2 Minutes Turkish
So any confirmation on whether this will be a Full Retail or DLC? Or Both? (GOTY Edition style).
I assume not, but someone someone knew.
I assume not, but someone someone knew.
HA! Good call! I guess we knows who wins in real life :lolArpharmd B said:That's no dummy, it's El Fuerte!
2 Minutes Turkish said:So any confirmation on whether this will be a Full Retail or DLC? Or Both? (GOTY Edition style).
I assume not, but someone someone knew.
KAL2006 said:OK this is my guess, that thing in the middle is a 1 (I) meaning, and you also can get a 2 (II), what this could mean there are selectable Ultra's similar to Third Strike, na im just looking too much into it
One of the closest guarded secrets among fighting game fans is that nobody paid attention to SF3 until about 2004 when Anniversary Collection came out on PS2 on the heels of the Daigo video. People thought SFA3 was the pinnacle of 2D fighting for years.Eiji said:BECAUSE ITS 1999 MANG!
Shig said:
Caj814 said:+ sound effects
abstract alien said:HA! Good call! I guess we knows who wins in real life :lol
hope the final HUD changesAnth0ny said:Why is there a thumbtack piercing the ultra meter?
Dark times indeed.Zophar said:One of the closest guarded secrets among fighting game fans is that nobody paid attention to SF3 until about 2004 when Anniversary Collection came out on PS2 on the heels of the Daigo video. People thought SFA3 was the pinnacle of 2D fighting for years.
KAL2006 said:So the talk of getting a trailer was just wishful thinking from a couple of posters, nevermind then i wont get worked up about it now, I bet im we just get pictures we have seen already bu higher resoluon wih an official press release, if we're lucky maybe a trailer (but only showing Hawk and Juri)
Anth0ny said:Why is there a thumbtack piercing the ultra meter?
crunker99 said:Its def a roman numeral 1, or I, which means selectable ultras, of course
Nemesis121 said:It's the Second strike rip *YOU* off edition.........I am happy i paid $20 for SF4.
I love SFA3.Shig said:Dark times indeed.
_dementia said:There's no way Juri wasn't inspired by Jolyne Kujo, is there?
Capcom amking a new JoJo game confirmed?
Raging Spaniard said:go play Virtua Fighter.
Caj814 said:New scans for SSF4 just popped up.
KAL2006 said:oking looking at the scans, the ultra bar on one of the screenshot is different and I think i read TIME
Arpharmd B said:That's the thing though. This is all theory fighter. The thing that makes theory fighter funny is that at the end of the day, the person trying to "prove" parrying is bad is never right. There is no "good" or "bad". It is what it is.
Usually the argument comes down to "well, it was like this in SF2 and since its like this in SF3 its just plain wrong". As if SF2 was this beacon of perfect light like god himself. Thats the flaw you find in the logic, everytime.
The bottom line is, parry is just another thing that makes the game deeper. Most old school players that are "against it" would never admit that the game is just harder, and requires deeper strategy. No. They will run circles and circles in arguing because they will never admit that.
Now saying that parry eliminates zoning, footsies and stuff like that, that is a JOKE to anyone who played/plays 3rd Strike. The whole damn game is zoning footsies execution mindgames. It's just got an extra element that you need to account for. It makes the game harder to play. It's a more hardcore SF, and they will never admit that, but it's true. It turns a lot of people off of the game. Some people (especially the old, oldschool) are just too set in their old ways, so they don't like it. Well, oh well, their loss, they missed out on an amazing game.
Arpharmd B said:Well the way I read some of the comments in here it was like with parry you don't gotta worry. I can just walk forward without fear! No risk whatsoever if I press down and he goes high. No, sir. Magical option selecting means I don't have to worry about anything. I'm covered in all circumstances!
Bring on Daigo. I got my parry, I'm ready.
Eventhubs said:* The previously leaked characters are all said to be in the game. Dee Jay, T. Hawk, Dudley, Ibuki, Makoto, Adon, Cody and Guy. The new characters are rumored to be:
o Hakan - An Arabic grappler obsessed with oil.
o Juri - Evil Asian girl fighter working for Seth.
* All characters will have two Ultras. They will both be available at one time, not selectable like with Third Strike's Super Arts. The commands to execute your Ultras do not overlap.
o It sounds like the characters from Third Strike are set up with their prior Super Arts. They had three in that game, so one will be their Super and the other two their Ultras.
o Gen has four Ultras because of his two fighting styles. One of these is said to be an Air Ultra.
o All characters still have one Super, except Sakura who apparently has a Shinkuu Hadoken (Super Fireball) as well.
* Some characters will have Air Ultras.
* The Bonus Stages will be returning.
* This will be an exclusive arcade release at least for a few months.
* An official announcement is said to be coming at the Tokyo Game Show and on the Japanese Street Fighter 4 blog soon.
* Expect the return of the many familiar Supers, and a few new ones like Metsu Shoryuken. You'll see the return of Chun-Li's Kikosho (Super Fireball), Gouken's Denjin, Sagat's Tiger Cannon (Super Fireball).
* Ibuki has a run command.
* Guile has his Sonic Hurricane move from Marvel vs. Capcom 2.
* Dudley has his Chain combos from Third Strike, plus one additional Chain combo.
* Cody is the only character with an Alpha Counter and he still has his knife. He supposedly needs his knife to perform one of his Ultras.
* Rufus can cancel-break the last hit of his Spectacle Romance, or the launch kick of Space Opera Symphony.
* Guy has his Chain combos.
* Makoto has her Tanden Renki Super from Third Strike.
* Zangief is said to have a 720 degree motion Air Ultra called the Siberian Blizzard.
* The game takes place one year after Street Fighter 4.
* Dudley was searching for his car in Third Strike, in this game he's searching for a rose.
* T. Hawk's storyline involves him protecting Juni or Juli.
* Dhalsim's new Ultra is called the Yoga Shangri'la.
* There's a new gameplay system called Tadan Saving, the phrase implies a multi-hitting or multiple-level Focus Attack.
* The console characters are all said to be added to the upcoming arcade release, with the possible exceptions of Seth and Gouken.
GalacticAE said:Looks like she might have GeneiJin...
_dementia said:FUCK THERE IS A TIME BAR
Teknopathetic said:Surely capcom learned the last time.
Yeah, I'm just preparing myself for the worst case scenarioFindMyFarms said:Or it might just be a time limited ultra. Kinda like Q's grab. who knows, lots of possibilities. But if CC's are back then thank god there's no guard break :lol :lol
KAL2006 said:oking looking at the scans, the ultra bar on one of the screenshot is different and I think i read TIME
D:_dementia said:FUCK THERE IS A TIME BAR
Not officially, but yeah it's real.Shadowlink said:Just came back home! So this is confirmed now?
Woot! I want to hear more about the Arab guy. Also all the rumored info is real?Aljosa said:Not officially, but yeah it's real.