is 65 D- or F?
It's just a D (at least where I'm from)
is 65 D- or F?
is 65 D- or F?
I fucking died at "human eye can only see 5 hours".
is 65 D- or F?
is 65 D- or F?
It's a C-
is 65 D- or F?
Still can't get over how poorly this game has reviewed at some outlets. Linear cinematic games really must be disliked by many. For me personally, unless this game suddenly turns shit towards the latter acts, I'm going to chalk this up to being another underrated title. Sort of feels like DriveClub all over again. To those that are interested in cinematic, linear TPS, but have been put off by the reviews, rent it or buy it for cheap when the price goes down, I think you might be pleasantly surprised.
Personally I think Bloodborne will be a great game and review well.
But if it isn't....Gods help us all.
Except Ready At Dawn aren't a cold, faceless, "corporate entity". They're a studio, a development house, full of creative types that have, yes, feelings. They invested themselves for years trying to make something for us. Yes, we do pay for it, but if you're not willing to buy it that doesn't give you the right to be an absolute dick to them.
Stop trying to depersonalize RAD to justify your douchebaggery.
is 65 D- or F?
How the fuck got RAD bullied? This whole victimangle doesn't make any lick of sense.
It's still shitposting because there is no substance to your post.
There's generally no good reason to refer to someone's work as shit when you don't like it.
And unfortunately, the term has been thrown around far too much in this thread before Many of these people have even played it.
If Bloodbourne gets reviews like this, GAF will be down for a week.
I don't see that happening. People had what I would describe as a "hate boner" for this game; no one I've seen has one for Bloodborne.
If Bloodbourne gets reviews like this, GAF will be down for a week.
It's more like C. Of cinematic.
Zelda U is gonna be so much more controversial than all of those if it gets some middling reivews.
is 65 D- or F?
Me thinks he has tumblritis.
i guess adam. And tina, well, it's kotaku, can't expect much from most of them.Is Tina's a shitpost, too? I've been confused who people are angry at in the Tweet (I've been assuming it's Adam's comment).
Zelda U is gonna be so much more controversial than all of those if it gets some middling reivews.
Still can't get over how poorly this game has reviewed at some outlets. Linear cinematic games really must be disliked by many in the industry.
I think the problem is people tend to associate such visual splendor with polish, and to see a game so clearly being a labor of love from that perspective and yet having the floor fall out so dramatically beneath its feet on every other element perhaps took some people by surprise.
I think it was fair to call this PS4's Ryse.
Remember Ryse?
Course you don't.
Remember when people sent death threats over that 8.8 on that Zelda game because some how a review is considered a personal attack.
If Bloodbourne gets reviews like this, GAF will be down for a week.
Is it shitposting to call something shit on your twitter if your opinion is that it's actually shit? Do you have to dress it up, and if so, why?
I think we should all be angry at hype and marketing departments.
Zelda fans are really confusing.
They attacked him for reviewing TP low,and yet TP was held in contempt for quite some time after they actually played it.
Probably because that game was boring as fuck.
I hated the QTE in Resident 4, really i suppose the best QTE are short, distinct and not frequent.QTEs were used perfectly in Resi 4. Why does no-one use its example. ;_;
Nice. I love it when im looking forward to a game and it gets underrated. Can't wait for tomorrow!!! Woohoo!!!
And no, im not being sarcastic. Personally, those review scores are bullshit. Seriously, GameSpot gives it a 5/10? That VanOrd guy is horrible. To me, those low scores are worse than Unity and that was deemed unplayable by many because of the bugs, glitches and problems. Order doesn't have any of that and yet gets rated as low or lower? UGH.
Still can't get over how poorly this game has reviewed at some outlets. Linear cinematic games really must be disliked by many in the industry. For me personally, unless this game suddenly turns shit towards the latter acts, I'm going to chalk this up to being another underrated title (user impressions would so far certainly correlate with that). Sort of feels like DriveClub all over again.
To those that are interested in cinematic, linear TPS, but have been put off by the reviews, rent it or buy it for cheap when the price goes down, I think you might be pleasantly surprised.
Still can't get over how poorly this game has reviewed at some outlets. Linear cinematic games really must be disliked by many in the industry. For me personally, unless this game suddenly turns shit towards the latter acts, I'm going to chalk this up to being another underrated title (user impressions would so far certainly correlate with that). Sort of feels like DriveClub all over again.
To those that are interested in cinematic, linear TPS, but have been put off by the reviews, rent it or buy it for cheap when the price goes down, I think you might be pleasantly surprised.
Nah, I think if you wander into the OT there will quite a few people enjoying the game.
Still can't get over how poorly this game has reviewed at some outlets. Linear cinematic games really must be disliked by many in the industry. For me personally, unless this game suddenly turns shit towards the latter acts, I'm going to chalk this up to being another underrated title (user impressions would so far certainly correlate with that). Sort of feels like DriveClub all over again.
To those that are interested in cinematic, linear TPS, but have been put off by the reviews, rent it or buy it for cheap when the price goes down, I think you might be pleasantly surprised.
think some of you guys are way off with Bloodborne. It will is not receive this kind of backlash if the game turns out the way it looks. No way in hell.
The only thing I can see happening that could blow up in the games face is a noticeable graphical downgrade. Which, personally, would piss me right the fuck off, mainly because I am in love with how that game is shaping up thus far and I don't want to get burned by From twice in a row.
I'm a two strikes and you're out kind of guy. So yeah, they better not even think of pulling that shit again...
Am I the only person around here who finds reviews (of all things) only occasionally reflect my actual experience and opinion?
I'm honestly baffled by why so much value is placed on the opinions of a handful of people who in most circumstances have no specific experience or qualification to denote expertise in their chosen field.
Its not like successful developers migrate to being eminent critics or commentators, what you get most of the time is actually the reverse... wannabe developers or writers who aspire to better regarded gigs within journalism.
I feel surprisingly similar.
I accept its flaws, you can't deny them. But I've seen 4/10 reviews where I simply cannot agree. It's a matter of taste for sure, but I've played so many games worse than this which aren't even close to a 4/10.
The Thief reboot is sitting at a higher RT![]()