Another trailer for next weeks episode (extended trailer):
Lex is reborn:
Considering they cannot get Michael to reprise his role as Lex Luthor (other then possible the show finale episodes), I think the way they are handling Lex scenes are pretty good. Lex returns all deformed, hooked up to a machine, and even a voice box. It's really one of the only ways to bring back Lex using a different actor but doing so in a way where you can't easily know it isn't Michael.
Hard to say how any of this will pan out but the trailer certainly has me excited. It is also possible that Lex will indeed get a robotic Prometheus suit to keep this new actor playing Lex. It may just work. Maybe!
EDIT: I posted this on KryptonSite:
Lana Lang has always been a love or hate character. She has her fan base and she has her haters. I've always been neutral when it comes to her character. I got tired of the Lana/Clark 7 year long relationship trouble then eventually she left the show.
Now Lana is back and the writers have a 5 episode story arc for her in which has her turning into a super hero using Lex's Prometheus technology. Also back is the love triangle. Lois has been seemingly removed from the show until episode 15.
We are on Lana episode 4/5 now and things are heating up. At this point, Lana has abilities like Clark and she apparently can now handle herself and wants to work side by side with Clark. However, we all know it wasn't meant to be and she only has one episode left now.
Overall, while it's always annoying to see the love between Lana and Clark start back up, I did actually like this episode. It wasn't a season highlight but it did half a dark tone to it and ultimately, it ended up working out well enough.
I personally don't mind the writers taking a step backwards and bringing back some of the content which made the first seven seasons great (to me) and I am glad to see some story arcs forming in season 8 as well.
Many people consider this a massive regression for Clark Kent but I don't think that is what is going to happen. No, instead I think Lana will get the heroic sendoff in a way in which will furthermore push Clark towards his Superman career. You just wait!
I want to tell people not to give up because Lex is coming back (in a limited fashion and possibly for good with perahaps a robotic Prometheus suit), Clark is rumored to be flying within a few episodes and if you read the spoilers for episode 15, you will notice just how "Supermanish" that episode will be. There is also talk about a possible "Legion of Supervillians" and confirmed Toyman, Zatanna as well as other DC characters appearing this season.
There is just so much announced for the "after Lana" episodes that I think you should just wait and episode and then concentrate on what comes next. The Lana episodes are not even bad in my opinion but I can support those who don't like them and that is why I can only tell you to hang on for a few more episodes.
Sadly, the Lana episodes have been dragging down the show's ratings which is unfortunate at a time when they are considering canceling the show for a new Melrose's Place remake. If people stop watching then you will be complaining more next year when you see a Soap show in place of Smallville.
I enjoyed tonight's episode and I am looking forward to seeing what they do with both Lana and Lex's character in "Requiem" next week. I also noticed that the show has finally incorporated at least a small handful of new locations other then using the same generic set pieces.
I think when Lana's arc wraps up, it is at least possible that seeing the full arc completed will give a better understanding why the writers were confident in her arc to begin with and I think I even read somewhere that John Geoff gave good comments about the Lana arc some time ago. Lets just wait and see what happens next week before burying the hatchet. Enjoy the show for what it is because quite frankly, their isn't a whole lot of quality programming left and Smallville is still going pretty strong in my opinion.