There are plenty of other reasons as to why the game has scored as it has.
- Short single player
- Zero replay value
- Hand holding gameplay
- Bare bones in its gameplay structure
- Uninteresting weapons outside of a couple ones (which you can't even use whenever you want to)
- Underwhelming story
For you, though, every single Sony title is underrated because they're all perfect in your eyes, or almost anyway. Sony exclusives just can't do anything wrong. I think you're probably the last guy in the world that Amirox would include in his list. You write well, and I respect that you're a huge Sony fan, but as a whole you just come off as a huge fanboy.
Please don't resort to the nonsense in the latter half of your post. Keep it civil? It's not like I harp on about InFamous or Knack being underrated. The meta for Second Son is pretty close to what I'd have given it as a score anyway. But DriveClub, and now The Order, imo are underrated (DriveClub a lot more so).
Also, maybe the game lacks replayability to you, but as I've said before that's subjective (and something journalists could agree with you on and rightfully dock points for). I'll personally be playing it a second time so it has some replayability to me.
On the topic of it being short, that's again subjective based on the gamers experience. For days you peddled this 5 hour number as the definitive completion length for the game, implying all other GAFers with their longer play times were wrong or lying, and guess what, it turns out that 5 (in reality 5 and a half) hour figure really was an outlier on the shorter side. Most reviews are stating times from anything between 7 and 11 hours, not one is 5 hours, not even a single GAF play through so far has been stated to be that short either, yet that's what you ran with.
Anyway, I digress. Point is, it is indeed linear, and also fairly by the books, and lacking additional content, I agree with you on all of these things, but that in itself doesn't warrant some of the kind of scathing negativity the game has garnered, in my opinion anyway. It is still mechanically solid, with good gunplay, excellent feeling and sounding weapons, decent AI, great VA and characters, a so far decent story (I've yet to complete it, though I have read the ending is shit), an impeccable sound score, immensely accomplished visuals, and a nice amount of diversity to the locales and pacing. From exposition, to gun battles, stealth, bosses etc. Admittedly not all of these are as successfully implemented as the rest, but it's still a competent effort. The world in the game is also beautifully well realised, with incredible attention to detail and art that transcends the atmosphere in most similar TPS.
Not saying this game is some masterpiece, not even close. It has flaws, plenty of them, but to me as a whole it is greater than the sum of its parts, and it's short comings. I'm clearly not alone in my thinking, because we have about 35 impressions of the game that offer a similar sentiment (the vast majority in fact do). You are however free to disagree, just as I am to disagree with the conclusions of some of these reviews. Perhaps lay off the personal attacks though. There is no need for that.