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zombieshavebrains said:
Can someone give me hints on Mercenaries? Or link me a video? I can only get rank D lol. And i have 45 rotten eggs if anyone wants me to trade them on LIVE. GT is in my profile.

hey. can I get those eggs right now? my gt is iN x dagz.


dabbled in the jelly
Shouta said:
Personally? Sniper Rifle and Machinegun. Then give her all the ammo you can nab for them, which is pretty plentiful.

One of the larger reasons is because I believe the AI differentiates between the two's range. My Sheva always whipped out the Machineguns (I gave her the AK-47) whenever fighting fairly close to medium and would switch to the Sniper Rifle at a little more than medium to long range. It worked surprisingly well as she also knows exactly where the best spots are to tag enemies.

One of the particular reasons to not give her some weapons is she's an absolute terrible shot. The pistols are wasted ammo if you give it to her and you're better off with it as you'll make all your shots count (also, upgrading it for higher damage makes them rockin). By the same token, crowd control weapons are not something you should be giving her because the AI isn't likely to be programed to fire for maximum spread. So Pistols, Shotguns, and explosives were out of the question (she never uses grenades either). What's left is the Sniper Rifles and the Machineguns, which ironically are her most effective weapons in my experience.

In fact, my Sheva was tapping her AK-47 pretty often to save ammo. That surprised the crap out of me. :lol
That's great if you have no desire to use a rifle or machine gun for yourself. I'm a sniper character so sharing the rifle ammo with Sheva has proven detrimental to my reserve stash and overall enjoyment. In general I usually don't use machine guns because they don't allow for creative melee finishes so this is the weapon I can only trust with Sheva due to her burst fire method if you upgrade the power and piercing appropriately. I find myself disarming her frequently however in between larger battles because once again she's too lax with my ammo in situations that only require a pop to the head and a finishing move.
AgentOtaku said:
Just make sure you play it in 5.1 or with some great headphones
I was gonna get some surround sound, but I could only afford one or the other :-( 2.1 will have to suffice.

I want to get back to RE5, but my co-op partner was busy today and I don't wanna be an ass by going ahead :lol
fps fanatic said:
How's the game holding up for you on the triple graphics wise? Better than the demo?

Framerate is indeed ALOT better and rarely goes into the low 20s if ever.

While I have some gripes about the design of the game itself, it's a complete beast in the visual department. So no worries.


Shaheed79 said:
That's great if you have no desire to use a rifle or machine gun for yourself. I'm a sniper character so sharing the rifle ammo with Sheva has proven detrimental to my reserve stash and overall enjoyment. In general I usually don't use machine guns because they don't allow for creative melee finishes so this is the weapon I can only trust with Sheva due to her burst fire method if you upgrade the power and piercing appropriately. I find myself disarming her frequently however in between larger battles because once again she's too lax with my ammo in situations that only require a pop to the head and a finishing move.

In that case, toss her the shotgun if you`re into sniping since you`ll be maintaining your distance. I use machineguns for melee finishes myself, far faster to get them stunned with it than the pistol. When I play Sheva or Jill in Mercs, I use the machineguns to take out legs quickly then melee them fast if I`m out of Flash Grenades and there`s a horde of them.

I used the Sniper rifle as well from time to time on my solo run. She prioritizes the MGs over the Rifle since most fights are close so I typically had like 2-3 stacks of maxed Rifle Bullets. I`d sometimes carry my own Snper rifle and request ammo from her if needed. I had waaaaay too many inventory issues. :lol

I really want to get some co-op mercs going tonight but since I live in Japan it`ll be 1am/4am for most American folks.


A Good Citizen
Rotten eggs aren't worthless? FUCK! I had one yesterday and I threw it at a Majini right after I picked it up! What do they do?


Insaniac said:
I have to say that The Stun Rod (TSR) is the greatest weapon known to man

Sheva loves that thing so much I had to take it away from her. She even kept it equipped when she had an assault rifle and was getting hit by gunfire. :lol Women.


Where do you find these rare eggs?

I've only got brown and white. Apparently to get a trophy I need to throw one at a Majini/Ganado whatever.

Also I could have sworn I beheaded one while it was jumping off something and no trophy :(


AgentOtaku said:
Framerate is indeed ALOT better and rarely goes into the low 20s if ever.

While I have some gripes about the design of the game itself, it's a complete beast in the visual department. So no worries.
Cool, thanks man!
Thankfully I'm not the only one who thought the sound in the cutscenes was horrible. I was constantly raising and lowering the volume on my TV the whole game. Voices were low. Anyways, just finished the game on normal clocking in at 12:43. Fantastic game overall and I'll enjoy the remaining 3 days of the rental before I have to return it to blockbuster. I'll be buying it soon though, totally sold on it. Replay value is mighty high here.


Asks questions so Ezalc doesn't have to
Just started Chapter 5-3, nearing the end. The
was cool looking, but easy. Easily my favorite boss so far is the
Giant Crab thing just before that in the gigantic elevator
. Sweet boss fight.

However I would not put this game above RE4 for a number of reasons, most of which involve things that I consider a step back from the steps forward RE4 took. My major pet peeve with the game is item management. RE4 finally address the horrible system of not being able to carry shit around and made it manageable with the Attache Case system. I know the older system made you ration more stuff, but that's because you weren't expected to fight as much in the older games, you were expected to run run run and only fight when it was absolutely necessary. RE4, knowing that it was going for more action than run-the-fuck-away, gave you more room to carry ammo and artillery than ever before, and let you buy 3 or 4 upgrades as you went along. Keeping the action oriented RE4 style gameplay but going back to the minimal inventory system is downright infuriating. Additionally, not being able to work with said inventory while the monsters come a knockin' is equally horrid, but this was to facilitate online co-op I suppose...

Also, while the game is certainly epic, there's nothing in this game that's, well, scared me. And trust me, I'm quite easily scared (it doesn't take much). RE4 was dripping with a creepy atmosphere from start to finish. The ONLY thing that's made me slightly creeped out at all were the
Hunter/Licker lookin' things in the later chapters. But they're pretty dumb and not really aggressive unless there's like, 10 of them.

Also, the lack of manual saving blows. I know there are checkpoints and it automatically saves when you enter certain rooms, but I much prefer the typewriters (sans the ribbons) of RE4 where I could save whenever I bloody felt like it and didn't have to start right back at the beginning of the room. Granted, I know why they did this (to facilitate online co-op), but it's annoying as all hell.

Finally, the fact that this was definitely built for said online co-op really dampens the experience for me. I don't like playing online with people I'm not familiar with, and none of my friends have PS3s or this game, so I'm stuck with the dumb as a rock AI partner who can't figure out how to use other weapons and doesn't understand that she needs to fucking run away when Mr. Chainsaw starts chargin' her way.

I know I'm sounding incredibly negative, but that's because for me, RE4 is an 11/10 and one of the greatest games ever made. This is a solid 8. Which normally is great, except that it followed a game that surpassed everything in just about every way there was to do so.


This game has screwed me over. I was on the boss fight in chapter 5-3 and died a few times so I decided to quit. When I started back half of my ammo was gone and both characters were near death. At this point I tried buying some first aids but even though I bought them they wouldn't show up. Actually all the items I had removed in the shop section have disappeared. Am I going to have to start the part over?
AnonymousNoob said:
I have 2.


All I need is a Rotten Egg.
When you find it, don't eat it. I was playing the part where me and Sheva have to split up while fighting
Lickers[/quote], and I was getting raped. I had nothing to heal myself with, but I saw that I had an egg in my inventory. I didn't really read the "rotten" part, and eating the egg killed me. It was actually pretty funny.
man, whats pretty cool about this game is how if you are really running low on ammo in single player, you can join a co-op game that starts at the beginning of the game online and knife up alot with a partner who isn't retarded and gain a bunch of ammo to save and use in single player....

this game is too good.

Kard8p3 said:
This game has screwed me over. I was on the boss fight in chapter 5-3 and died a few times so I decided to quit. When I started back half of my ammo was gone and both characters were near death. At this point I tried buying some first aids but even though I bought them they wouldn't show up. Actually all the items I had removed in the shop section have disappeared. Am I going to have to start the part over?

do what I said in this post...secondly....when you quit, did you click yes or no when it asked to save over your equipment?

RurouniZel said:
However I would not put this game above RE4 for a number of reasons, most of which involve things that I consider a step back from the steps forward RE4 took. My major pet peeve with the game is item management. RE4 finally address the horrible system of not being able to carry shit around and made it manageable with the Attache Case system. I know the older system made you ration more stuff, but that's because you weren't expected to fight as much in the older games, you were expected to run run run and only fight when it was absolutely necessary. RE4, knowing that it was going for more action than run-the-fuck-away, gave you more room to carry ammo and artillery than ever before, and let you buy 3 or 4 upgrades as you went along. Keeping the action oriented RE4 style gameplay but going back to the minimal inventory system is downright infuriating. Additionally, not being able to work with said inventory while the monsters come a knockin' is equally horrid, but this was to facilitate online co-op I suppose...

well, I for one, Hated it at first just cause the inventory you carry during gameplay is so fucking limited.....Honestly, if its limited like that, ammo shouldn't count for space....but with that said....I kind of like it now...Imo it adds another layer of strategy and planning to the game....However, i think the storage inventory should be un fucking limited.....theres no reason why that should be limited as well
Papercuts said:
I just found the final BSAA emblem...fuck whoever decided the locations for them. :lol
Haha! Yeah, no one could find them all without a guide. I have 25 right now, and I think I only found 4 or 5 with no help. After that, I just thought "screw it" and I watched a Emblem guide on Youtube.

Ganondorfo said:

This one is from re5 (no spoilers on the link) and it reminded me of RE2.
That's by far my favorite track in Resident Evil 5! That and the song played in the end credits.
Kard8p3 said:
I just hit the home button and picked quit game

you wanna quit game from the start menu, but I still haven't quite figured out when to hit yes or when to hit no (in regards to what I want to happen with inventory):lol

however, I know when I play online co-op to stock up on items for offline, I always quit and save with yes so I keep my new items

but yea, you should quit from the start menu instead first, and then decide yes or no in regards to your situation
I don't know, I was trying to use the Stun Rod in the big onslaught in the very first level (which I still think is the fucking hardest level I've played so far (up through 4-2) and kept getting ass beat because I had to get in so close. Is there a trick to it?


KeeSomething said:
Haha! Yeah, no one could find them all without a guide. I have 25 right now, and I think I only found 4 or 5 with no help. After that, I just thought "screw it" and I watched a Emblem guide on Youtube.
SERIOUSLY.... I found like only 2 Emblems on my first go. When I realized there were 30 I was like WTF. Thank god for youtube there is no way I was going to be able to fine these. Up until 4-1 I didn't even know what a BSAA emblem looked like! :lol

One thing that no one has pointed out about the game is that there is like NO backtracking in this game. This is a good thing or a bad thing depending upon which RE school of thought you come from. Personally, given the nature of the game I think no backtracking was a great idea.

It also makes me realize how the variety of levels in this area actually matches RE4 when originally I had thought that RE4 far eclipses it due to it being a longer game when in fact a lot of the reasons why RE4 was long was because it had plenty of backtracking as well.


BenjaminBirdie said:
I don't know, I was trying to use the Stun Rod in the big onslaught in the very first level (which I still think is the fucking hardest level I've played so far (up through 4-2) and kept getting ass beat because I had to get in so close. Is there a trick to it?

move in close, let them swing at you and back up, then move in and swing away
Insaniac said:
move in close, let them swing at you and back up, then move in and swing away

Hm. That sounds doable. I think it's just, seriously, that first rush before
rescue blows the gate
is so fucking insane. It's always like six on one.
Dahbomb said:
SERIOUSLY.... I found like only 2 Emblems on my first go. When I realized there were 30 I was like WTF. Thank god for youtube there is no way I was going to be able to fine these. Up until 4-1 I didn't even know what a BSAA emblem looked like! :lol
Yeah, well, I knew of the one from Shantey Town since someone showed me in the demo (back when I still had my Gold Membership; I've yet to play the final game online), but there were a couple others I found. One of them was in 5-2, and it was because I tried shooting a guy, and it ended up hitting a emblem. It was completely random.

I cannot wait to play co-op! Even though I've already complete the game, I feel like I've yet to play the REAL game. It's like everything was just practice, and I need to stock up on weapon upgrades before I move onto Veteran co-op, then Professional.


AkuMifune said:
Sheva loves that thing so much I had to take it away from her. She even kept it equipped when she had an assault rifle and was getting hit by gunfire. :lol Women.

I know EXACTLY what you mean. I temporarily gave her mine so I could pick something else up and she went hog wild. She even had a shotgun and SMG in her possession too, but noooooooo she wanted to swing the stick.


I have not used cocaine
Kard8p3 said:
This game has screwed me over. I was on the boss fight in chapter 5-3 and died a few times so I decided to quit. When I started back half of my ammo was gone and both characters were near death. At this point I tried buying some first aids but even though I bought them they wouldn't show up. Actually all the items I had removed in the shop section have disappeared. Am I going to have to start the part over?

If you start section 2-2 you can get HG ammo and a green herb right away. Save it then start the level over again until you get the amount you want.

Oh and fuck Capcom for putting a miniscule red dot for your aiming point in 2-3. Seriously its a brown/red background and you're putting a tiny red dot as the point to aim at?


Just finished it!
17 (hours) 49 (minutes)..[though half was single player, the other half was co-op with a friend doing some of the chapters all over again]

Right with the REmake as my favorite Resident Evil game! Amazing game!!!


Ahhhhhhhhhhh dammit. I was playing with Tekno and I got kicked out of PSN and it won't let me sign back in :(. Gives me an error every time.

Sorry Tekno, I'll just miss getting credit for 4-1, I guess. Lemme know when you're free this week.

Sucks how if I join at a checkpoint we left off in in a chapter section, I don't get credit for beating that one. :/


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
Just got my first S rank in Mercs, fucking awesome.

My friend was
tribal sheva
and I was
s.t.a.r.s. wesker
, they go well together...plus the
is the ultimate combo saver.


So I got my M93R, Hydra Shotgun, I just got the Longbow, now I need to get the Handcannon and the Gatling gun unlocks.

Chapter 5, Here I come again for the 100th time.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
traveler said:
Tribal Sheva
is awesome. I really wish I could use the
throughout the campaign mode now.

You can. =)

Upgrade the first sniper rifle to the max and you can buy it for 50K.
Papercuts said:
Just got my first S rank in Mercs, fucking awesome.

My friend was
tribal sheva
and I was
s.t.a.r.s. wesker
, they go well together...plus the longbow is the ultimate combo saver.

A friend and I just did the same actually. I was
Tribal Sheva
and he was
Experimental Facility
. I'm pretty good with the


OMG this SUCKS!!!

was on ch. 3-2 saved and quit this am.

tonight i pop it in to continue and am told there is no save file for this profile.

then prompts me to make a new one and makes me start from the beginning!

has that happened to anyone else? That blows!!

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
StranGER said:
OMG this SUCKS!!!

was on ch. 3-2 saved and quit this am.

tonight i pop it in to continue and am told there is no save file for this profile.

then prompts me to make a new one and makes me start from the beginning!

has that happened to anyone else? That blows!!
Sounds like you tried to play the game on a different profile than the one you started the game on initially. Is your 360/PS3 used by more than one person? If so, make sure you haven't accidentally logged in to their account.
Anyone else like the subtle radio effect you get when you talking to your partner from far away? Like over the radio. Neat touch I thought.
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