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The Order 1886 Review Thread

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While I agree with these points, they don't explain how Driveclub got panned imo.

It got panned by a few outlets for the long-lasting launchproblems, while other outlets gave it the benefit of doubt.

The overall verdict was that Driveclub is a very solid entry into the racing genre, which doesn't push the genre forward. Which isn't panning. But we are going offtopic here.
I'm sorry, but I can't believe people are saying to be nice to the developers. You must live in a bubble. In any form of media, when you put a product out, you're inviting criticism. We can praise them if it's good, but we can't call them out if it's bad? Boo hoo. Cry me river. They must have known it was shit for months now.


Do I win a prize for talking about my penis on the Internet???
ISIS brought up because a developer is getting a ribbing?



What the hell. Are people really that upset the game hasn't reviewed well and peoeple having a bit of fun at the developers expense that they've lost any semblance of rational thought?

Wait what.....Jesus Christ Im out lol.


strong professionalism by so called critics. this is why they will be ignored and the order will sell millions.

Since when is being a critic some sort of upper echelon position in society that requires years of training and politics, along with treating what you critique like its a holy grail? Why are critics supposed to cold robots that have no visible humanity?


Neo Member
So the impressions thread where gaffers have played the game isn't a thing? Fuck outta here son.

Sorry I'm not one of those people who lust for hate on games especially when its shown to be fully functional if short and peppered with a few qte's. I'm not defending the game as I haven't played it but I never expected The Order to be some groundbreaking change to third person shooters or a big example of "Next Gen" atleast outside of graphics. Also I haven't taken stock in reviews since EGM ziff era and the gaming press hasn't exactly been the best at telling me if something was worth my money for a while.

Forgive me if I would rather trust the opinions of an amalgam of good and bad reviewers who all reached similar conclusions over the opinions of a some random people whose credibility is unknown and potentially biased.

Also, I am well justified to not like a game when your only support in favor of it is essentially: "it doesn't break".


Well to be fair MS has not released any must play game yet and have not had any title achieve universal acclaim in years. Sony was pretty much on point last gen. This gen has been terrible and no one seems to be accountable though. Anyways I think you always have the option of selling the console and picking xbox if that is what you think will float your boat. I am thoroughly disappointed by both of them so far :(

I dunno, Sunset Overdrive had me on the hook, I just didn't have any money and still feel pretty burnt by when they tried to destroy console gaming. :D Certainly seem to score better in general, not that it means that much to me as with anything you have to play it yourself to really know. None of the games have really been my kind of thing though, RPG's and good open world games usually float my boat. So yeah, back to Bloodborne on that one now and of course the PS4 is more powerful so multiplat games this year are looking amazing.

You're right though, its not exactly the greatest start, tons of potential though
for day 1 DLC, online only games, free to play and all this BS that is now the norm.

Oculus Rift will save this gen for us all. :) Just costs a shit load more.


I honestly don't understand why people were bigging this up from the start.

They did nothing to inspire confidence in the game. Very little gameplay was shown outside of QTEs.
Now people are acting surprised. Maybe I am just getting cynical.


Unconfirmed Member
Greatness Awaits right?!

Fucking PS4 and Sony.

At least I have Bloodborne next month.


I honestly don't understand why people were bigging this up from the start.

They did nothing to inspire confidence in the game. Very little gameplay was shown outside of QTEs.
Now people are acting surprised. Maybe I am just getting cynical.

I thought a lot of people saw the writing on the wall, which is why I'm so surprised at everyone being surprised.


Why do designers still over use QTE's in 2015. Whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy.

I'm perfectly happy with qte in the walking dead and wolf among us. I'm sure those games would improve with more mechanical depth for those sequences over qte, but its fine enough for something short by design and ultimately secondary to the narrative, exploration and puzzles.

A £60 game though? Yeah I'd agree that isn't the great basis for a full whack game


I thought a lot of people saw the writing on the wall, which is why I'm so surprised at everyone being surprised.

People get so invested in the 1st party console wars bullshit, that it just causes massive blinders on everything. Its ridiculous.
maybe not bullying but they are just being a bunch of trolls towards the game.
I guess it depends on how you look at it. If they weren't journalists it could be easily ignored. But being journalists they're supposed to help set the tone. Right now they're setting a bad/childish tone at the least.

Youtube comments are going to be the stuff of nightmares however.


This thread is pure ecstasy.



I joined gaf about 6 months ago. Been playing video games for 25 years. Always found some games are good, some are bad, no big deal, right? Did not realize how intense the gaming community was until this week...
By the way, there was a GamerGate comment on the Kotaku review:

Most of the Low-mediocre to horrible scores seamlessly come from the 'Bigger' reviewer sites while the smaller ones give at average higher scores.

You go to EGM? Polygon? IGN? Giant Bomb? the Digital Trends clickbait? Gamesradar? Kotaku? Forbes? (NO idea about the last one)

All those 'main sites', those who're involved with collaborating with eachother in the Gamergate 'issues with ethics in gaming, the Games Journo Pros list, where we know "a number of high-profile journalists communicate with one another via a private Google Groups e-mail listing known as “Games Journo Pros“, where they discuss what to write about, what to include, and more importantly, what to omit."

I ask a simple question, would anyone think that the corrupted journalists have listed this game as 'The One to omit' ? Just as lawyers love to send faulty lawsuits that are ridiculous simply to flex their muscles. I think there's a speck of truth (And tinfoil hats of course, but measured with a good grain of salt due to our knowledge that they DO have agendas behind OUR (The consumers') backs. I get a feeling this game is being slaughtered by reviewers in an attempt for these reviewers to subtly 'get back' at others and is them flexing their muscle discretely about how much power they have over the industry. As all these review scores piled up will harm the game whether it HONESTLY deserves all of it or not (I have yet to play it, and even so, I was disputing if I should get it at launch or wait til it's $30 and am leaning to $30).

Is it perhaps hard to believe that this game isn't simply 'Crap', (It may be ver pretty, it may be mediocre, but is it 'More Mediocre than Destiny'?). Like, we get such 'CONS' in these reviews such as:

- Kotaku - 'story is a mess, combat is bland and repetitive, the cinematic effects 'Are a distraction' and the whole thing is hopelessly infused with QTE's' - (The cinematics, one of the things being praised and highlighted in the game is somehow a distraction?)

- Metro - 'underwritten script, bland characters, repetitive and 'overfamiliar action'' ? - (How does one list the Genre ITSELF as a CON? This game is Familiar to Gears of War, thus it's now a Con because we're overfamiliar with it, and yet the FPS market with COD games and other FPS's are Not overfamiliar? Wtf?

- IGN - 'When a quick-time event won’t do, we’re pushed into disappointingly generic cover-based shooting and stealth segments against equally generic, human enemies.' - (We get it, apparently the genre, it being a third-person shooter, third person shooting mechanics and everything apparently are Generic and there's Emphasis on 'generic' in this review, also the QTE's are called generic in the review)

I'm not defending the game parse, as I've not played it myself and have no Personal verdict, but I've always been wondering if the whole journalistic 'integrity and corruption' and hidden agenda with the mailing list still holds true (Likely) where games like this get the crapper decisively because they said so all together. What's everyone else think? With minimal troll-responses as possible mind you. Lol



I do feel sorry for the developers somewhat.
They clearly had a vision and stuck to it.

It just didn't work very well in the end. I hope they learn from it and try again.


This all just reminds me of the Watch_Dogs pre-release hype, pre-release threads and meltdowns when it was released.

To this day, there are still alot of people out there who regard WD as a pretty solid game, it just didn't live up to the hype it generated. I expect 1886 will be the same
I joined gaf about 6 months ago. Been playing video games for 25 years. Always found some games are good, some are bad, no big deal, right? Did not realize how intense the gaming community was until this week...
What made you join recently? Just interested. Oh and vidya games is serious business round here.
They had Ratchet, Jak, Gran Turismo, God of War, ICO, SotC... I'd say that's pretty good. PS4 so far has nothing except maybe inFamous.

inFamous, Resogun and the upcoming Rime, Bloodborne, Uncharted are really the only games that interest me so far. That's not very good on a Sony Playstation after over a year considering half of those mentioned aren't even out yet.


I guess it depends on how you look at it. If they weren't journalists it could be easily ignored. But being journalists they're supposed to help set the tone. Right now they're setting a bad/childish tone at the least.

Youtube comments are going to be the stuff of nightmares however.

The journalist's job is to review and cover the game however they see fit. It's not their fucking job to "set the tone."

Do you want games journalists to act like an extension of PR? Because that's what you're asking for.


It got panned by a few outlets for the long-lasting launchproblems, while other outlets gave it the benefit of doubt.

The overall verdict was that Driveclub is a very solid entry into the racing genre, which doesn't push the genre forward. Which isn't panning. But we are going offtopic here.

Actually it got middling reviews citing blandness and lack of features found in open world racers. The online worked during the review stage, it didn't shit the bed until the game released.
People get so invested in the 1st party console wars bullshit, that it just causes massive blinders on everything. Its ridiculous.
While there might be a bit of the console wars going on here I don't think that's the main thing going on here. I think it has more to do with the fact that some people want more story driven games and feel the need to defend The Order on that basis. This is dividing along the gameplay vs story fault lines more than the Sony vs Microsoft one.


Why the glorious fuck do people take reviews so personal? If you had a hand in making the game then you have every right but people being upset over not receiving validation over their choices is not only pathetic but honestly sad.

Who are you defending? The developers and publishers? Because they don't need you to defend anything for them. Reviews give people information they are not the sole indicator for a purchase.

If I cared about reviews I wouldnt have experienced some of the most rewarding and enjoyable games I've ever encountered. I'm an adult, I make my own choices and don't need to check if my choices fit some status quo. I don't care what others think about the game I enjoyed, I enjoyed, you didn't, it's not a big deal.

Reviews are not personal attacks.


Just like that I thought when I played the demo a few times.

A Gears clone that is very linear and with black bars that cover 2/3 of the screen.
It looks amazing but that is about all the game has to offer for a lot of people.

A shame because I really like the style and setting and I really like the gears games but this will be a December buy for about 15 euro or less.

My exact situation, from A to Z.
I was expecting it, since I've tried the game, some months ago

I will give it shot, someday, with no pressure, when it will be very cheap.
[*]Imagine the feelings of the developers. Be fair and criticize them, but not as much as you're thinking about criticizing about them, however much that is. That's too much. Remember that developers have families to feed. Imagine if reviewing a game poorly caused ISIS to besiege the developer's town. Imagine if the developers joined ISIS to make money because now their studio is shut down. Didn't think about that, did ya.

The Order 1886 - Videogame or secret terrorist organisation?


formerly Oynox Slider
Bigger question is why make the focus of your entire game and PR campaign how 'cinematic' and engrossing the story is, but then have no one with any talent write the fanfic-level storyline and force people to watch endless cutscenes with endless QTEs so that they can pretend you're consistently engaged with the game. At least with Last of Us, we know that there is some talent for writing amongst Naughty Dog. Ready at Dawn clearly has not yet demonstrated otherwise.

It's like David Cage with Quantic Dream's script writing. It seems like there is no one at Quantic Dream with balls big enough to simply tell David Cage that he does not have a talent for writing. That he's straight up bad. He needs to be told this. Now he says going forward they're going to be making games like television series, with a team of writers bouncing ideas off one another. This is progress! He's not admitting he's bad, but at least there will hopefully be a buffer that softly leads him down a better direction.

To me part of the problem with The Order: 1886 is that nobody stood up and said "hey guys you know we're making a game with this astonishing visual engine, and the reason we're doing that is because we're making this cinematic game with a heavy focus on narrative. Like, has anyone told you guys yet that the narrative kiiiiind of sucks?"

This is a problem endemic to video games. I find it incredibly depressing. We get horrible, idiotic, super shallow cliches derived from the worst and most egregious bowels of Hollywood and we just suck it up. Seriously. The majority of AAA video game narratives are aimed at 14 year old boys. Anything with the slightest bit of ambiguity, subtlety or credibility is hammered out.
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