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TheExodu5 said:
Anyone know where the Diamond Marquise is?

Translation from a Japanese page points this out as being in Chapter 6-3.

Here is the (poor) Google translation:

Chapter6-3 near collapse of the scaffolding and take Chris volcanic rock base is in a tunnel (see screen right) to destroy the power to shoot with a gun or a grenade, creating a scaffold. After the fall, Chris went to get it moved back out of the scaffold. Rock should be destroyed before falling to Chris. And Chris is not available in AI.

Any help would be appreciated...it's the last treasure I need to get.

Congrats, dude. I still have a few to get. Who Do You Trust (no clue how to get this one), The Works (I can't seem to get it), and beating Pro are the only ones that may prove a challenge.

Deflecting the crossbow arrow was ridiculously easy. Just get on the container at the start of 2-1 where a guy keeps shooting at you. Keep knifing and eventually you'll get it. Bring lots of healing items.

The who do you trust I just kept giving Sheva my healing items all the time
Just beat it on veteran solo. Below are my purely personal feelings and thoughts:

- How polished the game was, from a technical, environmental, and even narrative standpoint.
- The Irving fight. Talking about using surround sound to the max.
- The Wesker and Jill fight. I thought Capcom did a good job to have an "infected" Jill without having her looking like she was violated/tortured. I also liked the QTE to snatch that thing off Jill
- Wesker never turned into an unrecognizable monster. That would've been lame. The terminator reference was nice.
- The chase sequence was done really well, better than the one in MGS4.
- Tribal warriors...annoying and fun to go up against at the same time.
- Chainsaw guys' new dance after they are back from the "dead"!
- Variation on dog-type enemies

- Enemies can hit me just as I get off the ladder.
- Lickers...but partially it was to do with the fact that Sheva AI always waited for my health to go down before helping me.
- Reapers...just not a fan of one hit kill.
- The infection where the Majini's head turned into this big mouth that would try to devour you
- Sheva AI needs to stop taking my herb and use it when I have a red herb with me to mix.
- Sheva AI needs to stop using stunning rod exclusively when she has two other gun weapons in her inventory
- Lack of space in inventory. I just didn't appreciate it.
- Big dudes with machine guns. Never was a fan in RE4, still not now.
- No yellow herbs.
- Never got the feeling, as in RE4, of the excitement of gathering different weapons and upgrading them at the same time. Probably intentional.

Suplex remains the best move ever.
Erdrick said:
I'm in 5-3 at the moment and severely enraged. How in the heck do you deal with those damned enemies
that hatch from eggs?!? They seem to kill Chris or Sheva in one hit and I really have no strategy for them other than machine gun and hope that they expose their weakpoints. I've killed them before, but is there any weapon or tactic that is more effective than just shooting like mad and trying to run the hell away from them when they get close?

1. Shoot the white things on their bodies


2. I used
gernade launcher with explosives
, and just make sure you aim at those white things when they expose themselves.


Duck Amuck said:
I think that chapters 3 (entirety) and 4 (entirety) and 5-1 are the best moments in gaming this gen. The whole package in these chapters (and subchapters) is just amazing.

Started my second playthrough; this is a speed run. I'm 3 hours in this run and I'm almost on chapter 5. I'm going through Amateur this time so I can get S ranks on all the chapters in the game to unlock the infinite rocket launcher.

I've unlocked the gatling gun - I just need to buy it - and I'm on my way to unlocking the Longbow.

I'm getting all the BSAA emblems along the way.

Next playthrough (once I've got the gatling gun and longbow) I'm through Veteran. During that run I'll unlock beasts like the handcannon and prepare for my Professional run.

Few pointers:

1) You only need a sub 5-hour run for Infinite Rockets, not S rank on all (I believe this unlocks the final figurine).

2) Hope you're using a YouTube guide for the emblems, some of them are incredibly well hidden.

3) You should get unlimited ammo on the Magnum or L.Hawk instead of the hand cannon. The handcannon has roughly the same dps, but it shoots far slower, making it less effective since many of the shots end up being overkill. I'm going to go with the L.Hawk...does a tiny bit less damage than the Magnum, but has double piercing to make up for it.


Gets to pilot the crappy patrol labors
How much of the things you've got carry over when you finish the game, and can you buy everything from the start?


I don't know how or why, but I managed to beat the game alone my first run with the Sheva AI. Talk about frustrating on all levels. Stop fucking shooting me you bitch!


People called Romanes they go the house?
Ditto on the L.Hawk. It shoots a bit faster than the revolver, and the pierce really helps.

Hmm, gotta finish up Veteran to go Professional...ugh, I still have to farm the Lead Aspirin achievement, but then I'm about done.

How much of the things you've got carry over when you finish the game, and can you buy everything from the start?

Everything you've got, and you can buy/upgrade everything you've unlocked.
MiamiWesker said:
Still playing Mercs like a mad man, am now #26 in Missile Area. :D (Solo)

I have found that at some point enemies stop spawning, what the hell. I swear once I had a minute left and no enemies showed up until like 15 seconds left. I could have blown my score to pieces if that last minute had enemies.

I hate it when that happens, although its interesting I just did a missile area run and thats one of the only times i remember there being NO enemies for about 30 seconds, but otherwise I have a feeling after you hit a 20 combo or so they stop throwing enemies at you or just spawn them all the way across the map from where you are.

Read a whole lot of mercs strategies from RE4, and I'm assuming it works relatively the same in RE5.

#1 thing they mention is that you slowly pick off enemies after the combo counter starts blinking, you kill one, then wait for it to blink again which slowly builds up the combo count.

Also, there's a much larger bonus for killing the minibosses later on in a combo, something like 5000 extra points killing one after a 9 enemy combo compared with killing a miniboss at the start of a combo. It makes a lot of sense because it usually takes extremely concentrated fire to kill a miniboss. its taken me something like 7 tribal sheva arrows to take down chainsaw dude in his first non-crazy form.

Of note is that the combo bonus grows as you get a higher combo, but tops off and gives you something like 700 extra points for every additional kill after about a 9 kill combo. This means a couple things:
1. a 200 kill combo gives almost the same points as two 100 point combos, or exactly the same if the first 9 kills of both combos started with the 1000 point combo bonus.

2. a bonus time box is best saved for starting a combo, because it makes all extra kills get 1000 points, whereas if used after the 9 first kills it will only raise the 700 point bonus up to a 1000 point bonus, making it give only 300 extra points for each kill done within the bonus time.

3. even trying to kill a miniboss during bonus time is a waste of energy because there is no bonus whatsoever unless the miniboss is killed near the start of a combo, which I already mentioned was worth less points anyway. So instead, you should kill as many majini as possible during bonus time, then kill the boss after bonus time is over.

Finally the chicken counts as an enemy, gives 2000 points when killed, adds to your combo, drops a golden egg when killed, and lets another enemy spawn in after it dies.

My apologies if you already knew all this.


Damn, I think this game took me 20 freakin hours to beat on Veteran. I have the strategy guide but I haven't even opened it yet.

Kinda lame that there's no yellow herb, did they take it out because of co-op? I do miss the combining of treasures and the bigass case. The vests taking up space is bs.


I have not used cocaine
Duck Amuck said:
Go for the L. Hawk, eh? I'm going to make everything unlimited ammo eventually anyways, so why not? :lol

If you go for a maxed out S&W you're losing about 2k damage which still amounts to 1 hit kills on just about everything. But its 5k cheaper i think? Maybe more.


What also bothers me in the game is the cold relationship between Chris and Sheva. I didn't felt any connection at all. They were just there...killing stuff.
I didn't expect them to have sex or a kiss scene together. It's just that they escape death so many times together but they never ask each other if they're ok.

I'd be talking with my parter untill my mouth would fall off.
Such a shame. Capcom should've made the characters a bit deeper.


Just reading through the files in the Library. You gotta love how half of the characters in RE are super geniuses.


Second said:
What also bothers me in the game is the cold relationship between Chris and Sheva. I didn't felt any connection at all. They were just there...killing stuff.
I didn't expect them to have sex or a kiss scene together. It's just that they escape death so many times together but they never ask each other if they're ok.

I'd be talking with my parter untill my mouth would fall off.
Such a shame. Capcom should've made the characters a bit deeper.

The gears of war crew demand no emotion.

plus you can make your own emotion in co-op. You can be Sheva first


Second said:
What also bothers me in the game is the cold relationship between Chris and Sheva. I didn't felt any connection at all. They were just there...killing stuff.
I didn't expect them to have sex or a kiss scene together. It's just that they escape death so many times together but they never ask each other if they're ok.

I'd be talking with my parter untill my mouth would fall off.
Such a shame. Capcom should've made the characters a bit deeper.

The characters only talk if they're not being controlled by a human player.


Christopher said:
The gears of war crew demand no emotion.

plus you can make your own emotion in co-op. You can be Sheva first

Ahhh Russo? No wonder you always call me First... :p
I think I have you on my PSN-list, too!

I like Sheva's character design and accent. Just wished she had more background story in the game. Besides the files..


USD said:
Just reading through the files in the Library. You gotta love how half of the characters in RE are super geniuses.

It's not that far fetched considering the entire series deals with advanced bio weapons. They obviously have to be geniuses to make it.


Death Prophet
Final boss questions...
I'm at ultra suped up Wesker, the final boss I'm guessing. I think I'm at the final part of it, maybe. He keeps exposing the orb of orange on his stomach and then on his back. Do I just keep shooting it? I'm really low on ammo and it doesn't help that they made a checkpoint right when he jumps on the center platform. I don't have very much ammo and its really hard to hit his back. How many times must I hit the orb or is there something more?


People called Romanes they go the house?
Fantastical said:
Final boss questions...
I'm at ultra suped up Wesker, the final boss I'm guessing. I think I'm at the final part of it, maybe. He keeps exposing the orb of orange on his stomach and then on his back. Do I just keep shooting it? I'm really low on ammo and it doesn't help that they made a checkpoint right when he jumps on the center platform. I don't have very much ammo and its really hard to hit his back. How many times must I hit the orb or is there something more?

For that segment.....
you have to grab him from behind after he does the tentacle tornado, and then Sheva will have to knife him if she's not AI controlled, which she otherwise does automatically.
LaneDS said:
Yeah, I have serious reservations about firing up professional when it's all over and done with. I don't know if I have the patience for that fight and
pulling shit out of Jill's chest

40 deaths dude! I died 40x during the
fight. By far the most I have been killed by anything. Even lickers and reapers I've only succumbed to like 4 times during Pro. Me and a buddy did it coop one night and couldn't do. We finally beat it the next morning. We had to do the QTE thing like 15 times to get the fucker off. And of course missing any of them is insta death. And I think they made the QTE timer faster for Pro.

The next hardest part during Pro was
Died about 20x.

The final
wesker fight
was a little challenging because on Pro they only give you ONE rocket. And if you miss you have to just use your guns and melee to weaken him.


Just started playing the game yet again. Spent all my money and removed everything from my inventory so I could get a fresh start (although that still isn't a flawless solution considering you can buy and upgrade anything, I'll just be mindful of what I allow myself to buy). I've only played the game coop so this will be my first singleplayer only playthrough.

So far it's going quite well, just completed chapter 2-3. The AI was a bit of a problem in the first chapter, I gave her most of the weapons but she quite simply wasn't aggressive enough and almost got us killed a few times. But starting with 2-1 she started to become a lot more reliable (I sold her pistol after giving her the MP5, perhaps that changed how her AI behaved). Keeping her in attack stance most of the time is definitely the way to go. It lets you do battles in a much more dynamic way and she'll do pretty much anything you can do. She uses rifle against enemies far away, shotgun against people nearby, uses grenades when enemies are together, uses flash grenades whenever las plagas enemies appear.

I like that she almost always goes for melee attacks when possible in attack stance. I had one amusing battle where she was in the middle of 5-6 enemies, and I kept setting up melee attacks on each enemy and she ran around kicking them all. That cave level (in 2-1 or 2-2 I think) has to be one of my favourite levels in the game. The lighting looks amazing and I like the dynamic gameplay you get (which worked surprisingly well with the AI, she can carry the lantern and light up the way (even points it exactly where you aim) , or you can carry it while she kills the enemies). Too bad it's such a short level. I'd love to have more areas like that.

Chapter 2-3 became a joke with the AI. Her accuracy is flawless. I wouldn't be surprised if I didn't fire at all she would still have completed the chapter. Anyone playing pro difficulty in coop and having probelms with 2-3 should consider skipping it and doing it with the AI instead, it'll become MUCH easier.


What also bothers me in the game is the cold relationship between Chris and Sheva. I didn't felt any connection at all. They were just there...killing stuff.

There's a difference between the partner relationship in this game and some of the other games with a "partner" though. In other games the partners you're given already have quite a history together.

In Gears Dom
breaks you out of prison, and you immediately get the impression that the two of them knew each other for quite some time now as they catch up on some old times.

In Killzone 2
immediately you get the impression that Sev, Garza, Natko and Rico had been a squad for some time now

In RE5 however, Chris had
lost Jill from an earlier mission
, and while he was driving up to meet his contact in RE5 he sounded like a guy that
"didn't know what he was fighting for"

When Sheva comes into the scene, she's literally introduced as his new Partner - someone who he didn't really know a whole lot of. The quick cut to
Jill's tombstone
as Sheva introduced herself as his new partner says a lot about what's on his mind at the beginning of the mission.

There are some moments towards the end of the game that builds upon Chris's acceptance of Sheva as his partner.
Chris's partnership with Sheva sort of starts to change once Chris saw the look on Sheva's face as she realized she might have lost Josh. Which intentionally parallels how Chris lost Jill.

Towards the end of the game
Sheva flat out asks Chris what's the deal between him and Wesker, and Chris promises to explain it to her after they take care of business.

There's a bit at the end where Chris
saves Sheva from falling out of the plane that hammered home that Chris accepted Sheva as his new partner. The look on Chris and Sheva's faces in that little scene was especially well done in actually conveying some emotion to that whole scene.

I'm sure the ending with
Sheva not wanting to shoot Wesker out of fear that she might hit Chris was another part of the whole partner thing, outside of giving the devs a chance to do a really cool slash and stab the ever-living fuck out of Wesker with a really big knife sequence

My PS3 is doing a full backup + restore now (popped in a new HD) so I can't really fill in some of the details that I had forgotten. Personally I found the way they handled the story in RE5 to be very cliche and heavy handed, but it does keep the game moving at a healthy pace.


Houston3000 said:
To be fair, Chris is suppose to be about 11 years older than he was in the original game which would mean if he was suppose to be about 24 in the original game (which is damn young if you think about it) he is 35 years old now. Even in Code Veronica he would of been only 25 or 26 years old. That's a hell of a lot of time to buff up.

we see Chris appeared again in the downfall of Umbrella in Umbrella Chronicles (2003). The next time (canon-wise) is in the flashbacks scenes of this game, followed by the actually RE5 event.


On 6-1 I'm doing a solo run first, althoug hI did play a few back chapters with some friends...this game is amazing.

Better than RE4 in my opinion builds off of it in every way!
What's the most efficient way on beating the Uroborus boss (the fight where you have to use the refueling flame thrower).

I think I may not be doing something right since we had to go through hell of ammo just to finish the fucker 30 minutes later on Veteran.


Well, I played through the game twice on single-player and have come to terms that I should try co-op in order to properly enjoy RE5. Anyone care to add me so we can play together?

XBL gamertag: deepseated


C- Warrior said:
What's the most efficient way on beating the Uroborus boss (the fight where you have to use the refueling flame thrower).

I think I may not be doing something right since we had to go through hell of ammo just to finish the fucker 30 minutes later on Veteran.
One person stun him with the flame thrower, which causes the appendages to stick out. The other player shoots the glowing ends of the appendages.


will gently cradle you as time slowly ticks away.
Just completed it. :D

I'll reiterate my "this game is prime GOTY material" message. It's just incredible. Huge bosses, great variety in enemies, and a well crafted story with good voice acting (well, incredible voice acting by RE standards.)

The cover system was not really well implemented though. Sometimes I'd go to melee a guy and go into cover instead. That and it just made me think I was playing Time Crisis as you're pretty much untouchable when behind cover.

I only played one chapter with an AI partner
the chapter with the conveyor belts, and the boss you use the flamethrower on
and they did pretty well. Well, considering I just used them as a mule for ammo before giving them the AK for the boss. AI Sheva did the job well, and she allowed me to stock up on ammo before my friend came back online. :)

Speaking of the co-op though, there were some truly excellent design choices, the
lickers coming out of the holes in the walls that only one player could see = awesome.

BeautifulMemory said:
Suplex remains the best move ever.

I missed that move in RE5. Even if uppercutting an enemy just as Shiva backflips them is awesome. I was kind of hoping for double team melee attacks or something.
C- Warrior said:
What's the most efficient way on beating the Uroborus boss (the fight where you have to use the refueling flame thrower).

I think I may not be doing something right since we had to go through hell of ammo just to finish the fucker 30 minutes later on Veteran.

Use the grenade launcher with flame shots, then shoot his weak points worked for me. Playing through solo on professional right now (using unlimited ammo) and one shot from a rocket launcher got him, or maybe it was two but not more than that.

The part with the rotating floor sucks ass on professional/solo.


will gently cradle you as time slowly ticks away.
Another thing that's worthwhile to mention as well is that RE5 may be my last video game for a week or so. I think I've got RSI in my right forearm. 20 years of playing video games has finally caught up with me. :(


PuppetMaster said:
40 deaths dude! I died 40x during the
fight. By far the most I have been killed by anything. Even lickers and reapers I've only succumbed to like 4 times during Pro. Me and a buddy did it coop one night and couldn't do. We finally beat it the next morning. We had to do the QTE thing like 15 times to get the fucker off. And of course missing any of them is insta death. And I think they made the QTE timer faster for Pro.

Although we were only playing on Normal, a buddy and I were getting the achievement for that fight last night. We found a way to do it really easily.

Have one guy grab her, and the other rip it off her chest. The guy restraining her will have to dodge, and then as long as the other guy runs up to her, she'll turn around to face him. The guy who was originally restraining her can easily get behind her right away, re-initiating the QTE. You basically get into an infinite loop of QTEs without her being able to do anything if you get it right.
TheExodu5 said:
Although we were only playing on Normal, a buddy and I were getting the achievement for that fight last night. We found a way to do it really easily.

Have one guy grab her, and the other rip it off her chest. The guy restraining her will have to dodge, and then as long as the other guy runs up to her, she'll turn around to face him. The guy who was originally restraining her can easily get behind her right away, re-initiating the QTE. You basically get into an infinite loop of QTEs without her being able to do anything if you get it right.

What the hell are you guys talking about?

You can rip it off her chest when Wesker is still in the fight...and there is an acheievement for that/


C- Warrior said:
What the hell are you guys talking about?

You can rip it off her chest when Wesker is still in the fight...and there is an acheievement for that/

Didn't know about that...but I did it after the Wesker fight, and I got the achievement just fine.
TheExodu5 said:
Didn't know about that...but I did it after the Wesker fight, and I got the achievement just fine.

Are you guys talking about the
"Bad Blood"
trophy? That's another you can get but only during the time
is still there during the fight.


Really enjoying the game so far.

Just beat 3-3 and when I started up on 4-1 and I had 999 (unlimited) ammo on my shotgun. According to my friend, I had -117 shots :lol

My connection was messing up thought so I kept continuing from the last checkpoint with him and didn't get the two trophies for the levels we completed (and thus they are not marked as such)...


Dark FaZe said:
Man I have almost no ammo for 6-3 boss...I'm at the final part.

Any gaffers interested in helping me out? :(
i'm a little busy right now but I can lend a hand later tonight if you still need help

gt: fidel mattstro


Dark FaZe said:
Man I have almost no ammo for 6-3 boss...I'm at the final part.

Any gaffers interested in helping me out? :(

I can help if you want. Might be underwhelmingly easy with my gear though. :lol

GT: TheExodu5
Grimm Fandango said:
Experiment. You don't have to waste a shot.

Thanks :lol...Just beat it.

Was much easier than expected.

Edit: Thanks for the offers guys. Some of the bosses in this game were seemingly hard but easier upon expection :\


dabbled in the jelly
Anyone else doing a cattle prod run? I think I may be able to do it on veteran with some practice. Me and Sheva are on 2-3 having used nothing but the stun rods. I've collected so much extra ammo its ridiculous.


Are the emblems very hard to find? On my first run I didn't shoot any (I wasn't really looking though.) I remember the blue medals in 4 being in plain sight but I don't remember seeing one emblem. Does shooting an emblem increase the points you can use for figures and the like?


will gently cradle you as time slowly ticks away.
Kard8p3 said:
Are the emblems very hard to find? On my first run I didn't shoot any (I wasn't really looking though.) I remember the blue medals in 4 being in plain sight but I don't remember seeing one emblem. Does shooting an emblem increase the points you can use for figures and the like?

Shooting emblems unlocks more extras to buy.

And I only managed two of them in my first playthrough. I didn't even know what they were when I was shooting at them.
Y2Kev said:
I'm just glad the
stuff is done. That whole movement is done. The movie is ten years old. Fucking drop it already, it's NOT cool anymore.

I agree with you. But how do you know its done? Did Capcom say as much?
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