You're right. My opinion is invalidated. ;_;Bullshit. That was for like a week, and likely the result of the bundle. Knack is atrocious. I say this as someone who bought it last week.
You're right. My opinion is invalidated. ;_;Bullshit. That was for like a week, and likely the result of the bundle. Knack is atrocious. I say this as someone who bought it last week.
How often does a game with God-tier graphics and backed by strong marketing bomb in terms of sales? I'd guess this game will do pretty damn well.Review scores aren't all powerful. They'll damage the long tale, but that isn't where the majority of the money is. Rad will be fine.
Reminds me of some of the dumb shit he was saying when Destiny launched.
Reminds me of some of the dumb shit he was saying when Destiny launched.
damn that dude is not working with a full set up there. what a profoundly ridiculous comment
On the subject of HipHopGamer's race thing:
Isn't it pretty weird that they decided not to include a black Knight of the Round, though? I mean, Sir Morien probably would have made a pretty badass dude if he was slicing oncoming spears in half and shit. Guy was described as looking as "black as his armor." Could be a pretty awesome character design if Ready at Dawn had their hands on it. Are there any people of color at all in The Order? I sure as hell know they were around in Victorian England.
By far, the best. Sunhi always delivers.
No he didn't.He's saying we should give the developers a pass for making a bad game so they can keep their job.
He didn't say that. He is saying that you can criticize a game but you shouldn't actively tell people not to buy it.
He could be. An endless stream of platitudes without any critical faculties strikes me as a particularly lucrative line of work in the video game industry.
Care to point what was wrong?
HHG made some good points in that video.
He didn't say that. He is saying that you can criticize a game but you shouldn't actively tell people not to buy it.
Baddass. The mustaches would be perfect.I was hoping they'd have a badass Sikh knight, but I guess I'll have to wait for The Order: 1914 or The Order: 1945
Gross and unprofessional:
I can't tell whether he's trolling or seriously believes this. I'm gonna lean towards trolling.For those that got my points wrong regarding the order and racism i hope this clear things up even more.
1. Fanboys is similiar to racism in terms of the racist trait why? Because fake gamers refuse to play games on playstation or nintendo or microsoft simply cause its on that platform. EX: Sony Fanboy - Im not playing sunset overdrive because its on the xbox one and i dont like xbox because its xbox, and vice versa.
2. THE ORDER as many other games get similiar treatment of hate when there is never a reason for the negativity. 1 or 5 or 10 hours dont matter experiences do thats it so why so much hate for something the world hasnt experienced yet. Same type of racist trait.
3. I love games just like yall but i despise hate so i live a life style of love even when the love is tough. 
He could be. An endless stream of platitudes without any critical faculties strikes me as a particularly lucrative line of work in the video game industry.
There should be space in the video game business to make products which are targeted to excel in the visual presentation so they can be judged on those merits alone. Why should such visual masterpieces be tied down by expectation of people who do not understand the true goals of the product. I read many fans wanting to pick this game up based on how it looks so is there no rating system that protects the desires of said fans to be able to take pride in their purchases and know they're receiving a top-rated visual experience without it being dirtied by the expectation of people who don't appreciate the goes of presentation the product has set for itself? I don't know man... I just feel for people who are getting bummed out by these reviews and treated like what they want from the product is a mediocre gaming experience when what they want is in fact an excellent visual experience. If a game says its a platformer then we shouldn't attack it for not being a RTS and in the same right, if a game says its visually stunning then we shouldn't attack it for gameplay. People are even recommending not to purchase this game hence victimizing people who pre-ordered it. Its rather insensitive to come out and tell people not to buy something they've put money towards... AFTER THE FACT. No one likes to be judged for their purchasing decisions so this judgmental atmosphere at the very least seems rather anti-consumer. Aren't media supposed to be on the consumer's side? Finally on the idea that the product is too short... a good product should leave you wanting more. Like when people say you've overeaten when you feel bloated and you should stop eating when you feel you are about to get full.. in essence, you should be wanting more before you stop eating; this is the proper way. Overeating will make you obese and there's nothing good about that so why are we trying to promote over-gaming like its something healthy. The Order should be commended for not piling on the fat with unnecessary content, variety, game length and extra modes and collectable. It cares about the consumer's gaming health. Judged based on its visual fidelity and respect for consumer health, I'd give the order a 9.7 out of 10 but Metacritic won't carry my review on the "reviewer" section so I'll leave it here and I ask journalist to be kinder with their review. We need more products like the order. Dare I say it... I'd like to The Order another one of these!
Hip-Hop gamer commented on his video.
I can't tell whether he's trolling or seriously believes this.
How often does a game with God-tier graphics and backed by strong marketing bomb in terms of sales? I'd guess this game will do pretty damn well.
Whether they make enough to cover the costs of the game's long development cycle is another question.
HHG made some good points in that video.
He didn't say that. He is saying that you can criticize a game but you shouldn't actively tell people not to buy it.
I was hoping they'd have a badass Sikh knight, but I guess I'll have to wait for The Order: 1914 or The Order: 1945
Disappointing, but perhaps only surprising to the extent of how low these scores have gotten for a "big budget exclusive". The previews and general impressions never really painted The Order as something that was going to set a new standard for third person shooters, but at the very least, I was expecting something that would average scores in the 70's to low 80's. And by that I mean a game that would be decently fun to play with a least some niche that made it stand out in the very crowded shooter genre. But the general vibe I've gotten from these reviews is "you've already played better games in this genre, and this game doesn't bring anything new to the table". Obviously I haven't played the game to confirm that, but if true, that's a damn shame.
Failing to see what's wrong with the comment.
Am I slow?
Are there any people of color at all in The Order? I sure as hell know they were around in Victorian England.
haha damn Opiate, that was an unusually razor edged comment from you lol
you cut deep as hell too when you do it hehe
Hip-Hop gamer commented on his video.
I can't tell whether he's trolling or seriously believes this. I'm gonna lean towards trolling.
HHG made some good points in that video.
He didn't say that. He is saying that you can criticize a game but you shouldn't actively tell people not to buy it.
He's saying that game criticism is a terrible thing, because people make games to make a living. So saying bad things about games that make people not want to buy them is taking food out of children's mouths. Won't someone please think of the children?
It's only when you step back and realize that this kind of bland consumer cowardice can be applied to anything, that you realize he's just extremely sensitive about anyone knocking his favorite games.
The first step should always be coming up with a gameplay concept that you are confident is enjoyable. Once that foundation is established you can start thinking of all the other stuff.I think it's fair to say when a game has terrible gameplay then the reviews are not going to be good. Historically speaking. Secondly a lot of the previews have shown pretty basic TPS elements and QTEs which the general gaming community are not very fond of. Yet The Order is full of these things. And I think these are things that someone at the top should have said "hey I don't think gamers like these things" and that they are probably going to have a negative reaction. These are things that could have easily been redesigned and saved The Order a long time before the game actually came out.
Isn't that the very job of game reviewers? At the end of their reviews they often say whether they think it's worth buying or not. That doesn't mean everyone has to follow what they say.
Hip hop gamer trying harder for that complimentary review copy than you're working on being remodded.
I know this is just a congenial jab, but Amirox and I have been friends for quite some time now. Since before I was a mod, let alone before he lost his own moderator status.
Not to get too spoilery, but yeah there actually are women of color that play a prominent role.
What an absolute dickish way to go about it.
Wait? McElroy?
Well then...
I didn't mean to offend. Just generate some laughs.
What an absolute dickish way to go about it.
Wait? McElroy?
Well then...
A reviewer's job is to evaluate the game. Analyze the pros and cons. The reader can then make their judgement based off of the content of the review whether or not they should buy the game.
A reviewer's job is to evaluate the game. Analyze the pros and cons. The reader can then make their judgement based off of the content of the review whether or not they should buy the game.
Gross and unprofessional:
Journalists are taking the piss now at this stage. Not fair on the devs who spent 5 years of their lives creating this game.
And that, I think, is the most reasonable criticism of games journalism, if there is any criticism at all; they are reluctant to harshly criticize games, particularly games that have a lot of hype, because many people who have been anticipating a particular game for years don't want to have their parade rained on.
That title ensures I will never watch a hip hop gamer video, good grief.
And it's not? To be honest, a straightforward game of this type seems a bit rare these days. The vibe I'm getting from people playing the game (not necessarily critics, but also impressions here) is that it's a gorgeous game that sets a new visual standard, features quality production values, has fun core mechanics, but is still a little rough around the edges and not fleshed out enough. Overall, a strong core that with (hopefully) a sequel they can greatly expand and improve.