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The Order 1886 Review Thread

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Post-purchase rationalization.

It's why I have a trusted GAFer list. I am not concerned with posters who simply buy something they were anticipating and then shut off their critical faculties in the analysis. So many people do that instinctively, they anticipate something and then are incapable of actually just admitting all that time they spent hyped for the product was a waste so they go about justifying it in ever more heightened ways. Even if everyone else says it's mediocre, everyone else is seeing it the wrong way. They find less and less flaws, until everyone is nitpicking.

For me, for a GAFer to make my trusted opinion list it works like this... take a game I either love or hate and have expressed myself in detail about. Then, read a poster who disagrees with my position, but goes to length to articulate why in a way that makes sense and is rational. The mark of a good critic is not that you always agree with them, it's that you can respect the merit of their opinion even when you disagree. At least, that's what I've found.

So especially when I see someone willing to take a game they anticipated to task for not being completely up to snuff, I make note of that individual because it means they are less likely to make excuses for a game just because they pre-ordered it and spent the last two years anticipating it.

Problem with lots of people who rush out in excitement to get something is that they spend so much time building it up, posting about how rad it's gonna be on forums, that going back and admitting it's not all it was made out to be is tough for some folk.

Exactly 100% this.
I have to bounce but, would you say that the game felt "skill-dependent" in terms of perhaps cutting down your time (aside the cutscenes)?

That is to say, do you feel the game was mostly a cakewalk in that time, or do you feel it was challenging enough and offered glimpses of potential strategies/routes etc. to convince you if you tried playing it again carrying over general skills from the first playthrough, that your completion time could be shaved greatly?

I did die a couple of times, some parts are challenging. But yes I can shave down the time to probably 5 hours if I just ran throught the game.
Making a joke about the length of a short video game is now crass and apology worthy? Good lord this place is going to hell... The length to which some people are able to emotionally invest in the wins and losses of video game companies is morbidly fascinating.


i imagine i will eventually play this game despite everything, perhaps when its 1/3 of the price it is currently, anyone else feel like this or have people written it off completely?

Re: Uncharted 4 getting 87 score.

87 is a good score and there is franchise fatigue so you never know :|

thats a very reasonable argument, but logic will not prevail if <90
Gross and unprofessional:


Journalists are taking the piss now at this stage. Not fair on the devs who spent 5 years of their lives creating this game.
Every other medium gets ripped by critics like this all the time, why should games get a free pass?


and for the people defending the game journalist today who are taking it that extra step beyond giving a shitty score...

when was the last time they were this flagrant with their disrespect towards a game?



Making a joke about the length of a short video game is now crass and apology worthy? Good lord this place is going to hell... The length to which some people are able to emotionally invest in the wins and losses of video game companies is morbidly fascinating to watch.

I am almost positive that was a sarcastic response to the responses....


Where are the meltdowns? I'm seeing more schadenfreude and "I told you so" than anything else.

It's just the usual holier than thou attitude normally found in busy threads, the admin himself called the thread "embarrassing" when it has been pretty tame, with a few obvious trolls here and there.


What's with people and no critique, and jokes of any kind allowed because it might hurt your feelings or the feelings of the devs which you have no association with. People truly are trying to turn modern society into one that is to be devoid of criticism otherwise you are a terrible person. Get over yourself.

It's literally either insane people threatening to cause harm to others on the internet, or people so completely sensitive that unless you're gushing with constant praise, you're a terrible person.

I can't stand it.
Gross and unprofessional:


Journalists are taking the piss now at this stage. Not fair on the devs who spent 5 years of their lives creating this game.

Was Gone Home recieved like this? That was really short and lacked gameplay. "But it wasnt $60 lol", like I'm sure the journalists care about the price... and it was $20 and 1/3 the length of the Order.


Gross and unprofessional:


Journalists are taking the piss now at this stage. Not fair on the devs who spent 5 years of their lives creating this game.

I understand where you're coming from, but I don't think making a joke about the game being 20 minutes long was meant to be taken seriously.


What's with people and no critique, and jokes of any kind allowed because it might hurt your feelings or the feelings of the devs which you have no association with. People truly are trying to turn modern society into one that is to be devoid of criticism otherwise you are a terrible person. Get over yourself.

I think the review scores are more than sufficient, I'm relatively sure RaD is hurt and has been hurt the whole day.

No need to kick more dirt in their face. We get it-- You didn't like the Order 1886. Move on.
and for the people defending the game journalist today who are taking it that extra step beyond giving a shitty score...

when was the last time they were this flagrant with their disrespect towards a game?


Assassin's Creed Unity

I remember Joystiq journalists tweeting that it was the what the gross combination of ambivalence and corporate bloat released for $60 looked like


Every other medium gets ripped by critics like this all the time, why should games get a free pass?

I agree. Got to have tough skin. It's all a matter of opinion and it's just so happens that many opinions agree that this game is too short and doesn't have much game play.

With that said I'll still buy it because it look fun to me.

Deleted member 471617

Unconfirmed Member
Nice. I love it when im looking forward to a game and it gets underrated. Can't wait for tomorrow!!! Woohoo!!!

And no, im not being sarcastic. Personally, those review scores are bullshit. Seriously, GameSpot gives it a 5/10? That VanOrd guy is horrible. To me, those low scores are worse than Unity and that was deemed unplayable by many because of the bugs, glitches and problems. Order doesn't have any of that and yet gets rated as low or lower? UGH.

Real Hero

Was Gone Home recieved like this? That was really short and lacked gameplay. "But it wasnt $60 lol", like I'm sure the journalists care about the price... and it was $20 and 1/3 the length of the Order.
I'm going to guess Gone Home has a much more satisfying story. People loved that games story. Price definitely does factor in to it too.


I think the review scores are more than sufficient, I'm relatively sure RaD is hurt and has been hurt the whole day.

No need to kick more dirt in their face. We get it-- You didn't like the Order 1886. Move on.
I agree. But why don't we use this standard with all other devs?
Post-purchase rationalization.

It's why I have a trusted GAFer list. I am not concerned with posters who simply buy something they were anticipating and then shut off their critical faculties in the analysis. So many people do that instinctively, they anticipate something and then are incapable of actually just admitting all that time they spent hyped for the product was a waste so they go about justifying it in ever more heightened ways. Even if everyone else says it's mediocre, everyone else is seeing it the wrong way. They find less and less flaws, until everyone is nitpicking.

For me, for a GAFer to make my trusted opinion list it works like this... take a game I either love or hate and have expressed myself in detail about. Then, read a poster who disagrees with my position, but goes to length to articulate why in a way that makes sense and is rational. The mark of a good critic is not that you always agree with them, it's that you can respect the merit of their opinion even when you disagree. At least, that's what I've found.

So especially when I see someone willing to take a game they anticipated to task for not being completely up to snuff, I make note of that individual because it means they are less likely to make excuses for a game just because they pre-ordered it and spent the last two years anticipating it.

Problem with lots of people who rush out in excitement to get something is that they spend so much time building it up, posting about how rad it's gonna be on forums, that going back and admitting it's not all it was made out to be is tough for some folk.

Am I on that trusted GAFer list?
The "experts" slagged off Destiny in their reviews as well. Nearly 800 hours, and three level 32 characters later... I couldn't disagree more.

My hype for The Order is not diminished in the slightest by someone else's opinion. To each their own.


Nice. I love it when im looking forward to a game and it gets underrated. Can't wait for tomorrow!!! Woohoo!!!

And no, im not being sarcastic. Personally, those review scores are bullshit. Seriously, GameSpot gives it a 5/10? That VanOrd guy is horrible. To me, those low scores are worse than Unity and that was deemed unplayable by many because of the bugs, glitches and problems. Order doesn't have any of that and yet gets rated as low or lower? UGH.

Maybe...just maybe..because it's a bad game. It may not have any bugs, but that doesn't make it fun to play.
If anything, this has made it very clear why publishers use strict embargoes, don't release demos, and are overly anal with copyright strikes on videos. Leaving those playthrough videos up so long killed all hype and derailed the games launch, leaving nothing but the game's length and story to be the central talking points.

Had they been smart they'd have kept their mouths shut and struck that video down Activision style - within seconds. Instead they pulled an Albert Penello and spout BS, only digging them further in a hole.
I'm going to guess Gone Home has a much more satisfying story. People loved that games story. Price definitely does factor in to it too.

The story was definitely not as satisfying.

And so a 2 hour game at $20 is ok, but a $60 game at 7 hours isnt?

Just focusing solely on time, since that seems to be the biggest factor in all of this and the most brought up.


not trolling you at all. Trying to save you money.

Based on a bunch of reviews? Yeah, I get it, the Order is short and full of QTEs and cinematic, didn't everyone know that? I'm fully aware of what this game does well and what it doesn't and considering that it's still the most next-gen looking game, it still has 7-8 hours of story in a setting which I like it's all good for me. I don't know what you or other people were expecting, but it is what it is.

I'd rather psend money on this than on the broken AC:U at launch, or even worse Civ:BE which not only couldn't run at native resolution for 1.5 months after launch which caused me a severe headache, but also had a 30% discount on Steam 3 weeks in.

There's nothing fundamentally wrong with the game, it's not broken, and it does what it does well. That's already better than most AAA releases recently.
What's with people and no critique, and jokes of any kind allowed because it might hurt your feelings or the feelings of the devs which you have no association with. People truly are trying to turn modern society into one that is to be devoid of criticism otherwise you are a terrible person. Get over yourself.

This so much, some people has been overly sensitive about a few jokes regarding what it is indeed a very short game.


QTEs have that effect on people.

I don't understand this at all, but it's true.

If the QTE wasn't there, what would be? A cut scene.

It's a way of making cut scenes slightly more interactive, and yet is demonised. I grew up when Dragons Lair was a thing, they just don't bother me at all.


Gross and unprofessional:


Journalists are taking the piss now at this stage. Not fair on the devs who spent 5 years of their lives creating this game.

Oh noes. :lol

Movies and such get shat on worse than that by professional reviewers. Nobody cares that hundreds of people worked on those too.
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