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The Order 1886 Review Thread

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So I just stumbled about this mess, so just a quick question: Did everyone criticizing the reviews actually play the game? Is it out already or is there a demo?
HipHopGamer Ladies & Gentlemen...




I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
HipHopGamer loves the idea of games more than games, themselves. If he was a game developer, he would be Peter Molyneux.

This is going to become a thing now isn't it?
So I just stumbled about this mess, so just a quick question: Did everyone criticizing the reviews actually play the game? Is it out already or is there a demo?
Come on man. You know the answer to that question. I mean, just look at the size of the official OT vs the review thread, and it's obvious there are truckloads of people criticizing a game they haven't (and probably never intended on) playing the game.


First off, amazing gifs by ElTorro and Sunhi.

Second, ouch. I really wanted this game to succeed. I love the aesthetics and the premise sounded promising, but it sounds like there isn't much there, both in gameplay and story. I'm disappointed.

Third, I thought I'd scrounge up some data on review score variance due to something someone said very early on in this thread. And The Order is the most polarizing game that I've looked at so far. I calculated both standard deviation and IQR (well, the spreadsheet did the heavy lifting). Should have probably also looked at MAD, but forgot.

             IQR    STDEV   MC
Ryse       | 15   | 11.68 | 60
TO:1886    | 19.5 | 14.71 | 65
DC         | 17.8 | 11.12 | 71
Killzone   | 10   |  9.62 | 73
Dying Light| 14   | 10.85 | 73
Evolve     | 10.8 |  8.71 | 77
Dead Rising|  8   |  8.98 | 78
Infamous   | 11.8 |  9.83 | 80
SunsetOD   | 10   |  9.41 | 81
FH2        |  7   |  9.53 | 86
Dragon Age | 10   |  7.29 | 89

Thought I'd throw that out there. Sony's games seem to be more polarizing, but this is by no means an exhaustive look. Also, this is NOT evidence of some sort of bias against Sony games.

Lastly, people need to knock it off with the Sony hate conspiracy theories. While I was collating the data, I charted the scores for Polygon, Game Informer, Eurogamer, Gamespot, and IGN against the Metacritic scores, for the Microsoft exclusives and the Sony exclusives. While I only looked at 4 games for Microsoft and Sony each, there really wasn't any evidence to support the idea that Sony exclusives are judged more harshly than Microsoft exclusives. Unless you believe that the entire industry is against Sony, in which case, I don't know what to say.

Interesting notes. Eurogamer and Gamespot seem to be the harshest reviewers, Game Informer and IGN seem to be the nicest. Polygon was all over the place when it came to Sony exclusives, and I believe their highest rated PS4 exclusive retail game is Driveclub, which was unexpected (Infamous and Killzone seemed to do better on the other sites).
HipHopGamer Ladies & Gentlemen...


Maybe he read this:

Another Hot Reviews Tip:

If you can replace the name of the game with a minority group and it would sound bad to other people, then it proves that you're racist against that game.

For example:

Originally Posted by Jeff Gerstmann, Giant Bomb, Respected Videogamesman

"There's a word for games like The Order: 1886. Rental."

Sounds fine, doesn't it? Well, just change a word and suddenly the true colors of mainstream reviewers are shown:

Originally Posted by Jeff Gerstmann, Giant Bomb, Virtual Steak Bully

"There's a word for games like African Americans. Rental."

Nice job, Gerstmann. Nice job advocating slavery.


As a Xbox One fan. Even we are kinda shocked at the low scores. It truly looked that a great game . I wanted to buy a PS4 just for it.


It would be nice for RAD to have a chance at a sequel and fix everything that's wrong with The Order, but after these reviews, if it bombs in sales it likely won't get a sequel. Look at how improved Ghost of Sparta was vs. Chains of Olympus (God of War series they worked on)

Is anyone still picking this up tomorrow?

Hell yeah!

Couldn't care less about all the controversy regarding the game. Waiting on my Amazon order.


I didn't mean to make it sound like a bad thing, because I respect Japanese people and their culture, not to mention their games. However, some things are a bit too out there for me, and sometimes game design feels that way.

Souls' visuals, difficulty, text and game design was like that for me. Maybe I used a bad term, though, and apologize if so.

I use the same term to describe odd/quirky games and mech games. Anime as well.

I understand what you mean, although they are far from what what I think most would consider to be that type of aesthetic.I do agree that that the design might be a little daunting at first or not for everyone. It's the reason I took so long to even bother with the series.
I understand what you mean, although they are far from what what I think most would consider to be that type of aesthetic.I do agree that that the design might be a little daunting at first or not for everyone. It's the reason I took so long to even bother with the series.

This is a small thing, but I'm also sick of seeing Times New Roman in so many Asian games. It makes the aesthetic feel dated - at least, to me.

There are much nicer looking fonts out there.


This is going to become a thing now isn't it?

Yeah, kinda feel bad for Peter Molyneux. His name is now an adjective.

But hey the man makes games for a living and makes millions. The stuff he forgets is probably better than most of the stuff some of the people in this thread come up with.

Don't know the most about game development but while a portion of us are behind our keyboards posting he's working hard and quite comparably like RAD hopefully will be alright.

Not defending the game but talent gets criticized all the time, it's how you shake it off and bounce back. Hopefully RAD takes this, processes it and grows.
They also said this

"After almost two years of anticipation and endless hype,"

When did that happen?

I hate to do this (point out sites), but Hardcore Gamer was one of two sites that had a pretty negative tone to coverage of The Order (pre-release), beyond even the criticisms of the previews/gameplay.

One of HC gamer's article was "Is Sony pushing The Order too heavily", implying that marketing a game is a bad thing. And that Sony's potentially making a mistake by hyping the game too much.

And another one, is well... CraveOnline, with this headline when the game went gold.
"The Order: 1886 Goes Gold, but New Trailer Foreshadows Disappointment"


man of all the games in the world to get so upset about, i don't understand why this one has triggered so much angst. not that it seems like a total pos or whatever, but it just strikes me as an incredibly by-the-numbers product. kind of okay looking shooting, with kind of okay looking level design and kind of okay looking art direction...I guess the graphics are pretty impressive?

And we've known that forever. Did anyone really buy a PS4 for this? I have no idea why people seem to feel so betrayed.

Deleted member 471617

Unconfirmed Member
12 hours to go!!!

Funny how gamers let reviewers and scores influence their decision on what games to buy or not buy. Personally, im still looking forward to playing through the game.
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