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The Order 1886 Review Thread

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If there's an Order 2, the very first thing RAD should prioritize is incorporating monstrous enemies like the Elder Lycans into the normal gameplay. Fighting monsters is the main conflict in the game world and the main draw the concept has over other shooters.

It's pretty simple: Crazy guns + Shooting monsters = winning formula. The Order showed us the concept, but never really goes through with it.


I'll make one contribution to this thread and say that it can be a great thing for a game to have great reviews since games shouldn't be appealing to everyone anyway.

This is the metacritic for a game called E.Y.E. Divine Cybermancy

A 61 from critics, not much better from users. I love this game and think it's one of the most fun and interesting shooters I've played. Critics complain that the game explains nothing, the progression makes no sense, the tutorials are bad, the story is ridiculous and impossible to follow, all of which are true. I like the game for many of those reasons, and so do a lot of other people. On the flipside, I think this game looks like boring shite, but you might like it for the reasons I find it to be that way.

It's a little hard to compare though considering The Order looks to be the very definition of playing it safe while E.Y.E. had nothing holding it back. Also that I bought E.Y.E. cheap on Steam, but I almost wish I payed more.

Had a lot of fun with EYE. Definitely underrated.


It's a cesspool.

This thread has been less than steller, but hopefully RaD learned a little andcan improve. Hopefully journalist continue to use the entire scale when reviewing. Hopefully consumers learned about hype and pre-ordering games.

I actually fear for this forum if Bloodborne gets similar scores.

Can't we say the same for any major game coming up? I meant what if MGS V gets similar scores. Or Uncharted 4. Or Halo 5?
This sounds knack levels of bad. Sony has yet to develop a first party game for the PS4 that the general consensus can agree is a must have. Microsoft and Nintendo already have several. Even the Vita has a handful. This is fucking pathetic.

The only "must have" next-gen game
I hate the phrase
based on metacritic and consumer purchasing is GTA5, everything else is "alright if you like that kind of thing".
I actually fear for this forum if Bloodborne gets similar scores.

There's pretty much no chance this'll happen thankfully. I didn't really enjoy what I've played of Dark Souls, but even I can recognize that Bloodbourne looks to be a very well-made game that people are going to really like based on the reception of the Souls series. I would be shocked if it scored below an 80 on MC and more realistically expect it to be one of the best reviewed games of this year.

The most interesting game is definitely going to be Zelda. A certain part of that fanbase is going to be grabbing pitchforks and lighting torches even if the MC score gets in the lower 90s


It is kind of shocking how mediocre Sonys exclusives have been as of late. Don't get me wrong I really enjoyed Infmaous:SS and its DLC (even though reviews were very meh), but it just feels like Sony's internal dev teams are fairly consistently missing the mark. The Last Of Us was so damn good maybe it just spoiled us all.

At least they have Naughty Gods, there's almost no chance Uncharted 4 isn't a great game.

I just think Sony needs more studios.

Third party publishers aren't putting out a lot of games. This forces Sony's studios to fill in the gaps, while still having to make the best looking games on PS4. Something is going to be sacrificed while everyone adjusts to next gen hardware.


The only "must have" next-gen game
I hate the phrase
based on metacritic and consumer purchasing is GTA5, everything else is "alright if you like that kind of thing".

It's a port, not a next-gen game. There is no "must have" next-gen game yet, and I don't think there will be one until later this year. We do have Witcher 3/MGS5/Persona 5/The Division/Uncharted 4/Halo 5 and more all coming out this year though, some of them are bound to be must have.


I just think Sony needs more studios.

Third party publishers aren't putting out a lot of games. This forces Sony's studios to fill in gaps, while still having to make the best looking games on PS4. Something is going to be sacrificed while everyone adjusts to next gen hardware.

They should let studios do what they do best, create great gameplay, and fun games.. and let the whle 1080p debate go.. it gave us Driveclub and now the order..

It's not about a few pixels more.

But that's my opinion.


They should let studios do what they do best, create great gameplay, and fun games.. and let the whle 1080p debate go.. it gave us Driveclub and now the order..

It's not about a few pixels more.

But that's my opinion.

Driveclub is one of the best racing games ever made. It really shouldn't be brought up the in the context of "bad" games, any problems with it aren't related to the presentation.
The only "must have" next-gen game
I hate the phrase
based on metacritic and consumer purchasing is GTA5, everything else is "alright if you like that kind of thing".

Going by IGN Forza Horizon 2 and Sunset Overdrive got 9.0 and theres over a dozen Wii U games that have gotten that distinction as well. Not a single first party AAA PS4 game can say that. It's literally the only system in existence without a killer app which is embarrassing considering its been on the market for a year and a half and its competitors have several already.


Driveclub is one of the best racing games ever made. It really shouldn't be brought up the in the context of "bad" games, any problems with it aren't related to the presentation.

Man people love Driveclub.

It is constantly getting championed.

I personally thought it was crap. Terrible career mode.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
It is kind of shocking how mediocre Sonys exclusives have been as of late. Don't get me wrong I really enjoyed Infmaous:SS and its DLC (even though reviews were very meh), but it just feels like Sony's internal dev teams are fairly consistently missing the mark. The Last Of Us was so damn good maybe it just spoiled us all.

At least they have Naughty Gods, there's almost no chance Uncharted 4 isn't a great game.
Let us not forget the likes of Heavenly Sword, Haze, and Lair. The situation is supremely similar though I do feel that The Order is a much better game than any of those (though Lair isn't as bad as reviews suggested).


Man people love Driveclub.

It is constantly getting championed.

I personally thought it was crap. Terrible career mode.

To each there own, I don't really mind the career mode only really being single events, I love the feel of racing in that game, something about it just feels right.

One more hour to go before we find out if The Order reviews are justified or not.
How do you determine this?
So other top rated Metacritic games don't count why?

Do you really think any are "must have" that the general consensus can agree?

It's a port, not a next-gen game. There is no "must have" next-gen game yet, and I don't think there will be one until later this year. We do have Witcher 3/MGS5/Persona 5/The Division/Uncharted 4/Halo 5 and more all coming out this year though, some of them are bound to be must have.

That was my point, can you name several MS and Nintendo first party "must have" games?


It is kind of shocking how mediocre Sonys exclusives have been as of late. Don't get me wrong I really enjoyed Infmaous:SS and its DLC (even though reviews were very meh), but it just feels like Sony's internal dev teams are fairly consistently missing the mark. The Last Of Us was so damn good maybe it just spoiled us all.

At least they have Naughty Gods, there's almost no chance Uncharted 4 isn't a great game.

Fortunately for your feelings, Rad is not a Sony Internal Studio.


They should let studios do what they do best, create great gameplay, and fun games.. and let the whle 1080p debate go.. it gave us Driveclub and now the order..

It's not about a few pixels more.

But that's my opinion.

I wonder if there's been a directive to their internal studios (and partners) to focus primarily on visuals to try and highlight the difference in power between the PS4 and the competition.


To each there own, I don't really mind the career mode only really being single events, I love the feel of racing in that game, something about it just feels right.

One more hour to go before we find out if The Order reviews are justified or not.
Who's we?


It is kind of shocking how mediocre Sonys exclusives have been as of late. Don't get me wrong I really enjoyed Infmaous:SS and its DLC (even though reviews were very meh), but it just feels like Sony's internal dev teams are fairly consistently missing the mark. The Last Of Us was so damn good maybe it just spoiled us all.

At least they have Naughty Gods, there's almost no chance Uncharted 4 isn't a great game.

80 is not meh.

Anyhow, people so quickly forget the absurdly good latter years of the PS3, and how bad it was to begin with. Same for MS (except without the good latter years). Only Nintendo puts out great games this early on.


Driveclub is one of the best racing games ever made. It really shouldn't be brought up the in the context of "bad" games, any problems with it aren't related to the presentation.

It could very well be, as more resources went in presentation instead of the other stuff.
80 is not meh.

Anyhow, people so quickly forget the absurdly good latter years of the PS3, and how bad it was to begin with. Same for MS (except without the good latter years). Only Nintendo puts out great games this early on.

360 had Gears of War in its first year iirc (November after launch), and Crackdown fell on today if comparing time-frames. Last time I checked they were both rather good games : )

But those mid to latter years on PS3 were great, and we're getting Bloodborne in a month. Been ok with relying on third parties in padding out the time between first party releases.


360 had Gears of War in its first year iirc (November after launch), and Crackdown fell on today if comparing time-frames. Last time I checked they were both rather good games : )

Props for Gears, but Crackdown is more or less on Infamous's level.

Gonna stop myself there as I don't really care to get into that conversation, lol.


80 is not meh.

Anyhow, people so quickly forget the absurdly good latter years of the PS3, and how bad it was to begin with. Same for MS (except without the good latter years). Only Nintendo puts out great games this early on.
This is while being a gen behind everyone else though.
Look at Gamecube, and even titles like Sunshine and Wind Waker experienced some cuts to gameplay (and Twilight Princess was being delayed non-stop).


This is while being a gen behind everyone else though.
Look at Gamecube, and even titles like Sunshine and Wind Waker experienced some cuts.

Smash Bros Melee + Metroid Prime + Sunshine + WindWaker + Pikmin + Animal Crossing + F-Zero GX + Mario Kart + Luigi's Mansion and more all in the first 2 years. That's pretty staggering.

edit: Mario Kart actually falls a few days outside of 2 years


The only "must have" next-gen game
I hate the phrase
based on metacritic and consumer purchasing is GTA5, everything else is "alright if you like that kind of thing".

If we're counting remakes then TLOU too.

Also, 3D World, Bayonetta 2, Mario Kart 8 and Smash WiiU.


This is while being a gen behind everyone else though.
Look at Gamecube, and even titles like Sunshine and Wind Waker experienced some cuts to gameplay (and Twilight Princess was being delayed non-stop).

? Well, then perhaps Sony and MS should get a gen behind too so gamers can enjoy games...
Going by IGN Forza Horizon 2 and Sunset Overdrive got 9.0 and theres over a dozen Wii U games that have gotten that distinction as well. Not a single first party AAA PS4 game can say that. It's literally the only system in existence without a killer app which is embarrassing considering its been on the market for a year and a half and its competitors have several already.

So in your words "general consensus can agree is a must have" is now it's IGN rating. I guess if general consensus means 1 review site, it's a shame there's no way to find an average score across a range of websites?
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