The Oily, Gentlemanly Super Spin Fighter 4 Reveal Thread of Kunoichis and Karatekas

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aka acr0nym
haunts said:
this forum is awesome. :lol

makoto wins: "oh wow she has a ton of potential, she will be the best."

makoto loses: "wow that player sucks ass, makoto has a ton of potential she will be the best"

GUYS, makoto sucks, not as much as sagat even though he sucks and cody and thawk rules.

welcome to to super sf4.

edit: to be fair its pretty much the same sort of denial about makoto on SRK as well.

Your pain runs deep. :lol


Worships the porcelain goddess
haunts said:
this forum is awesome. :lol

makoto wins: "oh wow she has a ton of potential, she will be the best."

makoto loses: "wow that player sucks ass, makoto has a ton of potential she will be the best"

GUYS, makoto sucks, not as much as sagat even though he sucks and cody and thawk rules.

welcome to to super sf4.

edit: to be fair its pretty much the same sort of denial about makoto on SRK as well.

So, what? May as well make the tier list now before the game even comes out? I know you've been playing and we haven't but isn't it quite early to make statements that characters just flat out suck before the game's release across the world?
haunts said:
this forum is awesome. :lol

makoto wins: "oh wow she has a ton of potential, she will be the best."

makoto loses: "wow that player sucks ass, makoto has a ton of potential she will be the best"

GUYS, makoto sucks, not as much as sagat even though he sucks and cody and thawk rules.

welcome to to super sf4.

edit: to be fair its pretty much the same sort of denial about makoto on SRK as well.


haunts said:
GUYS, makoto sucks, not as much as sagat even though he sucks and cody and thawk rules.


Worships the porcelain goddess
Was this posted? Found it while browsing around.

K, so I just got back and I'm pretty tired. I pestered Seth before the event thing even started.

And just to be clear, I played the final version and had 3 different people confirm it is the final version.

Things to note:

Anime is still unclear, for some reason it might not even see the light outside of Japan.

Intro/endings are weaksauce cause ended up having to scrap the idea of fully animated stuff due to unforseen budget problems. Meaning it cost more than anticipated.

No word on PS3 saves unlocked...

Apparently, you CAN choose the music you want but you have to first unlock that ability, how exactly was not explained.

The wall issue, the one were on one side you can cross them up and the other side it won't will not get fixed. Seth explained that issue was too closely related to the game's engine so fixing it may be a nightmare to do and they don't want to tamper with it.

Seth and the devs know about the newly discovered unblockables. How and why is still unknown and they're still trying to figure out the case on why it happens.

As of now, unblockable Ultra setups are not removed and will not be patched unless they discover some truely unblockable setups, seeing as there is an explination on how to actually block these.

I asked why counter Ultras, but he pretty much dodged that question and knows people are upset about it. I asked if they could change it and if they still had time to go back in and change it. Not going to change it and wouldn't have enough time to change it just like the unblockable Ultra situation. I asked why is it armor breakable and not like Hakkan's Ultra, pretty much dodged that one too. Basically, he said the best way to utilize it will be as an AA Ultra since not everyone will be able to beat it with an armor break move.

Vega Ultra I tested it out, and for some reason he didn't launch on the way up, it was basically the same thing. I'm not sure if I had to actually hold the direction towards the opponent to do it but that's the way it ended. It just wouldn't go and launch towards the opponent, which was pretty frustrating.

Dudley...definitely the new Ryu/Sagat. I saw a few flowcharts doing the same crap and sweep->Ultra is insanely easy to do it's retarded.

Ryu, who ever was the idiot that said he can't SF.HP->SRK is stupid. Works all the same and I even asked Seth about it, which he said is indeed still in there. Seth also said trade -> Ultra can only be done in extreme circumstances which was in the corner and other variables. Also in some cases you can't trade -> Super either, which imo is dumb as hell.

Bison, not 100% sure but I think his EX sisor kick seems to have gotten nerfed. I used to be able to go through fireballs easy with it but now it seems to have less range and less invincibility frames. Pretty effing stupid if it's true, though I'm not totally sure that it's true since I didn't have enough time to check it out. Also the whoever said you could control the EX headstomp, either I was doing it wrong or it's just not true because I could not move him and it tracked the opponent all the same.

General stuff

SRK nerfs. It got nerfed pretty bad across the board. It trades a whole lot more and is basically on Guile level.

Not faster. I noticed no change in the game speed at all.

Matches last longer. Due to all the damage nerfs, it felt like matches lasted longer than it used to.

Overall impression. It's basically the same thing. I'm not all too happy about it but if you liked SFIV you'll be fine with SSFIV. If you were frustrated with it, I don't think it'll make you happy.

Random note. It was fun, and the Capcom booth was packed. My idiot self forgot to bring my camera...


Oh yeah, and you know what Seth said when one of the volunteers decided to pick Guile and then his Sonic Hurricane Ultra II? "Oh nice, you picked Guile and his Sonic Hurricane, good luck because that Ultra sucks."

:lol Pretty bad when Capcom reps know stuff in their game aren't up to par and just...let it go in anyway.
Now that I have a PS3, do you guys recommend that I get Super SFIV for the PS3 over the 360 version?

I know Capcom said something about previous owners of the original will have a surprise, but if it's just the costumes (which I didn't download anyway) than maybe I should trade in my 360 copy and just get the new one for the PS3.

What controller is better?


aka acr0nym
haunts said:
ibuki has waaaay more potential than makoto, how do you guys feel about that?

Sorry dude... Your COMPLETELY wrong... I've seen match videos, Makoto is top tier --you're just blind.


Bacon of Hope
Killa Sasa said:
Absolutely fantastic :D

yeah i think she will be sick. after a_rival showed me the kunai vortex i was like holy shit. you are put into so much block/hit stun from a light kunai its ridiculous. once ppl get SJC ultra on lock too then it's GG. I am starting to see why they didnt give her any low chains, would probably be way too nasty.
haunts said:
ibuki has waaaay more potential than makoto, how do you guys feel about that?

My avatar before this was a Makoto one.

The whole Sanford video wasn't a criticism, so much as an acknowledgment as this is the shit people go through when choosing characters. You have the loyalists who stick it out and the people who go for pure mechanics even if it means changing what they're used to. Sometimes you get lucky and get both.


Kintaro said:
The wall issue, the one were on one side you can cross them up and the other side it won't will not get fixed. Seth explained that issue was too closely related to the game's engine so fixing it may be a nightmare to do and they don't want to tamper with it..
Wait, was this present in SF4 or something exclusive to SSF4?


Bacon of Hope
DryEyeRelief said:
My avatar before this was a Makoto one.

The whole Sanford video wasn't a criticism, so much as an acknowledgment as this is the shit people go through when choosing characters. You have the loyalists who stick it out and the people who go for pure mechanics even if it means changing what they're used to. Sometimes you get lucky and get both.

hmmm yeah that was me with Sagat in SF4 when it first dropped in arcades. I picked him up and didnt really know how strong he was until like 3-6 months later.

ill still use sagat, he is pretty good in a lot of match ups still, you just cant do the more rushdown fun stuff with him as much. With S.Lk being goofy now and him having less health it just makes more sense to runaway. Its just funny because sagat is going to be even MORE lame in SF4. between the EX Scar pausing the screen and the whole runaway 100% game he will have to employ, its going to drive ppl nuts.


Jenga said:
Wait, was this present in SF4 or something exclusive to SSF4?

I know you could cross up on both sides in SF4 so it must be an SSF4 thing, unless I'm reading it wrong.

Edit: Oh never mind, it's the same in SF4. I can't believe I never realized that for as much as I use Cannon Strike to cross up in the corner :lol


aka acr0nym
haunts said:
hmmm yeah that was me with Sagat in SF4 when it first dropped in arcades. I picked him up and didnt really know how strong he was until like 3-6 months later.

ill still use sagat, he is pretty good in a lot of match ups still, you just cant do the more rushdown fun stuff with him as much. With S.Lk being goofy now and him having less health it just makes more sense to runaway. Its just funny because sagat is going to be even MORE lame in SF4. between the EX Scar pausing the screen and the whole runaway 100% game he will have to employ, its going to drive ppl nuts.

It's really hard to say how strong any particular character will be right now --even more so if there will be one dominate character... But I know many people that will agree that Cody, Ibuki, Akuma, Dudley, amongst a few other characters will be very strong. Tiers list is gonna get shaken up, and I think it's gonna make things more interesting --there's a lot more mid, high-mid tiers now.

Shiet is hype, and I can't wait.... :D


Kintaro said:
:lol Pretty bad when Capcom reps know stuff in their game aren't up to par and just...let it go in anyway.

I don't think Seth has as deep a role in the development as a lot of people think. He's an adviser to the devs, but he's mainly a PR rep. I'm sure he can give feedback, but when it comes down to it, the Japanese devs call the shots. I doubt he has the power to make the call on what gets in the game. I'd bet the things he considers poor he would do something about it he could.


n3ss said:

Yeah, that is kinda funny because it's not going to be one. I'm going to ultra the FUCK out of you with Ibuki; you're gonna be all cut up from the HUNDREDS OF KUNAI HITTIN YOU IN THE FAECCCCCCCCCCCCCE! It's gonna be sexy.


Everything is moe to me
haunts said:
this forum is awesome. :lol

makoto wins: "oh wow she has a ton of potential, she will be the best."

makoto loses: "wow that player sucks ass, makoto has a ton of potential she will be the best"

GUYS, makoto sucks, not as much as sagat even though he sucks and cody and thawk rules.

welcome to to super sf4.

edit: to be fair its pretty much the same sort of denial about makoto on SRK as well.
stop trampling on my happiness. to be entirely fair, the video i said the player was bad in was pretty bad, lots of naked special moves landing for free. hardly a comment on either character.

haunts said:
ibuki has waaaay more potential than makoto, how do you guys feel about that?
now you're just trying to hurt me.
TheFLYINGManga_Ka said:
Now that I have a PS3, do you guys recommend that I get Super SFIV for the PS3 over the 360 version?

I know Capcom said something about previous owners of the original will have a surprise, but if it's just the costumes (which I didn't download anyway) than maybe I should trade in my 360 copy and just get the new one for the PS3.

What controller is better?

d-pad on 360 is total garbage, just saying.


Bacon of Hope
Pandaman said:
stop trampling on my happiness. to be entirely fair, the video i said the player was bad in was pretty bad, lots of naked special moves landing for free. hardly a comment on either character.

now you're just trying to hurt me.

tbh thats how cody matches look, running into a lot of zonk knuckles due to it invincibly, OR so afraid of zonk you just sit there and get owned with block strings. HA HA!


Whine Whine FADC Troll
2&2 said:
I don't think Seth has as deep a role in the development as a lot of people think. He's an adviser to the devs, but he's mainly a PR rep. I'm sure he can give feedback, but when it comes down to it, the Japanese devs call the shots. I doubt he has the power to make the call on what gets in the game. I'd bet the things he considers poor he would do something about it he could.

I know this is the case based on a PM when I asked about Adon's motions. He said that was the Japanese devs insisting on "classic motions" or some such, and that even if everyone wanted the A2 motions, wasn't going to change.


Everything is moe to me
haunts said:
tbh thats how cody matches look, running into a lot of zonk knuckles due to it invincibly, OR so afraid of zonk you just sit there and get owned with block strings. HA HA!
does it have variable ranges? [not that it matters since criminal upper seems to be a great AA for slapping down zonk-safe jumps].

its even a damn armour break iirc.


Nine out of ten orphans can't tell the difference.
so whats up with the 11th color? Are they just gonna sit on something as stupid as that? It holds no value at all for crying out loud so just show us pictures/movies of it and get it over with sheesh.

Also when does the fiscal year of 09 end?
Corky said:
so whats up with the 11th color? Are they just gonna sit on something as stupid as that? It holds no value at all for crying out loud so just show us pictures/movies of it and get it over with sheesh.

Also when does the fiscal year of 09 end?
Holds no value yet you are all pissy about not knowing it :lol


What exactly is so difficult with makotos kara-kara? Does it require the karakusa to come during a specific frame or something?


Nine out of ten orphans can't tell the difference.
TurtleSnatcher said:
Holds no value yet you are all pissy about not knowing it :lol

well thats the thing, it holds value to me but not to the 99,99% remaining market of potential buyers, I.E why sit on it then?


haunts said:
ibuki has waaaay more potential than makoto, how do you guys feel about that?
Even though I'm a but a scrub, seems like it to me too.
Makoto is reaaaally fun, but gosh is she hard to play! I'll probably use her as my "let's have some fun!" sub, when I feel like I don't care too much about losing... a lot!
Also I don't know anymore what's up with the builds: I've heard I-don't-remember-who saying her s.HP after a karakusa was quite hard to get right, but had *zero* problem about that on the version I've played. And yeah, I'm really not a good SF player, so that left me with the impression the window for it was quite large and lenient. Hope it will stay the same in the final build.
On the contrary, I was quite surprised to miss every EX.legs to U2 I've tried with Chun, after hearing that it was a piece of cake to combo, even if you're doing it a bit late.
But yeah, Ibuki seems reaaaally nice, fun, and strong: can't wait to learn a bit of her vortex!

April is gonna be a loooong wait. :(


haunts said:
this forum is awesome. :lol

makoto wins: "oh wow she has a ton of potential, she will be the best."

makoto loses: "wow that player sucks ass, makoto has a ton of potential she will be the best"

GUYS, makoto sucks, not as much as sagat even though he sucks and cody and thawk rules.

welcome to to super sf4.

edit: to be fair its pretty much the same sort of denial about makoto on SRK as well.

No disrespect meant but every comma, period and line of text in this quote still doesn't equate to the amount of times you randomly jumped in your demo matches :lol :lol

I hold no illusion that Mak is going to CHESUTO the tier lists to the way side though. She's just going to get the viper treatment when it comes to placing is all.

I call it: Kara-Kara will be DL'd and fully installed by players within the first two weeks.

EDIT - and yeah, Ibuki has a better chance to land in the top 5 than Makoto.


Everything is moe to me
Zapages said:
and that's it??? Rip off IMHO. They should say all costumes plus some more free for SFIV Vanilla users. :)
the reward for buying SF4 is that you've had a full year to play SF4.


So I go outside to smoke and lo and behold my TE Stick I ordered Thursday from Fry's arrived. I so was not expecting it this soon. I have a feeling Fry's (along with Amazon) will be my favorite online merchant XD

The problem is that I did not know I was getting a Round 2 edition. Everyone else around here has either the first run or the marvel stick, and because this one is sexy as all hell I'm less inclined to make my own custom art (more due to laziness I guess). I might do something eventually, but for now I may just put a sticker on the bottom or write my tag name for some minor proof of identity.
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