Pandaman said:
So you don't respect Abel players? [or gief players, or viper players, etc]
there's nothing wrong with being an abel. 'random' play is not only perfectly legitamate, its viable on all skill levels. no character has perfect footsies that can shut down every mixup and grapplers are not 'lucky' when a mixup works.
yeah, im a complete scrub, but its always seemed to be me sagat has a terrible reversal [thats as dangerous to use as it is damaging with fadc] and wakeup game. is this different for tournament sagat?
that seems to be makotos problem to, so whats the problem? makoto might be closer to trouble when she whiffs, but she seems to do alot more damage than your zoners like sagat and ryu. its a trade off. you wont see zoners with massive damage in super because vanilla proved how dangerous that could be. if you are looking for another sagat as your tournie character, you hopefully wont find one.
Characters I dont respect
- akuma
- gief
- abel
- makoto
- seth
- el fuerte
- rufus
hmmm there is probably more.. but i cant think of any... oh yeah, balrog too, mash c.jab all day i mean COME ON.
seriously though, there is an element of randomness and guessing in every match, i respect players who can do that too because I think its key to not play by the book so much and mix it up with unpredictable attacks. that said, many characters can play random but fall back on solid shit as well. After playing Makoto for like, 8 years or something, I know what goes into that kind of gameplay and I just dont like it. As I get older and the more I learn about the game I would rather see more methodical, solid play rather than just crazy "i dont know what I am doing but I hope it works" game play.
and what do you mean Sagat has a terrible reversal? he has an uppercut. of course you want to be selective when using it, but Makoto doesnt seem to have any sort of get out of jail free card except the ex karakusa, which is iffy at best. I mean, think about it, when ppl throw makoto into a corner, what can she possibly do about it once they start pressuring on wake up? Comapre that to Sagat or any other character with a solid reversal, the opponent has to be a lot more careful when mounting an offense.
also, as far as tournament character of choice its hard to say at this point, but Super SF4 will be hard for a lot of players. There are a ton of match ups and it seems no one character is overpowered like Sagat was. Personally, I'll just keep playing and look for characters with, like I said, a mostly solid gameplay with elements of quirkiness in there to throw my opponents off rhythm.