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The Order 1886 Review Thread

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*tugs at collar*

I don't want to whack that particular hornet's nest, but suffice to say, after UC3, I definitely will be waiting on impressions from people that didn't like UC3 much before I leap on UC4.

I am more interesting in the wall of shame from people railing against reviews not giving it a perfect score, while not having played it at all.

That UC3 thread was legendary.
I live in Indonesia, and last time I checked no, GameStop doesn't have a branch here.

And none of my friends/families are gamers, so no, I can't ask them to magically conjure The Order in their pockets for me to borrow.

Plus, US dollar is acting like a bully (heh) towards Rupiah, so I generally am required to pay the same thing far more expensive that you folks in the US do. That is why I am always being careful and often I depend on reviews by other people to judge whether I should buy a game or not.

Or maybe you can mail me The Order? Oh, and don't forget to cover for that shipping cost too.

Sorry, didn't know you lived in Indonesia. Even so, there will always be a way to play this game. If it becomes a Ps+ title, try it. Lol If I was buying the Order right now, I'd have no problem sending it to the people who don't want to buy it to try it but I didn't preorder it nor am I buying it now. I have over 3 years worth of backlog that needs help. But if I do, your first on the list


The reviews are all inconsistent.

There are some who just steam through the whole game, but some say the narrative, characterisation and pacing are great. Yet those first reviews insist that all of those things are terrible, too.

I'm more confused after reading them. They're not consistent on the majority of the points. Which make me think that there are some axes being ground. Especially if they couldn't see any positives besides the graphics.


*tugs at collar*

I don't want to whack that particular hornet's nest, but suffice to say, after UC3, I definitely will be waiting on impressions from people that didn't like UC3 much before I leap on UC4.

I didn't love UC3, but it was still a good game and a fun ride. We know what we're getting with UC4, and given who's writing the script this time around I think we're going to get a more satisfying campaign.

Anyways, I preordered The Order so I guess I'm stuck with it. Will probably wake up tomorrow and blow through it and lend it to some friends who refuse to pay for it. God I'm a great guy.


*tugs at collar*

I don't want to whack that particular hornet's nest, but suffice to say, after UC3, I definitely will be waiting on impressions from people that didn't like UC3 much before I leap on UC4.

I still dont get the UC3 sucks mantra.... I enjoyed it more than 2 by far...only thing I didnt like was the rushed finale that was obviously unfinished.


The reviews are all inconsistent.

There are some who just steam through the whole game, but some say the narrative, characterisation and pacing are great. Yet those first reviews insist that all of those things are terrible, too.

I'm more confused after reading them. They're not consistent on the majority of the points. Which make me think that there are some axes being ground. Especially if they couldn't see any positives besides the graphics.

And yet if all the reviews were basically the same, people would be spouting conspiracy.

Its almost as if....

People have different opinions, and yet most reviews have stated similar problems with the game but not the exact same score.


It is kind of shocking how mediocre Sonys exclusives have been as of late. Don't get me wrong I really enjoyed Infmaous:SS and its DLC (even though reviews were very meh), but it just feels like Sony's internal dev teams are fairly consistently missing the mark. The Last Of Us was so damn good maybe it just spoiled us all.

At least they have Naughty Gods, there's almost no chance Uncharted 4 isn't a great game.

I don't think it's all that shocking. Were Killzone and Infamous ever really big and beloved series? They've always just struck me as being ok. RaD isn't an internal studio and on their first console game. I'd say this wasn't shocking at all.

I think Naughty Dog will do well, but maybe we should step back from pre-praising games and thinking they have no chance to do bad or come out broken. Seems like a way to build up disappointment for later.


You are calling Infamous boring but then start singing Wolfenstein TNO's praises that game was dull and lifeless as anything I sold it after no more than a couple of hours play, I platinumed Infamous. No way it was boring especialy on evil play through.

When did I call Infamous boring? I actually said I liked the game quite a bit. Bought it on launch day and really enjoyed my time with it.

I just think it's a very sparse and disappointing game relative to the series and relative to other open world games. It's a rushed and short game that falls short of it's potential. It should be a game we're talking about for game of the year, and a culmination of potential of that franchise. Instead it was a solid but ultimately forgettable game.

And Wolfenstein certainly has its issues but damn if it wasn't a fun throwback FPS with a hell of a lot of style and some great moments. Certainly needs some polish here and there but fun as hell IMO.
The reviews are all inconsistent.

There are some who just steam through the whole game, but some say the narrative, characterisation and pacing are great. Yet those first reviews insist that all of those things are terrible, too.

I'm more confused after reading them. They're not consistent on the majority of the points. Which make me think that there are some axes being ground. Especially if they couldn't see any positives besides the graphics.

It's almost like they were written by different people


The topic should stay within the Order. We shouldn't bring up kill zone, uncharted, infamous just for the sake of shitting on Sony. There are a lot of 1st party developers and exclusive studios that develop for Sony, and what's come out has only been a fraction.

There's still Uncharted 4, the last of us 2, last guardian, God of war 4, guerrillas Dino rpg, to nAme a few.

Tl;dr Sony alwAys released amazing first party games and disappointing titles. It's what happens when you have many studios developing for you.
I still dont get the UC3 sucks mantra.... I enjoyed it more than 2 by far...only thing I didnt like was the rushed finale that was obviously unfinished.

It's not a mantra. I bought the game the day of release and didn't enjoy it. My enjoyment, or lack thereof, has nothing to do with anyone else or any implied hivemind.

You don't really have to "get" why I don't like it to respect that I don't.


The topic should stay within the Order. We shouldn't bring up kill zone, uncharted, infamous just for the sake of shitting on Sony. There are a lot of 1st party developers and exclusive studios that develop for Sony, and what's come out has only been a fraction.

There's still Uncharted 4, the last of us 2, last guardian, God of war 4, guerrillas Dino rpg, to nAme a few.

Tl;dr Sony alwAys released amazing first party games and disappointing titles. It's what happens when you have many studios developing for you.
So stay on topic, then bring up more unrelated shit? ;)


I don't think it's all that shocking. Were Killzone and Infamous ever really big and beloved series? They've always just struck me as being ok. RaD isn't an internal studio and on their first console game. I'd say this wasn't shocking at all.

I think Naughty Dog will do well, but maybe we should step back from pre-praising games and thinking they have no chance to do bad or come out broken. Seems like a way to build up disappointment for later.

Ya its definitely made me reconsider my (unfortunate) habit of pre-ordering games. I've only got two more pre-ordered for this year and I'm quite confident they won't disappoint (UC4 and Batman, fingers crossed).
This gen has definitely made me more selective about which games I choose to play and Sony is the main reason for that,will not devote my time to more shit games like Killzone Shadow Fall and Infamous Second Son and this seems much worse

This sounds knack levels of bad. Sony has yet to develop a first party game for the PS4 that the general consensus can agree is a must have. Microsoft and Nintendo already have several. Even the Vita has a handful. This is fucking pathetic.
Is there degrees of bad-ness?

So far just reading this page:

UC3 is bad
GTA4 is bad
TO: 1883 is bad

Rank their bad-ness? Would you say they compare to something like Ride to Hell: Retribution? Or is that in another tier of bad-ness?

Laughing Banana

Weeping Pickle
Sorry, didn't know you lived in Indonesia. Even so, there will always be a way to play this game. If it becomes a Ps+ title, try it. Lol If I was buying the Order right now, I'd have no problem sending it to the people who don't want to buy it to try it but I didn't preorder it nor am I buying it now. I have over 3 years worth of backlog that needs help. But if I do, your first on the list

I'll hold you to that :p


Nah man, chances are, I will buy the Order at some point in the future, most probably a 2nd hand copy from someone else. I have expressed a few times before in GAF in some Order thread that I actually *wished* this game to perform well, because I *adore* single player gaming experience--hell, I actually *adore* games with long cutscenes (for example, the I consider the Xenosaga trilogy as one of the finest JRPG/RPGs in existence) and that the Order is a pure SP with no MP to bog it down or any of those micro-transaction or whatever really makes me want it to succeed just on principle alone.

That so many reviewers put it down so harshly dampens my mood and well, make me hesitate to buy it full price. But most probably I'll play it at some point in the future.
I don't think it's all that shocking. Were Killzone and Infamous ever really big and beloved series? They've always just struck me as being ok. RaD isn't an internal studio and on their first console game. I'd say this wasn't shocking at all.

I think Naughty Dog will do well, but maybe we should step back from pre-praising games and thinking they have no chance to do bad or come out broken. Seems like a way to build up disappointment for later.

Infamous needed more time to cook. It's because the teams are more about making engines at the moment, then they focus on graphics for marketing. 1080p and more effects!! I personally don't mind PS3 graphics at first then aim for the Order graphics. They killed a budget with bell and whistles. They couldnt even add a pointless mulitplayer. That CGI level graphics totally did hurt them.

I'm all about single player. besides some COD and FIFA with the Mates. So I hope the Order does swell, and it probably will. People are thirsty for a heavy single player game because of the last of us. Time consuming games like Bloodborne aren't for me. Sony should release some DLC for this game 3-4 months from now, hell maybe even free. I think the financial hit will pay off.


Is there degrees of bad-ness?

So far just reading this page:

UC3 is bad
GTA4 is bad
TO: 1883 is bad

Rank their bad-ness? Would you say they compare to something like Ride to Hell: Retribution? Or is that in another tier of bad-ness?

GTA 4 is excellent, UC3 is average, and TO:1886 i'll have to find out for myself.


Is there degrees of bad-ness?

So far just reading this page:

UC3 is bad
GTA4 is bad
TO: 1883 is bad

Rank their bad-ness? Would you say they compare to something like Ride to Hell: Retribution? Or is that in another tier of bad-ness?

really now, UC3 and GTA4 is 90+ metacritic


Sony has yet to develop a first party game for the PS4 that the general consensus can agree is a must have. Microsoft and Nintendo already have several. Even the Vita has a handful. This is fucking pathetic.

I'm curious what are the Microsoft must haves here? I must be missing something...

Nintendo for sure has several, but MS? If you think they have must haves for the Xbone, then Sony has must haves for the PS4 as well. As both systems have very similar output of software, ratings, consensus.

I have personal favorites on both systems that I think make them worth having but they're definitely not part of the "must-haves" that a wide number of people would agree on.


This sounds knack levels of bad. Sony has yet to develop a first party game for the PS4 that the general consensus can agree is a must have. Microsoft and Nintendo already have several. Even the Vita has a handful. This is fucking pathetic.
The console has only been out a little over a year and Sony has been solid, not great but solid. The rest of the first party offerings for this year look great.

No Man's Sky
Ratchet & Clank
Tearaway Unfolded
Uncharted 4: A Thief's End


The console has only been out a little over a year and Sony has been solid, not great but solid. The rest of the first party offerings for this year look great.

No Man's Sky
Ratchet & Clank
Tearaway Unfolded
Uncharted 4: A Thief's End

uh the first two games aren't first party


This sounds knack levels of bad. Sony has yet to develop a first party game for the PS4 that the general consensus can agree is a must have. Microsoft and Nintendo already have several. Even the Vita has a handful. This is fucking pathetic.

Your gonna have to explain that one to me, because I honestly feel like they are on the same level of meh ok right now.


That's what I'm saying. I don't persoanlky like the games because I've never been a fan, but I wouldn't call them bad. Clearly they are doing something right. Just not my cup of tea.

GTA4 was pretty atrocious IMO -- and that's not just hindsight. At the time it came out I couldn't believe the scores after playing it myself.


It is kind of shocking how mediocre Sonys exclusives have been as of late. Don't get me wrong I really enjoyed Infmaous:SS and its DLC (even though reviews were very meh), but it just feels like Sony's internal dev teams are fairly consistently missing the mark. The Last Of Us was so damn good maybe it just spoiled us all.

At least they have Naughty Gods, there's almost no chance Uncharted 4 isn't a great game.

I agree. Disappointed with how the exclusives have been turning out so far for the gen.
It is kind of shocking how mediocre Sonys exclusives have been as of late. Don't get me wrong I really enjoyed Infmaous:SS and its DLC (even though reviews were very meh), but it just feels like Sony's internal dev teams are fairly consistently missing the mark. The Last Of Us was so damn good maybe it just spoiled us all.

At least they have Naughty Gods, there's almost no chance Uncharted 4 isn't a great game.
RAD is not internal though.


It is kind of shocking how mediocre Sonys exclusives have been as of late. Don't get me wrong I really enjoyed Infmaous:SS and its DLC (even though reviews were very meh), but it just feels like Sony's internal dev teams are fairly consistently missing the mark. The Last Of Us was so damn good maybe it just spoiled us all.

At least they have Naughty Gods, there's almost no chance Uncharted 4 isn't a great game.

DriveClub, Hohokum, and CounterSpy were all great. SS/FL were above average.

Not as good as Ninty's 2014, but not shabby either.


RAD is not internal though.

Even so, it still requires a significant investment of time and money that SCEWWS could use elsewhere. Even if they aren't internal it's still a huge hit if the game doesn't do well. Think of it like if Gears failed last generation on the first game. Yes, they don't own Epic but the franchise was huge for Microsoft and really defined the 360 for a number of years.
uh the first two games aren't first party

No mans sky is exclusive, for now.

Bloodborne, The Order, and Rachet and Clank are all "2nd" party. But you can say they are 1st party games or not doesn't matter.

What is this utter nonsense I'm reading about InFamous Second Son not being awesome?

Really wasn't. Pretty plain, basic gaming concepts. Plays like a spiderman game from PS2 days.

I'll enjoy The Order more that atleast trys to have a story.
I don't know that the difference between "I didn't like this" and "This isn't good" necessarily needs to be delineated.

Admittedly people should learn how to phrase their own opinions on something, but I don't think someone saying "This game is mediocre" has the reality transforming quality people think it does.
GTA4 was pretty atrocious IMO -- and that's not just hindsight. At the time it came out I couldn't believe the scores after playing it myself.
My problem with calling them atrocious is that it makes it seem like they are truly horrible experiences on the level of Thor: God of Thunder or Steel Battalion: Heavy Armor. Are all three of these games really on the same level?

Now if you said, "GTA4 was pretty atrocious for a GTA game" then I'd have less of an issue. I guess context is everything I mean.


GTA4 was pretty atrocious IMO -- and that's not just hindsight. At the time it came out I couldn't believe the scores after playing it myself.

Even as a teenager (at the time) I disliked it, the story was just not fun to play at all and I dropped it by the time I had about ~35% completion. The multiplayer made the purchase worth it but it was still a glitchy, janky mess.

I've never agreed with that metacritic score, it's much too high.
I don't know that the difference between "I didn't like this" and "This isn't good" necessarily needs to be delineated.

Admittedly people should learn how to phrase their own opinions on something, but I don't think someone saying "This game is mediocre" has the reality transforming quality people think it does.
Hmmmm it's probably just me being nitpicky about the wording. Words like atrocious just rub me the wrong way. I should probably just take it at face value without them comparing it to anything. It's pretty much synonymous with "I don't like it."


Report me for trolling ND/TLoU2 threads
dont know why people are being over dramatic and thinking sony is going to have all crap exclusives if i remember right when the ps3 came out the majority of games that were out for the system for the first 2-3 years werent that great either. giv eht developers and ps4 some time itll come back

Not Spaceghost

Think its time for this thread to be locked...

Not till I make a horrible and off topic joke about ready at dawn offering to pack in one of these


Free with every copy!
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