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The Order 1886 Review Thread

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Jesus, Kotaku murders the game:

"The Order is a third-person shooter somewhat like Gears of War, if Gears of War had been a bad game instead of a good one. "

"Do you like movies? Do you like video games? If you answered "yes" to either of those questions, you should probably skip The Order: 1886."


Too much Atkinson for Kotaku.


Jesus, Kotaku murders the game:

"The Order is a third-person shooter somewhat like Gears of War, if Gears of War had been a bad game instead of a good one. "

"Do you like movies? Do you like video games? If you answered "yes" to either of those questions, you should probably skip The Order: 1886."


The word is "unprofessional".
Controversial opinion time: The Following, while absolutely terrible in a deliciously entertaining way, features better writing than 99.99999999999999% of video games.

Video game writing is terrible in a way that other mediums can't even compare to.

I agree. There are only a handful of games each generation that have great stories.

They are still fun though.


Neo Member
Controversial opinion time: The Following, while absolutely terrible in a deliciously entertaining way, features better writing than 99.99999999999999% of video games.

Video game writing is terrible in a way that other mediums can't even compare to.

That's because, to so many games, the story is nothing more than a vehicle to give reason to the gameplay. "Oh, look. The princess has been captured. Better go save her by PLATFORMING!" You don't need more than that to make a mechanically fun game - that's why Mario is still popular to this day.

However, that's not where video game stories have to stay, and video games have an element to them that books and movies can't touch: the interaction of the audience. Mass Effect isn't great because of it's story, hell the Reapers are kind of a terrible enemy. However, its the interactions as well as the choices that it makes it such a compelling and loved game.

Uncharted has a story that is better than the summer Blockbusters we get today, but damn if Avengers isn't referred to as such an amazing movie while people complain about the fact that you couldn't do cartwheels in the desert.

Uncharted 3 NEEDED to be interactive to get the sense they wanted out of the story. It's not Naughty Dog's fault that people still treat this medium like a collection of TV toys.


Jesus, Kotaku murders the game:

"The Order is a third-person shooter somewhat like Gears of War, if Gears of War had been a bad game instead of a good one. "

"Do you like movies? Do you like video games? If you answered "yes" to either of those questions, you should probably skip The Order: 1886."


Hopefully this ends the ridiculous video game movie trend that has been creeping up recently.


Neo Member
Jesus, Kotaku murders the game:

"The Order is a third-person shooter somewhat like Gears of War, if Gears of War had been a bad game instead of a good one. "

"Do you like movies? Do you like video games? If you answered "yes" to either of those questions, you should probably skip The Order: 1886."


Kotaku is obnoxiously biased and unprofessional.


Controversial opinion time: The Following, while absolutely terrible in a deliciously entertaining way, features better writing than 99.99999999999999% of video games.

Video game writing is terrible in a way that other mediums can't even compare to.

I'd say video games have a better story than most choose your own adventure books.
Oh shutup, as someone pointed out earlier, no one is running to Grown Up's defense, why can games not be called out on being shitty if the reviewer feels that way?

A "shitty" game is something that is broken and unplayable. The Order is neither of those. The Taku reviewer is known as an Xbone fan so I'm not even surprised at the crap they post for reviews.


Kotaku is obnoxiously biased and unprofessional.


I can't tell if you are joking or not.

A "shitty" game is something that is broken and unplayable. The Order is neither of those. The Taku reviewer is known as an Xbone fan so I'm not even surprised at the crap they post for reviews.

If you think games need to be broken and unplayable in order to be shitty, I seriously think you should reevaluate how things are done.


Watching it last night the game does have some glimmers of awesomeness. (Weapon spoiler)
The thermite gun is like ingenious insanity. The effects it makes look really cool too,
A pity they strip you of it right away... kinda weird how the game is broken up in sections where you can only use a certain weapon etc.. least that's what it looks like.

Surface of Me

I'm not an NPC. And neither are we.
A "shitty" game is something that is broken and unplayable. The Order is neither of those. The Taku reviewer is known as an Xbone fan so I'm not even surprised at the crap they post for reviews.

No, a shitty game can be shitty because of bad design. You dont see only "broken" movies getting bad reviews. I have no idea where this "low scores are reserved for broken games" mentality has come from.


A "shitty" game is something that is broken and unplayable. The Order is neither of those. The Taku reviewer is known as an Xbone fan so I'm not even surprised at the crap they post for reviews.

No, broken and unplayable games should be refunded just like other goods that are defective.


A "shitty" game is something that is broken and unplayable. The Order is neither of those. The Taku reviewer is known as an Xbone fan so I'm not even surprised at the crap they post for reviews.
No, fuck that noise.

A polished game is not inherently good any more than a movie where the actors actually remember their lines is inherently good. It's fucking expected not to be broken. You don't get a medal for reaching that bare minimum. Game design is the true determiner of a good game.


could never
Alright, I'm enjoying this... way more than I thought I would.

Nearly 4 hours in and I do not feel it deserved the 4 and 5's it got at all. This game needs a lot more hands on with your weapons though... not enough shootbang.


A "shitty" game is something that is broken and unplayable. The Order is neither of those. The Taku reviewer is known as an Xbone fan so I'm not even surprised at the crap they post for reviews.

If some brave soul were to make a Wall of Shame for this thread, it would be longer than 99% of review threads.
Controversial opinion time: The Following, while absolutely terrible in a deliciously entertaining way, features better writing than 99.99999999999999% of video games.

Video game writing is terrible in a way that other mediums can't even compare to.

I wholeheartedly disagree. The Following S1 has the worst writing of any dramatic program I've ever seen. It makes the dual mistake of not only taking itself completely seriously, but then continually insulting the audience with implausible nonsense. I'd rather play Resident Evil or Metroid Prime, schlocky sci-fi and all, than watch that contrived shit.

Edit: Are we including books, manga, and comic books in this "other mediums" as well? All Star Batman & Robin, 50 Shades of Grey (in book and movie form), and quite a few others would like to have a word with you.


A "shitty" game is something that is broken and unplayable. The Order is neither of those. The Taku reviewer is known as an Xbone fan so I'm not even surprised at the crap they post for reviews.

What? A game can definitely not be good even if it's polished. A game that looks good or doesn't have bugs doesn't make a game automatically good
That's because, to so many games, the story is nothing more than a vehicle to give reason to the gameplay. "Oh, look. The princess has been captured. Better go save her by PLATFORMING!" You don't need more than that to make a mechanically fun game - that's why Mario is still popular to this day.

However, that's not where video game stories have to stay, and video games have an element to them that books and movies can't touch: the interaction of the audience. Mass Effect isn't great because of it's story, hell the Reapers are kind of a terrible enemy. However, its the interactions as well as the choices that it makes it such a compelling and loved game.

Uncharted has a story that is better than the summer Blockbusters we get today, but damn if Avengers isn't referred to as such an amazing movie while people complain about the fact that you couldn't do cartwheels in the desert.

Uncharted 3 NEEDED to be interactive to get the sense they wanted out of the story. It's not Naughty Dog's fault that people still treat this medium like a collection of TV toys.
I see this said all the time but it's just not true. Films and books interact with their audience differently than games, but if you say that do not interact, then that means those things have no story or themes or narrative whatsoever.

The worst of films are usually like that (just like how the worst of games barely feature any exploitation of their game mechanics or have terrible level/mission design, or extremely limited controls), but the best? They make you interact with them in terms of philosophical and intellectual ways (literally or abstract) that very few if any games have yet to touch.

Show me a game with a story equal to The Room. I dare you. You will not find it.


Wow the bar has been raised!

Isn't that what Mass Effect, Dragon Age, Fallout and other story-centric RPGs basically are? (with the exception of fairly linear JRPGs) There are some exceptions such as TLOU but most games don't even aspire to be more than visual CYOA or horror movies
What? A game can definitely not be good even if it's polished. A game that looks good or doesn't have bugs doesn't make a game automatically good

I never said it automatically makes it good. I just think "shitty" is a harsh word for a game that looks amazing and has great presentation. Maybe the gameplay is average, but I wouldn't call it shitty.


Junior Member
It's not ridiculous, it's the absolute truth. Particularly on consoles.
Can you even name, say 20 games with an excellent story?
Mass Effect? B grade sci-fi, nothing exceptionnal
MGS? B grade espionage stuff
Silent Hill 2, ok
TLOU, ok
Compared to dozens and dozens of brilliant movie stories. There's just no competition.
Most game stories are teenage boy fantasies.

I think there was an article a while back about some study or survey by MS iirc. Where they found that for games ppl hardly ever remember the story arc in games but rather the characters in a game as opposed to in movies. This makes sense and why even though mass effect may not have a great story arc per say but it has memorable characters and that's why ppl remember it fondly (especially ms 2) . If you get both (like tlou) that's great but even tlou used tropes but just subtly modified them enough and the writing and character development was so good that it is the gold standard for stories in cinematic games now.

As I see more of these games I think this point is very valid. The order has great lore but
the character development is meh and as many have pointed out the overall story also ends too soon.
. What makes a game memorable and a movie memory even from a story perspective is different and part of the reason pulling in movie/tv writers to help with game writing hasn't really panned out so far.


Neo Member
I see this said all the time but it's just not true. Films and books interact with their audience differently than games, but if you say that do not interact, then that means those things have no story or themes or narrative whatsoever.

The worst of films are usually like that (just like how the worst of games barely feature any exploitation of their game mechanics or have terrible level/mission design, or extremely limited controls), but the best? They make you interact with them in terms of philosophical and intellectual ways (literally or abstract) that very few if any games have yet to touch.

Show me a game with a story equal to The Room. I dare you. You will not find it.

You're joking, right? I can show you toenail clippings with a better story than The Room.


It's not ridiculous, it's the absolute truth. Particularly on consoles.
Can you even name, say 20 games with an excellent story?
Mass Effect? B grade sci-fi, nothing exceptionnal
MGS? B grade espionage stuff
Silent Hill 2, ok
TLOU, ok
Compared to dozens and dozens of brilliant movie stories. There's just no competition.
Most game stories are teenage boy fantasies.

Mass effect and TLOU both had great stories too me.


Jesus, Kotaku murders the game:

"The Order is a third-person shooter somewhat like Gears of War, if Gears of War had been a bad game instead of a good one. "

"Do you like movies? Do you like video games? If you answered "yes" to either of those questions, you should probably skip The Order: 1886."


That's a bit much.
A "shitty" game is something that is broken and unplayable. The Order is neither of those. The Taku reviewer is known as an Xbone fan so I'm not even surprised at the crap they post for reviews.

Do you even know what you're saying? Are you implying that, God forbid, any game that is functional should be considered as, 'eh, it's alright'? A bad game can be caused by poor pacing, a bad story, poor controls, an unsatisfying player interaction, and plenty of other reasons.

Is The Order: 1886 functional? Yes (although there are still bugs).
Is it good? Like, really good? Is it the new benchmark in gameplay, story, and player agency? No. Noooooooooo. No no no no no.

It's a middling experience that takes every chance to grab the controls from the player with cutscenes or QTEs, and presents an interesting world which is held back by a predictable and hackneyed story with a HUGE cliffhanger at the end to bait you into a sequel, rather than providing a satisfying conclusion to the introduction to a series.

But hey! It ain't broke, so it deserves an 8, right? Right?!


I never said it automatically makes it good. I just think "shitty" is a harsh word for a game that looks amazing and has great presentation. Maybe the gameplay is average, but I wouldn't call it shitty.
Would you say that Transformers 2 is not a shitty movie because it has good effects?

Game design is important. All the pretty visuals in the world will not compensate for a game just not being fun to play.
Show me a game with a story equal to The Room. I dare you. You will not find it.


A "shitty" game is something that is broken and unplayable. The Order is neither of those. The Taku reviewer is known as an Xbone fan so I'm not even surprised at the crap they post for reviews.

I've played lots of shitty games that were functional and playable.

Aaron D.

Hopefully this ends the ridiculous video game movie trend that has been creeping up recently.

I still think there's a place for narrative-driven games in the industry. In fact, I think it's some of the most exciting content being produced right now, when well executed.

Games like Gone Home, Life Is Strange, The Walking Dead, Sunless Sea, etc. are hella-short on the gameplay dept., but each rank as some of my favorite gaming experiences over the past couple years.

I still needs my twitch-gameplay, but I'm also heartened to see thoughtful and authentic storytelling finding a place in the medium.
A "shitty" game is something that is broken and unplayable. The Order is neither of those. The Taku reviewer is known as an Xbone fan so I'm not even surprised at the crap they post for reviews.

This reasoning has always been really fucking stupid.

There's no reason at all why a game which, despite functioning perfectly well on a technical level, is shitty, cannot be accurately described as a 'shitty game'.

A shitty game getting a shit score would be like a poor student showing up to an exam, making an effort to answer all the questions, but getting them wrong.

A 'broken and unplayable' game is like a poor student not even bothering to take the test and phoning a hoax bomb threat into the school.


Gold Member
Do you even know what you're saying? Are you implying that, God forbid, any game that functional should be considered as 'eh, it's alright'? A bad game can be caused by poor pacing, a bad story, poor controls, an unsatisfying player interaction, and plenty of other reasons.

Is The Order: 1886 functional? Yes (although there are still bugs).
Is it good? Like, really good? Is it the new benchmark in gameplay, story, and player agency? No. Noooooooooo. No no no no no.

It's a middling experience that takes every chance to grab the controls from the player with cutscenes or QTEs, and presents an interesting world which is held back by a predictable and hackneyed story with a HUGE cliffhanger at the end to bait you into a sequel, rather than providing a satisfying conclusion to the introduction to a series.

But hey! It ain't broke, so it deserves an 8, right? Right?! /s

The bigger issue we have is that broken games such as halo MCC and AC:Unity got much better reviews.

If you insist on ranking games out of 10 or 100, how is it that those aforementioned games get ranked higher?

It doesn't make any sense when you consider these same reviewers were not screaming from the hilltops telling people not to buy those games.


I think people here really need to learn how to differentiate "unprofessional" from "criticism".

I honestly don't understand how someone can struggle with the two concepts as they are completely different in nature, but I guess to the uneducated it can be difficult I guess?


That's the thing, no one excuses bad movies. There wasn't a 100 page thread when Grown Ups 2 came out where people were telling other people that they shouldn't be so harsh on Adam Sandler for making another bad movie.
Yeah, very good point. It's also odd when people try to defend their game by saying how many hundreds of hours they spent on it.

If someone watched Grown Ups 2 thirty times, I'm not going to begin respecting Grown Ups 2. All that's going to happen from that revelation is me respecting that person less.


Junior Member
A "shitty" game is something that is broken and unplayable. The Order is neither of those. The Taku reviewer is known as an Xbone fan so I'm not even surprised at the crap they post for reviews.

This reasoning has always been really fucking stupid.

There's no reason at all why a game which, despite functioning perfectly well on a technical level, is shitty, cannot be accurately described as a 'shitty game'.

A shitty game getting a shit score would be like a poor student showing up to an exam, making an effort to answer all the questions, but getting them wrong.

A 'broken and unplayable' game is like a poor student not even bothering to take the test and phoning a hoax bomb threat into the school.

agree a game can be shitty but completely functional. If I make a game in which all it does it change the screen from black blue red or yellow depending on what you press on the dpad its a fully functional non broken product. Doesn't make it a fun game.
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