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Boom! Bitch-slapped!
Blimblim said:
New video by DjMizuhara, showing some night gameplay, and a boss fight.

Spoilers, I guess. http://www.gamersyde.com/news_7604_en.html




TheCardPlayer said:
Whatever. I'll rent the game then just so I can bash it too after having played it. Then again, you are the one using ''bleh'' to describe the game, not me.
You want to be banned is that it?
Imagine cutting out the castle in RE4

I guess I'm just on a different wavelength here, I thought the castle-- while cool and epic, and fun, didn't really do much for me. It seemed like the most out of place thing of all time. So this news doesn't bother me.

Also, about it being less meaty than RE4, I didn't like the meat at all in RE4 so that's something else that means nothing to me.


TheCardPlayer said:

Having an opinion is different from hating a game without even touching it.

If the reason you play a game is to bash the game afterward, there's something wrong with you.


TheCardPlayer said:
Oh that, I watched the live stream so I saw the cutscenes. :lol

You're not a fan, you have a fetish.

I can't believe anyone would royally fuck up their gaming experience with a move like that.


Worships the porcelain goddess
I look forward to renting this. However, I won't be broken up about it if I don't like it. Code Veronica was the best game in the series to me and I've quickly fallen out of being a fan in the games since then, including RE4.

Here's hoping though!


TheCardPlayer said:
I guess some people can just do that, but you have to realize that for some people, like me, we'd rather just ignore a game than play it and be dissapointed. Why play something that will bring me no enjoyment and might even make me enjoy the series less? After 4 years of wait, I just expected the greatest game ever and for me it was a possibility since no game since RE4 has matched it for me. RE5 was supposed to be that game and it isn't. Heck, even one of the guys defending it here, is saying in his posts how dissapointing it is.

It reads like your are talking about your GF. You have to embrace life, not hide from it! whats the worse it can happen?

The ony thing you really have to worry aboout in life is finding a lump on your willy. thats scary.
RE5 being shorter than RE4 is definitely a negative for me. Sure, the older games were shorter, but the flow was different - they were not exactly clear cut linear and you could do certain things in a different order and there was a general sense of place and discovery in the locales. RE4 was definitely long, but the Castle is such a huge chunk of RE4 and that is too much of a difference for me. If I'm having amazing epic fun, the longer the better.

I do appreciate though the replay value and the game trying to tie things up (even though in RE typical fashion this just means adding more holes than a swiss cheese, but hey it's Resident Evil). This means on the story front, I'll at least appreciate 5 better than 4.


I have to clarify my comments, because I have a feeling they might not be totally viewed accurately.

The experience of a first-time playthrough is just that: the first time. It comprises of a small but fairly important part of the enjoyment of an entire game. It does set a lot of first impressions, many of which may not go away. Replay Value and the first time impression obviously have to contradict each other.

But it's the first run through, and RE5's replay value will easily destroy the rest of the series', I'm sure. Moreover, how RE5 would stack up depends on my personal history with the series. I may be a big fan, but I wasn't there on day one. I started with CV and headed backwards from there, which is why I hold that in higher regard than RE1 and RE2. Moreover, realize that topping RE4 is no easy task, and while I am certain Capcom hasn't done that in single player, I for one am looking forward to all the online experiences in the years to come.

To be very clear about my complaints about RE5, it stems from mainly two things: the linearity and the relative lack of gameplay innovation. It's nothing control-related or technical. I still feel those critics are wrong. But knowing what Capcom was aiming for with RE5, and the fact that RE2 wasn't so big a leap from RE1, it doesn't surprise, only the former does.


Currently I have other players join me in the co-op game. Just a question, if I play as Sheva my equipment / ammo will carry on from the co-op game back to my single player correct?


brandonh83 said:
I think RE4 is one of the worst games in the franchise.

I like you man, but after saying something like this, your opinion on RE cannot be trusted, lolz. RE4 was the best game in the series (although REmake is very close), not to mention the best game of the entire last generation.


Kintaro said:
I look forward to renting this. However, I won't be broken up about it if I don't like it. Code Veronica was the best game in the series to me and I've quickly fallen out of being a fan in the games since then, including RE4.

Here's hoping though!
I'm not too proud to admit in this thread that the only RE game I've played is RE4 (just played it last year). It instantly became one of my favorite games of all time, and RE5 is one of my most anticipated games this gen.

Having said all that, since I'm a Western peasant and must wait until next Friday for RE5 (LOL, never thought about importing- Capcom, why must you hurt me so with your staggered release dates???), should I pick up a copy of CVX this weekend to tide me over? How does it hold up? I'd be playing it BC on my PS3.
cvxfreak said:
I have to clarify my comments, because I have a feeling they might not be totally viewed accurately.

The experience of a first-time playthrough is just that: the first time. It comprises of a small but fairly important part of the enjoyment of an entire game. It does set a lot of first impressions, many of which may not go away. Replay Value and the first time impression obviously have to contradict each other.

But it's the first run through, and RE5's replay value will easily destroy the rest of the series', I'm sure. Moreover, how RE5 would stack up depends on my personal history with the series. I may be a big fan, but I wasn't there on day one. I started with CV and headed backwards from there, which is why I hold that in higher regard than RE1 and RE2. Moreover, realize that topping RE4 is no easy task, and while I am certain Capcom hasn't done that in single player, I for one am looking forward to all the online experiences in the years to come.

To be very clear about my complaints about RE5, it stems from mainly two things: the linearity and the relative lack of gameplay innovation. It's nothing control-related or technical. I still feel those critics are wrong. But knowing what Capcom was aiming for with RE5, and the fact that RE2 wasn't so big a leap from RE1, it doesn't surprise, only the former does.

Thanks for coming in and straighting things out for us. Though how do you think the game stacks up story wise against the others? I'm not sure the effect of playing CV first and going back has any real effect, least not to me. I started back in 1996 with the original and still hold CV in high regards. So thats all gravy! :D


Likes to have "friends" around to "play cards" with
cvxfreak said:
I have to clarify my comments, because I have a feeling they might not be totally viewed accurately.

The experience of a first-time playthrough is just that: the first time. It comprises of a small but fairly important part of the enjoyment of an entire game. It does set a lot of first impressions, many of which may not go away. Replay Value and the first time impression obviously have to contradict each other.
But if the game is worse than RE0, how is replay value going to salvage it?


Likes to have "friends" around to "play cards" with
RPGCrazied said:
so.. it can be beaten in 7-10hours? How come most of the NA mag reviews are saying 15-20?

im confused.
I watched an entire playthrough of the game and it took about 20 hours to be completed so these reviews are crap.


RPGCrazied said:
so.. it can be beaten in 7-10hours? How come most of the NA mag reviews are saying 15-20?

im confused.
On your first run through, I think seven hours would be quite an acheivement. I tend to spend time making sure I pick up everything I can (still missed loads of stuff mind) and my completion time in the stats said 18 hours. Time through will definitely vary from person to person and if you're playing co-op.


TheCardPlayer said:
But if the game is worse than RE0, how is replay value going to salvage it?
Experience is only one facet of a game. It's not that hard to understand what he's saying. No where does he claim that the game as a whole is worse than RE0.


TheCardPlayer said:
Right, because experience is not important. It doesn't matter if your not having fun, it's just one facet. :lol

When did cvx say he wasn't having fun? Reading comprehension for the lose?


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
TheCardPlayer said:
Sorry but his opinion on RE is nearly the same as mine, as I am one of the few who think RECV is amongst the best and since he loves RE4 you know, he's not a new style RE hater. Consider that he spent thousands on the series and he bought every single version of every game.

If he says it sucks, even with his hype, you know the game is just garbage. Like I said, I cancelled my pre-order. No regrets. At least I won't be as dissapointed as some people here who are clinging to their hype.
Where exactly did cvx claim that RE5 sucks? If you look at his posts, you'll see that he basically says the game is a solid 9/10. You also forget that cvx actually LIKES RE0.

Please don't tell me you loved RE4 for the story line. :p It sounds like RE5 provides more of the gameplay presented in RE4 with a higher level of polish. It clearly PLAYS much better than any other game in the series. So, at the very least, you have a somewhat RE themed action game to enjoy. I don't see why you would ignore it for that reason.


Likes to have "friends" around to "play cards" with
dark10x said:
Please don't tell me you loved RE4 for the story line. :p It sounds like RE5 provides more of the gameplay presented in RE4 with a higher level of polish. It clearly PLAYS much better than any other game in the series. So, at the very least, you have a somewhat RE themed action game to enjoy. I don't see why you would ignore it for that reason.
Yes, I loved RE4 for it's characters and storyline. I certainly think it had a better story than the other games in the series for sure. I don't care what anybody else thinks. RE4 hate is just retarded.

It got great reviews, over 25 GOTY awards and is listed amongst the best games of all time...but it sucks, it's not teh RE IT DOESNT HAS THE ZXOMBIE!

Duck Amuck said:
Pedobear/CardPlayer has ruined the thread.
Yeah, negative comments shouldn't be posted in official threads. It's all fun and games and love. No one can dislike the game. That's impossible.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Yes, I loved RE4 for it's characters and storyline. I certainly think it had a better story than the other games in the series for sure. I don't care what anybody else thinks. RE4 hate is just retarded.

It got great reviews, over 25 GOTY awards and is listed amongst the best games of all time...but it sucks, it's not teh RE IT DOESNT HAS THE ZXOMBIE!
RE4 is one of the best games of all time, I agree, but I didn't think the story element was all that good. However, the gameplay itself was good enough that it didn't detract from the experience. I don't think there is any hate going on here.

RE5 basically plays like RE4 with an extra layer of polish. I honestly can't see why you would not want to play it. You've waited this long, why skip it? CVX even believes your thoughts to be quite irrational and he loves RE5.

It just doesn't make any sense.

No one can dislike the game. That's impossible.
CVX has finished the game and thought it was great. Most others that have played it have had even more positive things to say about it. You're focusing on a simple comparison that CVX wrote and misinterpreting the meaning. If you really want to discuss the quality of the game, you should probably play it first. ;)


loves Arcade Sticks
Took me 10 hours doing split screen coop with my brother.

Loved the game/experience... I really hope they follow up this game with something more definitive though (story/main character continuity wise).


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
should I pick up a copy of CVX this weekend to tide me over? How does it hold up? I'd be playing it BC on my PS3.
You should keep in mind that RE games prior to RE4 were COMPLETELY different types of games. The fact that you enjoyed RE4 does not mean you will be able to enjoy the previous entries. By todays standards, it's an incredibly clunky game that could prove frustrating. Doesn't mean it isn't worth checking out, but it IS a dated game.


Likes to have "friends" around to "play cards" with
CVX is dated especially the graphics which are poor for a DC/PS2 era game. But it more than makes up for it in great locations, puzzles, music and sheer atmosphere. The storyline is great although it takes a while to really get going. I don't like it as much as RE2 or 4 but it's pretty close.

For the price, it's a definite buy for anyone with even a passing interest in RE. In fact, it ties in with RE5 as it sets up the rivalry between Chris and Wesker. It's amongst the top games of the series. Any PS2 collection isn't complete without it IMHO.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
TheCardPlayer said:
CVX is dated especially the graphics which are poor for a DC/PS2 era game. But it more than makes up for it in great locations, puzzles, music and sheer atmosphere. The storyline is great although it takes a while to really get going. I don't like it as much as RE2 or 4 but it's pretty close.

For the price, it's a definite buy for anyone with even a passing interest in RE. In fact, it ties in with RE5 as it sets up the rivalry between Chris and Wesker. It's amongst the top games of the series.
The graphics are fantastic for a Dreamcast game. It was one of the finest looking games to date when it was released in 2000. Seeing such visuals rendered in realtime was a real treat back then. Obviously, times have changed, and it was overshadowed by many first generation Capcom PS2 efforts (such as the 60 fps Devil May Cry). Still, it's not THAT awful looking.

It's really the controls that I suspect a new player may not be able to deal with. I could see someone getting impatient with the type of gameplay it focuses on as well. It's much more of a graphic adventure with combat than anything else (which is not a bad thing at all, but is uncommon in this day and age).


Likes to have "friends" around to "play cards" with
dark10x said:
The graphics are fantastic for a Dreamcast game. It was one of the finest looking games to date when it was released in 2000. Seeing such visuals rendered in realtime was a real treat back then. Obviously, times have changed, and it was overshadowed by many first generation Capcom PS2 efforts (such as the 60 fps Devil May Cry). Still, it's not THAT awful looking.

It's really the controls that I suspect a new player may not be able to deal with. I could see someone getting impatient with the type of gameplay it focuses on as well. It's much more of a graphic adventure with combat than anything else (which is not a bad thing at all, but is uncommon in this day and age).

I recently played the game and the water effects made me question if I should finish it. :lol I never viewed it as particularly attractive. But I do think it's got wonderful art and style. The game oozes atmosphere and beauty from it's locations despite the primitive graphics. It's an early last-gen game anyway, so I can forgive that.

I think that the main problem is that CV(X) is pretty much made with the veteran players in mind. I finished it multiple times and I still find it to be the hardest title in the series. Even the puzzles are fairly difficult but if one perseveres, it's one of the most rewarding games in the RE franchise.
cvxfreak said:
IT'S NOT WORSE THAN RE0. Jesus Christ. Please learn to comprehend like USD has.

There cardplayer! He said it himself. At this point until you play the game yourself. Your comments concerning RE5 and how good it is can't really be held valid. I'm sorry!

TheCardPlayer said:
I think that the main problem is that CV(X) is pretty much made with the veteran players in mind. I finished it multiple times and I still find it to be the hardest title in the series. Even the puzzles are fairly difficult but if one perseveres, it's one of the most rewarding games in the RE franchise.

Also hmm whats most peoples view on this. I never really had trouble with CV. RE0 on normal I died though... ALOT. I thought it was one of the harder ones but I only played it twice so maybe I'm imagining things. Though now that I recall the second time was on easy and it was much...easier so. Damn Now im lost.:lol


shut uuuuuuuuuuuuuuup
Just pre-ordered. It's the promise of co-op with a friend that brought me to do it, because other than that I'm really not that hyped for RE5 after playing the demo... which is weird because I'm such a complete sucker for 4. Hopefully this will all change as soon as i boot up the game
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