K, so I just got back and I'm pretty tired. I pestered Seth before the event thing even started.
And just to be clear, I played the final version and had 3 different people confirm it is the final version.
Things to note:
Anime is still unclear, for some reason it might not even see the light outside of Japan.
Intro/endings are weaksauce cause ended up having to scrap the idea of fully animated stuff due to unforseen budget problems. Meaning it cost more than anticipated.
No word on PS3 saves unlocked...
Apparently, you CAN choose the music you want but you have to first unlock that ability, how exactly was not explained.
The wall issue, the one were on one side you can cross them up and the other side it won't will not get fixed. Seth explained that issue was too closely related to the game's engine so fixing it may be a nightmare to do and they don't want to tamper with it.
Seth and the devs know about the newly discovered unblockables. How and why is still unknown and they're still trying to figure out the case on why it happens.
As of now, unblockable Ultra setups are not removed and will not be patched unless they discover some truely unblockable setups, seeing as there is an explination on how to actually block these.
I asked why counter Ultras, but he pretty much dodged that question and knows people are upset about it. I asked if they could change it and if they still had time to go back in and change it. Not going to change it and wouldn't have enough time to change it just like the unblockable Ultra situation. I asked why is it armor breakable and not like Hakkan's Ultra, pretty much dodged that one too. Basically, he said the best way to utilize it will be as an AA Ultra since not everyone will be able to beat it with an armor break move.
Vega Ultra I...so I tested it out, and for some reason he didn't launch on the way up, it was basically the same thing. I'm not sure if I had to actually hold the direction towards the opponent to do it but that's the way it ended. It just wouldn't go and launch towards the opponent, which was pretty frustrating.
Dudley...definitely the new Ryu/Sagat. I saw a few flowcharts doing the same crap and sweep->Ultra is insanely easy to do it's retarded.
Ryu, who ever was the idiot that said he can't SF.HP->SRK is stupid. Works all the same and I even asked Seth about it, which he said is indeed still in there. Seth also said trade -> Ultra can only be done in extreme circumstances which was in the corner and other variables. Also in some cases you can't trade -> Super either, which imo is dumb as hell.
Bison, not 100% sure but I think his EX sisor kick seems to have gotten nerfed. I used to be able to go through fireballs easy with it but now it seems to have less range and less invincibility frames. Pretty effing stupid if it's true, though I'm not totally sure that it's true since I didn't have enough time to check it out. Also the whoever said you could control the EX headstomp, either I was doing it wrong or it's just not true because I could not move him and it tracked the opponent all the same.
General stuff
SRK nerfs. It got nerfed pretty bad across the board. It trades a whole lot more and is basically on Guile level.
Not faster. I noticed no change in the game speed at all.
Matches last longer. Due to all the damage nerfs, it felt like matches lasted longer than it used to.
Overall impression. It's basically the same thing. I'm not all too happy about it but if you liked SFIV you'll be fine with SSFIV. If you were frustrated with it, I don't think it'll make you happy.
Random note. It was fun, and the Capcom booth was packed. My idiot self forgot to bring my camera...
Oh yeah, and you know what Seth said when one of the volunteers decided to pick Guile and then his Sonic Hurricane Ultra II? "Oh nice, you picked Guile and his Sonic Hurricane, good luck because that Ultra sucks."