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Ganondorfo said:
This is not only a resident evil 5 question, but a question for the whole resident evil series.

This is something that bothers me when I am playing a resident evil game...

When someone get himself mutated, can they go back to their human form?

Well, Saddler in RE4 murdered Luis with a huge tentacle under his robe, which I'm pretty sure was all him, and then it just went away. So...yes?


Unconfirmed Member
I have a question. I started chapter 2 with the computer and then I got my friend to play with me. He does not have the machine gun that Sheva had. And it won't allow me to give him the shotgun or machine gun in my inventory. Whys that?
I beat RE5 last night, and it was pretty good, but overall, a weak entry in the series. It was uninspired, short, almost broken (Sheva's AI is so frustrating), and it completely lacked even jump scares. I can't help but feel this game is a downgrade from Resident Evil 4; I felt RE4 has much better game design including level and boss design. There was also too many times where I felt the game developers were being completely lazy, and that's mostly because of how generic the areas were, and how lame some of the boss fights were (the final boss in RE5 makes Saddler look like the best boss fight ever).

But, I still enjoyed RE5 quite a bit. I need to buy another Gold Account so I can play online co-op again, and The Mercinaries looks to be improved even over RE4 thanks to co-op and more stages.


Almost through it now on veteran. I have to say I don't know if I will play it again after that though. I'd like to get some more trophies but palying throught more than 3 times does not seem appealing to me. Mercenaries mode never was my thing. Probably going to sell it after that I don't know.


Likes to have "friends" around to "play cards" with
KeeSomething said:
I felt RE4 has much better game design including level and boss design.

Disagreed. As a ''game'' RE4 is certainly better but the level design in RE5 is truly, pure RE. And the bosses except for the last one wipe the floor with anything from RE4.

I hate when people say the final area are just corridors. It's a freaking throwback to the best of the old RE games.




Duck Amuck said:

That's what I am wondering too. As much as I enjoyed the game it had ALOT of kill rooms. By that I mean areas where the game locks you down in a specific area and throws alot of enemies at you. Not really RE imo.


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
sazabirules said:
I have a question. I started chapter 2 with the computer and then I got my friend to play with me. He does not have the machine gun that Sheva had. And it won't allow me to give him the shotgun or machine gun in my inventory. Whys that?

the game is strict in the sense that you can only share ammo, grenades and herbs with people, not actual guns.

and any human coming into a game can only use his own inventory set. Your partner AI's guns will not be accesable to him.


No jump scares? The whole game is composed of jump scares (on veteran in co-op) in a way. Majini are so damn quiet, they sneak up on you out of nowhere. We didnt run into anything of Oven man caliber yet, but still.
TheCardPlayer said:
Disagreed. As a ''game'' RE4 is certainly better but the level design in RE5 is truly, pure RE.
Like I said, RE4 has better level design. Aside from that, I feel RE4 also captured the classic Resident Evil feel in its atmosphere on the island. RE5 has nothing like that.

In RE5, the game starts off trying to be like RE5 in its level design with the maps being more like playgrounds with multiple ways to redo the same scenario, but it's like halfway in, RE5 just gives up and goes with some generic design that isn't appealing to play or look at. Maybe you think that's what "pure RE," but that's a convient way to help your case.

To be more over-the-top: "Superman 64's level design sucks, but it's pure Superman, and it's supposed to take place in a computer anyways and the glitches in the game just inhance that feel." See what I mean, though?

And the bosses except for the last one wipe the floor with anything from RE4.
I don't find on-the-rails turrents to be fun at all; they require no strategy. You have to fight them the same way with each fight, and even the not-turrent bosses leave you in a pretty boring battlefield with less possibilities to defeat them.

In Resident Evil 4, you fought bosses on playgrounds. The battle against two El Gigantes stick out the most. In RE5, the only battle that offered traps was the first Uroborus fight, but that fight was rather dry and unexciting.

I hate when people say the final area are just corridors. It's a freaking throwback to the best of the old RE games.
I never even mentioned anything about corridors, I simply said that RE5's level design is uninspired and generic. Read the above.


I'd be in the dick
Teknoman said:
We didnt run into anything of Oven man caliber yet, but still.
I swear Capcom planted something in my mind to delete Oven Man from my memory every time I enter that room. One of the most memorable things from RE4 and I always forget about it when I walk into the room he's in. Gets me every time. :lol
I just want to clear up that I don't hate Resident Evil 5. It's a solid game but with some flaws.

Teknoman said:
No jump scares? The whole game is composed of jump scares (on veteran in co-op) in a way. Majini are so damn quiet, they sneak up on you out of nowhere. We didnt run into anything of Oven man caliber yet, but still.
I've only played the first 3 levels on Veteran; I beat the game on normal (in 8 hours I might add). but yeah, I never jumped once nor did I ever feel uneasy.

Duck Amuck said:
Maybe it'd help if you hadn't watched the entire game via livefeed. :D
Shh. ;-P

Duck Amuck said:
I don't see why you think the second half is worst than the first half Kee. I actually like the second half more!
I liked the Lickers parts, but I just felt the maps were too constricted. Whereas RE4 kept giving us bigger playgrounds and more intense as it progressed, I feel RE5 just got more annoying with having to fight guys with guns in smaller rooms. It wasn't really hard, but it just wasn't fun having to take cover so often. And the ememies were pretty boring overall.

I'll have to go back and replay the later sections since I've only played through them once.

Davey Cakes

evilromero said:
I don't remember having so much difficulty running and moving in previous games.
It's the tank controls.

In RE4, Leon seems faster and controls more smoothly because he's agile, unlike Chris.

People say that there isn't a difference in the general control, and I agree with that. But, there's certainly a different "feeling" to it. Turning feels slower in some ways, for example. Also, the way the camera is fixed in RE5 definitely the controls feel more...confining? In RE4, the camera would pan out a lot, to points where it was barely "behind the shoulder." This made you feel a tad more loose and free. But, RE5 give the directly "behind the shoulder" camera the whole time.

The differences aren't major, but they are small and abundant enough to change the general "feel" if you get what I mean.

Davey Cakes

TheCardPlayer said:
2nd half >>>>>>>>>> 1st half
Holy darn. The opinions on this game are all over the place!

One moment I find someone who loves the game but thinks it tapers off in the second half, the next moment I find someone who loves the game and thinks the second half trumps the first. What the hell is going on?

RE5 is one of the wackiest cases of differing opinions that I've ever seen.
Rash said:
RE5 is one of the wackiest cases of differing opinions that I've ever seen.
Heheh. Yeah, especially since one of RE5's biggest supporters was refusing to buy the game based off of another member's opinion just a few days ago.
beelzebozo said:
folks playing single player who were massive re4 fans:

enjoying it?

Wasn't feeling it much up until chapter 2-3, since then its been as widly imaginative with its setpieces as RE4 was. Brilliant stuff. I wouldn't say its better than RE4 but its damn close.


Aliens ate my babysitter
Pretty awesome so far, at 2.2 Especially with online co-op. But we keep dropping out. Anyone else have that problem?

I'm in sweden


Waiting on Gamefly for this and it's killing me. It shipped 3/12 so I'm praying it comes today. If not I'm fucked till Monday.


Me and a buddy of mine played this for a couple of hours on thursday night but we couldn't manage to play together for two days now. When we try to join to each others room we get "Comunication error, Connection lost" message. I tried googling and lurking various forums but couldn't find anything. I'm desperate, help me gaf :(.


Likes to have "friends" around to "play cards" with
Chiggs said:
I couldn't possibly disagree more with this.
Name me one boss in RE4 better than anything except the final boss in RE5. Just one.

And I love the game. Even U3 and the bodyguard are nothing compared to the bosses of RE5. Nothing.
TheCardPlayer said:
It blows RE4 out of the water just with it's plot.
Ugh... Not that Resident Evil 4's plot was anything to write home about, but at least it worked. Resident Evil 5's plot is probably the biggeest cop out I've come across.

Spencer is only seen in a flashback, which Wesker kills him in. Are you telling me that the main guy behind Umbrella who was nver seen in any previous RE game was killed just like that? And in a flashback? Not to mention how he mentions that Wesker is like a clone or something. What that even necessary? And Wesker's character was developed through flashbacks... that's cheap and pathetic. Using flashbacks to develop characters (and killed off big ones) is a big no-no in stories unless it is pulled off right. In RE5 it's more like the writers were like "Hey... we need to kill end the Umbrella arc. Wanna just kill off Spencer so we don't have to do anything with him? Oh, and let's make Wesker a clone or something made by Spencer... Yeah... But we can't fit that in the story, so let's just have Wesker kill him in a flashback."

Then there is the "plot twist." Just about everyone saw it coming. I don't know, it just seemed weak and cheap. Wesker was controlling her with... some red thing? You save her and she become irrelevant for the rest of the game.


Likes to have "friends" around to "play cards" with
KeeSomething said:
Ugh... Not that Resident Evil 4's plot was anything to write home about, but at least it worked. Resident Evil 5's plot is probably the biggeest cop out I've come across.

Spencer is only seen in a flashback, which Wesker kills him in. Are you telling me that the main guy behind Umbrella who was nver seen in any previous RE game was killed just like that? And in a flashback? Not to mention how he mentions that Wesker is like a clone or something. What that even necessary? And Wesker's character was developed through flashbacks... that's cheap and pathetic. Using flashbacks to develop characters (and killed off big ones) is a big no-no in stories unless it is pulled off right. In RE5 it's more like the writers were like "Hey... we need to kill end the Umbrella arc. Wanna just kill off Spencer so we don't have to do anything with him? Oh, and let's make Wesker a clone or something made by Spencer... Yeah... But we can't fit that in the story, so let's just have Wesker kill him in a flashback."

Then there is the "plot twist." Just about everyone saw it coming. I don't know, it just seemed weak and cheap. Wesker was controlling her with... some red thing? You save her and she become irrelevant for the rest of the game.
Reading that showed me how much you payed attention.
Wesker a clone? Hahahaha, read the files, dude. No wonder you hate the plot. You missed it.

Nose Master

This game is really, really disappointing. It seems like there was no effort put into, well, anything involved. Playing it single-player isn't even worth it, and makes the game a hundred times worse. Playing it co-op is fun, but looking back on it, it's not anywhere near as good as re4. I played it for five hours straight last night, and I honestly can't think of a single cutscene that was worth watching. 90% of them are just Chris and Sheva fumbling around confused.

TheCardPlayer said:
Name me one boss in RE4 better than anything except the final boss in RE5. Just one.

And I love the game. Even U3 and the bodyguard are nothing compared to the bosses of RE5. Nothing.
Why don't you name how RE5 is so much better than RE4's bosses? I already explained why I think RE4 is better as a response to yours, but you dodged it.
TheCardPlayer said:
Reading that showed me how much you payed attention.
Wesker a clone? Hahahaha, read the files, dude. No wonder you hate the plot. You missed it.
Which file was that? Was it the one of the boat because I know there were two of them I didn't read because I had no interest anymore.
But does it really matter what Wesker was, the whole idea that Spencer was seen for the first time, developed, and killed in a flashback just shows how patheically the story was put together.

Even so, the whole story argument is moot. I shouldn't even have mentioned it considering how the series obviously has no focus on story, but I find it annoying how they can just throw away characters in the most uninspired way possible.


The physical form of blasphemy
TheCardPlayer said:
Name me one boss in RE4 better than anything except the final boss in RE5. Just one.

And I love the game. Even U3 and the bodyguard are nothing compared to the bosses of RE5. Nothing.

Since I'm not that far in...

The first boss is killed the exact same way you kill leach man in Outbreak. The only difference is, it's way less of a challenge. It was underwhelming and easy as fuck.

The second boss...is lame. I had more fun fighting the flying shit in Umbrella Chronicles and House of the Dead. Besides, they give you effin proximity mines right during the boss fight. And, there are no real "alternative" ways of approaching it...like most of the bosses in RE4.

LOL @ the third boss. THAT DOG, Knife only, the lava pit, or running past it, are all better than sitting down in a turret and shooting at it. El gigante took way more skill and was way more intense to fight in RE4.

So far, every boss in RE4 is better than the ones here. :/


MiamiWesker said:
The save system is weird and broken. I saved the game in the middle of an area after it said checkpoint, I made sure to save my inventory. I turned off the game. Later I came back and it didn't save at the checkpoint, I had to start from the beginning of that area again but all the items I had were saved in my inventory and all the items, even the ones I picked up were still in the level. So I can just multiply my inventory forever, genius capcom, wtf.

Plus it doesnt handle a game as if its a straight playthrough, it handles it as if its chunks of a game. I dont like that I can go back to an old chapter, hoard ammo, then jump back to a later chapter. Whatever happend to playing a game from start to finish, what happens happens.

Eh its not a big deal, just hard to get used to I guess.

That's what makes it so awesome, imo. It would be nice to have an option to continue from your last checkpoint though.

Man...why do I need to select my storage device every time it boots. :(


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Chiggs said:
I couldn't possibly disagree more with this.
Agreed. No way. They're much too easy in this game. And most of them are too simple in design. So far there's only been one boss that really challenged me...and he actually did challenge me.


Likes to have "friends" around to "play cards" with
KeeSomething said:
Why don't you name how RE5 is so much better than RE4's bosses?

The Gigante fight has nothing to do with RE and it sucked in 4. It's much more action packed in 5. Uroboros and Uroboros Mkono wipe the floor with Chief Mendez. Mkono in particular is perhaps the best RE boss fight ever. Irving is a much better designed fight than Salazar and the crappy ledge jumping. Popokarim is a better boss than U3. U8 is more epic than any boss in RE4. Saddler however is a better boss than Wesker mutated. But any Wesker fight expect the last is better than anything in RE4 too.
Now go on. Stop dodging my question. Tell me how the RE4 bosses are better.

KeeSomething said:
I shouldn't even have mentioned it considering how the series obviously has no focus on story
:lol :lol :lol Right. Don't argue with a RE fan about the story is you dislike it anyway. RE has no focus on story? :lol


The physical form of blasphemy
I know it's like my second time saying it, but I do love these tribal dudes. A pack of them is scary shit to deal with, with low ammo. :lol


Likes to have "friends" around to "play cards" with
Oldschoolgamer said:
I know it's like my second time saying it, but I do love these tribal dudes. A pack of them is scary shit to deal with, with low ammo. :lol
The first time you see
the damn huge ones, me and my friend shit our pants. The little chanting in the background. We laugh thinking something cheesy was coming up. Bam 9 foot talk fucker with a huge mask and spiked mace.
Duck Amuck said:
Does the default shotgun ever get more range?

Because its range is pathetic. I like how in RE4 if I use the striker it can blow anyone's head off if it's within its range. This shotgun is powerful as hell, but the range sucks.
There is a Shotgun in the game that looks exactly like the Striker called the Jailbreaker, it functions in pretty much the same way too (Except the insane ammo the Striker had).


TheCardPlayer said:
Name me one boss in RE4 better than anything except the final boss in RE5. Just one.

And I love the game. Even U3 and the bodyguard are nothing compared to the bosses of RE5. Nothing.
I've done three boss fights so far
the heater room boss, the giant bat/centipede boss, and el gigante
and the first boss alone in RE4 obliterates anything I've encountered in RE5. Not only were the bosses in RE4 challenging but they were inventive as hell and that's what RE5 is missing. I'd be willing to wager that, it's not the fact that RE5 doesn't innovate in any way that bothers people, it's that the game just isn't nearly as well designed and creative as 4 was. 5 doesn't have the creative situations, the challenge, or the overall perfect pacing RE4 and that's where you can feel that Mikami's influence is sorely lacking.

Truth be told I've enjoyed what I've played so far but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't disappointed in what I've played so far. The story (or characters for that matter) don't seem to be nearly as interesting as 4 was and overall 5 just feels like a lazy retread of 4.

On an interesting note: Does it feel like the camera has an unhealthy fascination of Sheva's ass?


Aliens ate my babysitter
bestami said:
Me and a buddy of mine played this for a couple of hours on thursday night but we couldn't manage to play together for two days now. When we try to join to each others room we get "Comunication error, Connection lost" message. I tried googling and lurking various forums but couldn't find anything. I'm desperate, help me gaf :(.

I have somewhat the same problem. We can connect, but we keep losing the connection. Says host terminated the connection. :/
TheCardPlayer said:
The Gigante fight has nothing to do with RE and it sucked in 4. It's much more action packed in 5.
Oh, so you say it doesn't count, so it doesn't count. How did the El Gigante fight suck in Resident Evil 4? You can have up to 3 different battles with them (the second is optional), and each time you fight Gigante, you have a different environment to fight in which drastically chances your battle strategies. Each battle offers new traps, which make the battles seem limitless.

In RE5, you fight one while your stuck on a turrent. There's one way to win, there is no challenge, and it's largly just boring. Completely uninspired.
But you said that battle doesn't count, neither does the last battle. That's pretty convient for your argument when you make all the battles that suck not count.

Uroboros and Uroboros Mkono wipe the floor with Chief Mendez. Mkono in particular is perhaps the best RE boss fight ever. Irving is a much better designed fight than Salazar and the crappy ledge jumping. Popokarim is a better boss than U3. U8 is more epic than any boss in RE4. Saddler however is a better boss than Wesker mutated. But any Wesker fight expect the last is better than anything in RE too.
Now go on. Stop dodging my question. Tell me how the RE4 bosses are better.
You do realize that your STILL not listing how all these battles in RE5 are better, right? You are just saying that thye are better. That's easy. Watch:

The bosses in Resident Evil 4 are bigger, better, and more epic than any bosses in Resident Evil 5. Oh, and all the battles that were lame, like Saddler, don't count.

I didn't find any of the Uroboros interesting, and I don't see how you'd compare them to Mendez, but each Uroboros fight gave you a specific task to do. With the expection of the first one (which I felt was rather boring seeing as you only had to lock him in the fire room), the others were pretty direct. Use the Flame Thrower, and use the laser gun. Perhaps there are other strategies, but I found those two battles to drag on.

I wasn't too fond of fighting the bat scorpion. You just plant mines, around, let him walk over them, and shoot them. Very direct, way too easy, and largely uninteresting.

The giant spider crab (I think it's the U8) wasn't much fun either. It reminded me a lot of the Saddler fight, but instead of shooting small eyes, you have big targets to shoot on its legs, then run up to his face, and press A to pu the gernade in (instead of using the knife like on Saddler). It's kind of the same forumla, but without the traps. Pretty weak, actually.

I can't really remember the other bosses in RE5. I guess they're just forgettable while I having forgotten any bosses in RE4.

Krauser, the lake monster, U3, and the El Gigante fights were unforgettable for me. Then there were enemies like the Iron Maidens and Regenerators that were frightening and hard to kill; I don't think RE5 had any enemies like them. Most of the enemies in RE5 were recycled from 4.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
I think 5-3 has been my highlight so far...
he licker room before the end was insane, on Veteran they never seemed to stop climbing up so I just ran ahead and pushed the thing out of the way, leaped down barely avoiding the giant tongue, and opened the door and ran like hell while they chased me into the building. We were both near death a lot, and then I actually picked up a rotten egg off of a dead licker and got even more motivated to not die and fight off the massive horde. Though the wesker and jill battle afterwards certainly elevate the awesome.

Duck Amuck said:
Does the default shotgun ever get more range?

Because its range is pathetic. I like how in RE4 if I use the striker it can blow anyone's head off if it's within its range. This shotgun is powerful as hell, but the range sucks.

I found a shotgun later on you may like, I maxed the default one and the range seems the same.
TheCardPlayer said:
The Gigante fight has nothing to do with RE and it sucked in 4. It's much more action packed in 5. Uroboros and Uroboros Mkono wipe the floor with Chief Mendez. Mkono in particular is perhaps the best RE boss fight ever. Irving is a much better designed fight than Salazar and the crappy ledge jumping. Popokarim is a better boss than U3. U8 is more epic than any boss in RE4. Saddler however is a better boss than Wesker mutated. But any Wesker fight expect the last is better than anything in RE4 too.
Now go on. Stop dodging my question. Tell me how the RE4 bosses are better.
Honestly.... You can't possibly be serious. The first fight against the El Gigante in RE4 was probably one of the best boss fights in gaming history. I remember sweating the first time I fought against him, because it was so damn intense.


Likes to have "friends" around to "play cards" with
TheExorzist said:
Honestly.... You can't possibly be serious. The first fight against the El Gigante in RE4 was probably one of the best boss fights in gaming history. I remember sweating the first time I fought against him, because it was so damn intense.
No it was horribly lame. It's a freaking giant green troll for fuck's sake. :lol

Oh and KeeSomething, your stupidity, grammar and general attitude just convinced me to ignore you all together. Congrats. You are the first GAF user I actually put on ignore.

Davey Cakes

TheExorzist said:
Honestly.... You can't possibly be serious. The first fight against the El Gigante in RE4 was probably one of the best boss fights in gaming history. I remember sweating the first time I fought against him, because it was so damn intense.
I wish I could remember what that fight was like the first time I experienced it. All I remember is it being tense, but nothing beyond that.

This is what happens to you once you have the Chicago Typewriter and can beat him in 5 seconds. :lol
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