I'm sorry, but I can't believe people are saying to be nice to the developers. You must live in a bubble. In any form of media, when you put a product out, you're inviting criticism. We can praise them if it's good, but we can't call them out if it's bad? Boo hoo. Cry me river. They must have known it was shit for months now.
I feel like people are misinterpreting the issue some people had with the tweets loads of pages ago. Nobody is saying you can't criticize a game. Noboy was saying "shit site for giving 4/10, way too low", at least not in that specific conversation.
The issue was the behaviour of some journalists on twitter about the low scores. Twitter can be a cesspool though.
(sorry for linking it again)
Again, I have no problem with Kirk Hamilton's low score. It's his opinion. I'd be a hypocrite because my scores often differ too. Anyway, I can see how some people are disappointed the Adam guy (also a reviewer) would make a comment like that. I mean, it's fine to give a game low scores. Reviewers should definitely call out flaws in a game review and all. And new IPs shouldn't get more forgiving reviews. But twitter comments like that feel are close to shitpost-quality, imo.
I'd expect something like that from youtube comments or 4chan. Just feels a bit "ehhh". Not that I'm super disappointed about it though. Drama surrounding this game was and is unreal.