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GuardianE said:
The M3 has it beat in base damage, but the Hydra has both a wider shot AND longer range. I'm not sure how damage is determined, but it absolutely tears through enemies when up close, more consistently than, it seems anyway, my fully upgraded M3. Could be my imagination. The range really makes up for the lower damage output in most cases.
The Hydra is great as long as you don't buy the attack range (spread) boost. The wider shot totally destroys its damage potential.


KeeSomething said:
No I disagree. The voice acting in the series since REmake has been pretty good, it's just that the writing is awful. Resident Evil 5, for example, has excellent voice overs but cliche and lame writing. Same with Resident Evil 4 with the exception of Ashley and Saddler.

Yeah,Chris and Wesker have real good VAs,but the awful writing is to blame for any cringe worthy moments,but me I love the cringe worthy moments.


grap3fruitman said:
Okay guys, I can't get past the part in 6-3 as Sheva where she's walking across this bridge and it collapses on her. I'm supposed to mash X, but every time I've done it for the past hour and a half I've died. What am I doing wrong?
You're not mashing fast enough. Trust me.


Jealous Bastard
i've got no problem with the way the voice acting is presented. again, i just don't think it should be something a voice actor should be flaunting.

like, salazar's voice actor is at a cocktail party and his friends keep bugging him, "hey, ted, do the 'meester scott keeeennedyyyyyy' line"


Boom! Bitch-slapped!
bmf said:
I have all the achievements except for "The Works". I'm still working out how exactly how to do that one.

To do this you have to be playing with another person since AI Sheva is always standing beside you.

Get a zombie in between the two of you and shoot it in the arm and that should prompt a melee attack. Basically, you send it to your partner, he sends it back, and you finish it off. Even if you aren't doing it for the achievement, it's fun as shit to do over and over.

Just make sure you use a low powered pistol and hit the arm. If you hit it in the head or leg, the melee attack you use will knock it on the ground and kill the combo.
beelzebozo said:
i've got no problem with the way the voice acting is presented. again, i just don't think it should be something a voice actor should be flaunting.

like, salazar's voice actor is at a cocktail party and his friends keep bugging him, "hey, ted, do the 'meester scott keeeennedyyyyyy' line"
I'd bug him to do that. Not because they're good lines, but they are memorable. I can see what you mean though. These aren't acting jobs you place as the first or last in your list of acting jobs on your resume.


A Good Citizen
dk_ said:
Sorry to bring this up again, but in the PS3 version the water has no reflections and looks kinda flat in the 1st water level with the boat. Later, the water is way better and now has environmental reflections.

Do you guys think that's a bug or a decision due to performance issues?
I replayed that part today and I kinda noticed some reflections. They weren't really clear and they looked more like shadows on the water though. Perhaps it was a art decision since it's a swamp? It doesn't look very bad, but not very good either.

The water in that part of 2-1 you can walk in WAS terrible though. It really didn't even look like water but more like molten metal, and when you walk through it there's no reaction at all. :/ Which was weird because the water off to the side on the bridge part (with the truck) looked really nice, on the same act. Is it like that on the 360 version too?


crowphoenix said:
I'd bug him to do that. Not because they're good lines, but they are memorable. I can see what you mean though. These aren't acting jobs you place as the first or last in your list of acting jobs on your resume.
I'm particularly fond of when Leon emphatically says "NO THANKS, BRO." The game has some of the most memorable dialogue ever. And I quote ir regularly, for better or for worse. :D


Jealous Bastard
"where's everybody going. . . bingo?"

"i see the president's equipped his daughter with ballistics, too."

and krauser is just a gold mine of important, deep sounding dialogue that, when examined closer, is completely trite and awesome:

"you may be able to prolong your life, but it's not like you can escape your inevitable death, is it?"

wow. deep, man.


Santa May Claus
beelzebozo said:
"where's everybody going. . . bingo?"

"i see the president's equipped his daughter with ballistics, too."

and krauser is just a gold mine of important, deep sounding dialogue that, when examined closer, is completely trite and awesome:

"you may be able to prolong your life, but it's not like you can escape your inevitable death, is it?"

wow. deep, man.

My favorite Krauser line is:
"To bring order and balance to this insane world of ours."

What the hell?


Jealous Bastard

that whole diatribe he goes on while he's having the knife-fight with leon is awesome too. he says something like, "after all. . . we both know where we come from!" and it has little context and seems to come out of nowhere.

jax (old)

Gotta say. Mercernies with a competent co-op player is a lot of fun. I'm loving the last unlocked guy
wesker with the shotgun
I was able to get up to 90K on the military level (with the lickers) by myself with plenty of time to kill (36+combo). I had to stop and let the timer run out because I was afraid I'd make a mistake and die. He is so damn good.


and HOLY AMAZINGNESS @ capcom's unlockables. I love the figurines. They really show how amazing Capcom's modellers are. Everything is detailed, lovingly textured ...etc etc. Just gorgeous. Surprised that no one has posted a top down excella titty image. Its amazing how beautiful her model is. The skin look great as does her hair. Just lovely.

If any developer has to take any cues from this? Look at how capcom rewards gamers with their BONUS content. Its simply outstanding here. SIMPLY FUCKING OUTSTANDING.

I can only imagine what their games will look like next next gen. OMMMmmmmmggggg!
Ammo is really scarce in this game. Many times I'm completely out of ammo so I've to ignore all enemies and keep running to search for an ammo. It helps that enemy AI is dumb. I can walk by group of enemies at touching distance and they will stand there doing nothing at all. Good for me. :lol


LiquidMetal14 said:
Whoopdeee doo. sdlkjfdskljghdfkjghdfkjh

Ok, seriously now who cares :lol
Well, I thought the water looks like shit. I was relieved though that it was just in that one level.


As mentioned, RE5 has the best fire/smoke effects i've seen in a game. Im also going to extend this onto the grenade explosions.

Nothing like throwing a grenade into a cluster of villagers and watching them turn into a mixture of dust and red mist (while shooting out chunks of human flesh). So, so satisfying.

RE team is the master of gun combat. Absolute gold.


Prine said:
As mentioned, RE5 has the best fire/smoke effects i've seen in a game. Im also going to extend this onto the grenade explosions.

MT-Framework 2.0

Lost Planet 2 trailer, look at the explosions.
Just beat the game yesterday and I was deeply impressed. Action packed and intense all the way through, and I can't wait to go through it again. Except I don't have a headset for the PS3 and so I haven't really looked forward to playing online without really being able to communicate with the other player...


Jax said:
If any developer has to take any cues from this? Look at how capcom rewards gamers with their BONUS content. Its simply outstanding here. SIMPLY FUCKING OUTSTANDING.

Yeah, one thing RE5 nailed is the replay value. I've played through the campaign several times already and have barely even touched Mercenaries mode yet. It's incredibly satisfying to replay the game with the infinite rocket launcher and just blast everything away. Not only do you feel like a badass but the explosions are beautiful too.

I do wish the leaderboards were more detailed though. You're pretty much only judged on completion time rather than amount of kills, accuracy, etc.


Last night I did online co-op for the first time in Mercenaries, on Prison. First of all, I love this stage. It's not derived from any area in the campaign, so it's all new, and the atmosphere is impeccable. I want to stop and examine all the mutilated corpses, like an onlooker gawking a trainwreck, but then the flaming axeman comes and off I go, running across parapets over volcanic vistas and through lava-filled dungeons. I used Safari Chris and my partner used BSAA Chris. We covered each other's backs with shotguns, and when an axeman arrived I'd use my nuclear option, shooting a rocket up his ass. Sooo good!

Jax said:
...and HOLY AMAZINGNESS @ capcom's unlockables. I love the figurines. They really show how amazing Capcom's modellers are. Everything is detailed, lovingly textured ...etc etc. Just gorgeous. Surprised that no one has posted a top down excella titty image. Its amazing how beautiful her model is. The skin look great as does her hair. Just lovely.
I really liked Excella's character. I only wish we saw more. She appeared in, what, seven cutscenes? Yeah she has a titty factor of 10, but Capcom doesn't play it up at all, so there's no "I feel dirty" moments ala Soulcalibur IV. Excella seems like a girl who gets everything she wants with sex and daddy's money, yet by the end you suspect she had feelings for
, only to be betrayed in the most brutal fashion. She has nice hair, too; check it out in the model viewer.

Speaking of which, I agree the model viewer is amazing. The one I look at most is the
. The amount of detail put into its model is INSANE. It actually makes anatomical sense, too, with functional musculature. The
exposed brain and heart, and the major arteries extending from the latter,
add to the creepiness. Simply beautiful.

If any developer has to take any cues from this? Look at how capcom rewards gamers with their BONUS content. Its simply outstanding here. SIMPLY FUCKING OUTSTANDING.
I know. It helps the game's so fun I'd be content to play it all gen, but the fact they reward you for everything is tops. Right now I'm heading back for all 30 emblems to unlock additional customes and three more figures, building cash and points to buy, upgrade and add infinite ammo to all weapons, and then there's a wealth of trophies to get, the special figures to get by A-ranking and S-ranking every level, a new filter to unlock, and I haven't even tried Veteran, Pro or online campaign yet (although I did Chapter 4 in splitscreen). There's even added replay in the cutscene's DVD-style scene select; someday I'll make myself a nice meal and let them all play from start to finish, maybe mix in some of the alternate customes to spice things up. As you say, outstanding.

One question, though: How do I move weapons to the backup inventory on the Item Screen? I take it there's a way to stash your fully upgraded weapons there if you want to work on building up other guns. I tried a number of things, but I can't figure out how to move my weapons down there. Is there a way to do this?


Boom! Bitch-slapped!
Neiteio said:
One question, though: How do I move weapons to the backup inventory on the Item Screen? I take it there's a way to stash your fully upgraded weapons there if you want to work on building up other guns. I tried a number of things, but I can't figure out how to move my weapons down there. Is there a way to do this?

Highlight the item > press X > Remove

That puts it into your stash.


Man I really love the explosions in this game. The best effect is when the whole screen goes black as a rocket explodes, which gives the explosions massive contrast and makes them seem really powerful.

Davey Cakes

Beat the flamethrower boss just now.

Also, out of nowhere the "who do you trust?" achievement popped up while I was swapping some items with Sheva. Nice!

I'm not big on the Marshlands sequence, but everything from the Oil Fields on has been quite good.


Applesauce said:
Highlight the item > press X > Remove

That puts it into your stash.
Wow, never thought of that. Was there a separate option for Discard? I think I might've thought Remove would discard the weapon.

Thanks for letting me know. I'll start stashing my weapons and upgrading the rest. I've already fully upgraded the Ithaca M37, VZ61 and Dragunov SVD. What should I try next...


Santa May Claus
Neiteio said:
Wow, never thought of that. Was there a separate option for Discard? I think I might've thought Remove would discard the weapon.

Thanks for letting me know. I'll start stashing my weapons and upgrading the rest. I've already fully upgraded the Ithaca M37, VZ61 and Dragunov SVD. What should I try next...

You can't stash things into your backup inventory unless between levels or after a restart. That's where the whole, limited inventory/item management thing comes into play. If you're in a game, you can't put real time inventory in the backup stash and vice versa.


GuardianE said:
You can't stash things into your backup inventory unless between levels or after a restart. That's where the whole, limited inventory/item management thing comes into play. If you're in a game, you can't put real time inventory in the backup stash and vice versa.
No, I understand that. I just thought (incorrectly) that the Remove option on the "Ready" item screen between matches would discard rather than back-up your item. Between matches I used to sell off the new weapons I had picked up, like the grenade launcher once I ran out of ammo, thinking there was no place to store them. Now I know better. :lol
restrained Wesker and had AI Sheva stab him.
Yet I didn't get the trophy for this. Do I need to be the person wielding the knife in order to get it?


Santa May Claus
badcrumble said:
restrained Wesker and had AI Sheva stab him.
Yet I didn't get the trophy for this. Do I need to be the person wielding the knife in order to get it?

You don't get a trophy for that. Maybe you're thinking of the trophy/achievement where you have to
restrain Jill and have the other player pry it off while both of you are holding her. Or maybe you're thinking of the achievement where you have to context sensitive stab a Licker in the heart.
badcrumble said:
restrained Wesker and had AI Sheva stab him.
Yet I didn't get the trophy for this. Do I need to be the person wielding the knife in order to get it?

I don't think there's a trophy for that. There's one for
stabbing a licker in the heart
and one for
damaging Wesker enough in the first part of the 5-3 boss fight
. I think you are mixing the two.


Boom! Bitch-slapped!
Neiteio said:
Wow, never thought of that. Was there a separate option for Discard? I think I might've thought Remove would discard the weapon.

Thanks for letting me know. I'll start stashing my weapons and upgrading the rest. I've already fully upgraded the Ithaca M37, VZ61 and Dragunov SVD. What should I try next...

You discard items while you're in a game, it comes up on the little menu. If you want to get rid of an item at the Organize menu just sell it.

Also, buy and upgrade the Jail Breaker shotgun. I have the Hydra fully upgraded but the Jail Breaker's capacity + reload speed make it my preferred weapon for crowd control :D


Santa May Claus
Applesauce said:
You discard items while you're in a game, it comes up on the little menu. If you want to get rid of an item at the Organize menu just sell it.

Also, buy and upgrade the Jail Breaker shotgun. I have the Hydra fully upgraded but the Jail Breaker's capacity + reload speed make it my preferred weapon for crowd control :D

With Infinite Ammo or the inventory reload trick, that's kinda moot.


Jealous Bastard
i'd be much more interested in buying downloadable characters if they're jury-rig them into the campaign. pull out the cutscenes and just throw them in there for the hell of it.


Santa May Claus
Rash said:
Well, there's been a lot of controversy over DLC lately, but still....

I would buy that. Instantly.

Yeah, pretty much. In a heartbeat. There are certain things that I will whore myself out for. Like this. Oh, and an RE3 Jill.


Capcom said they wouldn't do system-exclusive DLC, right? I just want to make sure any additional content down the road appears on BOTH systems. None of this "The Lost and the Damned" bullshit.


I kinda feel like I don't like the weapons in RE5 as much as RE4. I'm on the last chapter and yet I'm still using the first pistol and first magnum (though both quite upgraded). I'm using the 2nd shotgun, M3, fully upgraded. All through the game I've been sort of just sparingly upgrading because I was expecting to find more weapons, but it never really happened. Maybe I missed something.

It's vaguely unsatisfying. Upgrading is not nearly as satisfying as buying a new gun. As well for me there's a sort of psychological block toward spending $8000 on a percentage damage increase, whereas spending the same amount on a shiny new gun is no problem.


This! as DLC!



Tiktaalik said:
I kinda feel like I don't like the weapons in RE5 as much as RE4. I'm on the last chapter and yet I'm still using the first pistol and first magnum (though both quite upgraded). I'm using the 2nd shotgun, M3, fully upgraded. All through the game I've been sort of just sparingly upgrading because I was expecting to find more weapons, but it never really happened. Maybe I missed something.

It's vaguely unsatisfying. Upgrading is not nearly as satisfying as buying a new gun. As well for me there's a sort of psychological block toward spending $8000 on a percentage damage increase, whereas spending the same amount on a shiny new gun is no problem.

Ya the later weapons needed to be better. There is no reason not to use the first handgun and there really is no reason to stop using it. I thought after upgrading the M92F, the unlocked gun would be much better but it is probably the worst handgun out of them all.


Neiteio said:
appeared shirtless at the end I thought him and Chris were going to have a fist fight atop Metal Gear Rex.
Yeah..I was expecting Chris to say something like "Wait a sec, let me take my shirt off and fight mano-a-mano".. :O!!!...but ..no!!!.. :(
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