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Gets to pilot the crappy patrol labors
Rez said:
It gets hate from the same people who were determined to hate it prior to its release (NO MIKAMI!!!? NO SALE I SMELL SOMETHING BAD I KNOW THIS WILL BAD I AM GOING TO BE VERY CRITICAL ON THIS I JUST KNOW I'LL HATE IT BUT I HOPE IT'S GOOD BUT IT WILL BE BAAAAAD THIS NEW SCREENSHOT LACKS ATMOSPHERE IT IS BAD), or are unwilling to play with another person.

Alright, I guess I missed most of that. But there's a lot of stuff you can criticize the game for.


A Good Citizen
dogknight said:
You can do the rotten egg glitch all by yourself on 360. You need two controllers and two accounts. Your character stats can be saved seperately without another memory card. I am not sure if you can do it on PS3 though. Never tried this glitch, I prefer
lickers in 5-2
On PS3 you have to do it online. :(

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
ItsInMyVeins said:
Alright, I guess I missed most of that. But there's a lot of stuff you can criticize the game for.


bigswords said:
Are you the host or the person that joins in? If the person who joins is a regular co-op partner ask like another gaffer said, do check your nat, and other stuff. If you want to check whether it's not your router fault, do a direct plug in to your 360 or do a DMZ for your 360 ip.

NATs fine for both of us, wired connections, I tried turning DMZ on, didn't make any difference.


Polari said:
NATs fine for both of us, wired connections, I tried turning DMZ on, didn't make any difference.

Damn :( all I think of is doing the harddisk maintenance code, but i doubt that will clear things up.

No issues for co-op on my end though.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
Polari said:
NATs fine for both of us, wired connections, I tried turning DMZ on, didn't make any difference.
What console are you using?

edit: Your above post mentions XBL. Never mind then, I got nothing.


Polari said:
NATs fine for both of us, wired connections, I tried turning DMZ on, didn't make any difference.
Sometimes I get this problem one specific friend. Just restart your router and x360 and it should be fine.


I made it up to chapter 5-1 yesterday. The game is GODLY so far, I love it and has exceeded my expectations in every aspect!:D

RE5 is gonna be my favourite game of the year probably, along with Uncharted 2 and Modern Warfare 2.

Btw I have a question about the treasures.
Is there any reason to keep the treasures instead of selling them for cash?
ItsInMyVeins said:
Wait, RE5 is getting a lot of hate? From where?

I think it is just a divisive game. Some people hate it. Other people love it.

I personally love the hell out of it. Though admittedly the controls were very frustrating at first and didn't click straight away. But now they feel perfectly natural and I like the aiming and everything.
Polari said:
Anyone else experiencing a really fucking annoying bug where co-op games frequently drop out? A friend and I have played loads of games over XBL lately and never had this problem. We had the problem in the demo too and it's so much more annoying in the game 'cos it means you have to do large parts of shit over and over again. Fuck you Capcom.

I've been experiencing issues with my brother and we're playing on PSN. There was a point tonight where it disconnected us and even though both of us were on PSN, he couldn't send me an invite again till he rebooted his system. So I think there are certainly network bugs and I do feel your pain as the worst of it happened tonight when we were at the end of level 5-3 and it dropped out in the middle of a boss fight. Had to do the whole fucking level over again. So pissed off.

Speaking of which, when it happened to us the first time, I got screwed out of finishing two parts of Chapter 2 and getting the trophy for it. Even when I joined back in with hm since he was still in it, he got the trophy but I didn't get any credit. So I still have to do 2-2 and 2-3 over again even though I saw all of it already. So in order to not hold him back, we continued forward from 3-1 and on. Now the question is, how is that going to affect unlocking stuff? I've noticed you unlock stuff when you beat the game on Veteran. Is that going to completely screw me from getting those things unlocked? Or once I beat 2-2 and 2-3 and it records it, then it will unlock? Or do I have to beat those before I finish 6-3?

I just want to make sure that I don't waste time doing stuff because of this. Anyone know how the unlocking works for beating on Veteran?


will gently cradle you as time slowly ticks away.
Kard8p3 said:
Did you guys notice that a certain document in the marshlands seems to be inspired by the itchy tasty document from RE1?

My friend and I thought the exact same thing when we read it. :lol


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Dead Space is better by a mile.
I most definitely don't feel that way. Dead Space had potential, but the core combat and enemies you engaged were simply less interesting in Dead Space. The game never really managed to deliver any significant variety outside of the occasional zero-g segments. RE5 is just more satisfying all around, I thought.


The most racist thing about this game so far (5-1) is how retarded Sheva's AI is. I've solved it by giving her only the stun rod to swing around. Which she does, like once in every third battle. Good girl! Atleast now I can try to get the knife achievement, because earlier she just finished all the enemies lying on the ground I was vigorously trying to kill with my toothpick, mistakenly portrayed as a knife.
My bud left town, so I've been going back through some of the old areas with my walking attache case, I mean Sheva. Good lord, she can be stupid some times. But, at least now that I've given her the stun rod, she's dealing out good damage.

Anyway, in the
port section
of chapter 2, How do you get
that chest that it blocked behind a bunch of market stands. It's right before you use the key to get on the boat.


Jealous Bastard
Rez said:
It gets hate from the same people who were determined to hate it prior to its release (NO MIKAMI!!!? NO SALE I SMELL SOMETHING BAD I KNOW THIS WILL BAD I AM GOING TO BE VERY CRITICAL ON THIS I JUST KNOW I'LL HATE IT BUT I HOPE IT'S GOOD BUT IT WILL BE BAAAAAD THIS NEW SCREENSHOT LACKS ATMOSPHERE IT IS BAD), or are unwilling to play with another person.

i'm playing by myself and loving it. the a.i. may get shitty on hard (playing on normal here), but i don't really care so much. i'm willing to do most of the work.

anyone still on the fence who was a big re4 fan: don't let the naysayers sway you. it's an excellent game, and you'll love it. i am up through chapter 2-2 and it's a god damn blast.


Played RE5 for the first time last night. Had a blast, but I played local co-op with a friend. Even though the skewed screen ratio messed up the experience a little bit, I can't see myself play with an AI controlled player. Though, it felt like the action was even more increased when comparing to RE4, but perhaps not for the better.
Finally got the game, just played chapter 1-1, but so far so good. The first minutes with the Majinis looking at you, kicking and hitting a sack with something live inside, I was like "WTF!" it's true it's a bit like RE4 when you arrive at the village and see all that people doing his diary duties, while a cop it's being burned stabed. But it was good, but A.I it's really bad, it was bad on the demo, it's as bad now. Being a conservative soul like I am, hurts seeing Sheva WASTING THAT MUCH AMMO!! seriously, use the command button or the knife when the enemies fall to the floor! damnit! She ended the chapter 1-1 with fucking zero bullets! bitch!.
Relaxed Muscle said:
Finally got the game, just played chapter 1-1, but so far so good. The first minutes with the Majinis looking at you, kicking and hitting a sack with something live inside, I was like "WTF!" it's true it's a bit like RE4 when you arrive at the village and see all that people doing his diary duties, while a cop it's being burned stabed. But it was good, but A.I it's really bad, it was bad on the demo, it's as bad now. Being a conservative soul like I am, hurts seeing Sheva WASTING THAT MUCH AMMO!! seriously, use the command button or the knife when the enemies fall to the floor! damnit! She ended the chapter 1-1 with fucking zero bullets! bitch!.

I've seen her stab someone. It was pretty fucking awesome. Just wait until you have more appropriate weapons to give her.
crowphoenix said:
My bud left town, so I've been going back through some of the old areas with my walking attache case, I mean Sheva. Good lord, she can be stupid some times. But, at least now that I've given her the stun rod, she's dealing out good damage.

Anyway, in the
port section
of chapter 2, How do you get
that chest that it blocked behind a bunch of market stands. It's right before you use the key to get on the boat.

Chuck a grenado in there.
Question about the egg achievement....

Do you need to hold all four types of eggs in your inventory at the same time or do you just have to had picked them all up once?


Rez said:
It gets hate from the same people who were determined to hate it prior to its release (NO MIKAMI!!!? NO SALE I SMELL SOMETHING BAD I KNOW THIS WILL BAD I AM GOING TO BE VERY CRITICAL ON THIS I JUST KNOW I'LL HATE IT BUT I HOPE IT'S GOOD BUT IT WILL BE BAAAAAD THIS NEW SCREENSHOT LACKS ATMOSPHERE IT IS BAD), or are unwilling to play with another person.

I'm that person. And i already unlock everything the game offer and am into the game more than 60 hours. I still consider this is a bad Resident Evil game with the lacking of Resident Evil atmosphere. Capcom just name this game Bionic Commando or Contra and i will have no problem at all.


Santa May Claus
TenshiOni said:
Question about the egg achievement....

Do you need to hold all four types of eggs in your inventory at the same time or do you just have to had picked them all up once?

You just need them in your organized inventory.
I know this is redundant at this point, but i've been staying out of this thread until i was a good ways through the game (5-3) for fear of spoilers.

holy fuck this game is good. RE4 is my favourite game ever (and I won't reassess that until after I beat RE5) but RE5 has at least met my expectations.

for the record i've been playing it co-op exclusively so far, and i can't imagine the single player being nearly as good, but as a co-op game it's definitely on a par with 4.

we're playing on veteran and it's taken us about 14 hours to get this far. i played for 11 hours straight the first night until the point my vision went all fucked up and i got massive migraines. those are gone now and i should beat it tonight.

graphically... wow. just wow. Killzone 2 may technically have it beat in terms of lighting/pixel shading etc, but it's a coin toss if you put the two games side by side to me. the art design in RE5 is just off the charts.

it does make me look at 360 exclusives and wonder just what a company like Naughty Dog could do on the system if a multiplatform game like RE5 can look this fucking good. seriously, if the best looking game on your system is a multiplatform game, that really puts the developers working on the exclusives to shame.

come on Rare. you're really the only hope for the 360 to be pushed to it's maximum.

this game feels like Resident Evil to me. it's a scarier game than RE4 (though definitely not the scariest in the franchise).

it's incredibly paced.

Dead Space was awesome, but yeah, i'm with Dark. RE5 is the better game. much better enemy variety. much better mission variety. much better bosses. Dead Space was tightly focussed and brilliantly polished, but RE5 is epic in scope and scale in ways that Dead Space doesn't remotely compete with.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
it does make me look at 360 exclusives and wonder just what a company like Naughty Dog could do on the system if a multiplatform game like RE5 can look this fucking good. seriously, if the best looking game on your system is a multiplatform game, that really puts the developers working on the exclusives to shame.
See, I don't know about that. I think it's a mix of the incredible MT Framework engine (which has been used multiple times allowing it to be refined) and the wonderful artists at Capcom. RE5 combines fantastic art direction with very powerful technology to create something truly outstanding.

It is amazing that a multiplatform game could look so damn incredible, though. It really does stand toe to toe with the best exclusives. I think it looks every bit as good as Killzone 2 and Gears 2 (which is the weakest of the three), for instance.
dark10x said:
See, I don't know about that. I think it's a mix of the incredible MT Framework engine (which has been used multiple times allowing it to be refined) and the wonderful artists at Capcom. RE5 combines fantastic art direction with very powerful technology to create something truly outstanding.

It is amazing that a multiplatform game could look so damn incredible, though. It really does stand toe to toe with the best exclusives. I think it looks every bit as good as Killzone 2 and Gears 2 (which is the weakest of the three), for instance.
oh it definitely looks better than Gears 2. but... someone like Naughty Dog who are brilliant at coding to the metal and who's art department aren't too shabby themselves... i just wonder.

could Capcom really be pushing the 360 more than anyone else with a multiplatform game? I mean it's feasible... but it's so counter to my understanding of exclusives and multiplatform games.


Well, I've played the game enough, to give my final opinion on it. I'm on my solo play through now, I should wait as I don't know how crappy the AI is on the later bosses, but as of now I've had basically no trouble at all, mainly because I gave the AI the L-Hawk. I think some of you guys don't like it, just because "what's he's face (RE4 guy.... sorry don't know his name) didn't make it. I do agree he made a fucking AWESOME game in RE4 (best in the series). I can criticize the game of course as EVERY game has something that someone doesn't like!
-This isn't "really a RE game" it's MGS4 without the sneaking(with is OK with me)
-The inventory system.... it's just to limited (literately) but manageable.
-No scary! This is is a neg and a pro for me, I liked it in RE4 and the other games, but 4 in particular made me have that filling to not play it!(even though I beat it 4 times) I know some people loved the scary and basically played for that reason, it was a love/hate for me!
-BEST CO-OP experience I've had sense HALO 3(I like halo 3 a lot)
-BEST replay value in a RE game ever, I've never wanted to do everything in an RE game, I'm not a Hardcore for this series by any means, I love it though, but I'm going to try Pro mode because it seems possible, I'm not one to play games (only a few) on the hardest difficulty, some love it. I've only played on amateur (with infinite ammo, and for now I'm OK with that). Difficulty just makes me hate the game, that's why a lot of people that played it first time through on veteran with the AI, and didn't have fun, that's the reason. I'm not a total pussy though I'm definitely going to try Pro mode in this! Didn't consider it in RE4, the scariness and difficulty would have been to much for me! So, for me this is a little bit of a pro because it just seems like a more noob friendly game.

So, comparing to RE4, their almost different beasts, ones a survivor horror action game, the other is just action with a little survivor horror, I love RE4 more for being a RE game, but I love this game more for being more fun to play, the CO-OP was the deciding factor in this, I wasn't going to buy this game until it was cheaper ( glad I didn't), I didn't like the fact the this game center around CO-OP, but having the experience with my cousin, beating the game in one weekend was worth the 60 right there, it was hes first RE game, I played RE4 and he watched, but he was only 9 at the time and to scared to ever play it! Playing the game now with AI isn't that bad at all, maybe it will be different on veteran diff, I'm not sure, but giving the AI an infinite ammo gun almost fixes it! I probably will make the game to easy, but that's something I don't care about, I've rather the game be to easy and less frustrating, then waay to fucking a hard and me hate it!
Score wise

RE4 ..................................................................RE5
-fun.....................10.........................................-fun ........................10
-story............Doesn't MATTER..........................-story....Doesn't MATTER
-OVER ALL 10.....................................................OVER ALL 10

It's a classic and will remain so for a............. It's my favorite in the series so far,
long time! Bought it twice, and it was............. it sucks it's not more like a RE game,
worth every penny! ........................................but for what it is, it does very well.

Closing note, I'm really glad I love it, I can't get around some of you guys opinion's that hated it, One guy gave it a 3 0_o, it sucks that he didn't like it, but you like what you like I guess! So far it's my GOTY, I've only bought this and Star Ocean, I'm not really going to buy a lot of games this year. It will remain, until Halo ODST I think ( I hope I like that game anyway) I'm an easy to please guy though, it takes a lot for me to be disappointed.


It's a totally different atmosphere though. Resi 4 had that feeling of suspense and not knowing if someone was going to happen or not. It was very subtle in some places. You'll hear a noise but nothing happens...then 5 seconds later you get ambushed by something you didn't hear or see. Resi 5's attitude is more like you know something bad is going to happen every 5 seconds so just deal with it :D They both build tension in completely different ways so it's unfair to compare them. I love 5's constant action though and it just works so well for the game
plagiarize said:
it's funny how subjective fear is. i'd definitely rate RE5 as scarier than RE4.

I disagree. Maybe I prefer like my cookie cutter notions of horror games, but that overall feeling of dread that I got from RE4 just wasn't there in RE5. Don't get me wrong, they made a terrific action game, but in my opinion they cannibalized too much of what I didn't like in RE4 (zombie soldiers, stale animations, etc.) and didn't toss in enough of what I like in the series. They kept all the same mechanics and put them in an environment that just didn't do it for me.

Somebody compared this game to MGS4 a while ago. I'm not feeling it. MGS4 was smart enough to give the fans what they wanted with the Shadow Moses stage. Capcom could've done something along those lines (mansion, castle, whatever) and it would've helped this game out a ton IMO.

Still digging this game a lot as an action game however. I'm up to 5-3 so far and am looking forward to the Mercs mode.


dark10x said:
See, I don't know about that. I think it's a mix of the incredible MT Framework engine (which has been used multiple times allowing it to be refined) and the wonderful artists at Capcom. RE5 combines fantastic art direction with very powerful technology to create something truly outstanding.

It is amazing that a multiplatform game could look so damn incredible, though. It really does stand toe to toe with the best exclusives. I think it looks every bit as good as Killzone 2 and Gears 2 (which is the weakest of the three), for instance.

Eh, I wouldn't say that. I played RE5 co-op and then Killzone 2 multiplayer back to back and it was no contest in my eyes. The lighting in Killzone 2 is just so much more natural and there is so much more going on at any given time on screen. Maybe it starts to look better after the first chapter, but from what I've seen so far, saying it stands toe to toe is a bit of a stretch. Unless the PS3 port really is just that bad. It's definitely a beautiful game though, I look forward to seeing the rest of it.


The Wise Old Man said:
I disagree. Maybe I prefer like my cookie cutter notions of horror games, but that overall feeling of dread that I got from RE4 just wasn't there in RE5. Don't get me wrong, they made a terrific action game, but in my opinion they cannibalized too much of what I didn't like in RE4 (zombie soldiers, stale animations, etc.) and didn't toss in enough of what I like in the series. They kept all the same mechanics and put them in an environment that just didn't do it for me.

Somebody compared this game to MGS4 a while ago. I'm not feeling it. MGS4 was smart enough to give the fans what they wanted with the Shadow Moses stage. Capcom could've done something along those lines (mansion, castle, whatever) and it would've helped this game out a ton IMO.

Still digging this game a lot as an action game however. I'm up to 5-3 so far and am looking forward to the Mercs mode.
I agree 1000%, I did compare this to MGS4, (not that your talking about me) only because of the cut-scenes and the action elements! MGS4 was insane, and I loved it, it would have been awesome if Capcom did some kind of nod to give the fans that wanted that creepiness/scariness element the series is known for!


Santa May Claus
The nonstop action aspect of RE5 leaves you without time to feel fear, in my opinion. There's certainly tension with the waves of baddies thrown at you. There's certainly monstrous bosses and unique enemies, but there's no down time. There's no exploring through an area with a more haunting feeling. That's the main difference, as far as I can tell.

The fear in RE4 was tempered a bit by the fact that Leon was something of a dumb, invincible superhero in personality (in addition to the action segments, of course). Leon wasn't scared, so why should you be? Chris was almost there, but not quite. He also didn't make any snide remarks.
beelzebozo said:
going back to the mansion in this game would have made zero sense. that would have been blatant pandering.

So don't design it as a stereotypical mansion. Design it as some sort of African villa or compound where some wealthy dude lives. You can still adhere to the RE mansion/castle feeling in an African setting and have it make sense.

Pandering? Maybe. Nothing wrong with going back to a tried and true formula IMO.
Crisco said:
Eh, I wouldn't say that. I played RE5 co-op and then Killzone 2 multiplayer back to back and it was no contest in my eyes. The lighting in Killzone 2 is just so much more natural and there is so much more going on at any given time on screen. Maybe it starts to look better after the first chapter, but from what I've seen so far, saying it stands toe to toe is a bit of a stretch. Unless the PS3 port really is just that bad. It's definitely a beautiful game though, I look forward to seeing the rest of it.
i think we're both talking the overall effect of the game. personally i'm sure KZ2 is technically doing more. more advanced lighting and effects no doubt, but Capcom's art design here is brilliant and makes up for the technical gap.

that's going to subjective cause it's bringing 'art' into the discussion, but i went right from KZ2 to RE5 and RE5 in no way felt like a step back.


Santa May Claus
Crisco said:
Eh, I wouldn't say that. I played RE5 co-op and then Killzone 2 multiplayer back to back and it was no contest in my eyes. The lighting in Killzone 2 is just so much more natural and there is so much more going on at any given time on screen. Maybe it starts to look better after the first chapter, but from what I've seen so far, saying it stands toe to toe is a bit of a stretch. Unless the PS3 port really is just that bad. It's definitely a beautiful game though, I look forward to seeing the rest of it.

I haven't played Killzone2 yet, except for the demo, but I can say that Resident Evil 5 does look much better in later levels when compared to the earlier ones, particularly the lighting. Lighting and how it plays off of surfaces is the strong point of RE5.
:lol @ the end. Did anyone else fail at
the QTE where Sheva is falling? She has such a beautiful character model that I was literally staring into her eyes and even though I saw the QTE at the bottom of the screen and tried to hit it pretty fast I had to watch her slow heavenly drop from the plane :(


RE4 ..................................................................RE5
-fun.....................10.........................................-fun ........................10
-story............Doesn't MATTER..........................-story....Doesn't MATTER
-OVER ALL 10.....................................................OVER ALL 10

It's a classic and will remain so for a............. It's my favorite in the series so far,
long time! Bought it twice, and it was............. it sucks it's not more like a RE game,
worth every penny! ........................................but for what it is, it does very well.

That must have been fun to type out :D


Santa May Claus
Dark FaZe said:
:lol @ the end. Did anyone else fail at
the QTE where Sheva is falling? She has such a beautiful character model that I was literally staring into her eyes and even though I saw the QTE at the bottom of the screen and tried to hit it pretty fast I had to watch her slow heavenly drop from the plane :(

lol, no.
But I sort of want to go back and fail on each QTE part to see what the death animation is. :)


Boom! Bitch-slapped!
darkjedi187 said:
what is the 5-2 lickers money thing?

drop expensive jewels so I guess people keep playing it over and over. I haven't tried 5-2 but I know 5-1 can get you around 15K in about 10 minutes if you grab the jewel from the garden, the 3K worth of gold from the safe, and kill all the enemies while you're waiting for the elevator. Grab the ammo from the next part, then save and quit ;)
i don't personally need every resident evil game to have a gothic building in it.

the castle was probably my least favourite area in RE4.

the nonstop feeling of 5 is part of why i've personally found it scarier. in RE4 any time you wanted to catch your breath you just needed to press your inventory. playing it online co-op on veteran you can't even pause the game. there's no 'stress reset' button so my tension has built beyond where it got to in RE4.

still a lot of it is subjective. the only enemies that really scared me in 4 were the dogs (which were hardly used), the invisible things in the castle basement (which stopped being scary once they stopped cloaking), and the regenerators. in RE5 i've found more of the enemies scarier, and more of the bosses scarier.
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