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The Order 1886 Review Thread

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I'm more curious that there wasn't some real quality-assurance kick back at some point that would have found these issues really early on. Unless all their QA guys are just a bunch of Yes-men who wanted to watch a movie but settled for a game.

Anyway back on topic....



from the reviews id say the The Order:1886 is a average game, nothing really special about it apart from it looks very beautiful, id might call it this years example of all style and no substance, i wont speak on gameplay since i havent played it.

sorry to see this title just be ok, i personally was hoping for somthing simular to gears SP but more fleshed out, im still gonna get it later on at a price point i find appropriate but i cant help but feel disappointing. i guess the time of good PS4 exclusives has to start with Bloodborne
Part of the mainstream problem with The Order was that every heavy hitter dropped to another date (Witcher 3, Bloodborne, even Batman was rumored to be out in february) so there was little to nothing else to talk about. Next month people will be busy shitting on Battlefield to even praise or hate Bloodborne. Not saying that The Order would have been received better but probably people wouldn't have talked about it that much.


The problem I have with many of those impressions (and why many of these posters don't make the neoGAF list) is because these are frequently people who were overburdened with endless anticipation for the game, and then they go out of their way to finally get their hands on it and rush impressions to GAF and what a surprise to bulk of them are excessively positive 8-9/10 scores.

Check how often that has happened in GAF's history, even in games which have largely been received now as mediocre or bad products. It happens all the time. Post-purchase rationalization makes navigating these impressions inherently problematic.

It's not that it's wrong to be excited and enthusiastic about a product, but if you are looking for impressions that are actually from people whose intention it is to give a game a fair critical break down it is hard to take many of the "I'm here first" impressions particularly seriously.

Some of the reviews of The Order are bad, like all reviews we are talking about reviews written in this industry which is just a fundamental issue because game reviews are so frequently terrible. But there is an incredible consistency to the complaints being waged, and they're being waged by a wide range of people many of them who have had no problem in the past giving Sony products very high scores. There just seems to be a case where RAD focused on the visuals, but forgot they had a barely-there C-movie narrative and rote, tedious gameplay with mechanics that are like someone's first attempt at a third person shooter. Couple that with endless cutscenes where one has to experience insufferable QTEs, and it's no surprise people are so standoffish about the final game.

THIS. SO MUCH THIS. It happens to every single exclusive title. The first impressions are always very positive, even for games that, down the road or even right after people have gotten the game, are looked upon as mediocre by the average gamer. Those people just aren't suited for giving first impressions because they aren't looking at the titles with neutral glasses.


Neo Member
If a game is bad then it deserves a bad score, but look at this:

Just as a few examples, this review is unprofessional, meandering, and as a whole just poorly written. His criticisms - when he's not just repeating himself - are perfectly valid and from what I hear totally correct, but when two paragraphs are spent talking about Chinese food then excuse me for not taking it seriously. It is a bad review more concerned with being scathing and oh-so-witty that he clearly isn't interested in giving the game its fair dues.

When you have to start attacking the professionalism of gaming journalists instead of their criticisms, that is probably the point you should re-evaluate why you are trying really hard to defend a video game on the internet.


Thought Emoji Movie was good. Take that as you will.
I wasn't gonna bring up MCC, but I was gonna bring up how reviewers didn't have a broken version. If you're referring to the online issues, that is.

You love the game, good for you. A lot of people were pretty meh on it. You aren't going to hear much about those who didn't like it, because well.. they didn't like it and moved on... so at this point you're going to hear pretty much from those who like the game.

It's gotten a mixed reaction around the net, and wow.. it got mixed reaction from the press.

Sounds like it scored about where it should have. Most of the scores are 7's or 8's. Mixed bag, but a decent game.

Just because you love it and look past some of it's faults doesn't mean they weren't fair to it.


THIS. SO MUCH THIS. It happens to every single exclusive title. The first impressions are always very positive, even for games that, down the road or even right after people have gotten the game, are looked upon as mediocre from the average gamer.

The GTAIV thread pisses me off to this day.


Nier is a game that is more than the sum of its parts.

One game that rated low that turned out to be a cult favorite doesn't mean all games are suddenly underrated darlings.
Off the top of my head you've got Alpha Protocol, Tokyo Jungle and Deadly Premonition. Metascores in the yellow for games that have a considerable following here on GAF even with all their faults considered.

It aint one game... or two.. or three. Shit happened before on every console gen, and will surely happen again.


I feel like GAF is getting to big for its britches, I come home from a long day at work and this thread is already 140 pages long.

I don't even know where to begin or how to contribute to discussion. :/


Worships the porcelain goddess
Once again, I am reminded that people just should not get too attached to these games. Because rational thought goes flying out of the window and madness takes its place.


Off the top of my head you've got Alpha Protocol, Tokyo Jungle and Deadly Premonition. Metascores in the yellow for games that have a considerable following here on GAF even with all their faults considered.

It aint one game... or two.. or three. Shit happened before on every console gen, and will surely happen again.

You named 3 games across a wide range of time, and I could probably name a couple more. It's not the rule but the exception. So maybe you think the order will be a cult classic, but I'd wager not.


Guys, I'm beginning to think I'm not on Ami's GAFer trust list...


I imagine that its a pretty hard list to get on.Start making human sacrifices in your favor.

Part of the mainstream problem with The Order was that every heavy hitter dropped to another date (Witcher 3, Bloodborne, even Batman was rumored to be out in february) so there was little to nothing else to talk about. Next month people will be busy shitting on Battlefield to even praise or hate Bloodborne. Not saying that The Order would have been received better but probably people wouldn't have talked about it that much.

Well I mean there was Evolve. But I can't remember how that was received.


Unconfirmed Member
"New video game journalism" involves real-life anecdotes mixed with assessments of games, kind of a pseudo-diary fashion. It's not to everyone's taste but personally I like it, I'm a big fan of Tim Rogers who writes in a similar fashion.

Just because the review has anecdotes like that doesn't mean it's a bad or unprofessional review.

"I ate Chinese food while watching the credits" isn't New Games Journalism. It's barely an anecdote. Something like 'Bow, Nigger' is a much better example. I'm not knocking the style of review, just that this particular review isn't written very well compared to a more professional outlet.

When you have to start attacking the professionalism of gaming journalists instead of their criticisms, that is probably the point you should re-evaluate why you are trying really hard to defend a video game on the internet.

I already said that he's probably right about the game and I'm not defending The Order at all. Please don't put words in my mouth before you try to make me out to be a bad guy.
The Digital Trends review is killing the metacritic and its a bad review. 38 game reviewed and The Order is his lowest ranked game with a score of 20.


Edit: He also gave The Evil Within a 40, Sunset Overdrive a perfect score, Dragon Age a 70, Alien: Isolation a 60,

It was 65 before it got added.

Also if I do my own average with Digital Trends its 66.x and still 66.x when I remove the 20 score. While I don't know how metacritic weight the reviews it hasn't' affected their's nor mine. One score can't do that.
I feel like GAF is getting to big for its britches, I come home from a long day at work and this thread is already 140 pages long.

I don't even know where to begin or how to contribute to discussion. :/

It's like turning up to a great party late. You'll never know what it was REALLY like.

But allow me to sum it up for you in one .gif:


The problem I have with many of those impressions (and why many of these posters don't make the neoGAF list) is because these are frequently people who were overburdened with endless anticipation for the game, and then they go out of their way to finally get their hands on it and rush impressions to GAF and what a surprise to bulk of them are excessively positive 8-9/10 scores.

Check how often that has happened in GAF's history, even in games which have largely been received now as mediocre or bad products. It happens all the time. Post-purchase rationalization makes navigating these impressions inherently problematic.

It's not that it's wrong to be excited and enthusiastic about a product, but if you are looking for impressions that are actually from people whose intention it is to give a game a fair critical break down it is hard to take many of the "I'm here first" impressions particularly seriously..

Ugh I vividly remember one thread with early impressions of Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2 that sold me on that game.

Never. Again.
I feel like GAF is getting to big for its britches, I come home from a long day at work and this thread is already 140 pages long.

I don't even know where to begin or how to contribute to discussion. :/
you have two choices:

• low-key troll the game/fanboys and hope you avoid a ban

• draw parallels to journalistic/forum bullying a product to ISIS
The thread is about The Order and reviews it is getting, not some conspiracy or bias treatment you think is undeserved or some form of "balance" by brining up the XB1.
Check post history bruh.

Sony knew exactly where this game would land In the reviews. Don't try and kid yourself with any of this conspiracy shit. The game reviews match early previews.
They couldn't have known if they lifted the embargo a day before the game came out. They've just lost hundreds of thousands of sales over today, who would do that to themselves?

Also I was talking about Bloodborn, not Order.


I'm not sure why you think it's poorly written. It looks good to me. The reviewer talks about their time with the game and details why they didn't enjoy it. The score attached to the he review seems to reflect the text.

Can this game really deserve a 20/100?

oh and this...

"The Order delivers its third-person, cover-based shooting in brief chunks, peppering in occasional QTEs (sigh), monster fights (repetitive), stealth (UGH), and walking & talking. The closest comparison is Gears of War, but even that prototypical 2006 effort is light years ahead of 1886 when it comes to strategic nuance and in-your-face action."

"To call the pace glacial is forgiving. I frequently found myself dozing off during the four or five play sessions it took to knock through the game’s 16 chapters."

"Protip: Most of the time, it’s “shoot until dead” — and the malaise seeps back in."

"So now I’m sitting at my desk with an empty carton of deceased leftovers next to me and a document full of words staring out from the computer monitor… and I’m still not sure what to say. The Order: 1886 is a terrible game."
The problem I have with many of those impressions (and why many of these posters don't make the neoGAF list) is because these are frequently people who were overburdened with endless anticipation for the game, and then they go out of their way to finally get their hands on it and rush impressions to GAF and what a surprise to bulk of them are excessively positive 8-9/10 scores.

Check how often that has happened in GAF's history, even in games which have largely been received now as mediocre or bad products. It happens all the time. Post-purchase rationalization makes navigating these impressions inherently problematic.

It's not that it's wrong to be excited and enthusiastic about a product, but if you are looking for impressions that are actually from people whose intention it is to give a game a fair critical break down it is hard to take many of the "I'm here first" impressions particularly seriously.

Some of the reviews of The Order are bad, like all reviews we are talking about reviews written in this industry which is just a fundamental issue because game reviews are so frequently terrible. But there is an incredible consistency to the complaints being waged, and they're being waged by a wide range of people many of them who have had no problem in the past giving Sony products very high scores. There just seems to be a case where RAD focused on the visuals, but forgot they had a barely-there C-movie narrative and rote, tedious gameplay with mechanics that are like someone's first attempt at a third person shooter. Couple that with endless cutscenes where one has to experience insufferable QTEs, and it's no surprise people are so standoffish about the final game.
Same thing I said in the first impressions thread, there is never a more unreliable time to listen to feedback on an anticipated game.

ship it

if Bloodborn gets lots of low scores,...and those scores turn out to be over bullshit... there's going to be a grand inquiry on all the game review sites. Some will be sued, others will be blacklisted by Sony, others still dropped from MC and other aggregate site inclusions.

que bish's "tales from my ass: the sequel"
People can sue other people for defamation of character i.e spreading lies. If a review company is defaming a good game based on lies that aren't true, I don't see why Sony couldn't sue them.

And what exactly does that have to do with the subject at hand or are you going to bring up the Wii-U next to create even more balance to this thread? There is a lot of consistency to the issues with The Order 1886 and why MANY review sites have not given it a very favourable review.


People can sue other people for defamation of character i.e spreading lies. If a review company is defaming a good game based on lies that aren't true, I don't see why Sony couldn't sue them.

the notion that publishers are going to start suing game journalists for criticizing their products is certainly a novel one, I give you that


I missed this? Jesus fuck. Now I'm even more bummed.

Next time you so called """""journalists""""" want to review a game, here are some helpful pointers from me, the man on "the streets":

  • Divide a game into six different categories: Graphics, Sound, Gameplay, Presentation, Replayability, and GamePro Face. Each of these scientific and objective scores should be then combined via an algorithm that mathematicians still aren't sure is real. If the final score doesn't match your opinion, that's proof that you were biased. This mathematical standard will hold up pretty well until a game I think I'll like is reviewed poorly under it, and then we'll need to restart all over again.
  • Review a game for what it is, not what it isn't. If you state that the game isn't good, then that's pretty unfair to the developers, who might not have wanted to make a good game.
  • Consider that by criticizing a game, you're criticizing every game in that genre by extension, and telling the developers not to bother making any game remotely like it ever again. Logically, it follows that we'll eventually reach a point where no games will ever be made again, and that's bad because I want to preorder more of them as soon as they're announced.
  • Imagine the feelings of the developers. Be fair and criticize them, but not as much as you're thinking about criticizing about them, however much that is. That's too much. Remember that developers have families to feed. Imagine if reviewing a game poorly caused ISIS to besiege the developer's town. Imagine if the developers joined ISIS to make money because now their studio is shut down. Didn't think about that, did ya.


I feel like GAF is getting to big for its britches, I come home from a long day at work and this thread is already 140 pages long.

I don't even know where to begin or how to contribute to discussion. :/

not to mention it's almost has million views

Also I'm starting to actually get sick of all the gif posting happening...
I feel like GAF is getting to big for its britches, I come home from a long day at work and this thread is already 140 pages long.

I don't even know where to begin or how to contribute to discussion. :/
I haven't read the whole thread but this my favourite post, should make you feel better :)



THIS. SO MUCH THIS. It happens to every single exclusive title. The first impressions are always very positive, even for games that, down the road or even right after people have gotten the game, are looked upon as mediocre by the average gamer. Those people just aren't suited for giving first impressions because they aren't looking at the titles with neutral glasses.

I love GAF, and it's easy to get carried away with excitement. People love to say I'm negative for the sake of being negative, but that's not quite right. I simply enjoy participating in conversations with people who hold different perspectives than I do, because I learn more that way. In topics where I just say I love something and everyone agrees with me, it's not as enjoyable to discuss. I already know I love it and why I love it, and I don't learn much about anything from people who simply share the same views I do.

The point anyway is that because of this, I look for posters who have traditionally never had a problem criticizing products they had a previous investment in. I look for posters who for example were excited for Tomb Raider 2013, expressed hype throughout the year leading up to its release but then when it came out gave hugely detailed impressions explaining why it failed to live up to their expectations. The fact that they paid for the product was besides the point, it failed to be an experience worth it for them. For many people they never can reach that point where they admit that maybe the game they were anticipating is far more disappointing than they ever could have imagined.

The GTAIV thread pisses me off to this day.

Haha. People want to love games they've been anticipating for so long, it's a natural reaction. It's hard to admit all that excitement was for nothing.

Look at Zelda: Twilight Princess. I want to say I love that game, one of my favorite 3D Zeldas. But it's fair to say that Jeff Gerstmann got sooo much shit for giving it an 8.9, and now post release nobody thinks that review was unfair at all. People just couldn't get over this idea they had in their head that Twilight Princess was going to be the sequel MATOOR ZELDA Ocarina of Time that they were missing, and any distance there was between what we got and achieving that goal was considering heretical.

I figure that for The Order, it's the same for at least some portion of those who rushed to get first impressions up. I'm sure many do think it's good, but I think these impressions are necessarily inflated because it's people who wanted to come in and say "see, early negative impressions were bullshit" and now we're faced with the prospect that, no, there was something deeply flawed with the development of this game.
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