It's a 2 hour movie about people in spandex punching the shit out of each other. Being gay doesn't equate into that.
"This post was brought to you by bro1!"
Of course, perfect dude-bro logic! Bravo!
Look bruh, last time I remember Tony Stark has a girlfriend who is very prevalent in the Iron Man films. Heck, their relationship is used as a plot device throughout those films constantly. The same with Captain America and Agent Carter, there's obviously some tension there. As far as the Avengers films, we have Natasha Romanov who is very much sexualized. Then with spiderman we have this whole complicated story with his lover interest Mary J. There are many more examples of Marvel films where we are presented (indirectly) with a character's sexual orientation. But we don't notice this nor do we bat an eye about it (i.e. "Wtf why does spiderman has to kiss with Mary J. that's gross, I don't want to see it!!"). We call this
heteronormativity. Heteresexual relationships are always present 99% percent of the time in most of the media we consume, films being a prime example of this.
So yes, it's a two hour film about "heroes punching the shit out of one another" but there are other aspects about the characters that are revealed to us, intentionally by the directors as a way to drive the plot. When we are aware of this we realize that sexuality (in this case heterosexuality) are present and important to some degree in Marvel films.
So if being gay should be out of the question because it's an action film then I don't want to see characters being straight either. I don't want heterosexuality being shoved down me either. I don't want to see Spiderman falling in love with Mary J, I don't want to see or know that Iron-Man has a girlfriend. I just want mindless action with big explosions on the big screen a la Michael Bay.
Yes I'm being sarcastic, and I think the above is a very faulty logic. But I'm using this to illustrate my point.
Also, why do we need to have gay character? If gays are 10% of the population then what percent of superheroes would be gay? Is this to make gay kids feel better?
Again, dat dude-bro logic!
Getting kinda annoying that if something doesn't have somebody gay/black/Asian/nocturnal, some throw a hissy fit parade.
Oh, I'm so sorry that OP, many others and myself included are criticizing Marvel films for not having enough sexual diversity. Clearly this is a terrible thing we shouldn't do!
I am so extremely sorry that it bothers you so much.