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The Oily, Gentlemanly Super Spin Fighter 4 Reveal Thread of Kunoichis and Karatekas

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Bacon of Hope
_dementia said:
and now cammy's dp fadc dp does 200 damage

yeah i mean i am bitching about sagat to get you guys riled up but seriously this is a situation. I dont know why they fucked her CS so much, so weird. wonder if they will make a revision in the final build. she dosent have a fireball or anything so she needs to do the fat nasty damage when she gets in.


marathonfool said:
Don't mind people playing Dudley online.

Much better than Ken, Ryu, or Sagat. The ones that annoy me the most are the ones that jump back and spam fireball. It's tedious to chase after them every match.

With Dudley, he actually needs to be offensive and can't rely on projectiles.

You don't fight many rogs... do you?


Alligator F*ck House
It's weird, but makes sense overall. Everyone's uppercut got nerfed in a way, but Ken's for the most part remains the same, and one variation receives a pretty big buff. Hurray for SSF4 finally making sense!


haunts said:
Yeah, even a lot of stuff in this PAX build is different from GDC. Ryu can c.mk, fadc into ultra 2, kara-karakusas with makoto.. WOOOOW... im glad they are putting more buff stuff in there.. ^_____^


considering how reduculously bullshit cammy's AA is right now either the damage had to go or it's properties. Capcom chose the damage, that sits fine with me. I heard her spiral arrow is better anyways so she's a non-issue.
haunts said:
yeah i mean i am bitching about sagat to get you guys riled up but seriously this is a situation. I dont know why they fucked her CS so much, so weird. wonder if they will make a revision in the final build. she dosent have a fireball or anything so she needs to do the fat nasty damage when she gets in.

as a Cammy user, it makes me cry :-( And I love her rush style though, so i will continue using her. Cammy is a character that didn't need a nerf. I wished her arrow was a lil more safe, but probably not.


Holy fucking shit will anybody PLEASE post some news about Ken? PLEASE? I'm tired of hearing about Dudely, Makoto, Ryu blah blah blah. Fuck them. Seriously.


facing a bright new dawn
ultim8p00 said:
Holy fucking shit will anybody PLEASE post some news about Ken? PLEASE? I'm tired of hearing about Dudely, Makoto, Ryu blah blah blah. Fuck them. Seriously.
I was looking at ken ssf4 forum on SRK yesterday, and it was still a bunch of unconfirmed or unknown theories. Maybe there's more stuff from PAX east, but it didn't seem like it.


Bacon of Hope
ultim8p00 said:
Holy fucking shit will anybody PLEASE post some news about Ken? PLEASE? I'm tired of hearing about Dudely, Makoto, Ryu blah blah blah. Fuck them. Seriously.

ken is most improved, possibly valedictorian next year. he signed my year book even.
ultim8p00 said:
Holy fucking shit will anybody PLEASE post some news about Ken? PLEASE? I'm tired of hearing about Dudely, Makoto, Ryu blah blah blah. Fuck them. Seriously.

100% agree. Are there know decent Ken players at these events.
I would even settle for not so good ones


Did my post of a Ken video totally got unnoticed by you guys bitching about no Ken videos? Seriously...you Dragon Boys' rage has u so bent outta shape you can't even see the Ken videos anymore. :lol
RoboJ said:
This makes me sad:

Doesn't the guy have it bad enough wittling down a health bar as it is?

On the other hand, SUPPOSEDLY slide is faster and safer and standing roundhouse has a better hitbox, so the damage nerf could be worth it to that end. Crounching forward effects his already wimpy BnB, but it's only -5 (why even bother nerfing it?) and the buffs on psycho crusher should amount to slightly more damage overall on verifiable combos. If crouching short is easier to link into one another (as reported), the light scissor kick nerf shouldn't be a big deal either --you can cancel into medium scissor kick without risk for greater damage.

Hopefully cross-up psycho crusher and Ultra2 live up to the speculation. I'm not feeling terribly optimistic.
i'm sure someone is absolutely threilled

hey maybe they should just call this game Street Fighter IV: Play the newcomers.


biosnake20 said:
that video is pretty old

The upload says March 28th, but I forgot most of us are F5ing around the clock. :p

Hopefully some of the guys making these vids with their copies will put out more. I personally want to see more Ibuki videos as well as Gouken.


zlatko said:
Did my post of a Ken video totally got unnoticed by you guys bitching about no Ken videos? Seriously...you Dragon Boys' rage has u so bent outta shape you can't even see the Ken videos anymore. :lol

That's the Ruileweb video. It's pretty old and it's also pongko's Ryu combo video. You would think that with all the unconfirmed rumors about Ken, people would be trying to figure stuff out. But no, people keep playing the same people we already know about. Dudley, Makoto, Ibuki etc. We already know quite a lot about those guys.


_dementia said:
and now cammy's dp fadc dp does 200 damage

Not all doom and gloom for her.

They switched the damage around for her spikes. When she hits you in the air with a spike it does a ton more damage.


Cammy also looks like she got a health increase. Assumed to be 1000. Either that or Guile's sonic boom does less damage.


She also has a 5 frame crouching forward.


All Cammy analysis done by Carpark.
Looks like they did nerf the abundance of RED in the volcano stage...

didn't really pick up too much re: gameplay changes for Mr. Masters, though... :(


Wasn't Ken supposedly getting a new move and isn't there a rumor that he can srk FADC full Ultra? Why aren't people trying to do this? Why haven't we seen cr.mk fb FADC Ultra II attempt?

It's like when we were still learning about Ultras and people keep picking old characters and never doing Ultra IIs. This is making me rage hard. Wish I was over there.


ultim8p00 said:
That's the Ruileweb video. It's pretty old and it's also pongko's Ryu combo video. You would think that with all the unconfirmed rumors about Ken, people would be trying to figure stuff out. But no, people keep playing the same people we already know about. Dudley, Makoto, Ibuki etc. We already know quite a lot about those guys.

Yeah too bad the video is old. Did you try leaving a comment on the videos by those guy from Europe who uploaded a buncha videos? I know in one video a guy with glasses got beat up by Adon really bad. I'm guessing if you can get a hold of them somehow online you could see a few Ken vids.


Teknopathetic said:
I have no idea what Bison did to deserve all those nerfs (if they're legit).
I have no problem with EX Headstomp nerf, it was crazy powerful, but the other ones seem strange. improved hitbox on psycho crusher doesn't seem like a big deal, it someone blocks it you're still open for a huge combo, that's why no one uses it. I guess you could use the new one to cross someone up on wake up.


Alligator F*ck House
The best thing about Ken is he's receiving no known nerfs as of yet, only improvements. It's still unconfirmed whether his sweep is faster, but his cr MP does have more hit stun, and probably active frames. Confirmed he can Cr. MK, Hadoken, FADC U2, but U2 scales the damage quite a bit. Target combo might of received improvement, it's definitely better than it was before. Hadoken is also slightly faster.

And in the build I was familiar with, Ken's MP Shoryu got a significant invincibility increase. I've been hearing tons of things about his HP shoryu, but didn't see any of it when playing. For example, with the new invincibility frames on MP Shoryu, you can consistently hit Akuma out of a Demon Flip Dive Kick. In SF4, it was always a trade or would go in Akumas favor. Now, it's free damage for Ken. That alone is pretty big.


Bacon of Hope
thats pretty dope if his target combo got better. love that shit.

kinda sad i cant ruin max's day with random uppercut FADC anymore tho. :\



Sketchbook Picasso
It seems like characters are getting damage nerfs across the board though, no?

Theroy: If everyone gets damage nerfs, than everyone has to put more work into fights in order to win.

Hence, the game should be "more agressive" because you won't be able to obtain damage leads as easily, because of the nerfing of high damage moves.
{/end theroy}

... That is my guess, anyway. I think it's safe to assume that these nerfs are not just for one or 2 characters now, right? "Oh no, Sagat's been nerfed, Ok!" "Wait, So has Cammy!" "Oh no, they nerfed Gen!" "Wait, so has Bison!"

At this rate, we'll do this for each cast member at least once before release...
LeMaximilian said:
The best thing about Ken is he's receiving no known nerfs as of yet, only improvements. It's still unconfirmed whether his sweep is faster, but his cr MP does have more hit stun, and probably active frames. Confirmed he can Cr. MK, Hadoken, FADC U2, but U2 scales the damage quite a bit. Target combo might of received improvement, it's definitely better than it was before. Hadoken is also slightly faster.

And in the build I was familiar with, Ken's MP Shoryu got a significant invincibility increase. I've been hearing tons of things about his HP shoryu, but didn't see any of it when playing. For example, with the new invincibility frames on MP Shoryu, you can consistently hit Akuma out of a Demon Flip Dive Kick. In SF4, it was always a trade or would go in Akumas favor. Now, it's free damage for Ken. That alone is pretty big.

For the FADC into U2 have to be ex hado or can it be done with normal?

Also is the fireball just slightly better or is it just as good as ryus and akumas now?
Those nerfs aren't really too bad for Bison. I can understand he EX Stomp one if true, as it does quite the damage. Nerfing his roundhouse is kind of a downer, but the vastly-improved Psycho Crusher makes up for it. :D

~Devil Trigger~

In favor of setting Muslim women on fire
LeMaximilian said:
The WORST thing about Ken is he's receiving no known nerfs as of yet, only improvements. It's still unconfirmed whether his sweep is faster, but his cr MP does have more hit stun, and probably active frames. Confirmed he can Cr. MK, Hadoken, FADC U2, but U2 scales the damage quite a bit. Target combo might of received improvement, it's definitely better than it was before. Hadoken is also slightly faster.

And in the build I was familiar with, Ken's MP Shoryu got a significant invincibility increase. I've been hearing tons of things about his HP shoryu, but didn't see any of it when playing. For example, with the new invincibility frames on MP Shoryu, you can consistently hit Akuma out of a Demon Flip Dive Kick. In SF4, it was always a trade or would go in Akumas favor. Now, it's free damage for Ken. That alone is pretty big.
"Theroy: If everyone gets damage nerfs, than everyone has to put more work into fights in order to win."

Bison already had to put more work into fights than most.


Alligator F*ck House
biosnake20 said:
For the FADC into U2 have to be ex hado or can it be done with normal?

Also is the fireball just slightly better or is it just as good as ryus and akumas now?

EX Hadoken is NOT required. You just have to be fast FADC'ing the fireball and inputting the U2 command right as you exit dash animation. U2 comes out very fast. Haven't done any direct comparisons of Ryu and Akumas fireballs, so I'm not sure the extent of which Ken's got better...it just feels a little different.
I dont get why so many Low to mid tier characters got good buffs (ex. bison, ken, rose, etc.) but some characters that also needed some buffs(like fei long, guile) got almost nothing from what we've seen so far. (excluding the new ultras of course).


Everything is moe to me
haunts said:
shes already pretty good I guess but I wont respect any makoto players thats for sure. it's pretty much all or nothing and a ton of guessing, just like the old days. not a whole lot of skill involved, shes super easy to play with her ultra 1 set ups and easy stun.
*watch makoto justin wong video*
'shes not like she was in third strike, shes different, shes nnot as guess happy, shes more of a solid character[...]'

haunts vs wong grudge match.

wait, you can kara her roundhouse according to wong. thats crazy.


Sketchbook Picasso
Teknopathetic said:
"Theroy: If everyone gets damage nerfs, than everyone has to put more work into fights in order to win."

Bison already had to put more work into fights than most.

I always felt Bison had excellent normals, and with a damage - but a hitbox + to his roundhouse, that at least sounds nice. But yeah... I don't agree with most of Capcom's methods, don't get me wrong, I just think one shouldn't jump the gun, because I think most of these things will come into focus, when compared to other character.

At least, I hope they will! The idea of Cammy's strikes doing more damage at higher extension is... intriguing, for example. I'm sure some things came out in IV that capcom didn't intend, and they're looking about getting certain things to work better in the way THEY think they should be.

I'm not all for it, but I am very interested in seeing people discover these new, adjusted methods.
The hype for SSF4 has got me. I bought the all-in-one costume pack for PSN last week (hell yes half off), and I've already got both PS3 and 360 copies on order, and looking into a TE stick for the 360 (I've heard that it's easier to mod a 360 stick to play PS3 than vice versa).

I figure some of you fellows might like this so I'll share, too. I'm also a sucker for SF-related art, and emailed this guy for this:


He's taking orders for 'em here

If any of y'all got links to places I can score more SF-related art I can hang on a wall, PM me please :lol
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