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The Order 1886 Review Thread

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Infamous was a short and boring as fuck game

I really like Second Son but goddamn if there wasn't a huge waste of potential with that game. It felt like the first in a series rather than third refined installment of a franchise.

It was too short, leading to poor character development and pacing. The side missions were boring too, which is a shame since I really love the traversal and feel of the powers overall.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
Second Son was alright, but didn't leave a big impression on me. It felt like it really suffered for launch window as the story jumps around and concludes before you know it.
I really like Second Son but goddamn if there wasn't a huge waste of potential with that game. It felt like the first in a series rather than third refined installment of a franchise.
It was Sucker Punches GTAIV.

I hope the next installment sees the same leap in quality that GTA did from IV to V.
I really like Second Son but goddamn if there wasn't a huge waste of potential with that game. It felt like the first in a series rather than third refined installment of a franchise.

It was too short, leading to poor character development and pacing. The side missions were boring too, which is a shame since I really love the traversal and feel of the powers overall.

I've always been curious what caused the massive content issues with that game. Did they just run out of time?
Infamous second son was pretty short, I actually limited myself playing it cause I didn't want to rush through it
Still good but I got it for $30, decent price

Gta IV was alright , I liked online races
I played infamous Good story and bad story. There was key differences and dramatically different endings. Did you only play one story? If not it certainly wasn't short.

Except for the cutscenes and a couple different powers, what "key" differences are you referring to? Nothing that was game changing.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
I played infamous Good story and bad story. There was key differences and dramatically different endings. Did you only play one story? If not it certainly wasn't short.

The evil route for Second Son felt forced as hell, and the relationship with Delsin's brother barely changed considering he became a mass murderer. I felt like the path 2 took was way more interesting and gameplay impacting.


Huh? What did I say? Did I screw up again? :(

That is why I am trying to form my opinion by seeing how "those that have played it" like the reviewers think about it...?

I mean, if a great deal of them are saying that it's a mediocre game, is it really that inconceivable that I might think that hey, this game might not be so good after all...?

I think part of it is the very real oppressive feeling that a verdict is being passed against something you want to experience. The simple solution is to remove yourself from the culture until you know for yourself but we all know that the lead up to a games release and the discussion it generates is also part of that fun. An overly negative tone while it has the right to exist becomes a bummer when it goes from '...i don't know about this game guys' to '... this game is abject shit'. You know there were positives you identified and were looking forward to but all you can hear now is drowning out any of that... people become compelled to abandoned there optimism and that doesn't always feel good or like something they willingly accepted. It feels forced... a little like peer pressure. When youre upset and people are doing the internet version of 'in your face', human nature and irrational anger can take hold.

It would be nice if the negativity didn't have such an additive effect but i can totally empathize with both sides.


Junior Member
Man I'm really pissed Sony has shit the bed on so many of their exclusives. There is still time obviously but after buying driveclub I'm not repeating that mistake with this. Will get it at 20
I haven't. And what don't you get about the word "summary"? I was summarizing why a lot of reviews criticized the game as a bland TPS. You are trying way too hard to defend this game. Lol.

Defend? Where's my defense? I asked if you played it yet? You said you are sorry you don't have the money to but was summarizing what you read. I said well that's cute but did you play it though? And we are back to that same question.

I haven't talked about anything regarding the order yet because I... Haven't... Played... It. *shrugs*.
Holy shit some of you people are insane. Infamous Second Son is a "shit game" and "boring as fuck"? Get the fuck outta here with that shit.

I grew up on 8 bit games with glitchy flashing screens and you had to blow into the cartridges just to start the damn game.

I:SS is a masterpiece compared to all the shovelware that is so prevalent in today's mobile centric gaming world.


I've always been curious what caused the massive content issues with that game. Did they just run out of time?

I'd have to think so. Sony really needed that game out ASAP. Imagine their first party lineup last year if Infamous doesn't launch. It was their rather disappointing yet still solid saving grace in their weakest first party lineup probably ever.


Thinks mods influence posters politics. Promoted to QAnon Editor.
This gen has definitely made me more selective about which games I choose to play and Sony is the main reason for that,will not devote my time to more shit games like Killzone Shadow Fall and Infamous Second Son and this seems much worse

Neither of those games was bad, let alone shit. Keep on with the good fight and attention whoring.


Man I'm really pissed Sony has shit the bed on so many of their exclusives. There is still time obviously but after buying driveclub I'm not repeating that mistake with this. Will get it at 20

Driveclub was so great though, online functionality problems at launch aside. I'm so glad it it exists in exactly the form it is in, almost no other racing games on the market like it anymore and I am a bit in love with its purity of approach. Great simcade mechanics!

But outside of that, it is true their PS4 first party offerings have been more than a bit on the poor side. I usually expect most games from all developers to be mediocre to poor in the first year of any console. Usually it's teams getting used to new hardware, getting bogged down in developing new engines, rushing to complete dates that make games content deprived, etc. So Order just sort of falls outside that window, but given that it's RAD's first big console outing it doesn't surprise me that it still was subject to many of the same problems. They spent so much time obsessing over the engine they neglected other elements. But now that they have the engine in place, hopefully they do get a chance to develop a sequel or new IP with a total focus on gameplay and narrative quality. We know Ready at Dawn is talented, but they just need better focus next time.
I haven't talked about anything regarding the order yet because I... Haven't... Played... It. *shrugs*.
RAD could always put out a demo if there is a real belief that hands on time would show the game to be more than what the reviews are getting at.

Or this could be one of those games with a trial period so you could download it and play the first hour or so. Wasn't that supposed to be a thing with the PS4? Then again, if reviews are to be believed the first half of the game is very slow going. The word "glacial" seems to be bouncing around.


Holy shit some of you people are insane. Infamous Second Son is a "shit game" and "boring as fuck"? Get the fuck outta here with that shit.

I grew up on 8 bit games with glitchy flashing screens and you had to blow into the cartridges just to start the damn game.

I:SS is a masterpiece compared to all the shovelware that is so prevalent in today's mobile centric gaming world.

There's plenty of mobile shovelware out there, but the industry is also more diversified than it has ever been. We've got top tier polished games like Bayonetta 2, Wolfenstein TNO, but we've also got amazing indie games like FTL, Hotline Miami, Ethan Carter, etc.

Point being, being technologically incredible just doesn't cover up flaws anymore because games have become a lot more than that. A team of 5 people can put out amazing games quickly and for cheaper prices that can keep people playing for years even with what someone would call simple graphics. Some AAA developers need to try a lot harder than just wowing us on the technical side.


This gen has definitely made me more selective about which games I choose to play and Sony is the main reason for that,will not devote my time to more shit games like Killzone Shadow Fall and Infamous Second Son and this seems much worse

This is my feeling as well. I'll probably get the game somewhere down the line when it is super cheap, but I have no desire at the moment to plop down $60 for the game.
I played infamous Good story and bad story. There was key differences and dramatically different endings. Did you only play one story? If not it certainly wasn't short.

Second Son felt like a launch game that had a few extra months of polish to me. I actually liked it a lot, but it's a short-ass game and much, much smaller than Infamous 2, both in terms of gameplay options and actual content/game length. The evil and good paths are like 80% identical, and if you don't play any of the side missions or hunt collectibles (which I didn't bother with the second time through) the actual story's over extremely quickly.

Laughing Banana

Weeping Pickle
Yeah, I'm sorry but watching someone play something doesn't mean nothing if I can't feel it. At the end of the day, it's a game that does have controls that it was graded on. Your last part sounds like an excuse. Please don't ramble about people not wanting to accept that it's a crappy game while those people are doing far more to try the game before they take what everyone else says as gospel.

I live in Indonesia, and last time I checked no, GameStop doesn't have a branch here.

And none of my friends/families are gamers, so no, I can't ask them to magically conjure The Order in their pockets for me to borrow.

Plus, US dollar is acting like a bully (heh) towards Rupiah, so I generally am required to pay the same thing far more expensive that you folks in the US do. That is why I am always being careful and often I depend on reviews by other people to judge whether I should buy a game or not.

Or maybe you can mail me The Order? Oh, and don't forget to cover for that shipping cost too.
There's plenty of mobile shovelware out there, but the industry is also more diversified than it has ever been. We've got top tier polished games like Bayonetta 2, Wolfenstein TNO, but we've also got amazing indie games like FTL, Hotline Miami, Ethan Carter, etc.

Point being, being technologically incredible just doesn't cover up flaws anymore because games have become a lot more than that. A team of 5 people can put out amazing games quickly and for cheaper prices that can keep people playing for years even with what someone would call simple graphics.

I'm not denying that games have flaws.

The thing is I dont think having flaws = being shitty and boring as fuck.

It's all about how you choose your words.
RAD could always put out a demo if there is a real belief that hands on time would show the game to be more than what the reviews are getting at.

Or this could be one of those games with a trial period so you could download it and play the first hour or so. Wasn't that supposed to be a thing with the PS4? Then again, if reviews are to be believed the first half of the game is very slow going. The word "glacial" seems to be bouncing around.

If they put out a demo, I'll play it right now. If they put out a time trial I'll play it. I'm just not that reserved enough to make a couple of similar sentences drag me away from a game. Idk, a game is a game. I want to enjoy it and play it. Hopefully it comes out as a trail or Ps+ title. If not, I'll just get it when it drops to $20. I'm not in any rush.


Man I'm really pissed Sony has shit the bed on so many of their exclusives. There is still time obviously but after buying driveclub I'm not repeating that mistake with this. Will get it at 20

Hey now Driveclub is good.They have very few exclusives, and they all had their own problems but most of them had to hit that launch window so I'm not surprised. The Order was RaD's first console game, so this is hopefully just learning experience for them. Honestly no company, except Nintendo, has been setting things on fire this first year, so I can't really single anyone out.
I don't think Second Son is a bad game at all. I platinumed it, actually.

I was just really disappointed in it compared to the other games. It felt rushed and very barebones.
Is it fuck cinematic games because they have no place in the real gaming community?

I wouldn't say I'm "happy" (I'm somewhat entertained, I won't lie) that The Order 1886 is being received as such, but let's just that I prefer it to the opposite outcome. To put it bluntly, I'd much rather that these types of games didn't breed.

I've been gaming a long time and I know what I like, so I feel pretty confident in saying - even without having played it - that I really don't like what TO is and what it stands for. It very much looks to embody the banality and pretentiousness of the 'new wave of cinematic games' taken to to the nth degree.

Cinematic, narrative-focused games do have their place, to be sure, but when it's clear that a focus on presentation and filmic aspirations has seemingly rendered gameplay an afterthought, then my support pretty much goes out the window.
I don't think Second Son is a bad game at all. I platinumed it, actually.

I was just really disappointed in it compared to the other games. It felt rushed and very barebones.
I would blame the bare bones on working on new hardware. Thats why I made the GTAIV comparison. Similar situation.


It is kind of shocking how mediocre Sonys exclusives have been as of late. Don't get me wrong I really enjoyed Infmaous:SS and its DLC (even though reviews were very meh), but it just feels like Sony's internal dev teams are fairly consistently missing the mark. The Last Of Us was so damn good maybe it just spoiled us all.

At least they have Naughty Gods, there's almost no chance Uncharted 4 isn't a great game.
At least they have Naughty Gods, there's almost no chance Uncharted 4 isn't a great game.

*tugs at collar*

I don't want to whack that particular hornet's nest, but suffice to say, after UC3, I definitely will be waiting on impressions from people that didn't like UC3 much before I leap on UC4.


There's plenty of mobile shovelware out there, but the industry is also more diversified than it has ever been. We've got top tier polished games like Bayonetta 2, Wolfenstein TNO, but we've also got amazing indie games like FTL, Hotline Miami, Ethan Carter, etc.
You are calling Infamous boring but then start singing Wolfenstein TNO's praises that game was dull and lifeless as anything I sold it after no more than a couple of hours play, I platinumed Infamous. No way it was boring especialy on evil play through.


It is kind of shocking how mediocre Sonys exclusives have been as of late. The Last Of Us was so damn good maybe it just spoiled us all.

At least they have Naughty Gods, there's almost no chance Uncharted 4 isn't a great game.

Yeah seriously. Luckily they've been bringing it with the third party/indie support which makes the system worth owning. Honestly though the best game I've played on my PS4 has also been the best game I've played on my PS3 which is pretty depressing. Ultimately I've been pretty disappointed with all next gen exclusives on both systems (not Wii U), if not next gen games in general. If I don't see some heat brought by the end of 2015, I might have to call this gen the worst yet.
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