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The Order 1886 Review Thread

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So because it reviews poorly, there's no chance people might be able to enjoy the game?
If I listened to reviews like they were gospel I would never have purchased DriveClub.

No it's just particularly funny that these posts usually crop up when the game is reviewing poorly. I usually don't give too much of damn about reviews either and enjoy a fair share of lowscoring games.
I'm still going to play it at some point. Just to experience it for myself, good or bad, I don't care. Someone obviously put a lot of love in to this game.

While the game takes a beating, I hope RAD can see the good things they did and take the rest constructively. It really seems like they had a goal in mind and got kneecapped at some point in development based on what I am reading.

That engine, and the talent that RAD has, with some direction, has a ton of potential. Hope they come out of all this negatively with some positive outlook.

Maybe they should move to Sony Pictures and just make movies like they clearly want to.


Nier isn't the same thing. Nier is a very polarizing game, with a very limited audience. Either people absolutely love it, or the despise it. It's pretty much a cult classic, if you get it.. you get it. The Order was meant to enjoyable by a wide audience, and even then it seemed to have missed the mark. I doubt we're going to have fervent fanbase of The Order fans years down the line.
Exactly. Completely different things with almost the same arbitrary number.

A friend told me "holy shit I didn't think the game would get such scores... well, I guess I won't be buying it anytime soon".

There were other times where I heard people say they wanted to try a game out because of the high scores it got.

Regardless of the target audience, basing your purchasing decisions on a useless metascore without doing a little bit of appropriate research is a problem that I'm sure some people who posted in this thread have demonstrated.
No it's just particularly funny that these posts usually crop up when the game is reviewing poorly. I usually don't give too much of damn about reviews either and enjoy a fair share of lowscoring games.

Ah ok, for what it's worth I generally don't pay much attention to reviews either positive or negative these days in regards to video games. However I do find it interesting to see how the general opinion of the gaming media compares to my own.
You must be a kid if you think this is the first time something like this has happened. Shit like this went down on AOL Ant Army.

let me throw in a perfunctory old guy anecdote to prove the worth of my opinion... umm, my bulletin board was up in arms over the Blakestone sequel. there.

never did I say or imply this has never happened before. but the profile of the game, plus the gaming/social media zeitgeist, plus it being one of the few times where a developer has responded to release week controversy like RAD did, makes it stand out.


Neo Member
I just finished the game myself. Took me 6 hours and 23 mins. Didn't really spend time discovering just went forward keeping the momentum up. I actually agree with most review personally i give it a 6/10. It is very pretty to look at but nothing more than that. I would rather fire up Uncharted 2 or TLoU if I was looking for gameplay.

I never got into the story and it actually frustrated me of how cliche it was. This is just my opinion because story is always subjective but the gameplay while fluid made me actually kinda bored. It was as if I've seen it all before. Maybe it is just me but the cover and kill 3 waves of enemies then cut scene recipe has gotten stale for me.


Everything considered I'm looking forward to relaxing on the couch and watching Aris play it tonight. Should be quite amusing.
We know absolutely nothing on the next Gears.

343 is on Halo 5 and the series has been on a downward spiral since 4.

We know nothing on Phantom Dust

Tomb Raider looks legit good

Ori looks legit good

Know nothing on Crackdown 3 yet

Quantum Break looks legit good but the TV episode stuff is extremely worrying

Scalebound looks kinda cheesy and boring going off that trailer.

Seems to me you're riding mostly on name recognition than going by any substantial video or hands-on proof of the new iterations of the sequels if anything, and falling for classic "not representative of final product" premier trailers for most of the others.
Hey hey hey.. about scalebound..RELAX :p


Just check out GamingTrend's review...

Replace "game" with "film" and you could change the entire context of this summary.

One of the lessons I learned from this debacle, is that cinematic really lost its meaning. It should mean way more than just aping look and sound.
Prepare for the worst, wish for the best.

I can think of one word that could be used regarding "Souls": "Fatigue".

Seriously, I don't think that's gonna happen and hell I hope it doesn't!. I'm going to buy the game within next week.
Every series risks fatigue. But I don't see that affecting review scores for the mainline Halo, GTA, Madden, MGS, Mario, GT, or COD games.

Would be completely uncalled for in reviewers singling out the Souls games to make a statement about franchise fatigue...and ironically one happening to be a PS4 exclusive.

Quote this: if Bloodborn gets lots of low scores,...and those scores turn out to be over bullshit... there's going to be a grand inquiry on all the game review sites. Some will be sued, others will be blacklisted by Sony, others still dropped from MC and other aggregate site inclusions.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
Nier is a game that is more than the sum of its parts.

One game that rated low that turned out to be a cult favorite doesn't mean all games are suddenly underrated darlings.

Yup. See RE6 which matches Niers score.

I'm sure many people have torn that one to shreds.
Everything about that review pisses me off. This isn't even me defending The Order, it's just terribly written and so obviously trying to shit all over the game.

When one of the knocks on the game is, to paraphrase one of the reviews, 'no respect for player interaction'... I can see a reviewer going all out on a game like that.
This is great.


From Videogamer's review.

the spiderman font kills me
Every series risks fatigue. But I don't see that affecting review scores for the mainline Halo, GTA, Madden, MGS, Mario, GT, or COD games.

Would be completely uncalled for in reviewers singling out the Souls games to make a statement about franchise fatigue...and ironically one happening to be a PS4 exclusive.

Quote this: if Bloodborn gets lots of low scores,...and those scores turn out to be over bullshit... there's going to be a grand inquiry on all the game review sites. Some will be sued, others will be blacklisted by Sony, others still dropped from MC and other aggregate site inclusions.
Quote this: if Bloodborn gets lots of low scores,...and those scores turn out to be over bullshit... there's going to be a grand inquiry on all the game review sites. Some will be sued, others will be blacklisted by Sony, others still dropped from MC and other aggregate site inclusions.

I refuse to believe this is real.


Please don't resort to the nonsense in the latter half of your post. Keep it civil? It's not like I harp on about InFamous or Knack being underrated. The meta for Second Son is pretty close to what I'd have given it as a score anyway. But DriveClub, and now The Order, imo are underrated (DriveClub a lot more so).

Also, maybe the game lacks replayability to you, but as I've said before that's subjective (and something journalists could agree with you on and rightfully dock points for). I'll personally be playing it a second time so it has some replayability to me.

On the topic of it being short, that's again subjective based on the gamers experience. For days you peddled this 5 hour number as the definitive completion length for the game, implying all other GAFers with their longer play times were wrong or lying, and guess what, it turns out that 5 (in reality 5 and a half) hour figure really was an outlier on the shorter side. Most reviews are stating times from anything between 7 and 11 hours, not one is 5 hours, not even a single GAF play through so far has been stated to be that short either, yet that's what you ran with.

Anyway, I digress. Point is, it is indeed linear, and also fairly by the books, and lacking additional content, I agree with you on all of these things, but that in itself doesn't warrant some of the kind of scathing negativity the game has garnered, in my opinion anyway. It is still mechanically solid, with good gunplay, excellent feeling and sounding weapons, decent AI, great VA and characters, a so far decent story (I've yet to complete it, though I have read the ending is shit), an impeccable sound score, immensely accomplished visuals, and a nice amount of diversity to the locales and pacing. From exposition, to gun battles, stealth, bosses etc. Admittedly not all of these are as successfully implemented as the rest, but it's still a competent effort. The world in the game is also beautifully well realised, with incredible attention to detail and art that transcends the atmosphere in most similar TPS.

Not saying this game is some masterpiece, not even close. It has flaws, plenty of them but to me as a whole it is greater than the sum of its parts, and it's short comings. I'm clearly not alone in my thinking, because we have about 35 impressions of the game that offer a similar sentiment. You are however free to disagree, just as I am to disagree with the conclusions of some of these reviews. Perhaps lay off the personal attacks though. There is no need for that.

I just fail to see how the game has any replay value. I beat the game in about 7 hours. That includes beating it on hard and finding every collectible. The game has zero modes outside of the single player campaign, and there's not even a new game+, mostly because they couldn't even include a new game+, because the game has zero unlockables or an upgrade system. Nada, zip. There's nothing once you beat it. And when the game is already on the short side, there's no wonder why 99 % agrees with me when it comes to replay value. The game has garnered its negativity for reasons, and those reasons are 100 % legitimate. I even talked about these concerns pre release, and guess what happened? Every single one of my concerns turned out to be valid. That's because I play games and follow games with neutral glasses. There's a reason as to why you don't see me posting negative stuff about Bloodborne. That's because, well, the game looks absolutely fantastic, which I'm sure is going to be reflected by reviewers next month.


Neo Member
Exactly. Completely different things with almost the same arbitrary number.

A friend told me "holy shit I didn't think the game would get such scores... well, I guess I won't be buying it anytime soon".

There were other times where I heard people say they wanted to try a game out because of the high scores it got.

Regardless of the target audience, basing your purchasing decisions on a useless metascore without doing a little bit of appropriate research is a problem that I'm sure some people who posted in this thread have demonstrated.

This honestly all seems to boil down to: All the opinions that go against mine are wrong and all the ones that agree with me are unbiased and solid.

If one reviewer says, "holy shit this game is awful", maybe you should take that opinion with a grain of salt, but if tons of different reviewers of different biases and backgrounds say "holy shit this game is awful", chances are the game is awful.


Every series risks fatigue. But I don't see that affecting review scores for the mainline Halo, GTA, Madden, MGS, Mario, GT, or COD games.

Would be completely uncalled for in reviewers singling out the Souls games to make a statement about franchise fatigue...and ironically one happening to be a PS4 exclusive.

Quote this: if Bloodborn gets lots of low scores,...and those scores turn out to be over bullshit... there's going to be a grand inquiry on all the game review sites. Some will be sued, others will be blacklisted by Sony, others still dropped from MC and other aggregate site inclusions.

I don't think Bloodborne will get bad reviews from what I've seen. But if this turns out to be the case, there will certainly be an outcry.


Thought Emoji Movie was good. Take that as you will.
While I agree with these points, they don't explain how Driveclub got panned imo.

It was a broken and barebones game that was delayed for a year and was still broke.

Don't even bring up MCC, because I know that's the reply I expect. Driveclub was reviewed absolutely fairly for what it released as.

Every series risks fatigue. But I don't see that affecting review scores for the mainline Halo, GTA, Madden, MGS, Mario, GT, or COD games.

Would be completely uncalled for in reviewers singling out the Souls games to make a statement about franchise fatigue...and ironically one happening to be a PS4 exclusive.

Quote this: if Bloodborn gets lots of low scores,...and those scores turn out to be over bullshit... there's going to be a grand inquiry on all the game review sites. Some will be sued, others will be blacklisted by Sony, others still dropped from MC and other aggregate site inclusions.

I hope this is satire. I hope.
Did I mention the XB1?

Forza Horizon 2, Sunset Overdrive and Halo Master Chief Collection (if it's working) and the upcoming Halo 5 and Forza 6. Is there a point like this is going to turn into some favouritism or something because the XB1 hasn't really hit home with me either which is why I don't own either one yet.
The thread needs balance, that's all.

Hey hey hey.. about scalebound..RELAX :p
Nothing personal; the trailer was just kinda hokey-looking to me. I wanted some Panzer Dragoon-ish stuff or Lair done right. Guess we'll see at E3 about that.


Every series risks fatigue. But I don't see that affecting review scores for the mainline Halo, GTA, Madden, MGS, Mario, GT, or COD games.

Would be completely uncalled for in reviewers singling out the Souls games to make a statement about franchise fatigue...and ironically one happening to be a PS4 exclusive.

Quote this: if Bloodborn gets lots of low scores,...and those scores turn out to be over bullshit... there's going to be a grand inquiry on all the game review sites. Some will be sued, others will be blacklisted by Sony, others still dropped from MC and other aggregate site inclusions.

the console wars mindset is still alive and well in 2015 I see
Hopefully a Redbox near me gets this game. Will play for the graphics and easy platinum.

Redbox has been a complete dud for me this gen so far. I guess current gen games are only in select cities right now. If your local ones have current gen games, they will most likely get it. I had to go to gamefly for it, my copy shipped today.
I'm not sure why you think it's poorly written. It looks good to me. The reviewer talks about their time with the game and details why they didn't enjoy it. The score attached to the he review seems to reflect the text.

It's poorly written because he didn't give it a good score the mean old bully :((((((


Not saying this game is some masterpiece, not even close. It has flaws, plenty of them, but to me as a whole it is greater than the sum of its parts, and it's short comings. I'm clearly not alone in my thinking, because we have about 35 impressions of the game that offer a similar sentiment (the vast majority in fact do). You are however free to disagree, just as I am to disagree with the conclusions of some of these reviews. Perhaps lay off the personal attacks though. There is no need for that.

The problem I have with many of those impressions (and why many of these posters don't make the neoGAF list) is because these are frequently people who were overburdened with endless anticipation for the game, and then they go out of their way to finally get their hands on it and rush impressions to GAF and what a surprise to bulk of them are excessively positive 8-9/10 scores.

Check how often that has happened in GAF's history, even in games which have largely been received now as mediocre or bad products. It happens all the time. Post-purchase rationalization makes navigating these impressions inherently problematic.

It's not that it's wrong to be excited and enthusiastic about a product, but if you are looking for impressions that are actually from people whose intention it is to give a game a fair critical break down it is hard to take many of the "I'm here first" impressions particularly seriously.

Some of the reviews of The Order are bad, like all reviews we are talking about reviews written in this industry which is just a fundamental issue because game reviews are so frequently terrible. But there is an incredible consistency to the complaints being waged, and they're being waged by a wide range of people many of them who have had no problem in the past giving Sony products very high scores. There just seems to be a case where RAD focused on the visuals, but forgot they had a barely-there C-movie narrative and rote, tedious gameplay with mechanics that are like someone's first attempt at a third person shooter. Couple that with endless cutscenes where one has to experience insufferable QTEs, and it's no surprise people are so standoffish about the final game.


Wow, I haven't been keeping up with any of the news on this game. I cancelled my preorder of the collector's edition awhile back because I wanted to save money. Glad that worked out.
Been playing this game for a few hours now and im enjoying it...apart from a few annoying qte i think this is a good dumb action game...hopefully it becomes a ps+ game as there is alot of love in some parts of the game.
Every series risks fatigue. But I don't see that affecting review scores for the mainline Halo, GTA, Madden, MGS, Mario, GT, or COD games.

Would be completely uncalled for in reviewers singling out the Souls games to make a statement about franchise fatigue...and ironically one happening to be a PS4 exclusive.

Quote this: if Bloodborn gets lots of low scores,...and those scores turn out to be over bullshit... there's going to be a grand inquiry on all the game review sites. Some will be sued, others will be blacklisted by Sony, others still dropped from MC and other aggregate site inclusions.

This is complete gold. As Kinda Funny stated today, all games get mock reviews from former reviewers prior to launch and present them to the publishers.

Sony knew exactly where this game would land In the reviews. Don't try and kid yourself with any of this conspiracy shit. The game reviews match early previews.


It was a broken and barebones game that was delayed for a year and was still broke.

Don't even bring up MCC, because I know that's the reply I expect. Driveclub was reviewed absolutely fairly for what it released as..

I wasn't gonna bring up MCC, but I was gonna bring up how reviewers didn't have a broken version. If you're referring to the online issues, that is.


Unconfirmed Member
When one of the knocks on the game is, to paraphrase one of the reviews, 'no respect for player interaction'... I can see a reviewer going all out on a game like that.

If a game is bad then it deserves a bad score, but look at this:

I’m sitting here noshing on some leftover Chinese food while the end credits for The Order: 1886 play in the background, and I’m not quite sure what to say.

Quick time events, or QTEs, as the kids of the ’90s and early Aughts called them. Yes, The Order is an anachronism, but the problem is it’s not a very good one.

The Order delivers its third-person, cover-based shooting in brief chunks, peppering in occasional QTEs (sigh), monster fights (repetitive), stealth (UGH), and walking & talking.

So now I’m sitting at my desk with an empty carton of deceased leftovers next to me and a document full of words staring out from the computer monitor… and I’m still not sure what to say.

Just as a few examples, this review is unprofessional, meandering, and as a whole just poorly written. His criticisms - when he's not just repeating himself - are perfectly valid and from what I hear totally correct, but when two paragraphs are spent talking about Chinese food then excuse me for not taking it seriously. It is a bad review more concerned with being scathing and oh-so-witty that he clearly isn't interested in giving the game its fair dues.
The thread needs balance, that's all.

Nothing personal; the trailer was just kinda hokey-looking to me. I wanted some Panzer Dragoon-ish stuff or Lair done right. Guess we'll see at E3 about that.

The thread is about The Order and reviews it is getting, not some conspiracy or bias treatment you think is undeserved or some form of "balance" by brining up the XB1.


Every series risks fatigue. But I don't see that affecting review scores for the mainline Halo, GTA, Madden, MGS, Mario, GT, or COD games.

Would be completely uncalled for in reviewers singling out the Souls games to make a statement about franchise fatigue...and ironically one happening to be a PS4 exclusive.

Quote this: if Bloodborn gets lots of low scores,...and those scores turn out to be over bullshit... there's going to be a grand inquiry on all the game review sites. Some will be sued, others will be blacklisted by Sony, others still dropped from MC and other aggregate site inclusions.
This is nonsense. The only explanation for Bloodborne getting low scores would be because it's a PS4 exclusive and the media is biased against Sony? Do you not remember the XB1 launch? Is the media biased against particular companies in cycles?


I'm not shocked by these reviews, but this is also why I don't base my purchase decisions on reviews.

And I don't even read Giant Bomb reviews from Jeff anymore because it's clear the duder has been doing this for too long -- he hates every game and the ones he doesn't hate he seems indifferent towards.
Just as a few examples, this review is unprofessional, meandering, and as a whole just poorly written. His criticisms - when he's not just repeating himself - are perfectly valid and from what I hear totally correct, but when two paragraphs are spent talking about Chinese food then excuse me for not taking it seriously. It is a bad review more concerned with being scathing and oh-so-witty that he clearly isn't interested in giving the game its fair dues.

"New video game journalism" involves real-life anecdotes mixed with assessments of games, kind of a pseudo-diary fashion. It's not to everyone's taste but personally I like it, I'm a big fan of Tim Rogers who writes in a similar fashion.

Just because the review has anecdotes like that doesn't mean it's a bad or unprofessional review.


I just finished the game myself. Took me 5 hours and 23 mins. Didn't really spend time discovering just went forward keeping the momentum up. I actually agree with most review personally i give it a 6/10. It is very pretty to look at but nothing more than that. I would rather fire up Uncharted 2 or TLoU if I was looking for gameplay.

I never got into the story and it actually frustrated me of how cliche it was. This is just my opinion because story is always subjective but the gameplay while fluid made me actually kinda bored. It was as if I've seen it all before. Maybe it is just me but the cover and kill 3 waves of enemies then cut scene recipe has gotten stale for me.

nib95, here is a gaffer that finished it in 5h 23m.
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