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The Order 1886 Review Thread

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I guess it depends on how you look at it. If they weren't journalists it could be easily ignored. But being journalists they're supposed to help set the tone. Right now they're setting a bad/childish tone at the least.

Youtube comments are going to be the stuff of nightmares however.

I don't mind trolling on a message board because people are just having fun or whatever but Critics need to be held to a higher standard. they are feeding into the trolling and not rising above it to deliver a quality look at the game and that's not really a good thing for any of us. It's exchanging honesty, objectivity for a few cheap laughs.
I'm perfectly happy with qte in the walking dead and wolf among us. I'm sure those games would improve with more mechanical depth for those sequences over qte, but its fine enough for something short by design and ultimately secondary to the narrative, exploration and puzzles.

A £60 game though? Yeah I'd agree that isn't the great basis for a full whack game


You're being overcharged mate, people were able to get the Order for almost half that price.

I think its interesting the contrast between the Gaffer opinions (by and large positive) and some of these 'professional' reviews giving the game as low as a 2.
Honestly when I think of a 2 I think of a fundamentally broken game which is glitchy and full of bugs which is virtually unplayable. From what I've heard the Order cannot be described like this, and is at worst a so-so game.

Still I enjoy atmospheric games with strong narratives so I will still pick this up.


PS4 will have Bloodborne, R&C, Uncharted 4, Persona 5, Tearaway, The Tomorrow Children, maybe even GT by the end of year. No reason to worry for now.

They could all be pieces of shit. You don't know a thing, your are basing certainty on assumption and that is a recipe for disaster.


While there might be a bit of the console wars going on here I don't think that's the main thing going on here. I think it has more to do with the fact that some people want more story driven games and feel the need to defend The Order on that basis. This is dividing along the gameplay vs story fault lines more than the Sony vs Microsoft one.

I don't think there would be this much fuss if the game was 3rd party.

Its just because Sony seems to be floundering with their 1st party efforts and this was going to be the 1st big hit. Only its fallen flat again.
The ISIS reference actually makes some sense. Every time I'm about to make a critical video game post, I stop and wonder: "What would the Caliph think about this post?" And if the answer is "He probably wouldn't like it," then I close my laptop and go do something else.


This post isn't by me, it's by a guy with the same username as me.
The Order sure takes the award for most threads closed (directly and indirectly).

I think that i saw a least half a dozen threads sparked by the game reviews today.
They could all be pieces of shit. You don't know a thing, your are basing certainty on assumption and that is a recipe for disaster.

The gameplay I've seen of Bloodborne and Uncharted 4 says otherwise.

The pre-release gameplay I saw of Killzone, inFamous, Knack and The Order 1886 didn't get me stoked.
I don't think there would be this much fuss if the game was 3rd party.

Its just because Sony seems to be floundering with their 1st party efforts and this was going to be the 1st big hit. Only its fallen flat again.

Here's a question. Why does anyone care?

Do you all have stock in Sony are something?


A company being excited for their new game is a huge slap in the face to all the fans that liked their old games.
You cannot bully a corporate entity. FFS already.

Unless he specifically names a member of the dev team, it is not bullying. I guess you feel some people are bullying Sony and the PS4 atm too, eh?

Talk about con-bending a situation.

Except Ready At Dawn aren't a cold, faceless, "corporate entity". They're a studio, a development house, full of creative types that have, yes, feelings. They invested themselves for years trying to make something for us. Yes, we do pay for it, but if you're not willing to buy it that doesn't give you the right to be an absolute dick to them.

Stop trying to depersonalize RAD to justify your douchebaggery.

Greatness Awaits right?!

Fucking PS4 and Sony.

At least I have Bloodborne next month.

How the fuck are you not banned?!


I've got 60 dollars that say you're wrong.

How dare these journalists jab at my economically unsound decisions! Don't they know that I had to beg my parents for three weeks to preorder this game?

Your choice to pre order is your choice. Your personal circumstances are your own.

You decide wether you like a game or not. Your own opinion matters to yourself, why the need to be influenced by others?

Surface of Me

I'm not an NPC. And neither are we.
They could all be pieces of shit. You don't know a thing, your are basing certainty on assumption and that is a recipe for disaster.

I dont even own a PS4, but UC4 is a pretty much a lock. R&C too, Insomniac got back in their groove after SO. Tearaway has already proven itself.


So what's the next game I should look out for that'll cause another 70+ page thread?

Halo 5, No Man's Sky, Quantum Break, Final Fantasy XV, Uncharted 4, The Division, all have the potential to cause big divides or controversy.

Gonna be a busy year.


I'm in the camp of didn't everyone see this coming with RaDs comments about gameplay and abundance QTEs in demos.

Bummer as I was hoping to have a fun game to play this weekend.
Why do designers still over use QTE's in 2015. Whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy.

I think the issue for me is failing QTEs. If it just restarts the scene, that is super annoying.

I like them in Heavy Rain, and I'm thinking Until Dawn will make good use of them too: situations in which QTEs are tense, result in consequences that change/branch the narrative, and make you feel like you are in control.

Getting QTEs right in Heavy Rain was intense as hell, and nerveracking. It actually felt more appropriate than having a traditional gameplay scenario in place.

Doesn't seem the Order does that with QTEs though.

What happens if you fail QTEs in this game? It just restarts?


Why the glorious fuck do people take reviews so personal? If you had a hand in making the game then you have every right but people being upset over not receiving validation over their choices is not only pathetic but honestly sad.

Who are you defending? The developers and publishers? Because they don't need you to defend anything for them. Reviews give people information they are not the sole indicator for a purchase.

If I cared about reviews I wouldnt have experienced some of the most rewarding and enjoyable games I've ever encountered. I'm an adult, I make my own choices and don't need to check if my choices fit some status quo. I don't care what others think about the game I enjoyed, I enjoyed, you didn't, it's not a big deal.

Reviews are not personal attacks.

People have been taking reviews almost like personal attacks since people started reviewing games, more or less. Remember the 8.8 review of Twilight Princess or the Uncharted 3 review thread on this very site? Yeah...


Except Ready At Dawn aren't a cold, faceless, "corporate entity". They're a studio, a development house, full of creative types that have, yes, feelings. They invested themselves for years trying to make something for us. Yes, we do pay for it, but if you're not willing to buy it that doesn't give you the right to be an absolute dick to them.

Stop trying to depersonalize RAD to justify your douchebaggery.

See, when it's people all going at Peter Molyneux, then it's personal. When it's people ragging on The Order: 1886 because it isn't a great game, then it's just called an opinion. You think RAD is collectively scrolling through this thread? Creators know all about the douchebaggery of the internet. You don't go out and read your reviews (unless they're getting great reviews, of course).

People have been taking reviews almost like personal attacks since people started reviewing games, more or less. Remember the 8.8 review of Twilight Princess or the Uncharted 3 review thread on this very site? Yeah...

Doesn't make it any less stupid. You'd hope, with the base getting more mature, that people would be able to put aside their fanaticism in the name of reason.



You're being overcharged mate, people were able to get the Order for almost half that price.

I think its interesting the contrast between the Gaffer opinions (by and large positive) and some of these 'professional' reviews giving the game as low as a 2.
Honestly when I think of a 2 I think of a fundamentally broken game which is glitchy and full of bugs which is virtually unplayable. From what I've heard the Order cannot be described like this, and is at worst a so-so game.

Still I enjoy atmospheric games with strong narratives so I will still pick this up.

Bah, £ and $ are close together on uk keyboards
I'm sorry, but I can't believe people are saying to be nice to the developers. You must live in a bubble. In any form of media, when you put a product out, you're inviting criticism. We can praise them if it's good, but we can't call them out if it's bad? Boo hoo. Cry me river. They must have known it was shit for months now.
There's a difference between criticism and calling their product shit. Calling their project shit only seeks to lazily disrespect a product that obviously was worked quite hard on.


To me part of the problem with The Order: 1886 is that nobody stood up and said "hey guys you know we're making a game with this astonishing visual engine, and the reason we're doing that is because we're making this cinematic game with a heavy focus on narrative. Like, has anyone told you guys yet that the narrative kiiiiind of sucks?"

Seriously. If you're going to go down this cinematic route, to the point where gameplay was seemingly sacrificed for it, then you MUST nail the story. Without the story to lift it up, your left with a boring TPS with constant cutscenes that takes control away from the player...for no good reason.

It seems RAD couldn't achieve that. I still think there's a bunch of great talent at RAD that could turn out a great game, but they need to figure out what they are good at and polish it, like what ND or Sucker Punch did.

I do hope they get another shot at making an original game. They're too talented to be stuck as a porting studio or a handheld only studio.


Halo 5, No Man's Sky, Quantum Break, Final Fantasy XV, Uncharted 4, The Division, all have the potential to cause big divides or controversy.

Gonna be a busy year.

Zelda U is gonna be so much more controversial than all of those if it gets some middling reivews.


I dont even own a PS4, but UC4 is a pretty much a lock. R&C too, Insomniac got back in their groove after SO. Tearaway has already proven itself.

Based on what? Watch_dogs was a lock until it actually came out? Your money, your choice but don't then complain if reviewers think the game wasnt as good as you expect it to be.


I'm sorry, but I can't believe people are saying to be nice to the developers. You must live in a bubble. In any form of media, when you put a product out, you're inviting criticism. We can praise them if it's good, but we can't call them out if it's bad? Boo hoo. Cry me river. They must have known it was shit for months now.

I feel like people are misinterpreting the issue some people had with the tweets loads of pages ago. Nobody is saying you can't criticize a game. Noboy was saying "shit site for giving 4/10, way too low", at least not in that specific conversation.

The issue was the behaviour of some journalists on twitter about the low scores. Twitter can be a cesspool though.


(sorry for linking it again)

Again, I have no problem with Kirk Hamilton's low score. It's his opinion. I'd be a hypocrite because my scores often differ too. Anyway, I can see how some people are disappointed the Adam guy (also a reviewer) would make a comment like that. I mean, it's fine to give a game low scores. Reviewers should definitely call out flaws in a game review and all. And new IPs shouldn't get more forgiving reviews. But twitter comments like that feel are close to shitpost-quality, imo.

I'd expect something like that from youtube comments or 4chan. Just feels a bit "ehhh". Not that I'm super disappointed about it though. Drama surrounding this game was and is unreal.


There's a difference between criticism and calling their product shit. Calling their project shit only seeks to lazily disrespect a product that obviously was worked quite hard on.

I uhhhh....what??? If they think the product is shit, they are free to call it shit. I guess we all need to type out paragraphs and paragraphs of text in order to criticize a game.
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