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Neiteio said:
So nobody would want to play as Josh?


He's like a more sober Lando with a Swahili accent.
Oh, I would love a chance to play as Josh. He's awesome.


Relaxed Muscle said:
Probably was already noted in this thread, but I laughed when, after 5-2 boss, you can sit in the chair,both Sheva and Chris, which is a nice tribute to Mikami and RE4.
You can also sit in the chair on the ship bridge at the beginning of 6-3. I think the animations and comment are different, too. Just boot up that stage and try it.

Right now, I'm getting the emblems I left, there's still too much stuff to do. I'm gonna play this game during weeks. :lol :lol
Yeah, I know. It's the most fun I've had in a videogame since... RE4! Whaddaya know.
Relaxed Muscle said:
One question: Did I need to finish a chapter to have registered the emblems I got? or when I'm finished can I just quit the chapter?

You can just quit.

Well sure enough, my save has completely vanished from my hard drive. I noticed earlier that I got my first "eternal loading screen". I wonder if that has something to do with it. Guess I better get working on doing everything again :'(


Baloonatic said:
You can just quit.

Well sure enough, my save has completely vanished from my hard drive. I noticed earlier that I got my first "eternal loading screen". I wonder if that has something to do with it. Guess I better get working on doing everything again :'(
Yeah, I wish the game would let us backup our saves. It's one of those games where you're not allowed to do this.

On the bright side, with a good co-op partner you can S-rank the entire game in no time, which is enough to unlock all the figures and upgrade quite a few weapons. Ditto for Mercenaries, where a good parnter can restore your maps and characters. You'll do everything much faster -- and probably better -- this time around.

What version were you using?
Neiteio said:
Yeah, I wish the game would let us backup our saves. It's one of those games where you're not allowed to do this.

On the bright side, with a good co-op partner you can S-rank the entire game in no time, which is enough to unlock all the figures and upgrade quite a few weapons. Ditto for Mercenaries, where a good parnter can restore your maps and characters. You'll do everything much faster -- and probably better -- this time around.

What version were you using?

360. I haven't played the single player in co-op to be honest, I don't know anyone who has the game. Oh well. A couple of people on other forums have had the same problem supposedly.


Baloonatic said:
360. I haven't played the single player in co-op to be honest, I don't know anyone who has the game. Oh well. A couple of people on other forums have had the same problem supposedly.
I'm on PS3, but surely someone here could lend you a hand. If you have a partner who can loan you some infinite ammo weapons and vests, you two can blow through it together shortly. People beat the game in under four hours, so with the right guy it might be like sitting through a really good action movie.


Neiteio said:
So nobody would want to play as Josh?

He's like a more sober Lando with a Swahili accent.
Yeah, I think it would have been cool if there was a short playable scenario with Delta Team.

Though seriously, couldn't he have taken the time to wipe the blood off his face? In the final helicopter scene his face is still covered in the blood from hours before.
Just finished Veteran and then some with the AI (Chris) and it went very well. Indeed, I chose to continue playing Veteran and bring that campaign's total time below 5:00 and now have the Infinite RL available. Still replaying Veteran stages for S ranks, most of them done now. And replaying also just for the fun of it, get more loot, lower times even further.

The novelty of playing as Sheva has waned though for me, never seemed natural having her bark at Chris to follow, even if I'm the guiding hand issuing the commands. So shifting back to main man Chris for further Veteran time runs and starting Pro. But I think I'll stick with the Safari Chris/Tribal Sheva/Grain filter visual combo for I've been going with.

All this, and I've still barely touched Mercenaries.


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
Neiteio said:
So nobody would want to play as Josh?


He's like a more sober Lando with a Swahili accent.

After the dock incident Josh can eat a dick.

Josh: "Quck run to me so we can escape on my boat."
Me: "I'm 15 feet away across the water, fucking DRIVE OVER HERE YOU STUPID SHIT!"


Neiteio said:
So nobody would want to play as Josh?


He's like a more sober Lando with a Swahili accent.

I think it'd be pretty cool to play as Josh. It'd be cool if Capcom ever did a Seperate Ways-type side story that tied in the main game since he popped up in more than a few occasions in the main story.


Could someone do me a favor and check which ranking a time of 1'56"44 would get you on Normal ? Hard to go faster, speedrunning with AI Sheva is such a frustrating experience.


GCQuinton said:
I think it'd be pretty cool to play as Josh. It'd be cool if Capcom ever did a Seperate Ways-type side story that tied in the main game since he popped up in more than a few occasions in the main story.
A Separate Ways-style game starring Josh would also be a good excuse to see more of Africa. RE5 has a TON of variety, but they've barely scratched the surface of Africa's potential. The unprecedented biological diversity would make for some stellar new BOWs, and the variety of terrain could be milked for even more levels.

To quote my idea from earlier:

Neiteio said:
Also, what would you guys think of a DLC scenario where you play as Josh in the events leading up to the Delta Squad massacre at the port? It could begin in broad daylight, playing up the harsh light/extreme dark contrast to great effect, with Majini lurking in the shadows and some new enemies on the prowl; say, infected hyena that cackle evilly and stalk you in groups, the port being a backwater town on the savannah and all. Then, once you’ve secured the area, it’s late afternoon and storm clouds are gathering overhead. It begins to thunder and rain, and out of nowhere Ndesu (El Gigante) attacks, who you fight on foot ala RE4. What follows is a sequence like the Gekko attack at the beginning of MGS4, where all around you your Delta Squad teammates are dying in real-time, while you struggle to survive, stunning Ndesu with your weapons to give you time to run and hide. The idea is Ndesu is considerably stronger than RE4’s Gigante – he has six times the plagas, after all – so Josh would need to exploit the environment, playing cat-and-mouse with the giant and ultimately finding a way to knock Ndesu unconscious (hence why the beast’s still alive when Chris and Sheva arrive later that night).

Maybe there’d be more to the scenario than that (I wanted to fit infected elephants, giraffe and lions in there somehow like early reports led us to believe), but at any rate it’s a scenario that could reuse assets already in the game (the port, Josh, Ndesu) with minimal additions (infected hyena).
Honestly, it'd be sweet to go one-on-one against Gigante on foot as Josh, while Delta Squad is dying all around you ala the Gekko opening in MGS4. I'd buy it at high price, stranger!


If any kind soul out there would be willing to lend me a rotten egg, I'd be really grateful :D Gamertag is Vilmerz.

Edit - One dropped, finally :lol


I want to know what's causing these save file corruptions, and I want word from Capcom about them :( I'm now terrified I'm going to lose my save, because I've seen the same issue pop up on multiple forums now.


Victrix said:
I want to know what's causing these save file corruptions, and I want word from Capcom about them :( I'm now terrified I'm going to lose my save, because I've seen the same issue pop up on multiple forums now.
Has it happened to anyone on the PS3 yet? Maybe it's something to do with the 360, and if so maybe a particular model of 360 (i.e. older, more RROD-prone ones).


The only thing that I can say I'm dissapointed in is that they didn't use animals more...being in Afrcia they could had some truly cool creatures with the plagas. I think in Outbreak they had an animal stage that was pretty neat.
DevelopmentArrested said:
Anyone want to do a Pro complete run with me?
We'll turn infinite ammo on, I don't have them all unlocked however I can hold my own.

I would but I haven't unlocked Pro yet, I'm still working through veteran. =(

p.s. never going to get an A or let alone S in the
stage :lol


Has anyone here been able to beat pro with the AI? I'm just wondering because for some reason I can't stay connected in a co-op game for longer than 5 minutes but I want to play through pro.


Neo Member
Kard8p3 said:
Has anyone here been able to beat pro with the AI? I'm just wondering because for some reason I can't stay connected in a co-op game for longer than 5 minutes but I want to play through pro.

I beat pro with AI with a bit of cheat (infinite rocket/magnum/shotgun/rifle). The only part that gave me problem was the 5-3 boss.
Whenever I failed the QTE with Jill after trying to pull the thing off (I'm bad at QTE), Sheva always failed to heal even though she was standing right next to me.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
Kard8p3 said:
Has anyone here been able to beat pro with the AI? I'm just wondering because for some reason I can't stay connected in a co-op game for longer than 5 minutes but I want to play through pro.

I beat the majority of it with the AI now, without infinite ammo to boot. It can be really annoying because she just doesn't heal you fast enough in some cases, but it's...manageable. I'd definitly recommend infinite ammo with it though.
brandonh83 said:
I would but I haven't unlocked Pro yet, I'm still working through veteran. =(

p.s. never going to get an A or let alone S in the
stage :lol

It's beyond easy to get an A there. In fact, it may be the easiest level.

Use Midnight Wesker, and save the handcannon for the executioner. Killing him twice will net more than or close to 40k alone


Neiteio said:
A Separate Ways-style game starring Josh would also be a good excuse to see more of Africa. RE5 has a TON of variety, but they've barely scratched the surface of Africa's potential. The unprecedented biological diversity would make for some stellar new BOWs, and the variety of terrain could be milked for even more levels.

To quote my idea from earlier:

Honestly, it'd be sweet to go one-on-one against Gigante on foot as Josh, while Delta Squad is dying all around you ala the Gekko opening in MGS4. I'd buy it at high price, stranger!
So basically, make it like it should have been in the first place?

RE4 introduced us to a variety of new enemies and locales. RE5 was incredibly bland by comparison. Adding an on-foot Gigante fights and some crazy lion-zombie hybrids is what I expected in the first place when they announced it would take place in Africa. Re-skin the truck charging at you from the early chapters into a giant rhino or something, sheesh. :p


Pojo said:
So basically, make it like it should have been in the first place?

RE4 introduced us to a variety of new enemies and locales. RE5 was incredibly bland by comparison. Adding an on-foot Gigante fights and some crazy lion-zombie hybrids is what I expected in the first place when they announced it would take place in Africa. Re-skin the truck charging at you from the early chapters into a giant rhino or something, sheesh. :p
I understand your point, and yeah I'd love to fight Gigante on foot, but as an addition to the turret battle, not a replacement. I already have four arena-based Gigante battles under my belt in RE4; mixing him into a rail shooter in RE5 was a change of pace and a nice bit of fan service, and for the type of boss he was here he worked well. Guess it's all a matter of expectations.

Also, I wouldn't call RE5 bland by any stretch of the imagination. It has more environmental and monster variety than RE4, a better blend of gimmicks (love the lantern caves and piloting a hovercraft on the Great Sea-style marshlands), and I found the bosses a lot more compelling too. RE4's bosses weren't exactly genius (except Del Lago and Bitores Mendez, the latter from a dramatic standpoint), and neither are these, but RE5's involve more.

What do I mean?
Take Irving. Some people say Irving is like Salazar; yeah, a Salazar that can actually move all around you, come closer to you, submerge underwater or beach itself in the arena, that you can run around and fight with regular weapons or use turrets to spray lead and fire missiles at, whose tentacles -- of which there are three times as many, and in two types -- can be severed by bullet streams, and to top it all off it's on a ship at sea in a storm (epic, in other words). Play it with a friend and Irving blows Salazar out of the water. Then there's Popokarim; it can attack from the front and behind, from the ground and the sky, and not only does it blend two African creatures so that it looks unique, but it's a rush helping your friend when he/she is snared in its webbing, or working together to lure the monster across proximity mines so you can flip it over and attack its weak point. And how about the first Uroboros? Though easy on repeat playthroughs, it had me standing and yelling at my screen as my partner and I tried to keep it from slithering out of the furnace as the doors slowly closed. It made for a very memorable end to the first chapter of the game. And the last Uroboros, Aheri, is easily one of the most epic bosses in the franchise to date. I mean, getting a lock-on and nuking the skyscraper-sized monstrosity with a Death Star...

I'm not saying the game has the best bosses ever (that would probably be Twilight Princess), but RE5 can go toe-to-toe with its predecessor when it comes to bosses that feel epic and offer variety.


Neiteio said:
Oh, and check this out:

The beginning of a Professional playthrough, with NO DAMAGE and an AI partner, all the way through.

HyperSakura2009 has some real skill. He/she plays through all 16 stages on Professional, with an AI partner, and doesn't take a single hit. It's definitive proof you can beat Pro with an AI partner, you just need to be GOOD.

Looking forward to watching the whole thing.
I'd be impressed if it was with Infinite Ammo off and without the Longbow.

John Harker

Definitely doesn't make things up as he goes along.
Why does Sheva only fire single bullet shots if you give her an SMG? She's not very effective since single bullets do like no damage, any way to change that?


vilmer_ said:
If any kind soul out there would be willing to lend me a rotten egg, I'd be really grateful :D Gamertag is Vilmerz.

Edit - One dropped, finally :lol

Where at?

Been trying to get a rotten egg myself. If anyone is willing to help, my GT is Shawn128


Shawn128 said:
Where at?

Been trying to get a rotten egg myself. If anyone is willing to help, my GT is Shawn128

I kept running 6-3, because I figured it would be in the later stages, if not the last. It looks like it's going to take some time though to keep duplicating ONE egg to a comfortable amount for Pro upgrading. I'll be on in an hour or so if you need any help.


The 'H' stands for hentai.
Man, this game is great, I had a 5 hour marathon session yesterday.

It's gold Jerry, gold!!

The people I played online yesterday were complete gentlemen, so it was even more fun.

This game may be short, but I will be replaying this SOB for a LONG time to come.


comrade said:
I'd be impressed if it was with Infinite Ammo off and without the Longbow.
That's true. But then it would seem the mode was sort of designed for infinite ammo. I'd say beating it with infinite ammo and an AI partner is on par with finite ammo and a human partner.


Neo Member
Shawn128 said:
Where at?

Been trying to get a rotten egg myself. If anyone is willing to help, my GT is Shawn128

I would but I'm on PS3 :( The best place for finding rotten eggs in my opinion is 5-2
licker hallway.
There's a save point right before it so you can just keep quitting. Each run takes less than 2 mins and it will net you about 13-14k with a chance of finding a rotten egg.


I'd be in the dick
TChirath said:
I would but I'm on PS3 :( The best place for finding rotten eggs in my opinion is 5-2
licker hallway.
There's a save point right before it so you can just keep quitting. Each run takes less than 2 mins and it will net you about 13-14k with a chance of finding a rotten egg.
Is there any way to start right at that hallway? I've been doing it to get money but it gets annoying doing the stuff before the


Neo Member
RoboPlato said:
Is there any way to start right at that hallway? I've been doing it to get money but it gets annoying doing the stuff before the

If you mean starting right at that hallway from chapter select, no. There is a save point right at that hallway though, so if you run through it, go to quit (not restart), save your inventory, and choose continue from the main menu, you will start again right at the hallway.


RoboPlato said:
Is there any way to start right at that hallway? I've been doing it to get money but it gets annoying doing the stuff before the

...um just go to quit after your finsihed with the lickers, and then go to continue. Run past all the enemies in that area before them.


I'd be in the dick
TChirath said:
If you mean starting right at that hallway from chapter select, no. There is a save point right at that hallway though, so if you run through it, go to quit (not restart), save your inventory, and choose continue from the main menu, you will start again right at the hallway.
Thanks. I was making sure I went through the door to get it to save after them. :lol


vilmer_ said:
I kept running 6-3, because I figured it would be in the later stages, if not the last. It looks like it's going to take some time though to keep duplicating ONE egg to a comfortable amount for Pro upgrading. I'll be on in an hour or so if you need any help.

sure send me a friend request

I'll try to go on in a little while then


Haman Discharged... she smells nice
On the PS3, if your partner doesn't have a headset, can they still hear you when you talk to them? I thought they could, but I just want to make sure I'm not talking to thin air. :lol


I've really been enjoying this game. It is easily one of the most replayable games ever, with a truly stellar series of bonuses and unlockables to keep you going.

I love the consistent inventory and Chapter Select front-end. Even Sheva's AI is okay for the most part. A good job all-round.

All I will say is that it's missing a hint of the creative spark that RE4 had, and doesn't quite have it's flair, which I think was injected by Mikami to be honest.

Nonetheless, a really great game. Bring on RE6 and reinvent the series again, Capcom.


I'd be in the dick
Kyouji said:
On the PS3, if your partner doesn't have a headset, can they still hear you when you talk to them? I thought they could, but I just want to make sure I'm not talking to thin air. :lol
They can.
Any tips on the second to last boss on veteran, primarily getting
Sheva to do what she's supposed to be doing? She just runs around blind with that rocket launcher, and when I have the launcher, she keeps telling me that she'll go get a missile but she never does, I have to hold her hand all the way up those ladders just so she'll actually get one
, and getting it to work from there on out is pretty stupid.


Neiteio said:
You can also sit in the chair on the ship bridge at the beginning of 6-3. I think the animations and comment are different, too. Just boot up that stage and try it.
Wow, I didn't know you could do it there too. "I've always wanted to be a captain, but now's not the time." Hah.


brandonh83 said:
Any tips on the second to last boss on veteran, primarily getting
Sheva to do what she's supposed to be doing? She just runs around blind with that rocket launcher, and when I have the launcher, she keeps telling me that she'll go get a missile but she never does, I have to hold her hand all the way up those ladders just so she'll actually get one
, and getting it to work from there on out is pretty stupid.
You can try not using that weapon and using any other.. :p
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