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The Order 1886 Review Thread

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I pre ordered it at e3 so reviews are disheartening but I guess I will find out how in line my tastes are with reviewers when it comes to bad games at least

We are not worthy.


Don't worry, I'll vouch for them.
At least they let the embargo lift the day before the game releases and not on release day (fucking hate that trend) so people can cancel pre-orders or choose not to buy the game at full price.


Was Gone Home recieved like this? That was really short and lacked gameplay. "But it wasnt $60 lol", like I'm sure the journalists care about the price... and it was $20 and 1/3 the length of the Order.
Some people were mad, but they got over it pretty quickly when they realized that they could just go play a million other games and that Gone Home doesn't have to be the defining flagship experience of the PC platform.

I Wanna Be The Guy

U-S-A! U-S-A! U-S-A!
Re: Uncharted 4 getting 87 score.

87 is a good score and there is franchise fatigue so you never know :|
UC3 didn't deserve anywhere close to an 87 MC imo, let alone what it got. The reviews were seriously inflated because of the hype and frankly the fear of backlash. I expect similar for UC4. A lot of sites wont dare go below 90 for a game like UC4.
Someone here said that if we buy the game we're part of the problem. My preorder is en route and am wondering if I should feel guilty about playing it or return it to the store and get a refund.....

I feel this way as well. I didn't even mean to buy it, I had pre ordered and forgot about it and now it's on it's way. I do want to play the game but some of the decisions RAD made really irk me. Things like unskippable cutscenes, zero replayability, all the QTE's, lack of actual gameplay, and so on...and all of that would be ok if it had a great story, but it sounds like that is not the case.

So yeah I'm torn.


and for the people defending the game journalist today who are taking it that extra step beyond giving a shitty score...

when was the last time they were this flagrant with their disrespect towards a game?

Since when do you have to respect a game?

Especially a mediocre one
The "experts" slagged off Destiny in their reviews as well. Nearly 800 hours, and three level 32 characters later... I couldn't disagree more.

My hype for The Order is not diminished in the slightest by someone else's opinion. To each their own.

Genuine question.

Why are you in a review thread if reviews do not matter to you? Like, I'm not playing "Gotcha!" or anything, I'm really curious, because lots of people do this.

If the game were getting great reviews, would your response still be "Yeah, but reviews are dumb, I'm still going to play this and decide for myself because I'm hyped for it." (Mind you, I also think the sentiment of "I decide for myself" combined with "I am already hyped for this game" ends up strange together, but eh).

If so, if you really would come in here under different results to state the same thing, then why? What point did you make other than simply planting your flag that nothing and no one will dissuade you from what you've already decided?


Really disappointed with everything I've read so far. Can't wait to play for myself and review this game! Hope to have something up this weekend
I agree. But why don't we use this standard with all other devs?
Exacttly! You never see anyone criticizing Ubisoft on GAF and that company has released some stinkers. All I ever read on this site is Ubisoft this, Ubisoft that. Why can't more gaming companies be like Ubisoft? I am sick of these double standards.

UC3 didn't deserve anywhere close to an 87 MC imo, let alone what it got. The reviews were seriously inflated because of the hype and frankly the fear of backlash. I expect similar for UC4. A lot of sites wont dare go below 90 for a game like UC4.

I'm still trying to figure out how Uncharted 3 is supposedly so much worse than the other two.
I've played the game for 5 hours now and I'm currently at the beginning of chapter 6. So it took me almost 1 hour for each chapter.
And I personally don't get some comments here and elsewhere about the game.
In my opinion it's one of the best looking games on PS4 right now.
The story, characters and design are interesting, the gameplay is fine and the QTE are ok, too.
The ratio of gameplay and cutscene is also in no way annoying as some people seem to make it.

The game might not be for everybody who likes absolute freedom, as it guides you more along a certain path. Yet, I can't understand why people and critics make it look like a piss poor game.


Was Gone Home recieved like this? That was really short and lacked gameplay. "But it wasnt $60 lol", like I'm sure the journalists care about the price... and it was $20 and 1/3 the length of the Order.

I am not a fan of the game, but gone home brought something new, at least.
Also, I keep reading that the game is "beautiful" and that the (self identified) graphic whores are splooging all over this, but from all the videos I've seen, the world look so static, drab and boring, with barely any particle effects. Everything looks fake and blocky.

Oh well, ill play it for sure in a year or two.


At least they let the embargo lift the day before the game releases and not on release day (fucking hate that trend) so people can cancel pre-orders or choose not to buy the game at full price.

Yup, i can imagine all the hate it would generate , at least this way some folks will still have compassion for the developer.


and for the people defending the game journalist today who are taking it that extra step beyond giving a shitty score...

when was the last time they were this flagrant with their disrespect towards a game?

Sonic Boom's reviews make The Order's look like standing ovations.
I saw these scores coming months ago, when they were only showing off the same playable demo off, when they were righting off the QTEs, when no multi-player was announced(*). To think, they have this amazing potential in location and era and story, and it's blown. I was so excited with the reveal trailer: Victorian, steam punk werewolf hunters. How could it go wrong?

I called it in a Bloodborne vs The Order thread: The Order will be bargain bin before Bloodborne releases.

*multi-player would've been awesome you have to admit.

Peace Tea

i imagine i will eventually play this game despite everything, perhaps when its 1/3 of the price it is currently, anyone else feel like this or have people written it off completely?

Still buying it but then again I've kept my expectations in check. It's either this or Dying Light.
Definitely bummed about the reports on length though. I at least have to squeeze 7.5 hours from this. Bad reviews were expected because "no online", but it looks like length compounded the grief.


Game seems to be pretty disappointing, but I'm still interested in eventually playing it. I'll probably end up picking it up when the price drops significantly.

If we end up getting a sequel, hopefully it's more fleshed out and RAD learns from their mistakes. If not, at least they built a nice engine to share with other studios within Sony.
Was Gone Home recieved like this? That was really short and lacked gameplay. "But it wasnt $60 lol", like I'm sure the journalists care about the price... and it was $20 and 1/3 the length of the Order.

It is kinda assumed that a studio bankrolled by one of the big 3 publishers would be able to produce a bigger game than that of an indie.

Deleted member 752119

Unconfirmed Member
Was really hoping this would give Sony a decent Gears of War substitute since that is the franchise I'll miss the most from not having an MS console this generation (don't game enough to own multiple platforms anymore).

Oh well. I'll give it a rental and playthrough at some point anyway.
Oh my, what the hell happened in this thread? :O

This game caused a meltdown everywhere (in video game sites) it seems

from people defending it, to people attacking it, to people trying to be witty (mostly journalist)


I guess I have no business in most of that though seeing I too am at fault of such actions occasionally
Genuine question.

Why are you in a review thread if reviews do not matter to you? Like, I'm not playing "Gotcha!" or anything, I'm really curious, because lots of people do this.

If the game were getting great reviews, would your response still be "Yeah, but reviews are dumb, I'm still going to play this and decide for myself because I'm hyped for it." (Mind you, I also think the sentiment of "I decide for myself" combined with "I am already hyped for this game" ends up strange together, but eh).

If so, if you really would come in here under different results to state the same thing, then why? What point did you make other than simply planting your flag that nothing and no one will dissuade you from what you've already decided?

Are you kidding? It's a review thread. The entire point of it's existence is responding to the reviews.

If you don't care for my response, that's fine, but to dismiss the opinion because it differs with the critical consensus? That's the very reason for discussion, no?

And I'm not "planting a flag"... I'm simply looking forward to playing the game and deciding for myself.


Thought Emoji Movie was good. Take that as you will.
As someone who is just lurking the review thread and seeing the amount of vitriol a single game(an original IP at that) by a relatively young developer is receiving is really puzzling.

You'd think the team at RaD and the media had killed personal friends of some Gaffers the way they post about the company, the game, the reviews, or anything surrounding the Order.

Was the vitriol the same or as intense when Ubisoft released an unfinished game at retail price? Or when Microsoft let their big name sci-fi shooter run with lackluster matchmaking?

There are bigger fish to fry in the industry and I don't see Sony or The Order as the whipping boy for this. The biggest sin RaD committed was releasing a Third Person Shooter in a world saturated with quite a few of them and being unable to keep any footage of this game leaking out & under wraps.

RAD's been around for over a decade, that's not young.

This was a big reveal game, a big exclusive.. and it turned out to be mediocre at best overall.

Of course it's going to get attention.

The thing that I find funny is that this game really went from what seemed like a very skeptical consensus that it wasn't going to be good.. to a fever hype of OMG awesome.. to wow total crap.

I never stopped being skeptical from the reveal.. it turned out how I thought it looked like it would.
People really do take video games waaaay too seriously.\

Bad reviews don't stop w/e personal enjoyment you get out of the game, and they don't even really effect sales, just look at destiny.

Gross and unprofessional:


Journalists are taking the piss now at this stage. Not fair on the devs who spent 5 years of their lives creating this game.

That's great.


and for the people defending the game journalist today who are taking it that extra step beyond giving a shitty score...

when was the last time they were this flagrant with their disrespect towards a game?


So what are you and others getting at? That the press now has it out for Sony exclusives lol? As if the Polygon conspiracies aren't embarrassing enough. TLoU, Uncharted...two of the most celebrated games in the last decade and people can still buy into this.

And to answer your question, DESTINY. A game I still thoroughly enjoyed despite the middling reception.
because it did everything so much worse than the other two.

Maybe not worse than UC1, but come on. It's order of magnitudes worse than UC2.

I guess I just don't really see what Uncharted 3 did that was "so much worse" than the other two. I thought it was about as good as Uncharted 2. It played the same to me.

I get maybe not liking it as much as the first two, but again I'm not sure where the hate stems from as it really just felt like another good Uncharted game to me. I don't see this massive dip in quality that some let on about it having.
Sonic Boom's reviews make The Order's look like standing ovations.

I think they're talking about the extra digs in the social media and platforms about the game than the scores.

I thought there may have been a game that was put through the media wringer, but I can't recall what it was. Something maybe mid last gen?

Most seem to be having fun with the situation regardless than actually coming from a bad place. Only one that fits that so far was Rosenburg.
What's with people and no critique, and jokes of any kind allowed because it might hurt your feelings or the feelings of the devs which you have no association with. People truly are trying to turn modern society into one that is to be devoid of criticism otherwise you are a terrible person. Get over yourself.

It's okay to criticize if its constructive

But for fucks sake if you're part of the gaming media show some a little fucking tact and professionalism.
Making a joke about the length of a short video game is now crass and apology worthy? Good lord this place is going to hell... The length to which some people are able to emotionally invest in the wins and losses of video game companies is morbidly fascinating.

A good rule of thumb would be to envision the thing you're making fun of being represented by the ISIS, and then think of what their reaction would be. If it results in someone not having a head, you're probably being too mean.
Gross and unprofessional:


Journalists are taking the piss now at this stage. Not fair on the devs who spent 5 years of their lives creating this game.

I actually thought this was pretty funny.
People aren't allowed to make jokes anymore? What's wrong with you? Lighten up dude; it's just a video game.

Shpeshal Nick

aka Collingwood
Gotta say I'm genuinely surprised by the whole "Wont somebody think of the developers!!!" Schtick that's happening post reviews.

You'd think people haven't seen movies, songs, actors and musicians bagged on late night TV or something.


I wonder if the same people getting upset for "bullying" RAD got upset when people tried to trick stores into selling them the game early, potentially getting the store fined and someone fired.


Forgive my ignorance, but was the hype for this game generated though marketing via RAD and Sony, or was it fan created hyped based on the (stunning) visuals?

I guess I'm trying to figure out why there is soo much disdain for this game out there. Is it the backlash of a major let down?

I can't imagine the game being as bad as it is being represented. Sure it may not have lived up to what it could have been, but man it's brutal out there.

My guess is there is nothing to play on the PS4. People are salivating for something AAA good to play.
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