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The Order 1886 Review Thread

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I really have to say being a gamer for as long as I have, the amount of comments from both gamers and reviewers overall that seem pleased that The Order 1886 is a critical flop is utterly astounding.

To those people that seem to be pleased, what do you gain exactly if Sony does have a flop on their hands?

Is it the XBox is somehow the dominant console because of one failed game?
Is it a win for all gamers as it is a clear message to developers to not take risks and attempt something different? Is that it?
Is it fuck cinematic games because they have no place in the real gaming community?

Sincerely and truly, what the fuck is it about this game that people genuinely seem happy it is for all intents and purposes a "critical failure?"

Is it that you "called it" when you saw the black bars in screenshots? Is that what proves your gaming "street cred?"

It is just astounding to me. Truly fucking astounding.
Almost as astounding as the people rushing in to proclaim the PS4 is a flop.
I do not know what PS4 you own, but the one I own actually gets more use than the XBox One that resides right next to it on my entertainment center. It has already been well worth the initial investment.
Yet somehow one game and people are proclaiming this is a clear sign that the PS4 is all hype?

Holy shit people. Holy shit.



By far, the best. Sunhi always delivers.

This gif is so long but still so perfect in every way possible.

What The Order should have been? :p


I don't disagree with this general sentiment, but I find that many people are only "lol games journalism" when games journalism is intensely critical of a game they like or a game they haven't played yet but which they are greatly anticipating.

I would argue that whatever problems game journalism has are significantly fueled by precisely this behavior; when the audience that consumes game journalism becomes intensely hostile whenever they review a game poorly -- the Nintendo fans get upset any time a big Nintendo IP gets a bad review, the Sony fans get upset whenever a big Sony IP gets a bad review, and so forth -- then the logical end result will be muted criticism.

You didn't say Xbox you just said etc etc so your view is biased. ;)
Not surprised at all by the awful reviews for this game. Personally, I didn't see the appeal of a game like this. That being said, I was curious and read the Impressions thread. Note to self, never buy a game based on early impressions- I know its subjective but damn, those impressions seem so off.

The hyperbolic positive impressions of the game were unusual and even more so given the obvious limitations in the game that almost every reviewer has commented on.


So after watching most of the major video reviews, I'd classify the game as an interesting failure in my eyes. What I mean is that it doesn't seem to be a good game, but it still has enough there that I want to play it (but not at $60 is all. $30 and I'm in). Watch Dogs and Unity may have reviewed better for instance, but I have no interest in those. Interesting failures over forgettable "ok" games any day.

The shooting for one looks nice and weighty, which is always gonna win points from me. The graphics are world class of course, and the voice acting and story seems at least mildly interesting. I'll check this one out when it's cheaper.

And as I've said before, if this game tanks Sony needs to buy RAD. Because they could probably get them for pennies on the dollar. RAD has proven they can do good gameplay with their PSP titles, and this game proves that they do work hard on AAA games (by all accounts it runs great without issue). One artistic misfire should not kill this talented studio.
Review threads for hyped up platform-exclusive games are consistently some of the most embarrassing threads on my site.

Not your fault. Your site is amazing - the best forum on the Internet, in my opinion. I've met some really incredible people through NeoGAF, and have fond memories being made on a daily basis. It's unfortunate that these kinds of threads bring out the worst in people. It boggles my mind that people are as concerned as they are with another individual's opinion of entertainment, but hey, that's just where things are, I suppose.
So after watching most of the major video reviews, I'd classify the game as an interesting failure in my eyes. What I mean is that it doesn't seem to be a good game, but it still has enough there that I want to play it (but not at $60 is all. $30 and I'm in). Watch Dogs and Unity may have reviewed better for instance, but I have no interest in those.

The shooting for one looks nice and weighty, which is always gonna win points from me. The graphics are world class of course, and the voice acting and story seems at least interesting. I'll check this one out when it's cheaper.

And as I've said before, if this game tanks Sony needs to buy RAD. Because they could probably get them for pennies on the dollar. RAD has proven they can do good gameplay with their PSP titles, and this game proves that they do work hard on AAA games (by all accounts it runs great without issue). One artistic misfire should not kill this talented studio.

It's not the worst fate if The Order doesn't meet expectations. Isn't that what happened with Killzone and Guerilla Games? I'm thinking Sony's still gonna try for a sequel to The Order. They don't need their first IP to be a failure, and they put a bunch of work into marketing and pushing The Order.


I really have to say being a gamer for as long as I have, the amount of comments from both gamers and reviewers overall that seem pleased that The Order 1886 is a critical flop is utterly astounding.

To those people that seem to be pleased, what do you gain exactly if Sony does have a flop on their hands?

Is it the XBox is somehow the dominant console because of one failed game?
Is it a win for all gamers as it is a clear message to developers to not take risks and attempt something different? Is that it?
Is it fuck cinematic games because they have no place in the real gaming community?

Sincerely and truly, what the fuck is it about this game that people genuinely seem happy it is for all intents and purposes a "critical failure?"

Is it that you "called it" when you saw the black bars in screenshots? Is that what proves your gaming "street cred?"

It is just astounding to me. Truly fucking astounding.
Almost as astounding as the people rushing in to proclaim the PS4 is a flop.
I do not know what PS4 you own, but the one I own actually gets more use than the XBox One that resides right next to it on my entertainment center. It has already been well worth the initial investment.
Yet somehow one game and people are proclaiming this is a clear sign that the PS4 is all hype?

Holy shit people. Holy shit.

Well it's not exactly the first time. Some of it is obvious bitterness from ryse threads coming back, people have pretty much said as much. Some of it is obvious fanboyism, just crowing for the sake of it.
Some are legit impressions of the game, I respect that


Neo Member
Call of Duty Advanced Warfare - IGN 9.1 (Amazing), Gamespot 8 (Great).

The Order 1886 - IGN 6.5 (Okay), Gamespot 5 (Mediocre).

I stopped taking videogame media and scores seriously some time ago. With the advent of Youtube, reviews and opinions have become almost irrelevant; you can now see games directly in action and form your own view in seconds.


Let's all praise the ambitious open world bloatfests that don't respect the player's time instead.

I feel like the word "ambition" has lost the meaning I associate it with and instead been used as a sort of implicit proxy for "a game which cost tons of money to make."

We now associate the word "ambitious" with games that have an open design, high end graphics, and an "immersive world" -- it's like a check box of "things which cost tons of money to produce."

I'm not saying it's impossible for such games to be "ambitious," but I very much think it's possible for a game which costs 1,000 dollars to make to be ambitious, too. I seem to have a different operational definition for the word than others do.
Call of Duty Advanced Warfare - IGN 9.1 (Amazing), Gamespot 8 (Great).

The Order 1886 - IGN 6.5 (Okay), Gamespot 5 (Mediocre).

I stopped taking videogame media and scores seriously some time ago. With the advent of Youtube, reviews and opinions have become almost irrelevant; you can now see games directly in action and form your own view in seconds.

funny you should mention that...


Review threads for hyped up platform-exclusive games are consistently some of the most embarrassing threads on my site.

It's crazy on both sides. I wouldn't call it embarrassing tho. It is just people passionate about a game (maybe too passionate some times). Add that to a few trolls that just are looking for a bite and this is what happens. I wouldn't call it unique to Gaf it just looks like it due to the amount of people that use the forum.
Call of Duty Advanced Warfare - IGN 9.1 (Amazing), Gamespot 8 (Great).

The Order 1886 - IGN 6.5 (Okay), Gamespot 5 (Mediocre).

I stopped taking videogame media and scores seriously some time ago. With the advent of Youtube, reviews and opinions have become almost irrelevant; you can now see games directly in action and form your own view in seconds.

Advanced Warfare is pretty good though.


Call of Duty Advanced Warfare - IGN 9.1 (Amazing), Gamespot 8 (Great).

The Order 1886 - IGN 6.5 (Okay), Gamespot 5 (Mediocre).

I stopped taking videogame media and scores seriously some time ago. With the advent of Youtube, reviews and opinions have become almost irrelevant; you can now see games directly in action and form your own view in seconds.

I don't get the point of comparing the scores...


Call of Duty Advanced Warfare - IGN 9.1 (Amazing), Gamespot 8 (Great).

The Order 1886 - IGN 6.5 (Okay), Gamespot 5 (Mediocre).

I stopped taking videogame media and scores seriously some time ago. With the advent of Youtube, reviews and opinions have become almost irrelevant; you can now see games directly in action and form your own view in seconds.

Maybe Advanced Warfare is just the better game.


To those people that seem to be pleased, what do you gain exactly if Sony does have a flop on their hands?
Is it the XBox is somehow the dominant console because of one failed gam

Some fanboys of Microsoft who are most certainly in this thread right now might feel that way. They lead insecure sad lives so ignore them. There are many in this thread voicing genuine criticism and not out of some fanboyism.

Is it a win for all gamers as it is a clear message to developers to not take risks and attempt something different? Is that it?

It is not attempting anything different. It is doing something which has been done countless times before but only with even less ambition. It cannot possibly be more unambitious than this in terms of game design.

Is it fuck cinematic games because they have no place in the real gaming community?

Depends what it is you mean by cinematic. TLOU, is a benchmark of how to do well told stories without sacrificing player agency. A brilliant game that accomplishes everything that the Order can only dream of accomplishing. UC2, MP1,2 etc have all done everything the Order is trying to do much better. Of course there is a place for all games in this industry including the Order. That does not make it immune to criticism of its lazy design.

Sincerely and truly, what the fuck is it about this game that people genuinely seem happy it is for all intents and purposes a "critical failure?"

No one is happy here except for some fanboys. It is always disappointing to see any project fail.


Call of Duty Advanced Warfare - IGN 9.1 (Amazing), Gamespot 8 (Great).

The Order 1886 - IGN 6.5 (Okay), Gamespot 5 (Mediocre).

I stopped taking videogame media and scores seriously some time ago. With the advent of Youtube, reviews and opinions have become almost irrelevant; you can now see games directly in action and form your own view in seconds.

Video games are interactive.
Call of Duty Advanced Warfare - IGN 9.1 (Amazing), Gamespot 8 (Great).

The Order 1886 - IGN 6.5 (Okay), Gamespot 5 (Mediocre).

I stopped taking videogame media and scores seriously some time ago. With the advent of Youtube, reviews and opinions have become almost irrelevant; you can now see games directly in action and form your own view in seconds.

Bro i know its CoD so its cool to hate on it but AW is a good game. CoD gunplay mechanics to this day is still 2nd to none imo. It runs at 60 fps, looks fantastic, tight gameplay. You can't compare that to mediocrity like Order 1886.


Neo Member
Call of Duty Advanced Warfare - IGN 9.1 (Amazing), Gamespot 8 (Great).

The Order 1886 - IGN 6.5 (Okay), Gamespot 5 (Mediocre).

I stopped taking videogame media and scores seriously some time ago. With the advent of Youtube, reviews and opinions have become almost irrelevant; you can now see games directly in action and form your own view in seconds.

Yeah, cause a few seconds of seeing a game in action are the definite representation of the game as a whole.


I really have to say being a gamer for as long as I have, the amount of comments from both gamers and reviewers overall that seem pleased that The Order 1886 is a critical flop is utterly astounding.

To those people that seem to be pleased, what do you gain exactly if Sony does have a flop on their hands?

Is it the XBox is somehow the dominant console because of one failed game?
Is it a win for all gamers as it is a clear message to developers to not take risks and attempt something different? Is that it?
Is it fuck cinematic games because they have no place in the real gaming community?

Sincerely and truly, what the fuck is it about this game that people genuinely seem happy it is for all intents and purposes a "critical failure?"

Is it that you "called it" when you saw the black bars in screenshots? Is that what proves your gaming "street cred?"

It is just astounding to me. Truly fucking astounding.
Almost as astounding as the people rushing in to proclaim the PS4 is a flop.
I do not know what PS4 you own, but the one I own actually gets more use than the XBox One that resides right next to it on my entertainment center. It has already been well worth the initial investment.
Yet somehow one game and people are proclaiming this is a clear sign that the PS4 is all hype?

Holy shit people. Holy shit.

I think that is what hip hop gamer is addressing with his hate comments. Its like hating Two and a Half men because of the network it is on or who stars in it or the fact that it is a sitcom taking resources away from police procedurals. And then trying really hard to get people who watch it to stop doing that. It makes no sense and adds nothing to life. So I get why he chooses to be positive even if it opens him up to ridicule and shill charges.

KC Denton

Call of Duty Advanced Warfare - IGN 9.1 (Amazing), Gamespot 8 (Great).

The Order 1886 - IGN 6.5 (Okay), Gamespot 5 (Mediocre).

I stopped taking videogame media and scores seriously some time ago. With the advent of Youtube, reviews and opinions have become almost irrelevant; you can now see games directly in action and form your own view in seconds.
Indeed, people were able to see the entire game from Saturday onwards.


I think that is what hip hop gamer is addressing with his hate comments. Its like hating Two and a Half men because of the network it is on or who stars in it or the fact that it is a sitcom taking resources away from police procedurals. And then trying really hard to get people who watch it to stop doing that. It makes no sense and adds nothing to life. So I get why he chooses to be positive even if it opens him up to ridicule and shill charges.

....Except people are criticizing the game based on what it has to offer.


Call of Duty Advanced Warfare - IGN 9.1 (Amazing), Gamespot 8 (Great).

The Order 1886 - IGN 6.5 (Okay), Gamespot 5 (Mediocre).

I stopped taking videogame media and scores seriously some time ago. With the advent of Youtube, reviews and opinions have become almost irrelevant; you can now see games directly in action and form your own view in seconds.

Reading is hard.
lmao at comparing CoD:AW to 1886.

One is made by a competent developer with a pedigree, it has stable graphics running at 60 fps, an actual playable single player, and some of the most fun multiplayer this generation.

The other one has black bars.


I'll never understand the gleeful, almost celebratory atmosphere about a game receiving bad reviews. This is bizarre, to put it mildly. I mean, if it's not to your liking, then it's not to your liking, but all this high five-ing and spiking the football, is a bit much.

People enjoy a good trainwreck.
Call of Duty Advanced Warfare - IGN 9.1 (Amazing), Gamespot 8 (Great).

The Order 1886 - IGN 6.5 (Okay), Gamespot 5 (Mediocre).

I stopped taking videogame media and scores seriously some time ago. With the advent of Youtube, reviews and opinions have become almost irrelevant; you can now see games directly in action and form your own view in seconds.

I don't play shooters anymore but I'd probably play COD before playing The Order. At least it'd be fun in a LAN setup.

Also let's all remember that review scores are not directly comparable.

KC Denton

But why would you want to watch the whole game if you want to buy it?
Well I certainly didn't watch the whole thing, just enough to get an idea of what the game was like. I've adjusted expectations accordingly and am still waiting outside a game store to get the game in an hour.


Call of Duty Advanced Warfare - IGN 9.1 (Amazing), Gamespot 8 (Great).

The Order 1886 - IGN 6.5 (Okay), Gamespot 5 (Mediocre).

I stopped taking videogame media and scores seriously some time ago. With the advent of Youtube, reviews and opinions have become almost irrelevant; you can now see games directly in action and form your own view in seconds.

COD actually seems like the most legit COD game in a while though and it's not running on a modified COD2 engine anymore. You picked the wrong game for your comparison lol


Hip hop gamer trying harder for that complimentary review copy than you're working on being remodded.

Haha! Joking aside, I love these guys, I don't deserve to be a mod, but even if I did I would not want to be a mod anymore. Being a mod is honestly far more restrictive than you'd imagine, and it's not an environment that works well for me because I'm loud and opinionated and stubborn. Tyler was honestly way forgiving of my bs for a while, he'd always PM me telling me to tone down my argumentative style because it kept derailing topics. I tried for a while, but always kept slipping back. I liked to debate!

I know this is just a congenial jab, but Amirox and I have been friends for quite some time now. Since before I was a mod, let alone before he lost his own moderator status.

I always liked that you were as nontraditional a gamer as this forum ever had. A Chess kind of guy rather than a Call of Duty kind of guy. But that you still had a whip smart intelligence in your ability to analyze all these other types of games. I'm always drawn toward the people who make me think, and you made me think!

Opiate is definitely on the list.


I watched like half an hour of a german twitch stream, was mostly gunplay. But damn does this game look phenomenal. At this point going into this game with such low expectations, theres no chance it wont impress.


COD actually seems like the most legit COD game in a while though and it's not running on a modified COD2 engine anymore. You picked the wrong game for your comparison lol

Who told you this lie? Not that it matters, that whole "modified XYZ engine" issue was forever blown way out of proportion.

James Sawyer Ford

Gold Member
I feel like the word "ambition" has lost the meaning I associate it with and instead been used as a sort of implicit proxy for "a game which cost tons of money to make."

We now associate the word "ambitious" with games that have an open design, high end graphics, and an "immersive world" -- it's like a check box of "things which cost tons of money to produce."

I'm not saying it's impossible for such games to be "ambitious," but I very much think it's possible for a game which costs 1,000 dollars to make to be ambitious, too. I seem to have a different operational definition for the word than others do.

Agreed, and while The Order may not be ambitious in terms of its gameplay systems, I think it's hard to argue that they weren't ambitious in terms of production values as a whole. It clearly sets a very new high bar in that regard, in my view (which many won't place any value on, but that's fine, I just think it's misleading to suggest The Order is completely unambitious).

To be frank, I don't find anything ambitious about the cookie cutter gameplay design of many big budget AAA games that a lot of reviewers tend to like these days. Stuff like Assassin's Creed or Far Cry for instance -- are these games ambitious simply because there's a lot to do and they're being made by mega studios that are hundreds of people large and are in development for years? If anything, these games are some of the safest titles around. The game design is just a mechanical process put together from disjointed studios in an assembly line fashion.

It's as if Ubisoft has a design document check list that consists of 1) Make a large open world, 2) Fill it with a million things to collect and customize 3) Don't give much, if any, thought to the core gameplay systems or the actual level/mission designs to make them fun, unique, and engaging. Just copy and paste enough garbage and maybe people think they're getting good value for their money. In my view, games like these are simply wasting what little time I have at the end of the day.

I'm more impressed by the ability of some independent studios with very small budgets to surprise me mechanically or artistically in ways the AAA studios have neglected by virtue of the fact that it's inherently risky. That's a lot more ambitious to me.
Call of Duty Advanced Warfare - IGN 9.1 (Amazing), Gamespot 8 (Great).

The Order 1886 - IGN 6.5 (Okay), Gamespot 5 (Mediocre).

I stopped taking videogame media and scores seriously some time ago. With the advent of Youtube, reviews and opinions have become almost irrelevant; you can now see games directly in action and form your own view in seconds.

Advance Warfare multiplayer was fucking amazing, and the accesibility of the faster speed of play, while still being difficult to master was really a step foward for that type of shooter.

I'll probably get 1886, and I like that kind of on rail experience out of my game, but let's not deem everyone's criticism as baseless BS just because they like AW.
I feel like the word "ambition" has lost the meaning I associate it with and instead been used as a sort of implicit proxy for "a game which cost tons of money to make."

We now associate the word "ambitious" with games that have an open design, high end graphics, and an "immersive world" -- it's like a check box of "things which cost tons of money to produce."

I'm not saying it's impossible for such games to be "ambitious," but I very much think it's possible for a game which costs 1,000 dollars to make to be ambitious, too. I seem to have a different operational definition for the word than others do.
I also have to question why there is this binary view of games: either it's "cinematic"* and lean in every aspect, or bloated and open world. no gradation at all.

*I also think that cinematic is being propped up as some immovable barricade in design, and huge cop out for what is appears in this case to be an experience in constant hand-holding and needlessly linear gameplay. Phantasmagoria came out in the 90s, dudes.


Huh? What did I say? Did I screw up again? :(
HHG made some good points in that video.

He didn't say that. He is saying that you can criticize a game but you shouldn't actively tell people not to buy it.

Its an inappropriate analogy he draws between the two subjects since the gravity between the two subjects have two many components that aren't compatible. One is a commentary on social issue hundreds of years in the making that has damaged many people throughout history and is incredibly hard issue to deal with but the other is a game.

Far be it from me to comment but the state of attacking entertainment products in our culture irrespective of the human effort behind it, for better or worse, is nothing new and almost always it tends to become vitriolic when a certain amount of momentum to a particular idea becomes great enough. Again, that being normal can be inferred without expanding on ethical or moral details. I think this is where HHG becomes really misguided in suggesting it may be hard to find a job in the future in development if one keeps attacking products developed by people as though social commentary in this space exists as a vehicle for employment opportunities in the development space.


Gold Member
You know, it's funny. Now I understand what Mourinho was saying when he said there was a campaign against Chelsea a few weeks ago.

Because there certainly has been a campaign against the order over the last 12 months or so.

I'm looking at it all and I'm actually trying to work out why. What has the game done to people? What did the devs say that sparked all of this off? I get why there is a campaign against Chelsea, the club is rotten (players and manager included) from the ground up. But this is a video game, why the toxicity?

What a strange industry this is at the moment.


lmao at comparing CoD:AW to 1886.

One is made by a competent developer with a pedigree, it has stable graphics running at 60 fps, an actual playable single player, and some of the most fun multiplayer this generation.

The other one has black bars.

Oh look another shit post. What makes you think RAD is incompetent? They've had a good track record for past games they've worked on. Also, The Order delivers great technical performance and doesn't have many bugs on launch, which can't be said for other high profile games that have launched.

Multiplayer is also arguable. I think that BF4 is still king in that regard if we're talking shooters. Even TLoU:R is still amazing multiplayer wise...


A review of a consumer product is to tell you if the product is worth buying, full stop. This goes for phones, TVs, computers, movies, books, cars, hell, even yelp restaurant reviews.

I don't think this should be the point at all. The review should simply be to inform the buyer about features and functions of the product along with a light assessment of how well they work. The decision on whether that is worth buying should remain with the consumer. We need clinical observation and explanation not subjective evaluation. If you read good reviews of software or phones this is what you will find. Currently game reviews are predominantly subjective analysis which is completely worthless because the reviewer might not share your tastes, simple as that. If game reviews contained sufficient clinical explanation of what the product actually was then people would be far better informed to make a buy/no buy decision.

We need reviews to inform us adequately to make a buying decision not make a buying decision for us. Prime example is this Eurogamer review, as pompous and verbose a review as you could ever hope to find. From this we get that Eurogamer didn't like it but does it actually tell us much about the game itself and how it works?
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