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The Order 1886 Review Thread

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Genuine question.

Why are you in a review thread if reviews do not matter to you? Like, I'm not playing "Gotcha!" or anything, I'm really curious, because lots of people do this.

If the game were getting great reviews, would your response still be "Yeah, but reviews are dumb, I'm still going to play this and decide for myself because I'm hyped for it." (Mind you, I also think the sentiment of "I decide for myself" combined with "I am already hyped for this game" ends up strange together, but eh).

If so, if you really would come in here under different results to state the same thing, then why? What point did you make other than simply planting your flag that nothing and no one will dissuade you from what you've already decided?

I don't think review threads are dumb, but I do often see the need to form my own opinion. I click review threads out of curiosity.

Just to bring up the Alien Isolation example again -- If I listened to the professional reviewers at IGN and polygon, I'd think it's a 5/10 game or whatever it is they gave it. In fact, it was my game of the year, and I'd easily give it a 9/10.


Since when do you have to respect a game?

Especially a mediocre one

Who is to say I will find it medicore?
I don't let others form opinions for me.

How do you not know I want a laid back game to play and enjoy.

As i've stated before, I beat maybe 10% of the games I own, it will be nice to have something I can play, beat, maybe play and beat again on a harder difficulty.....and then trade it in for bloodborne.

Forming your own opinion of something is better than letting others do the thinking for you.

If I listened to Destiny Reviewers, (after enjoying the hell out of the alpha and beta) I would have missd out on 17 OT's of great comradery with the less hyperbole portion of GAF.
Damn Sony's exclusives been shitting the bed with review scores. Maybe Bloodborne will turn the streak around.

Don't see Uncharted getting favorable reviews this gen either if reviewers are gonna be harsh on cinematic games.
Are you kidding? It's a review thread. The entire point of it's existence is responding to the reviews.

If you don't care for my response, that's fine, but to dismiss the opinion because it differs with the critical consensus? That's the very reason for discussion, no?

And I'm not "planting a flag"... I'm simply looking forward to playing the game and deciding for myself.

But you're not discussing anything. You're just saying "Reviews are sometimes at odds with my tastes, thus, they don't really matter!"



My hype for The Order is not diminished in the slightest by someone else's opinion.

You don't care what other people's professional opinions on The Order are, so I was honestly curious why you were in a thread specifically about other people's professional opinions on The Order. It's like going into a thread for The Wire and saying "Man, I don't care about The Wire."

I'm not saying you can't dislike reviews or disagree with reviews or have no opinion on them whatsoever, I just think going into a review thread to announce your ambivalence to the subject at hand is really quite curious.


Dissapointing. I'm not even sure if I want to get this when it drops in price. I have zero patience for games where gameplay takes a back seat to cinematics. The supposed length makes it even worse. Oh well, Bloodborne is out soon.

Card Boy

Reviewed as i expected, but I can't wait to pick up this game right after work :)
Very much looking forward to it.

Er dumb question but why? There are literally hundreds of other games you can buy instead of this that are more likely to be better. What makes you excited about this game?


Gross and unprofessional:


Journalists are taking the piss now at this stage. Not fair on the devs who spent 5 years of their lives creating this game.

Oh no! Poking fun! Taking the piss!

Won't someone think of the developers?!


Gotta say I'm genuinely surprised by the whole "Wont somebody think of the developers!!!" Schtick that's happening post reviews.

You'd think people haven't seen movies, songs, actors and musicians bagged on late night TV or something.

I think it's because you really don't ever see this done with video games...
If you do, when and where
We are usually the vocal / disrespectful ones at times, but not the people writing the reviews.

They will keep it in their review, and not venture outside of that to take a piss on it
Hoo man, this is a metacritic bloodbath. Didn't expect these numbers, though I've anticipated many of the actual statements in the reviews for months - I'm just kinda surprised they are actually being made by so many different outlets. I'd think it's premature to think this representative of the start of a trend against these kinds of games by the mainstream, though.

Ah well, was a rental 6 months ago, is still a rental now. I've got a certain morbid fascination at this point to see if I actually think this worse than Tomb Raider 2013, or if I end up enjoying it more in spite of myself because it's a new IP and a more interesting setting.
And so a 2 hour game at $20 is ok, but a $60 game at 7 hours isnt?

Just focusing solely on time, since that seems to be the biggest factor in all of this and the most brought up.

There is no mathematical formula to figuring out peoples expectations. $20 is nothing, $60 is expensive. It's a feeling, not a formula.


Why do some of y'all treat videogame media outlets like the spawn of some neurotic child devil one day, and then act surprised if they crack really tame and noninflammatory jokes the next?

"Game journalists are fake as hell and are a reason why this hobby is bad."

*Game reviewer shows some signs of humanity

"Unprofessional, can't believe they would act this way."

The wishy washy nature of this has gone on for years and years, still doesn't make sense to me.
Er dumb question but why? There are literally hundreds of other games you can buy instead of this that are more likely to be better. What makes you excited about this game?

Again have to wonder why people are so curious about the motives of others. Some people think the game looks good - simple as that. Why do they have to justify their decision? Jesus.


How much does the game need to sell for it to be realistic to expect a sequel?

I honestly think it needs to sell over 5 million copies for it to be considered a success. When SE announced TR sold nearly 4 million, they considered it a disappointment. The budget for the Order looks far larger and has a huge marketing behind it. The Superbowl commercial alone cost them 4.5 million.


Gross and unprofessional:


Journalists are taking the piss now at this stage. Not fair on the devs who spent 5 years of their lives creating this game.

They could have just made a longer game if they were going to get offended by lame "short game lol" jokes like that. Five years though?? One hour per year?


True enough. But one has to be extremely disingenuous to say that the Order is only "Occasionally" good looking

Yeah, I'm not even slightly interested in the game, but these reviews shouldn't have separate criticisms bleed into each other.


Oh noes. :lol

Movies and such get shat on worse than that by professional reviewers. Nobody cares that hundreds of people worked on those too.

Movies to a certain degree are more isolated from critical reception. Games are getting there, but aren't yet at movie level.


Gross and unprofessional:


Journalists are taking the piss now at this stage. Not fair on the devs who spent 5 years of their lives creating this game.

Gross and unprofessional? You just sound butthurt to be honest.

Whoever that guy is may be a journo, but he's also a human and allowed to have his own opinions. If it had been from a publication's official twitter then MAYBE you would have a point. But it's from someone's personal account so you have no point.

Also, I don't give a flying fuck about RAD. I don't owe them anything whether they took 5 years of their life to make a game or not. They made a (by most accounts) a mediocre game and I don't think they should just be given the benefit of the doubt or sympathy for it when they're trying to sell consumers a mediocre product for $60.
After reading some reviews from authors/sites I typically agree with, I am going to return my pre-order copy to Amazon as soon as I get it. I'm pretty sad that the game is reviewed as both shallow and bland. I could handle shallow, but if a game is uninspired and bland I don't want to waste my time nor money. I was really looking forward to this game since it was announced, so I am quite saddened.


People bashing the short length, linearity and lack of multi/leveling up stuff/customization of The Order (specially if it doesn't sell) is sending a message to the devs: make more open world games with tons of hours of repetitive stuff to make it the game longer and MMORPG stuff to grind and make it even longer, even if the game doesn't need it.


I knew what was coming with this game, we know it had QTEs, story driven, linear and general impressions on gameplay being average from the demos, short game and I was perfectly fine with that as long as there is a good story/setting.

However, after reading GAF impressions and even some of the reviews, what I'm most disappointed in that the story fails to deliver and what seems like just a Part 1 of a story. I would have been happy with all the other issues if the story was fantastic but that doesn't seem like the case. I'll see when my copy arrives.


I'm just glad I didn't spend $150 on that Preimum Edition XD.

Funny enough, for months, that edition was sold out on Amazon. But two days ago when I cancelled my pre order, suddenly the edition is widely available. That news about how short the game will probably hurt the sales of this game the most.

Maybe like some other editions, I'll get it around 70%-80% off in the future down the line.

Deleted member 471617

Unconfirmed Member
Maybe...just maybe..because it's a bad game. It may not have any bugs, but that doesn't make it fun to play.

I seriously doubt that it's that bad. I have seen review scores and read reviews of games that weren't deserving of what they received either way. The only site that is usually spot on for me when I play a game is GamingBolt. Except for AC Rogue, their reviews are pretty much identical to mine once I finish the game. They rated The Order a 7/10. Except for Rogue, im usually within a point of their rating either way so im expecting between 7-8. I seriously doubt that I would rate The Order lower than a 7. I have rated some average games a 7/10 (even though 5 is technically average, majority don't see it that way and neither do I) and even those were worth playing through at least once. To me, lower than a 7 is a game that's not worth spending time on playing but more times than not, these so called professional reviewers are off as opposed to on.

I'll find out tomorrow for myself but at the same time, there's been a lot of bad games or boring games that still received higher than what im seeing The Order get. Oh well, another 16 hours to go. :)
People bashing the short length, linearity and lack of multi/leveling up stuff/customization of The Order (specially if it doesn't sell) is sending a message to the devs: make more open world games with tons of hours of repetitive stuff to make it the game longer and MMORPG stuff to grind and make it even longer, even if the game doesn't need it.

It's really not though. Or rather, it shouldn't. And if it does, that's some seriously simple-minded bullshit and I would hope that no one with a shred of intellect would interpret this as such. It's not one thing or the other.
People bashing the short length, linearity and lack of multi/leveling up stuff/customization of The Order (specially if it doesn't sell) is sending a message to the devs: make more open world games with tons of hours of repetitive stuff to make it the game longer and MMORPG stuff to grind and make it even longer, even if the game doesn't need it.

Or make more games like Last of Us, Wolfenstein, Bioshock, etc. etc. which are all linear but atleast are good.


pip pip cheerio you slags!
Er dumb question but why? There are literally hundreds of other games you can buy instead of this that are more likely to be better. What makes you excited about this game?

I don't know how other people make their purchasing decisions, but usually I know if I want to buy a game based on pre-release media i.e trailers demos etc. The Order looks interesting to me, I know it's got these shit scores and maybe I come out disappointed, but I'm going to buy it because I think it looks good. I've been burnt on that before though (looking at you DayZ and Fallout 3).

People bashing the short length, linearity and lack of multi/leveling up stuff/customization of The Order (specially if it doesn't sell) is sending a message to the devs: make more open world games with tons of hours of repetitive stuff to make it the game longer and MMORPG stuff to grind and make it even longer, even if the game doesn't need it.

No. Plenty of linear games come out that get great scores, the Order seemingly has just failed in enough areas to get the scores it got. People love BioShock, Gears, Uncharted, hell even shit like Dear Esther.
People bashing the short length, linearity and lack of multi/leveling up stuff/customization of The Order (specially if it doesn't sell) is sending a message to the devs: make more open world games with tons of hours of repetitive stuff to make it the game longer and MMORPG stuff to grind and make it even longer, even if the game doesn't need it.

And add arbitrary numbers to make you feel like your character is progressing.
lol you guys sticking up for RAD.

Where were you when other developers last year were getting shitted on for their games? I'm pretty sure they spent their time on games to entertain their audience too.

Or make more games like Last of Us, Wolfenstein, Bioshock, etc. etc. which are all linear but atleast are good.

That is because they still provide the player with options and are not corridor infested and restrict the player from tackling situations in multiple ways. All three you provided actually accomplish that.
Don't see Uncharted getting favorable reviews this gen either if reviewers are gonna be harsh on cinematic games.
There's a night and day difference between a game whose filmic qualities come about as a result of player actions and choice and ones that need to wrest control of the player away or funnel them down one-way-paths to do so.

If Uncharted 4 plays like the gameplay reveal/target it'll do just fine.
Gross and unprofessional? You just sound butthurt to be honest.

Whoever that guy is may be a journo, but he's also a human and allowed to have his own opinions. If it had been from a publication's official twitter then MAYBE you would have a point. But it's from someone's personal account so you have no point.

Also, I don't give a flying fuck about RAD. I don't owe them anything whether they took 5 years of their life to make a game or not. They made a (by most accounts) a mediocre game and I don't think they should just be given the benefit of the doubt or sympathy for it when they're trying to sell consumers a mediocre product for $60.

Sad world we leave in...


People bashing the short length, linearity and lack of multi/leveling up stuff/customization of The Order (specially if it doesn't sell) is sending a message to the devs: make more open world games with tons of hours of repetitive stuff to make it the game longer and MMORPG stuff to grind and make it even longer, even if the game doesn't need it.

It's not just the length though: it's the QTEs, the crap story, and mediocre gameplay.


If anything, this has made it very clear why publishers use strict embargoes, don't release demos, and are overly anal with copyright strikes on videos. Leaving those playthrough videos up so long killed all hype and derailed the games launch, leaving nothing but the game's length and story to be the central talking points.

Had they been smart they'd have kept their mouths shut and struck that video down Activision style - within seconds. Instead they pulled an Albert Penello and spout BS, only digging them further in a hole.

I expect that to be a lesson that is very clearly learned by those who make decisions that are paying attention. Expect more aggressive behavior from publishers to take down everything that isn't marketing related or positive.


People bashing the short length, linearity and lack of multi/leveling up stuff/customization of The Order (specially if it doesn't sell) is sending a message to the devs: make more open world games with tons of hours of repetitive stuff to make it the game longer and MMORPG stuff to grind and make it even longer, even if the game doesn't need it.

People bashing the game know what they look for in linear third person shooters. Hint hint, rising development costs means less risk taking across the board, which means less retail games, which means the publishers have to make games that appeal to a huge demographic.

You think the people that love Binary Domain or Resident Evil 4 are clamoring for open world versions of those games ASAP? They aren't, they're clamoring for a game that delivers on being a third person shooter.

Card Boy

People bashing the short length, linearity and lack of multi/leveling up stuff/customization of The Order (specially if it doesn't sell) is sending a message to the devs: make more open world games with tons of hours of repetitive stuff to make it the game longer and MMORPG stuff to grind and make it even longer, even if the game doesn't need it.

You know you can make an open world game with no repetitive stuff and no MMO grind shit right?


haha...sorry but I don't understand why some are taking these funny comments personally.

Its not like you have a vested interest in this game....???

Anyways, ive cancelled my order, looks like all I need to do is rent it.

$55 saved!


I'm still trying to figure out how Uncharted 3 is supposedly so much worse than the other two.

It was not a "New thing" like Uncharted 1
It was not a "We improved everything of the previous game on this game" game.

U2 was the game that changed everything that was bad on U1. Graphics, gameplay and storywise. U3 did nothing new. It was just "another uncharted like U2".

My favorite to play is U3...but I know U2 is the best.


People bashing the short length, linearity and lack of multi/leveling up stuff/customization of The Order (specially if it doesn't sell) is sending a message to the devs: make more open world games with tons of hours of repetitive stuff to make it the game longer and MMORPG stuff to grind and make it even longer, even if the game doesn't need it.

No, no one is actually making that message.


Part of the problem is that games are treated by most of the journalist community like school work with grades, emphasis on gameplay, replay value and so on and basically the reviews now are the same as 10, 15 or 20 years ago.

Maybe it's because I am a marketing guy but for me games are a cultural product, I don't know if they are art or not and I don't care, I don't need them to be art to love them anyway. But as a product not all games are for everyone. There's gamer typology and things like that.

The fact that I found enjoyment in The Order doesn't mean that all other gamers around will like it too because everyone's different but if I like it, gamers who are in the same typo as me, will probably like it.

It's a factor that very few game journos take into account.

The Order is a cinematic action game, a relatively short and condensed game with gorgeous visuals, great artistry and very good audio. It's not revolutionnary by any means, it has a functionnal and effective but already played/seen gameplay. It's not adressed to hardcore gamers at all, it's a laid back, mainstream game.

That's it and I put it in three sentences.

So, if as a gamer this summary appeals to you then you can give The Order a shot, if not then you pass.

As a consummer, that's the review I want. I'm sorry but I don't give a shit about the gaming feelings of a journalist. I just want to know if a game fits my gaming typology by some specific criteria. I don't need to read 22 pages front and back of explanation of how the game work because, well, I'm not stupid so I will found out when I'll play it.

In a way, I want game reviews to be the same as AV Receiver reviews or Blu-ray players or any audio/video components. Either a product fits to your criteria or it doesn't. And that's all.


If Uncharted 4 averages under a 90 on metcritic, and somehow less than Tomb Raider, the entire front page will be Uncharted threads asking various different questions

"Where did Naughty Dog go wrong?"

"Sony is following the same spiral down as Microsoft..."

"Is the PS4 doomed?"

nah that's more likely to be GameSpot System Wars Forums
Of course they are still first party. I imagine their internal teams aided both RAD and Form Software in development. They also own both IPs.

I can't speak for Bloodborne but I know Shinobi said that The Order was done 100% by RAD internally. No external assistance.

I do believe that Sony Japan is assisting with development of Bloodborne though so you have a point there.
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