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The Oily, Gentlemanly Super Spin Fighter 4 Reveal Thread of Kunoichis and Karatekas

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Tathanen said:


indeed. sideboob for life.


Skilotonn said:
I really did find it funny that you could attack behind Cammy (and probably Fei Long as well) for their Counter-Ultras - I mean, it makes sense, but it just means that they can STILL get crossed up, which is beyond the point... especially with what they say when you initialize it! :lol

Why not make it like Gouken's dirty-ass counter, which can counter cross-ups and isn't even an Ultra?

Wait What? Counter Ultras don't work from behind? In that video I just assumed they were way
too late with the attacks.


_dementia said:
Now it makes more sense. :lol

I'm wondering why they even posted those pictures anyway. Did someone ask "Hey, you don't have enough close up images of women being punched in the face! Could you post some?!"


Dr.Hadji said:
Wait What? Counter Ultras don't work from behind? In that video I just assumed they were way
too late with the attacks.

The counter lasts pretty long so it definitely looked like it doesn't counter from behind in that video.
XenoRaven said:
Now it makes more sense. :lol

I'm wondering why they even posted those pictures anyway. Did someone ask "Hey, you don't have enough close up images of women being punched in the face! Could you post some?!"
i'm kind of wondering why that sequence in SF Alpha Generations exists.


_dementia said:
i'm kind of wondering why that sequence in SF Alpha Generations exists.
That's a good question. Maybe Capcom is just full of weirdos who live out woman-beating fantasies through Street Fighter.

At least that's better than the Resident Evil guys. >_>


Whine Whine FADC Troll
XenoRaven said:
I've always felt old ladies are under-represented in fighting games. I can't wait to find out what the story is with that one. Looks like another rejected Abel idea. She could be one of the characters they were considering before they settled on Hakan though.

Play a Power Instinct game.


B-Genius said:
Dudders is blatantly giving the finger under there.

Apparently that old lady design is a Korean Tae-Kwon-Do granny! :lol
Juri's mother/grandmother?

She looks to be the type of granny who wouldn't take any of Juri's shit so I doubt it :lol
CcrooK said:
Did I miss out on a translation of the blog entry? There was a lot of info there. Was hoping to read up on it.
Azazel typically does the blog translations but he's busy.
Apparently there are no other bilingual fighting game fans who can step up.


_dementia said:
Azazel typically does the blog translations but he's busy.
Apparently there are no other bilingual fighting game fans who can step up.

It's a lot of content and most of them are questions like "Why can't R. Mika be in the game?!" (That's really one of the questions).

I read through it and went "meh" so you guys are definitely not missing anything meaty. Just wait and be patient =P

If you want to read something AWESOME about SF4, check out the latest article on Mago's blog I translated:

fubarduck said:
It's a lot of content and most of them are questions like "Why can't R. Mika be in the game?!" (That's really one of the questions).

I read through it and went "meh" so you guys are definitely not missing anything meaty. Just wait and be patient =P

If you want to read something AWESOME about SF4, check out the latest article on Mago's blog I translated:

that was pretty funny

do many players have blogs?

also, nice job as guest on the SRK podcast!
fubarduck said:
It's a lot of content and most of them are questions like "Why can't R. Mika be in the game?!" (That's really one of the questions).

I read through it and went "meh" so you guys are definitely not missing anything meaty. Just wait and be patient =P

If you want to read something AWESOME about SF4, check out the latest article on Mago's blog I translated:


That blog entry is great. One day I too will release my limiter, enter Beast Mode and flip out while playing SSF4.


I wonder who Mago will use in SSF4.

My money's on Cody being most similar to vanilla Sagat in terms of safe/damaging options from all of the other new characters.


_dementia said:
that was pretty funny

do many players have blogs?

also, nice job as guest on the SRK podcast!


There's a big list of JP SF4 Player blogs on 2ch:

・desoraさんブログ http://desora.com
・中足絶唱TKDブログ http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/ef_tkd
・マゴブログ http://blog.livedoor.jp/magopizza/
・ときどブログ http://d.hatena.ne.jp/tokido/
・総師範ブログ http://blog.livedoor.jp/gvision_ksk/
・井上ブログ http://ino0410.blogmin.jp/default.asp
・旧井上ブログ http://blog.livedoor.jp/vsino/
・青汁ブログ http://d.hatena.ne.jp/aoziru/
・アイクブログ http://blog.livedoor.jp/ike_quartey_i/
・ももちブログ http://momo3rd.exblog.jp/
・あーるブログ http://rtypeclassic.blog15.fc2.com/
・WAOブログ http://wao.blog.eonet.jp/default/
・イーデスケツバットブログ http://ameblo.jp/sinpai/
・cabブログ http://www.toaru.org/~cab/
・ぺたブログ http://blog.livedoor.jp/peta2005/
・ごはんブログ http://blog.livedoor.jp/oomori_gohan/
・チョコブログ http://blog.livedoor.jp/chocoblanka/
・お篠ブログ http://blog.livedoor.jp/oshino215/
・ぎゃすブログ http://blog.livedoor.jp/a731gas/
・中野TRFフリプにいたリュウブログ http://blog.livedoor.jp/sf4ryu/
・梅園ブログ http://umzn.blog54.fc2.com/
・P.P.Nブログ http://blog.livedoor.jp/ppnet/
・こくじんブログ http://blog.livedoor.jp/kokujind/
・魔法少女ざんぎたんブログ http://blog.livedoor.jp/zangitan/
・きりすとブログ http://blog.livedoor.jp/debusuto/
・ネモさんブログ http://blog.livedoor.jp/nemo5648/
・だるいブログ http://blog.livedoor.jp/oodaruidarui/
・エミリオブログ http://blog.livedoor.jp/emiliolacroix/
・こんだて(きりすと)ブログ http://blog.livedoor.jp/wasabibaru/
・小路KOGブログ http://kogkog111.blog102.fc2.com/
fubarduck said:
It's a lot of content and most of them are questions like "Why can't R. Mika be in the game?!" (That's really one of the questions).

I read through it and went "meh" so you guys are definitely not missing anything meaty. Just wait and be patient =P

If you want to read something AWESOME about SF4, check out the latest article on Mago's blog I translated:


HAHAHA~! Hilarious blog entry! Props on the translation, man...


Street11 stepped up to the plate and provided this brief translation of what's covered in the entry, including what the long-awaited bonus may be for owners of Street Fighter 4 who are upgrading to Super.

• If you have Street Fighter 4, you will be able to have an 11th character color!?

• Said SSF4 will feature all characters to be playable from the start, but won't say anything about hidden characters.

• Able to set 'play area' on the arcade request settings.

• No gallery mode.

• Ibuki's alternate confirmed to be schoolgirl uniform.

• Computer vs. Computer mode is available.

• Only some characters have two rival battles, others have one.

• There's a ranking chart based on continents, along with a ranking chart based on characters.

• Training mode now remembers settings (doesn't mention if it is the very last previous settings, or whether you can save settings or not), at least you don't have to change it every time.

• El Fuerte's specials are not faster at all.

• Game loads faster.

• You can copy saved data.

• Gen doesn't have chains, but have more variety of links and is stronger

From eventhubs :D


Cowie said:
Hahah, that's a pretty cute story.

As a side note, I'd like to imagine that 'Mago Pizza' is not entirely unrelated to 'Mona Pizza'.
You mean...makers of the world's best eatsa?

Nice to know what song is going to be stuck in my head for the next week or so.

Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
CcrooK said:
VF? KOF? Whaaa? :lol

People will say that VF has better modeling and animation because it goes for realism, and for many people whatever looks closest to real life is "best". It's easy to construct a straw man against a game like SF4 because it's "cartoon shit" and cartoons are st00pid.

It's like how back when SF3 first came out, a lot of guys laughed that Tekken 3 blew that cartoon sprite shit to hell with its AWESOME animation, because it was so realistic, like reals peoples.

But animation is about more than just how good your motion capture is of a guy doing a realistic kick.

One of the things that SF4's animation excels in is its attention to detail. No other game so far can equal that; the characters have countless small expressions of personality (not just in the faces) and body language. There are seemingly no "generic" animations copy/pasted for anything, or nearly none. This is something the other 3D fighting games do suffer from; for all their realism, they have a sense of "polygon puppetry" because the characters so often share generic kick captures, generic walking, ducking or dodging animations, generic jabs, generic falling and bounce animations, etc.

But in SF4 it seems that the mandate for the producers is that they must equal or exceed the quality of SF3's 2D animation in terms of how expressive it is. To that end, each character is treated like a unique sprite in almost every way. The fact that SF4 is "cartoony" and exaggerated just aids in that goal and avoids uncanny valley puppet sensations as well.

All that said, the Virtua Fighter 5 series is a damn close second, and has /some/ pieces of animation that are at the top of their class. But as a cohesive whole, no. It still betrays the niggling flaws present in other fighters using polygons to date. SF4 raised the bar, that's all.


Kaijima said:
People will say that VF has better modeling...

I only commented because VF was mentioned when a KoF vid is shown...is all. I ain't gonna start the "animations" argument. No way. :lol
Virtua Fighter modelling is nice, but the physics and feel SUCK ASS.

Everything is so floaty and and has no weight to it, and you never feel an impact with the strikes.

Tekken has "oomph" behind ever attack, and body's react the way you think they would to ridiculously floaty strikes instead of just floating in mid air. Not to mention the sound effects are a lot more satisfying.

Tekken blows Virtua Fighter out of the water in animation and physics, not even a competition.


Sketchbook Picasso
Personally, every time I see This:


It reminds me of This:


Thus, watching the crazy girl with horns (Or, Y'know, Rita Repulsa), rip of "Android 18" isn't too distracting. When Mary did it, back in the day, though... our whole match stopped, and my friend looked at me, with a grin, saying "Make her do that AGAIN!"

Kaijima said:
People will say that VF has better modeling and animation because it goes for realism, and for many people whatever looks closest to real life is "best". It's easy to construct a straw man against a game like SF4 because it's "cartoon shit" and cartoons are st00pid.

It's like how back when SF3 first came out, a lot of guys laughed that Tekken 3 blew that cartoon sprite shit to hell with its AWESOME animation, because it was so realistic, like reals peoples.

But animation is about more than just how good your motion capture is of a guy doing a realistic kick.

One of the things that SF4's animation excels in is its attention to detail. No other game so far can equal that; the characters have countless small expressions of personality (not just in the faces) and body language. There are seemingly no "generic" animations copy/pasted for anything, or nearly none. This is something the other 3D fighting games do suffer from; for all their realism, they have a sense of "polygon puppetry" because the characters so often share generic kick captures, generic walking, ducking or dodging animations, generic jabs, generic falling and bounce animations, etc.

But in SF4 it seems that the mandate for the producers is that they must equal or exceed the quality of SF3's 2D animation in terms of how expressive it is. To that end, each character is treated like a unique sprite in almost every way. The fact that SF4 is "cartoony" and exaggerated just aids in that goal and avoids uncanny valley puppet sensations as well.

All that said, the Virtua Fighter 5 series is a damn close second, and has /some/ pieces of animation that are at the top of their class. But as a cohesive whole, no. It still betrays the niggling flaws present in other fighters using polygons to date. SF4 raised the bar, that's all.

You recieve "Dignity +1"! Tekken 6 does it better than some, but otherwise, 3D fighters look like (well done) puppet shows before the traditional animation-inspired bouts in SFIV. Capcom has always impressed me with their animation ability, all the way back in the NES days, and SFIV continues this wonderfully.

I hate the canned animations in Tekken... guys and girs escaping the same way, that same annoying "FINAL STRETCH!" character do when KO'd, and the throwback win poses to older games, that look so PS1-like...


Sir Garbageman said:
How does the 11th color thing work? Do you just need a SF4 save on your HD?

It depends. For the 360 version, you'll be able to layer the disks, one on top of the other, just like a regular dual-layer disk. Super goes on the bottom, Regular on top.

For PS3, the working theory is that you can slip them in one at a time using a prompt from the menu, but you might just have to buy an external USB Blu-Ray to get the benefit.


Setec Astronomer
Cowie said:
It depends. For the 360 version, you'll be able to layer the disks, one on top of the other, just like a regular dual-layer disk. Super goes on the bottom, Regular on top.

For PS3, the working theory is that you can slip them in one at a time using a prompt from the menu, but you might just have to buy an external USB Blu-Ray to get the benefit.
It'll also take your steam login.
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