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The Order 1886 Review Thread

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They could all be pieces of shit. You don't know a thing, your are basing certainty on assumption and that is a recipe for disaster.

Did I say they were going to be good? It just looks like a solid line up(I made sure to pick games that are safe bets to illustrate my point), therefore I see no reason to worry.


Platinum is the undisputed king of the 10 hr game. They produce amazing spectacle, with amazing gameplay to boot. It's crazy to think The Order will probably sell more than Vanquish and Bayonetta despite them excelling in almost every category except graphical prowess.


I feel like people are misinterpreting the issue some people had with the tweets loads of pages ago. Nobody is saying you can't criticize a game. Noboy was saying "shit site for giving 4/10, way too low", at least not in that specific conversation.

The issue was the behaviour of some journalists on twitter about the low scores. Twitter can be a cesspool though.

(sorry for linking it again)

Again, I have no problem with Kirk Hamilton's low score. It's his opinion. I'd be a hypocrite because my scores often differ too. Anyway, I can see how some people are disappointed the Adam guy (also a reviewer) would make a comment like that. I mean, it's fine to give a game low scores. Reviewers should definitely call out flaws in their game. But twitter comments like that feel similar to shitposts to me.

I'd expect something like that from youtube comments or 4chan. Just feels a bit "ehhh". Not that I'm supe mad about it though. Drama surrounding this game was and is unreal.

Is Tina's a shitpost, too? I've been confused who people are angry at in the Tweet (I've been assuming it's Adam's comment).
Nah. Bloodborne likely to receive good scores, these don't generate much drama.

I don't know, what if the game is actually (somehow) bad and press give it a low score? People won't believe them and shit will rise. (I'm still sure that The Order is a great game, gonna know for sure tomorrow).
I uhhhh....what??? If they think the product is shit, they are free to call it shit.
That's not criticism. That's just shitposting.

One of the things I dislike most about this forum is how casually people refer to products as shit (usually in a declarative manner) that people enjoy.

If the topics get as big as this it won't be for the same reasons. That game looks good and they have a good track record. The only thing that might upset people is if they try and make the game mainstream by making it easier to play. Other than that everything I have seen looks fantastic. The Order on the other hand was well orchestrated to end up here the way it is. There has been a ton of questions leading up to its release about game length, how much QTE are involved, how linear and cut-scene heavy it was, with the emphasis on graphics and story to make up for it all.
Nah. Bloodborne likely to receive good scores, these don't generate much drama.

Nah, it'll get middling reviews because it doesn't have enough "next gen gameplay" and doesn't try anything new that hasn't been done in previous Soul's games.

Or it'll get good reviews, but I wouldn't be surprised if it reviews weaker than the any other Soul's games.


That's not criticism. That's just shitposting.

One of the things I dislike most about this forum is how casually people refer to products as shit (usually in a declarative manner) that people enjoy.

You can criticize something and call it shit at the same time. Maybe you're taking other peoples' opinions way too seriously?


I thought a lot of people saw the writing on the wall, which is why I'm so surprised at everyone being surprised.

I think a lot of people are very insular about stuff like this. They like to say neoGAF is a hive mind, or refuse to believe that persistent criticism about a games mechanics is relevant prior to a game's release. They'll say things like "everyone already made up their minds off one bad demo, but Ready at Dawn is very talented and there's no way they are going to release a final product with these same obvious flaws." So many held out false hope.

I think the problem is people tend to associate such visual splendor with polish, and to see a game so clearly being a labor of love from that perspective and yet having the floor fall out so dramatically beneath its feet on every other element perhaps took some people by surprise.

But the real surprise I think was not that the game received mediocre scores (I predicted 76 metacritic and meltdowns off of that number), I think it's the scale of the problem that surprised people. People didn't expect the game to be Ryse-bad, and it seemingly is. And yes Ryse sucks, Jurassic Park Triceratops-shit-mountain-tier action gameplay with lowest-bowels-of-hell-tier combat variety. Just seems this game faces same problem. Garbage plot, low enemy variety, minimal content and overly short and completely forgettable third person shooting gameplay mechanics. It's just a half-baked entry into the genre for many people.

This is a problem endemic to video games. I find it incredibly depressing. We get horrible, idiotic, super shallow cliches derived from the worst and most egregious bowels of Hollywood and we just suck it up. Seriously. The majority of AAA video game narratives are aimed at 14 year old boys. Anything with the slightest bit of ambiguity, subtlety or credibility is hammered out.

Oh I like you sploatee, we're on the same page it seems. This is my exact thought process on this whole mess <3


Except Ready At Dawn aren't a cold, faceless, "corporate entity". They're a studio, a development house, full of creative types that have, yes, feelings. They invested themselves for years trying to make something for us. Yes, we do pay for it, but if you're not willing to buy it that doesn't give you the right to be an absolute dick to them.

Stop trying to depersonalize RAD to justify your douchebaggery.

How the fuck got RAD bullied? This whole victimangle doesn't make any lick of sense.


Nah, it'll get middling reviews because it doesn't have enough "next gen gameplay" and doesn't try anything new that hasn't been done in previous Soul's games.

Or it'll get good reviews, but I wouldn't be surprised if it reviews weaker than the any other Soul's games.
The main difference is bloodbourne is getting good previews where the order didn't.


On the bright side, maybe the reviews will help Ready at Dawn emerge even stronger.

Remember, when Naughty Dog released this,

they later went on to make this:


Come on RAD, go make an awesome 3D platformer with your engine now.


I'd honestly be shocked if Bloodborne scored lower than 80. Having seen everything we've seen of it so far I honestly can't imagine it not being an awesome game. Fingers crossed...


Next time you so called """""journalists""""" want to review a game, here are some helpful pointers from me, the man on "the streets":

  • Divide a game into six different categories: Graphics, Sound, Gameplay, Presentation, Replayability, and GamePro Face. Each of these scientific and objective scores should be then combined via an algorithm that mathematicians still aren't sure is real. If the final score doesn't match your opinion, that's proof that you were biased. This mathematical standard will hold up pretty well until a game I think I'll like is reviewed poorly under it, and then we'll need to restart all over again.
  • Review a game for what it is, not what it isn't. If you state that the game isn't good, then that's pretty unfair to the developers, who might not have wanted to make a good game.
  • Consider that by criticizing a game, you're criticizing every game in that genre by extension, and telling the developers not to bother making any game remotely like it ever again. Logically, it follows that we'll eventually reach a point where no games will ever be made again, and that's bad because I want to preorder more of them as soon as they're announced.
  • Imagine the feelings of the developers. Be fair and criticize them, but not as much as you're thinking about criticizing about them, however much that is. That's too much. Remember that developers have families to feed. Imagine if reviewing a game poorly caused ISIS to besiege the developer's town. Imagine if the developers joined ISIS to make money because now their studio is shut down. Didn't think about that, did ya.



I don't see that happening. People had what I would describe as a "hate boner" for this game; no one I've seen has one for Bloodborne.

If Bloodborne had black bars and the devs said "we're going to take this game in a more cinematic route, less gameplay, more qte's" then you better believe it would be getting more hate.

BUT, because they're saying everything people wanna hear, it will be a bigger blast if it bombs.


Neo Member
I kinda suspected the reviews on this would be mixed with a contrast between the visuals compared to the other elements of the game. Mean graphics wise it looked quite good in the trailers along with the different guns they showed off with their effects.

I won't be taking a hit to my wallet on this since I will be playing it through Gamefly so I am not too terribly worried.

Ultimately I am interested to try it out for myself and see what I think compared to what they thought. Suppose as long as the gunplay catches my interest and the story with where it goes I won't complain too much.


Bloodborne will be fine and I ain't even gonna buy it! not my kind of thing, for sure it will cover the bases to be a awesome game.


Having a dissenting opinion.

Someone might say "That is known to get you a ban", but they might get banned for saying that.

Why are people taking Ready at Dawn into account when being critical of the game? Would people do the same for a broken game or shovelware? Seems an odd position. They could all be top blokes but what has that got to do with anything.


Seriously. If you're going to go down this cinematic route, to the point where gameplay was seemingly sacrificed for it, then you MUST nail the story. Without the story to lift it up, your left with a boring TPS with constant cutscenes that takes control away from the player...for no good reason.

It seems RAD couldn't achieve that. I still think there's a bunch of great talent at RAD that could turn out a great game, but they need to figure out what they are good at and polish it, like what ND or Sucker Punch did.

I do hope they get another shot at making an original game. They're too talented to be stuck as a porting studio or a handheld only studio.

Yup, I stand by my belief they are a very talented studio. They clearly are technically masters at getting the most out of the platforms they're working for, and that has value. And given enough time, they have made games with very good gameplay, albeit with foundations laid forth by other developers. But maybe that's what they need - time to make a visual engine (done) and then time to focus on getting the most high quality gameplay out of that engine (maybe for their next product?).


Still can't get over how poorly this game has reviewed at some outlets. Linear cinematic games really must be disliked by many in the industry. For me personally, unless this game suddenly turns shit towards the latter acts, I'm going to chalk this up to being another underrated title (user impressions would so far certainly correlate with that). Sort of feels like DriveClub all over again.

To those that are interested in cinematic, linear TPS, but have been put off by the reviews, rent it or buy it for cheap when the price goes down, I think you might be pleasantly surprised.
Next time you so called """""journalists""""" want to review a game, here are some helpful pointers from me, the man on "the streets":

  • Divide a game into six different categories: Graphics, Sound, Gameplay, Presentation, Replayability, and GamePro Face. Each of these scientific and objective scores should be then combined via an algorithm that mathematicians still aren't sure is real. If the final score doesn't match your opinion, that's proof that you were biased. This mathematical standard will hold up pretty well until a game I think I'll like is reviewed poorly under it, and then we'll need to restart all over again.
  • Review a game for what it is, not what it isn't. If you state that the game isn't good, then that's pretty unfair to the developers, who might not have wanted to make a good game.
  • Consider that by criticizing a game, you're criticizing every game in that genre by extension, and telling the developers not to bother making any game remotely like it ever again. Logically, it follows that we'll eventually reach a point where no games will ever be made again, and that's bad because I want to preorder more of them as soon as they're announced.
  • Imagine the feelings of the developers. Be fair and criticize them, but not as much as you're thinking about criticizing about them, however much that is. That's too much. Remember that developers have families to feed. Imagine if reviewing a game poorly caused ISIS to besiege the developer's town. Imagine if the developers joined ISIS to make money because now their studio is shut down. Didn't think about that, did ya.

Holy fuck, I haven't thought about GamePro in years
Is it shitposting to call something shit on your twitter if your opinion is that it's actually shit? Do you have to dress it up, and if so, why?
It's still shitposting because there is no substance to your post.

There's generally no good reason to refer to someone's work as shit when you don't like it.

And unfortunately, the term has been thrown around far too much in this thread before Many of these people have even played it.
I don't think there would be this much fuss if the game was 3rd party.

Its just because Sony seems to be floundering with their 1st party efforts and this was going to be the 1st big hit. Only its fallen flat again.

The game does deserve the criticism it is getting and if someone felt the need to defend Sony I think they'd pick a better game like Bloodborne which comes out in only a month. No the intensity of debate mirrors very closely with the intensity of the story vs gameplay debate.

The Order started with a good buzz when the trailer was first released. People imagined that it'd be Sony's take on the Gears of War franchise. They hoped for coop and a horde mode. Some online connectivity and maybe something new thrown in. The sentiment changed as more was found out about the game. Extremely linear, no coop, QTEs... The point to be made is that before those were known The Order was a highly anticipated game.

The intensity of this debate comes from the gameplay side rubbing it in with the "I told you soes" and the story side entering into bunker mode with "I don't care what anybody says. All the matters is that I like the game"
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