 500000 points.

So an exactly perfect round would probably have 8 minutes (OR MORE!) left = 500000 points with lets add my calculations above = 867220 points if you do everything almost perfectly.

Full disclosure: I like all this shit because I'm a math major.

edit: I guess with my math, its actually 10 minutes extra time since i had 2 minutes at the start of the calculations.


Boom! Bitch-slapped!
Second said:
Wich chapter?
I did a speed run to chapter 3-1 today, just to try the glitch out...

Chapter 3-1 gets you around 20K, maybe a little more, if you get everything there including the Rocket Launcher.

As soon as I get everything from 3-1 including the RL I quit and go right to 4-1. Lots of jewels and treasures there, and instead of running from the monster at the end I kill it with the RL and pick up the treasure it drops (worth 10K)

Takes me about 20 minutes and nets me around 70K.


The Wesker and 'you know who' fight is pissing me off at the moment. It wouldn't normally be such a big deal but the fact that I'm playing it by myself means Sheva is left to her own devices and being on Professional difficulty it means she runs off by herself, gets shot and then I can't bloody get to her.

I love the whole co-op and team mate thing in RE5 but really when your partner can be killed instantly repeating the same shit repeatedly because the AI dies incessantly isn't good game design. I'm basically just going to have to wait for a mate to join to pass this part I think.

Same with Sheva getting trapped with the dogs in Chapter 6....that will be an epic pain in the ass.

Oh and couple that with the multitude of times I've died with Sheva standing right beside me. Don't bother healing me or anything you silly bitch.....


Ice Monkey said:
Good to know. I had figured it was weird if his actual weak spot wasnt weaker than his basic headshot weakness. However, does this also count for the regular axeman?


Santa May Claus
Ice Monkey said:
Is her knee drop guaranteed to keep a parasite from appearing though?

I would assume so, but only because "instant kill" moves like the knee-shot-from-behind setup prevent plagas from forming.
GuardianE said:
I would assume so, but only because "instant kill" moves like the knee-shot-from-behind setup prevent plagas from forming.

That guide I keep referring to has a different listing for the knee drop compared with the other instant kills, it says 100% critical hit...assuming his info is correct I wonder if that means the other ground attacks have a percent chance to completely kill the enemy, while this one just always does.


Mohonky said:
The Wesker and 'you know who' fight is pissing me off at the moment. It wouldn't normally be such a big deal but the fact that I'm playing it by myself means Sheva is left to her own devices and being on Professional difficulty it means she runs off by herself, gets shot and then I can't bloody get to her.

If you help sheva deal with 'you know who' first then she can be feed up to help you deal with wesker. Throw
when restrained by Sheva to incapacitate for a bit.


by the way, for those who want to get all the action figures but have heard that to get the final one,
, you have to get specials in every chapter well im happy to say that all those specials can be in just one difficulty.

looks like im gonna get the full 1000g in on this.


Chinner said:
by the way, for those who want to get all the action figures but have heard that to get the final one,
, you have to get specials in every chapter well im happy to say that all those specials can be in just one difficulty.

looks like im gonna get the full 1000g in on this.


Ok the question is, do they have to be all on the same difficulty?

The other question is completing the game in under 5hrs. Again does the time need to be under the one difficulty and does it just add up your fastest times from each chapter?


Mohonky said:

Ok the question is, do they have to be all on the same difficulty?

The other question is completing the game in under 5hrs. Again does the time need to be under the one difficulty and does it just add up your fastest times from each chapter?
They can be all on one difficulty. I've got them all on norma.

Also, as for the 5 hours it doesn't have to be for one playthrough. Its accumalative.
Just finished the game.
Solo. took 10 hours on Normal.
Loved it, not as good as Re4 though.

Cant wait to play coop on veteran.
Some chapters are much much better than others. Not the most consistent game but still a lot of fun. Phenomenal graphics.


evilromero said:
I love the lab section. Last night I took the time to kill ALL the Lickers that escaped the glass holding cells. Guess what you get for that? Jack shit. And you know what happens when you THEN call the elevator? They respawn and approach again. Shit like this is prevalent throughout the game. It's like they ignored all the little things, which actually amount to serious issues.
There's 2 waves of lickers actually. Once you break open the door all the lickers behind the glass get aggressive. Once you call the elevator, lickers will start coming out of air vents. And you get treasure from random lickers which should be incentive enough to kill them.

There's a few other areas where you are more specifically encouraged to do the non-obvious. Like in the very start if you kill all the majini (which there is a LOT of) you'll get a unique treasure.

And there's a few other areas where you can completely prevent the enemy from ambushing. Like breaking the door lock on the second demo level with a grenade. Or shooting the guy handling the crane in 6-1 (this will actually let you skip a substantial part of the level).

Neiteio said:
Speaking of Mercenaries,
is a BAMF. I had an absolute blast using her on Experimental Facility, popping one head after after another with the PX4's 99% critical hit rate, insta-killing Dulvians and Cephalos with her five flash grenades, and using spray-n-pray tactics with the H&K to stun groups for crowd-clearing kicks and stomps. The fact she comes with a First Aid Spray is mere icing on the cake.

And the best part is, she's the easiest character to unlock. I unlocked her on my first try on Public Assembly with Chris. I love her! (And consequently hope she's not TOO popular online. >_>)
Yeah, she's great. I even liked her a lot before I learned that the Px4 has such an insane critical hit ratio.

Ice Monkey said:
wow. I havent even watched the second and third video but I cant believe I didnt think about discarding some of the weapons if you dont give a shit about them. Thanks for bringing that to my attention. The manual reload will also help me out immensely as I am ALWAYS caught reloading and get hit by someone. the hydra is awesome for killing fodder enemies.

edit: is that a strategy you use for all the characters? get rid of their weaker weapons so you dont get shit for ammo? Like I tend to always run out of shotgun ammo for regular chris, and then cant quite keep combos going because the pistol is less reliable at killing an enemy quickly.

edit 2: did you notice on your first video you were experiencing the lag that I mentioned several several pages back that happens with a bad connection to the other player?
I've been playing with very many different strategies. Some of the stuff I did with Wesker was rather specific for that playthrough. Me and my friend has just spent a ton of time experimenting on each stage trying to find good strategies. We did a very good run today on Mines with Sheva Tribal and Chris Stars where we found some rather nice tricks, I'll try to get a video of that recorded tomorrow.

The lag I experienced in that video isn't due to a bad connection, it's due to a high ping. I'm in norway and my friend hosting is in australia, and the ping is around 400-500. Considering other games usually end feeling MUCH more laggy I'm okay with how it's in RE5. Actually overall I'd say it's one of the best netcodes I've played with. In most other games it wouldn't even count as a hit if I shoot directly at an enemy.

jax (old)

Lonestar said:
fucking bullshit Failed To Load Save BULLSHIT.

:lol :lol

actually now that I'm at work.. all I can think about is going home to play merceneries.

A quick question:

How do you tell what the bars (that look like mobile phone bars) mean when you select a quick match? I'm guessing its lag indicator?

And how do you only play friends? I've got work out how to do this.

I also love how its free to play online on PS3. love love love.


Sectus said:
There's a few other areas where you are more specifically encouraged to do the non-obvious. Like in the very start if you kill all the majini (which there is a LOT of) you'll get a unique treasure.
really? looks like I have a new goal for tonight

oh the part where you're supposed to run for the house. infinite ammo hydra solved that problem


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.

Got an SS on Ship Deck Duo with 152K, which put me at 400 on the leaderboard. I thought SS was 160K and thought we were short by a bit until the stat screen. I previously only had an A on that stage so I'm really shocked at that, now the only stage I can't S rank is Prison.


Papercuts said:

Got an SS on Ship Deck Duo with 152K, which put me at 400 on the leaderboard. I thought SS was 160K and thought we were short by a bit until the stat screen. I previously only had an A on that stage so I'm really shocked at that, now the only stage I can't S rank is Prison.
I need to find me a good mercs partner to try to get some ss ranks


Is there any special trick for quickly and efficiently taking down the tall tribal guys? It seems like they just absorb the shotgun blasts and just do a sort of crouching animation. Same thing with the big fat zombie that occasionally appears in the game. I feel like I'm maybe missing some strategy for taking these guys out efficiently, but on the other hand maybe they're just designed to be damage sponges?


Tiktaalik said:
Is there any special trick for quickly and efficiently taking down the tall tribal guys? It seems like they just absorb the shotgun blasts and just do a sort of crouching animation. Same thing with the big fat zombie that occasionally appears in the game. I feel like I'm maybe missing some strategy for taking these guys out efficiently, but on the other hand maybe they're just designed to be damage sponges?

I blast em where they get stunned (with the shotgun) then both people do a melee attack, rinse, repeat.


Anyone think that Jill has been downgraded since RE3? She looks much better in that game.
She has a weird nose now. Way too big for her face imo. And she looks a bit cross eyed.

When I first saw her in Remake I was underwhelmed.


Chinner said:
They can be all on one difficulty. I've got them all on norma.

Also, as for the 5 hours it doesn't have to be for one playthrough. Its accumalative.

Sounds easy enough. Any tips on the Who Do You Trust achievement? Thats the only one at the moment I'm not sure about. I know I can get the rest of the achievements which are basically the upgrade all guns, get all figurines and finish the game on Pro (on 6.2 on that one) but thats the only achievement I'm not sure on.


Mohonky said:
Sounds easy enough. Any tips on the Who Do You Trust achievement? Thats the only one at the moment I'm not sure about. I know I can get the rest of the achievements which are basically the upgrade all guns, get all figurines and finish the game on Pro (on 6.2 on that one) but thats the only achievement I'm not sure on.
Whenever Sheva heals you or w/e, press b so that chris says 'thanks'. You'll get it eventually.
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