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The Order 1886 Review Thread

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Props for Gears, but Crackdown is more or less on Infamous's level.

Gonna stop myself there as I don't really care to get into that conversation, lol.

You're not wrong
WoW this thread isnt about The Order 1886 anymore! Damn

Still have about 3 hours before people get out of the midnight showings

Don't think I remember any review threads being closed, at least not within 24 hours. Even the crazy ones like Twilight Princess, Uncharted 3, Mass Effect 3, and Bioshock Infinite.
Shadow of Mordor is actually another very decent and probably must to have next gen game IMO (although I haven't played it yet).

That said, the console releases have been exceptionally lacklustre for two years now, compared to the explosion of incredible titles I can't even find the time to discover let alone play, for the PC.


Going by IGN Forza Horizon 2 and Sunset Overdrive got 9.0 and theres over a dozen Wii U games that have gotten that distinction as well. Not a single first party AAA PS4 game can say that. It's literally the only system in existence without a killer app which is embarrassing considering its been on the market for a year and a half and its competitors have several already.

Oh God, no 9.0 from IGN? What will the ps4 do!?!


Gold Member
Not till I make a horrible and off topic joke about ready at dawn offering to pack in one of these

Free with every copy!

You can still buy the TitanFall 5 hour energy drinks at Walmart. They have increased the price on those drinks or they've always been expensive (gas stations are horrible). I'd like to see more beverages pertaining to the actual game, but it's not bad if you're getting someone on board just because they're on your favorite drink.

Man, watching the Giant Bomb quick look made me bored of this game already.

I'm the type who likes dry humor and I can handle a shootout that takes a while to get going. It just needs to build tension. I think building tension is something you have to develop on your own. You can't tell someone to enjoy a game like Resident Evil if they want to ask you how it ends during the first five minutes either. You can't just open one door and get to the final boss if you want to show a legit game off to someone.


I've been playing this game for 2 hours now and its been a bunch of QTE and slow walking. I only rented it and I feel like taking it back.
This thread is soo full of
opinions how do they work‽

It should be mandatory that 'XYZ is bad/good' should always be prepended with 'In my opinion'.


This is a very unpopular opinion. Most everyone agrees this is a really fun game.

Fun for a neanderthal possibly. I'm not saying that to be mean. There's a little neanderthal in each of us of course, and it's not the end of the world to indulge it a little bit. But it's still a game which embraces cynicism towards human capacity.
Shadow of Mordor is actually another very decent and probably must to have next gen game IMO (although I haven't played it yet).

Assassins Creed Unity is wayyyy better, in pretty much every way other than framerate. Shadow of Mordor is very boring, and I'm
A huge Lord of the Rings fan.


Pretty easy to champion a game when all the other exclusives for the console are mediocre at best.

It would be crazy if people really just enjoyed Driveclub, huh? Although, looking at the scores, Infamous ranks higher than Driveclub, so shouldn't people be championing that instead going by your logic?


Holy sweet Jesus, this thread. It has nothing to do with reviews unless you read the first page. And if my twitter feed is any indication, you looneys are the laughing stock of the industry, if not the entire internet right now.

What's going on in your twitter feed?


This thread is soo full of
opinions how do they work‽

It should be mandatory that 'XYZ is bad/good' should always be prepended with 'In my opinion'.

This a forum.

In the year 2015.

We really shouldn't have to keep explaining that these are just opinions. It should be something we all take for granted at this point. There is no illusion that I or anyone else believe ourselves to be speaking truth into existence.


Going by IGN Forza Horizon 2 and Sunset Overdrive got 9.0 and theres over a dozen Wii U games that have gotten that distinction as well. Not a single first party AAA PS4 game can say that. It's literally the only system in existence without a killer app which is embarrassing considering its been on the market for a year and a half and its competitors have several already.

LMAO. Looks like somebody looked up the metacritic scores of the exclusives released so far and decided on focusing on one website that fits his agenda. One of the crappiest attempts at moving goalposts I've ever seen.


Gold Member
LMAO. Looks like somebody looked up the metacritic scores of the exclusives released so far and decided on focusing on one website that fits his agenda. One of the crappiest attempts at moving goalposts I've ever seen.

Not everyone wants to play Forza or Sunset Overdrive. I don't get it. Just focus on the review for what they are.. numbers. I for one say the reviews were the reviews. There's been better and there's been worse. I just commented on the reviews because it gets tedious when a larger agenda is being put out there. A lot of these journalist are still playing Destiny after they bashed on it for months. It's not really something to reconstruct someone's opinion. The PS brand has always and will always be just fine. Same with everyone else.
It blows my mind that a game with the budget, time and talent that was likely behind The Order 1886 can come out and be this unanimously panned.

Sony has been publishing games for almost 3 decades now - can they not see the writing on the wall at an earlier stage?

Ready at Dawn, while exclusively a PSP developer in the past, clearly has talent. But what happened to it?

This game has supposedly been in development for 3-4 years, and I've never seen SCE skimp on a games budget.

I mean, what the hell happened? They had all the makings of a winner. But what in the actual fuck happened?

To be a fly on the wall in the meetings where they inevitably realized that what they were making was just plain bad.

It reminds me of that mission in GTA: San Andreas where you're sneaking around Madd Doggs house and you can hear an NPC talking shit about a game that he's playing. It was clearly a jab at Driver 3, but I find myself doing the exact same thing now. I'm staring at this thread wondering, 'How could SCE and Ready at Dawn fuck up so bad?"


This thread is soo full of
opinions how do they work‽

It should be mandatory that 'XYZ is bad/good' should always be prepended with 'In my opinion'.

Is this an opinion? I can't tell without you prepending it as such. Facts should also be thusly stated as facts so they aren't misconstrued as opinions.

You see, I lack the ability to differentiate between qualitative and quantitative measurements.


Fun for a neanderthal possibly. I'm not saying that to be mean. There's a little neanderthal in each of us of course, and it's not the end of the world to indulge it a little bit. But it's still a game which embraces cynicism towards human capacity.
Maybe if you're the kind of Neanderthal that only engages with games insularly. In my opinion it's the first true sandbox game ever made, and as the only game in its genre it's a lot more cognitively interesting than nearly all other games released.

Permanently A

Junior Member
This is a very unpopular opinion. Most everyone agrees this is a really fun game.

Mordor is okay, its only once you upgrade a bit that you realize how flawed the combat is. If they nerfed executions and made captains more of a threat it would be a much more engaging combat system.


At the risk of digressing; that is absolutely the opposite of every opinion I've heard about the game. I'm thoroughly surprised.

You can beat the game with one hand. Easily. Might even be possible with just two buttons, though you would have to move the analogue stick once in a while. It makes The Order look like a beacon for virtuous game design.

Anyways I'll get off it since I'm thread derailing a bit (if this thread can even be more derailed than it already is).


LMAO. Looks like somebody looked up the metacritic scores of the exclusives released so far and decided on focusing on one website that fits his agenda. One of the crappiest attempts at moving goalposts I've ever seen.

The gamers mecca of Ign none the less lol.


It blows my mind that a game with the budget, time and talent that was likely behind The Order 1886 can come out and be this unanimously panned.

Sony has been publishing games for almost 3 decades now - can they not see the writing on the wall at an earlier stage?

Ready at Dawn, while exclusively a PSP developer in the past, clearly has talent. But what happened to it?

This game has supposedly been in development for 3-4 years, and I've never seen SCE skimp on a games budget.

I mean, what the hell happened?

If I had to guess: boardroom meetings resulting in the direction for the game changing abruptly, in turn resulting in delays and ultimately only half the planned material being released, logic being "we can release the other half of the game next year as a sequel".

Well, I wonder if that will happen now...
You can beat the game with one hand. Easily. It makes The Order look like a beacon for virtuous game design.

Anyways I'll get off it since I'm thread derailing a bit (if this thread can even be more derailed than it already is).

Beating things with one hand is not necesserily by default unenjoyable..

But yeah, let's leave that to rest. Probably for the best.


Mordor is okay, its only once you upgrade a bit that you realize how flawed the combat is. If they nerfed executions and made captains more of a threat it would be a much more engaging combat system.

I enjoyed the overpoweredness. It was quite nice to go from running for my damn life at the beginning to completely unstoppable god.

edit: Btw aris (tekken commentator) just started streaming this, hilarious watching him commentate.



I'm confused. Has this thread turned into people justifying this game? Or this generation?. Because that in their opinion last gen was poor to begin with too?

I'll put mine in. IMHO this generation sucks compared to last gen. It's a graveyard of next gen titles stapled up with the help of last gen games getting a remastered. Imagine if there wasn't last gen games on these systems. It would be horrific.

The xbox 360 got oblivion in its first year didn't it? That combined with pgr3. Ghost recon gears of war and crackdown in a similar time frame to now as this gen, only highlights how poor this one is (inot my opinion)
I say these games because they looked and played like a new generation experience.

Online co op etc

Also surely every post on here is someone's opinion and shouldn't have to be highlighted if you feel it might upset someonE?

I can't believe this game has caused so much of an uproar when it seems to just be a beautifully average game. Hats off to that
I'm confused. Has this thread turned into people justifying this game? Or this generation?. Because that in their opinion last gen was poor to begin with too?

I'll put mine in. IMHO this generation sucks compared to last gen. It's a graveyard of next gen titles stapled up with the help of last gen games getting a remastered. Imagine if there wasn't last gen games on these systems. It would be horrific.

The xbox 360 got oblivion in its first year didn't it? That combined with pgr3. Ghost recon gears of war and crackdown in a similar time frame to now as this gen, only highlights how poor this one is (inot my opinion)
I say these games because they looked and played like a new generation experience.

Online co op etc

Also surely every post on here is someone's opinion and shouldn't have to be highlighted if you feel it might upset someonE?

I can't believe this game has caused so much of an uproar when it seems to just be a beautifully average game. Hats off to that

XBOX 360 also had Rainbow Six Vegas, Condemned, Lost Planet, Halo 3 Beta and Fucking CHROMEHOUNDS! The 360 library in year one is godlike compared to Xbone.

Permanently A

Junior Member
I enjoyed the overpoweredness. It was quite nice to go from running for my damn life at the beginning to completely unstoppable god.

I totally get that, I just wish there was a way to turn off abilities so we could both have it our ways. For me, being ruthlessly OP just turned the game into get 5 hits > instakill twice over and over. It sucked the fun out of the combat. Everything else is really great though.


How is Resogun mediocre? Also, why is it not about The Order?

Let's see what people will come up with when Bloodborne hits next month.

Japanese Dev 's got shit on for years by the western media. I can't wait for bloodbourne. It's like a strong lesson is being taught. The west can have their aaa games. Japan makes great gameplay first and everything else after. They just deliver solid games. Hoping bloodbourne sets a fire under a lot of these developers butts
I would not be surprised if I some day played this game through and found it pretty gud. Review scores often don't resonate with my view on a game.


Gold Member
I'm confused. Has this thread turned into people justifying this game? Or this generation?. Because that in their opinion last gen was poor to begin with too?

I'll put mine in. IMHO this generation sucks compared to last gen. It's a graveyard of next gen titles stapled up with the help of last gen games getting a remastered. Imagine if there wasn't last gen games on these systems. It would be horrific.

The xbox 360 got oblivion in its first year didn't it? That combined with pgr3. Ghost recon gears of war and crackdown in a similar time frame to now as this gen, only highlights how poor this one is (inot my opinion)
I say these games because they looked and played like a new generation experience.

Online co op etc

Also surely every post on here is someone's opinion and shouldn't have to be highlighted if you feel it might upset someonE?

I can't believe this game has caused so much of an uproar when it seems to just be a beautifully average game. Hats off to that

I think games are just coming out and the brands are just there to support them. I don't think we'll see the IPs because a lot of them ended. We'll get new IPs or a game that ends its run. I wouldn't say it sucks, but it's going to take a while to get going. There's nothing wrong with liking a brand or a game, just don't make a case for everyone else. I'm saying the industry is now bored to tears with anything if it doesn't give them this new sense of enlightenment. If it sucks, well.... I really don't know... It's like a game I bought 10 years ago that some dude at GamePro didn't like. Just ignore it and carry out your own business. Wait till Fallout or Mass Effect comes out to raise the popularity gaming shield. It would sure be nice without numbers all over the place. Just get me some nice High Res Screen Shots and talk about what you can do in the game. That would be cool. Don't throw me this thesis or indepth article on why junk is artistic. I'd play The Order off some of the games that have been trending now a days. I don't need to feel like my soul is being reached by a new method of ethics. Just give me the game you made like you know how to make it.


Japanese Dev 's got shit on for years by the western media. I can't wait for bloodbourne. It's like a strong lesson is being taught. The west can have their aaa games. Japan makes great gameplay first and everything else after. They just deliver solid games. Hoping bloodbourne sets a fire under a lot of these developers butts

You're acting as if this is always the case with Japanese games. And that all western games are like The Order.
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