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The Order 1886 Review Thread

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The absolute hate surrounding this game is still baffling to me. I can see not liking it, people are allowed to have opinions. But it's getting pretty shit on which I just don't understand, the game's a lot of fun, amazing visuals and acting. But is somewhat simple, pretty directed and, in places, hand holding. 4 or 5/10 this game ain't. But it's also not Vanquish or TLOU, so I suppose I can see why people don't like it. Whatever, I'm having a good time.


Still can't get over how poorly this game has reviewed at some outlets. Linear cinematic games really must be disliked by many. For me personally, unless this game suddenly turns shit towards the latter acts, I'm going to chalk this up to being another underrated title. Sort of feels like DriveClub all over again. To those that are interested in cinematic, linear TPS, but have been put off by the reviews, rent it or buy it for cheap when the price goes down, I think you might be pleasantly surprised.

I feel surprisingly similar.

I accept its flaws, you can't deny them. But I've seen 4/10 reviews where I simply cannot agree. It's a matter of taste for sure, but I've played so many games worse than this which aren't even close to a 4/10.

The Thief reboot is sitting at a higher RT :p


Neo Member
Except Ready At Dawn aren't a cold, faceless, "corporate entity". They're a studio, a development house, full of creative types that have, yes, feelings. They invested themselves for years trying to make something for us. Yes, we do pay for it, but if you're not willing to buy it that doesn't give you the right to be an absolute dick to them.

Stop trying to depersonalize RAD to justify your douchebaggery.

No, he is completely right. If a development team makes a really shitty game that they hyped to no end, they deserve to get hit with whatever criticism they get. Just because your feelings are hurt doesn't mean that the internet should be a hugbox for you and the dev.

I may better understand you if this feeling was extended to all devs and their problems (ubisoft-unity and 343-MCC), but somehow I doubt you would do that.


How the fuck got RAD bullied? This whole victimangle doesn't make any lick of sense.

Because overnight video game developers became off limits. Never mind that musicians, movie and tv studios, and every other form of entertainment are constantly annihilated in reviews when releasing poor products. RAD gets a pass because they tried hard and released an average product. The victim complex created by this game is absolutely pathetic, especially considering the writing has been on the wall for the mediocrity of the game since initial previews started rolling out.


It's still shitposting because there is no substance to your post.

There's generally no good reason to refer to someone's work as shit when you don't like it.

And unfortunately, the term has been thrown around far too much in this thread before Many of these people have even played it.

imo, your post is shit.



Gold Member

BOOM haha


I don't see that happening. People had what I would describe as a "hate boner" for this game; no one I've seen has one for Bloodborne.

Who are these people that have a "hate boner" for The Order? In various Order threads I've seen people express legit concerns about the game, only to be met with a chorus of "are you concerned" posts. The negativity surrounding the game isn't as one-sided as you're attempting to paint it.

If Bloodbourne gets reviews like this, GAF will be down for a week.

Something terrible will have had to have happened for a Souls game to score this low. The kind of reaction you're seeing here could happen if Bloodborne scores below an 85. That's how strong the pedigree of that series is.

I'm actually shocked.

I was never hyped for the game and didn't like what I saw in trailers/gameplay videos, but I honestly thought it would be in the green with a mid 80s score at best.

And then after all the reviews came out I thought mid 70s, but 65 is getting close to Knack territory.


Me thinks he has tumblritis.

Leave that out. People on tumblr and other blogs are expressing actual bullying and how they became victim of that. This is a relatively badly reviewed game and people make some jabs on that. Bullying would be attacking the game based on dislike of the persons behind the game, or directly attacking those humans. I have seen neither.


G***n S**n*bi
think some of you guys are way off with Bloodborne. It will is not receive this kind of backlash if the game turns out the way it looks. No way in hell.

The only thing I can see happening that could blow up in the games face is a noticeable graphical downgrade. Which, personally, would piss me right the fuck off, mainly because I am in love with how that game is shaping up thus far and I don't want to get burned by From twice in a row.

I'm a two strikes and you're out kind of guy. So yeah, they better not even think of pulling that shit again...
Still can't get over how poorly this game has reviewed at some outlets. Linear cinematic games really must be disliked by many in the industry.


We're talking about the industry that is still jerking it over The Last of Us every other day, right? That's regarding Uncharted 4 like the second coming?


I think the problem is people tend to associate such visual splendor with polish, and to see a game so clearly being a labor of love from that perspective and yet having the floor fall out so dramatically beneath its feet on every other element perhaps took some people by surprise.

I agree but I'm surprised so many gamers, even here, can't properly analyze gameplay videos. If you've been playing video-games for a while, the warning signs are very obvious. Same with No Man's Sky. People are impressed by the scale. That's it. Some don't even have a hint of doubts. I'm anticipating very much Zelda U, and that franchise is well known for its quality, but after the latest footage, I'm still doubtful they'll manage to fill that huge world with interesting stuff. I'm not blindly falling into the hype.
Remember when people sent death threats over that 8.8 on that Zelda game because some how a review is considered a personal attack.

Zelda fans are really confusing.

They attacked him for reviewing TP low,and yet TP was held in contempt for quite some time after they actually played it.

Probably because that game was boring as fuck.


Is it shitposting to call something shit on your twitter if your opinion is that it's actually shit? Do you have to dress it up, and if so, why?

It's a matter of opinion, but I think so, yes. When I read something like "I like the part where you shit all over the crappy game", it feels like said game is abomination. Like, it reminds me about comments I'd see about The War Z. It's the way they say it, I guess. People clearly don't like the approach of this game, but imo the presentation is top notch, it has little to no bugs/glitches AND the graphics are insane. More than you can say of other AAA games from 2014.

Is the story on the mediocre side of things? I think so, yes. Is the gameplay a bit standard? For the most part, yes. Is it short? Obviously.

Is it 4/10 material? Is it shit? I don't think so. I didn't expect to be in the minority, but this is a decent game with flaws. When I look at one of the biggest surprises from last year - Shadow of Mordor - we see a game with a meagre story and an empty/repetitive world. Why did it get 80+? Because of the Nemesis system. I agree said system was truly innovative. But was it enough to warrant so many GOTY nominations etc? I'm not sure.
I wonder with what tool journalist measure story? Dragon Age Inquisition was my GOTY last year but the game has a simple story bad written and bad told... I've seen some calling this out, some others praised it, which concerns me.

Another thing that catch my attention is that there were many pretty good impresions from people who played it early, even that infamous guy from youtube said that he loved the game and here was an overall good to great experience...

I'm inclined to believe more in the 7 and 8s rather than the 4 and 6...


Gold Member
Zelda fans are really confusing.

They attacked him for reviewing TP low,and yet TP was held in contempt for quite some time after they actually played it.

Probably because that game was boring as fuck.

Yeah it was. That game was a slog.


CliffyB's Cock Holster
Am I the only person around here who finds reviews (of all things) only occasionally reflect my actual experience and opinion?

I'm honestly baffled by why so much value is placed on the opinions of a handful of people who in most circumstances have no specific experience or qualification to denote expertise in their chosen field.

Its not like successful developers migrate to being eminent critics or commentators, what you get most of the time is actually the reverse... wannabe developers or writers who aspire to better regarded gigs within journalism.


Nice. I love it when im looking forward to a game and it gets underrated. Can't wait for tomorrow!!! Woohoo!!!

And no, im not being sarcastic. Personally, those review scores are bullshit. Seriously, GameSpot gives it a 5/10? That VanOrd guy is horrible. To me, those low scores are worse than Unity and that was deemed unplayable by many because of the bugs, glitches and problems. Order doesn't have any of that and yet gets rated as low or lower? UGH.

You absolutely have a point here, as far as other games being broken.
Still can't get over how poorly this game has reviewed at some outlets. Linear cinematic games really must be disliked by many in the industry. For me personally, unless this game suddenly turns shit towards the latter acts, I'm going to chalk this up to being another underrated title (user impressions would so far certainly correlate with that). Sort of feels like DriveClub all over again.

To those that are interested in cinematic, linear TPS, but have been put off by the reviews, rent it or buy it for cheap when the price goes down, I think you might be pleasantly surprised.

You kept arguing against the game length being short too. I'm happy you're enjoying it but I feel like you've done nothing but oversell it from the get go.


Still can't get over how poorly this game has reviewed at some outlets. Linear cinematic games really must be disliked by many in the industry. For me personally, unless this game suddenly turns shit towards the latter acts, I'm going to chalk this up to being another underrated title (user impressions would so far certainly correlate with that). Sort of feels like DriveClub all over again.

To those that are interested in cinematic, linear TPS, but have been put off by the reviews, rent it or buy it for cheap when the price goes down, I think you might be pleasantly surprised.

Yep, that's why two recent GOTYs were Walking Dead and TLOU.


Still can't get over how poorly this game has reviewed at some outlets. Linear cinematic games really must be disliked by many in the industry. For me personally, unless this game suddenly turns shit towards the latter acts, I'm going to chalk this up to being another underrated title (user impressions would so far certainly correlate with that). Sort of feels like DriveClub all over again.

To those that are interested in cinematic, linear TPS, but have been put off by the reviews, rent it or buy it for cheap when the price goes down, I think you might be pleasantly surprised.

There are plenty of other reasons as to why the game has scored as it has.

- Short single player
- Zero replay value
- Hand holding gameplay
- Bare bones in its gameplay structure
- Uninteresting weapons outside of a couple ones (which you can't even use whenever you want to)
- Underwhelming story

For you, though, every single Sony title is underrated because they're all perfect in your eyes, or almost anyway. Sony exclusives just can't do anything wrong. I think you're probably the last guy in the world that Amirox would include in his list. You write well, and I respect that you're a huge Sony fan, but as a whole you just come off as a huge fanboy.


Gold Member
think some of you guys are way off with Bloodborne. It will is not receive this kind of backlash if the game turns out the way it looks. No way in hell.

The only thing I can see happening that could blow up in the games face is a noticeable graphical downgrade. Which, personally, would piss me right the fuck off, mainly because I am in love with how that game is shaping up thus far and I don't want to get burned by From twice in a row.

I'm a two strikes and you're out kind of guy. So yeah, they better not even think of pulling that shit again...

I do not think Bloodborne will have a "downgradation" , the games best attributes are not focused on the graphic area BTW.


Unconfirmed Member
Am I the only person around here who finds reviews (of all things) only occasionally reflect my actual experience and opinion?

I'm honestly baffled by why so much value is placed on the opinions of a handful of people who in most circumstances have no specific experience or qualification to denote expertise in their chosen field.

Its not like successful developers migrate to being eminent critics or commentators, what you get most of the time is actually the reverse... wannabe developers or writers who aspire to better regarded gigs within journalism.

Well that's just not true is it. These reviewers aren't just people the website found on the street, they've been writing about games for years - sometimes decades - and can certainly critique a video game.


I feel surprisingly similar.

I accept its flaws, you can't deny them. But I've seen 4/10 reviews where I simply cannot agree. It's a matter of taste for sure, but I've played so many games worse than this which aren't even close to a 4/10.

The Thief reboot is sitting at a higher RT :p

Agreed. Funnily enough there is even a 2/10 review. I mean, that's just, bizarro land. Clearly a statement was being made, because otherwise those kinds of scores are usually the one's you see reserved for buggy, broken, near unplayable and completely unpolished types of games.
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